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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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You're pointing fingers at me, albeit indirectly... implying. I can't control them. I can't help a Zed that dies 14 times. No shit I didn't play perfect and probably built a couple shit items, but it wouldn't have mattered in the end.
I'm not saying you lost the game on your own. I'm trying to tell you that those mistakes weren't enough to make you lose if you were focusing on your own play.

Having proper support items would have made a huge difference. Mikhaels against a team that has basically a single guaranteed CC ability on a long cooldown? Locket against burst?
Yes, you could likely have won 4v5. You can't control them but you can fill in the gaps that they leave, support is the most important role in the game.

Your team dropped the ball as a team, it wasn't X or Y that made you lose, but consecutive and collective mistakes from 12 minutes-ish onwards.


Well, I checked probuilds and there's a few somewhat similar match-ups (e.g. Vel'Koz) and the start is still Doran's Shield + pot.

The idea of getting boots+4pot would be to exchange her mana pool for your effective health. So the 3 extra pots nets you 450hp. It'll take Doran's shield 6-1/2+minutes to overcome that, that brings you to about level 7, ~8 min mark. She should have chalice before that mark. Consider the AA passive and 80hp on shield vs. the added movement to make her miss her abilities...

It's a possible alternative item start, but it requires you to play very aggressive levels 2-5 when you can capitalize on her possible mana problems. You're looking to at least have her blow a flash before level 6. Probably best to pair this strat with a strong early game ganking jungler. Makes your early laning less safe, be careful of the opposing jungle pick. If you're looking to farm up as best you can and roam, not sure about either junglers, probably better off with Doran's start.


thank you

it was my first game as katarina and i got 8/3/6 so i guess it went well lol

it was really hard to stay alive after i used shunpo and ult, these were usually where my deaths came from should i have a defensive item to remedy that ? couldnt get used to the passive this quickly but do people port away or to the next target after a kill ?


I'm not saying you lost the game on your own. I'm trying to tell you that those mistakes weren't enough to make you lose if you were focusing on your own play.

Having proper support items would have made a huge difference. Mikhaels against a team that has basically a single guaranteed CC ability on a long cooldown? Locket against burst?
Yes, you could likely have won 4v5.

Ya you guys had the lead. Two types of games, unwinnable and winnable. Any game you have that good of a lead midgame is winnable.


Pd. Just jumped on ranked! Wish me luck ;o 3rd placement now

zzzz Could already tell it was going to be a loss from ban/pick phase. Our Zed picked vs Annie, proceeded to rage against her for "noobchamp".

Lucian/Thresh (me) lost lane hard to Trist/Leona, which was really in our favour at level 2, but Lucian decided to tank creeps for whatever reason. I'm not even mad though, but c'mon.

Also Zed/Lucian had like 0 map awareness. Volibear did great and so did Trynda but if you add up that enemy team had a Shaco and Lucian loved to overextend... do the math.

I played terrible eitherway though, tried ganking other lanes but everytime Shaco was also there so it was like nope.jpeg.

At times I tried to save teammates that were overextending but that just meant dying more (also, why does nobody click lantern ffs). What to do in those situations? I guess bail out?

I would have picked Annie support (since we were full AD) if Annie hadn't been picked, but I was last pick. ._.

I played that absolutely terrible. I couldn't ward much in our jungle (Shaco was having a field trip there, I got caught twice at least) and when I meant to ward Baron, they were already doing it (not like we could contest it...).


Plastic V here I come. Q_Q
Actually would deserve it for how I played this game, wtf

Any comments/contstructive criticism is very much welcome! I have a replay as well. (I'll be watching it myself tomorrow!)


i forgot about dorans shield

yea go dorans shield against lux

like soda says, you can just e and auto auto auto and there's not much kat can do

like i wouldn't even bother trying to snare katarina unless i know which minion she's gonna jump to


thank you

it was my first game as katarina and i got 8/3/6 so i guess it went well lol

it was really hard to stay alive after i used shunpo and ult, these were usually where my deaths came from should i have a defensive item to remedy that ? couldnt get used to the passive this quickly but do people port away or to the next target after a kill ?

If you get a kill with her ult, remember that your Shunpo resets immediately, giving you some escape. If anybody else is low, Shunpo to them and hit your W. If you kill them, you get full resets again.

If you're using the ult without getting a kill, you're going in too early. Wait until you can get that kill and reset.


that's not meant as a malicious dig against u heavy, I've never played with you, but the one time I played with sofo in a bot game she would call out mistakes that she didn't even make


how is dorans better in that situation
i guess you can go either way tbh, basically the idea is that you can't really dodge lux's damage in lane so you might as well get tanky and jump on her face or something

i don't really know the matchup from kat's side, i only know she should be packing some sustain either thru pots or like resistances with dorans shield.

well i dunno about that game, seems like your team was pretty set on losing with like the volibear with tp and shit

i feel like yo might've wanted to max e (imo you should always start e unless you very high % catch at lvl1) if you were fighting their bot lane a lot. like hook isn't gonna help you a lot against leona and trist while juicy aoe damage from flay plus passive is pretty good. if game was a lot about roaming and looking for picks then max q was ok but i see lucy and trist were killing each other all the time and like e passive gives you like 30 more ad per rank when supercharged which is pretty nice.

also vs a brawly lane like that you might want to get tankier masteries, go for like 16-14 or something

i wouldn't recommend getting that armor attack speed reduction thingie either, at least not as your first item. you could've tried going for mikaels (you can start with the cdr item with thresh since he doesn't need chalice all that much) since they had annie+leona (tho tbh there's very little you can do to save someone from an annie) or just starting with giants belt or maybe glacial shroud or something. like as a support you're not gonna be tanking much, just peeling for adc. getting randuins is useful so you can body block a bit and get the slow and generally don't be one-shot but overall if i can help it i try to get get stuff with cdr just to be able to spam more cc. like even mid plat or somethign you don't necessarily need to go squishy korean support with like boots 5 and just a ton of wards.

other than that i dunno, your team got pretty shit on and since your frontliners were idiots and your backline was feeding there's not much you could do. picture i see in my head is a lot of landed hooks turning into aces for the enemy team.
I don't see how Shield would help against Lux. You only get to start a single pot, 80 HP and 6 HP5 isn't going to help you farm while Lux just uses her E to harass you.

Boots 4 pots gives you decent sustain in the early game while giving you at least a chance of dodging her shit.


i'd agree on dorans in cases where you need to fight to prevent free farm, but i feel like that is more lux's mission than kat's who seems to mainly wait until she can all-in; it also helps you get sorc shoes faster, which is a pretty good spike on her and helps her win a lane where she needs to all-in, tho i guess you can go neg cloak too

like you never really saw kassadin go dorans shield


btw i see a lot of supports stop buying green wards after they get sighstone

i generally buy a ton of regular wards when i'm losing to have like baron control. like always keep a few in hand so i don't run out

I don't see how Shield would help against Lux. You only get to start a single pot, 80 HP and 6 HP5 isn't going to help you farm while Lux just uses her E to harass you.

Boots 4 pots gives you decent sustain in the early game while givine you at least a chance of dodging her shit.

lux isn't syndra tho. her mana costs are high enough that you don't need a million sustain and you can't dodge e without shunpo. and e has a shit ton of cd.

would be interesting to see some stats on how much effectiveness you get out of that dorans passive.

who knows, i don't play katarina, i don't like katarina, i wish katarina didn't exist. so maybe i'm just lying to you so i can win more games against her <3


in general her kit is about resetting off of dead doods so yeah, but some kats also build dfg to create that situation too

i think dorans shield is pretty efficient even without the auto thing, but I don't like it as a sustain focus start, more like a start where you intend to fight a little

like if you play her super efficiently and get shunpo/peace out with w, with shield blocking the goodbye autos; might as well go boots pots anyway

like boots pots to me is both more offensive (in the sense that it brings her closer to sorc shoes) and defensive in terms of sustain, whereas dorans shield is more for enforcing favorable trades before your first back


i really wish people didn't play katarina tho

i'm thinking about starting to ban her

i seem to run into dozens of them and it's just an unpleasant experience almost every time.


Kat's one of the few champs I don't want to play Swain god against. If I hit 6 first then fine, but otherwise she hits like a truck.
I'm not saying you lost the game on your own. I'm trying to tell you that those mistakes weren't enough to make you lose if you were focusing on your own play.

Having proper support items would have made a huge difference. Mikhaels against a team that has basically a single guaranteed CC ability on a long cooldown? Locket against burst?
Yes, you could likely have won 4v5. You can't control them but you can fill in the gaps that they leave, support is the most important role in the game.

Your team dropped the ball as a team, it wasn't X or Y that made you lose, but consecutive and collective mistakes from 12 minutes-ish onwards.

IIRC Crucible doesn't stop suppress (WW's ult).
I actually stops buying green wards when I reach sightsone and use my normal trinket for the time being and sometimes carry pink in a key space and forget about that pink

i really wish people didn't play katarina tho

i'm thinking about starting to ban her

i seem to run into dozens of them and it's just an unpleasant experience almost every time.

I love how I just entered TFs with Q, E W do R and run away.


You are better off buying a shit ton of pinks
well i only mentioned it cos she was buying pinks, but not greens

buy yea obviously buy both

I actually stops buying green wards when I reach sightsone and use my normal trinket for the time being and sometimes carry pink in a key space and forget about that pink
try to get red trinket on your first or second back

IIRC Crucible doesn't stop suppress (WW's ult).
pretty sure it does

it's basically a targeted qss isn't it?

edit: nvm wiki says it doesn't. wtf

suppression is the shittiest for of cc


So any hints or rumors on the next champ? Even a role... like "heard he/she is an ADC"

A Reddit user who leaked two champions with surprising accuracy says that the champion has a "soul link" mechanic, so it would be an ADC or support, but that this mechanic is only one planned for a future champion, so it may not be this one.


with sighstone the ward trinket is redundant
but yeah, it's also a misconception that supports should wait until sightstone to get red trinket, it's for clearing wards (for mid and bot this is pretty important) not cuz u cant hold all these wards



lvoing this!

I do that when I reach my 4 item I think but I will try it next time.
that's way too late!

get it asap as support, mid or jungle.

maybe top too but tops are weird


tops in general don't need to get it until they start rolling out of lane I think, they could buy a pink for that river brush depending on how they want to shape the lane, but usually the jungler or mid should be taking care of one entrance and the top should be trinketing another

when I gank top as a jungler I usually ward after I failed and am doing my walk of shame
A Reddit user who leaked two champions with surprising accuracy says that the champion has a "soul link" mechanic, so it would be an ADC or support, but that this mechanic is only one planned for a future champion, so it may not be this one.

He went way further than that. Said she was an ADC that used spears.
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