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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Look at his assists. He does it every game he's top lane.
What am I supposed to be looking at here? The late game?

All I see is Nasus dying once at 12 minutes while Akali gets fed as you guys slowly lose your lead because you're not doing anything with it. You guys took a couple dragons but that was it, they pushed whatever advantage they were getting hard while you guys just withered. I can't say Nasus cost you the game when I can see your team losing before he even started dying often.

Also you got your Corki fed but then he's basically on your own since you went Sunfire against a team with a fed Warwick in it. It's really easy to shift blame but you weren't exactly doing that much better.


What am I supposed to be looking at here? The late game?

All I see is Nasus dying once at 12 minutes while Akali gets fed as you guys slowly lose your lead because you're not doing anything with it. You guys took a couple dragons but that was it, they pushed whatever advantage they were getting hard while you guys just withered. I can't say Nasus cost you the game when I can see your team losing before he even started dying often.

Also yougot your Corki fed but then he's basically on your own since you went Sunfire against a team with a fed Warwick in it.

Intentional? High five!


Well what are you supposed to do? You have a filthy yordle on your team as your ADC and they have a charismatic ADC like Draven. If was over in champion select.


What am I supposed to be looking at here? The late game?

All I see is Nasus dying once at 12 minutes while Akali gets fed as you guys slowly lose your lead because you're not doing anything with it. You guys took a couple dragons but that was it, they pushed whatever advantage they were getting hard while you guys just withered. I can't say Nasus cost you the game when I can see your team losing before he even started dying often.

Also you got your Corki fed but then he's basically on your own since you went Sunfire against a team with a fed Warwick in it. It's really easy to shift blame but you weren't exactly doing that much better.

Not to mention Nasus outdamaged, took the most towers, and out csed everyone on his team. Nasus wasn't the problem, you guys were Nasus's problem.
If your Nasus just overextends and gets 4-man ganked, that's usually a sign for the rest of his team to push or take an objective. I've had games where Trynd just split-pushes all game and dies a lot (usually takes someone with him to keep his KDA even) but because they need 3-4 to actually kill him the rest of us can just push elsewhere.

Download this:


Record your games. And rewatch to see how badly you played. Helped me get to Platinum all the way from Silver.

Is there a way to set this up? I downloaded it and have no clue what to do now. Can I use it to convert a LoL replay file to another format?


Oh give me a fucking break dude. We won our lane, I got our Corki fed. This isn't the LCS. I had 18 assists and did my job.

You misunderstand what dimb is saying. He's essentially telling you that you can't make your teammates better, you can only make yourself better. Law of averages says that for every bad teammate you've had A.) you've had a good teammate and/or B.) the opposing team has a bad teammate. So don't focus on that, it's pointless. You can't control that no matter how much you'd like to. You can however control if you're improving, you can control the likelihood of being better than your counterpart on the other team.


More like Dashuo, amirite?

Played my smurf again last night. Finally had my first loss. I was absolutely crushing the other team, but it was pointless. I sometimes forget that no matter how much you try to help some people, they can just be stubborn. One guy to start the match assured as that we were going to roll because he was a smurf. He was probably the worst person on the team and threw the game.

I've always been curious about that. Why do people claim to be smurfing when they're obviously not. All that happens is that they get exposed when they don't snowball. If they do happen to snowball, everybody is like, "well, congrats, you rolled some noobs."

But anyway, I had as many kills as the entire other team for most the match, but I couldn't keep my guys from splitting up or wandering the jungle. Eventually it became an issue of 5 fed players vs. 1 fed player, and it fell apart. Ah well.

But the best part of the match was when I split pushed top with a MASSIVE wave and they had all 5 people on their team in a siege on our mid inhib tower. I told them, "don't let them back, I'm going to TP up and split." I start splitting, and take tower, and then I lose sight of the other team. Of course all 5 backed (because it's low elo), and I got caught out. My fault, sure, but when I asked them why they let the other team back, not even the "don't worry guys, I'm smurfing" dude knew that you could cancel a back by dealing damage.
You misunderstand what dimb is saying. He's essentially telling you that you can't make your teammates better, you can only make yourself better. Law of averages says that for every bad teammate you've had A.) you've had a good teammate and/or B.) the opposing team has a bad teammate. So don't focus on that, it's pointless. You can't control that no matter how much you'd like to. You can however control if you're improving, you can control the likelihood of being better than your counterpart on the other team.

Agree, I am starting to notice most of my victories are like this and thats bad.
I watched everything. Your inability to analyze your own mistakes is your undoing. You can shift the blame all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you were slow in team fights to jump to and shield targets, and even slower to break CC chains with your ultimate. Yes, your Nasus made mistakes, but he was 10/10/1 with the earned significantly more gold than your AD carry. He at least drew attention, and it wasn't as though he was doing nothing all game.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I get it. "I'm higher elo than this silver scrub, I need to prove him wrong and tell him to ward more and blah blah blah, and you missed this ult, and this assignment, I'm Diamond, I know better than you". I get it.

You want proof? Look at the last team fight of the game. If you can read chat in replays, read the chat. Our ENTIRE team was begging him to not go out, to back, to join the team. He didn't. He refused. He kept trolling and saying he needed to get 1000 stacks. What happens? He gets ganked and killed, then they storm our base and win 5vs4. Go watch that last sequence again and tell me this guy didn't cost us the game.

This happened the entire game. What game were you watching? You realize many of his kills were from the ganks. His gold amount is irrelevant when his farming out alone and getting caught cost us the game and made it 5vs4.

You misunderstand what dimb is saying. He's essentially telling you that you can't make your teammates better, you can only make yourself better. Law of averages says that for every bad teammate you've had A.) you've had a good teammate and/or B.) the opposing team has a bad teammate. So don't focus on that, it's pointless. You can't control that no matter how much you'd like to. You can however control if you're improving, you can control the likelihood of being better than your counterpart on the other team.
All I care about is the win. And in that game it wouldn't have mattered if I played perfectly, we still would have lost because of Nasus.


I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I get it. "I'm higher elo than this silver scrub, I need to prove him wrong and tell him to ward more and blah blah blah, and you missed this ult, and this assignment, I'm Diamond, I know better than you". I get it.

You want proof? Look at the last team fight of the game. If you can read chat in replays, read the chat. Our ENTIRE team was begging him to not go out, to back, to join the team. He didn't. He refused. He kept trolling and saying he needed to get 1000 stacks. What happens? He gets ganked and killed, then they storm our base and win 5vs4.
You gotta look at the whole game. Lets say I get hooked or something near the end of the game, and I die, and we lose a teamfight and they take nexus. Did I make a mistake? Yes. Is it completely my fault we lost the game? Probably not.


I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I get it. "I'm higher elo than this silver scrub, I need to prove him wrong and tell him to ward more and blah blah blah, and you missed this ult, and this assignment, I'm Diamond, I know better than you". I get it.

You want proof? Look at the last team fight of the game. If you can read chat in replays, read the chat. Our ENTIRE team was begging him to not go out, to back, to join the team. He didn't. He refused. He kept trolling and saying he needed to get 1000 stacks. What happens? He gets ganked and killed, then they storm our base and win 5vs4.

This happened the entire game. What game were you watching? You realize many of his kills were from the ganks. His gold amount is irrelevant when his farming out alone and getting caught cost us the game and made it 5vs4.

The nasus getting caught at the end does suck, but you can't blame your loss on that single event. Yes that was the final straw of your loss, but you shouldn't concentrate on it like that was the reason.
This should be thread title.

@Heavy: Dem Braum runes/masteries bro. I suppose you don't have a page for a tanky support?

I have like every rune except the hybrid ones. I like gold per 5, it helps take away some of the boredom of support because you get items.

The nasus getting caught at the end does suck, but you can't blame your loss on that single event. Yes that was the final straw of your loss, but you shouldn't concentrate on it like that was the reason.
This happened multiple times during the game. We kept telling him he was going to get ganked and killed, he didn't care.


Oh give me a fucking break dude. We won our lane, I got our Corki fed. This isn't the LCS. I had 18 assists and did my job.

You are not Corki's support, you are your team support. You won lane? Great! Help take mid, ward the idiot top that might not ward and is overextending, etc. There's no rule that says that you have to hold hand your ADC after laning (particularly Corki that can be quite self-reliant), and you'll get fed more assists as you roam.

Btw, your warding is still incredibly low imo. I always overward but it's one of those things that there's never "too much" warding. Also fix those runes right meow. ;x

Just don't take it to heart, people are commenting to help you, not to bash you. Getting defensive will probably just make people not bother asking what went wrong and will chalk it up to you not listening.

Pd. Just jumped on ranked! Wish me luck ;o 3rd placement now
I'm just going to dodge every time I have to support. The tilt is too strong in this role.

By the way, I wish I knew about the replays before. I'd love to show some of my monster 30 kill TF games in Bronze.

By the way again, I just had a game TF vs Leblanc. He picked Leblanc after I picked TF to counter. He destroyed me of course, I started 0-4-0, but my team was great and carried my ass hard. I ended up 5-4-1. Makes me feel better. They were really nice about it too, trying to calm me down.


Drives me nuts when in any competition people complain about a single event costing them a game. If you're in the position where a single play changes the entire outcome of a game, maybe you shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. All the events that led up to that singular moment could have been better or worse for you, and those are things you had control over.

This isn't a slam on any person, just a point.


It sucks when someone backs and you're down a man, but when that happens, the team has to avoid fighting. An enemy team will probably be smart enough to try and force a fight, but if you're not a full strength, you need to ping everybody back and get to a tower and set up vision until the 5th member comes back.

I lost a game last night because our team was too eager to fight with lesser numbers. They did it over and over. I think part of it was my fault because I was extremely fed and I could take down 2-3 of their guys on my own, but it was still always a bad move. It caught up to us.


Back to Silver 2.

Had a doozy of a Zed decide he didnt want to group after he didnt get ganks in lane, which wasnt even true. He'd split up to their tower then just leave the lane. Made the whole game a 4v5. Fucking douchebag.

"if i dont get ganks then you guys can carry"

Cool dude.

I told him i'd send him $10 via paypal if he would just listen to us


This happened multiple times during the game. We kept telling him he was going to get ganked and killed, he didn't care.

Then you take advantage of it. I mean, it's a common nasus tactic. They gotta send atleast 2 people to take care of a proper nasus, you guys have to push other objectives while that's happening. If you just sit back and watch him die and yell at him, then that does no good.


Then you take advantage of it. I mean, it's a common nasus tactic. They gotta send atleast 2 people to take care of a proper nasus, you guys have to push other objectives while that's happening. If you just sit back and watch him die and yell at him, then that does no good.

Good point. It's pretty easy to take a mid or bottom tower or dragon if they send 2-3 guys to handle Nasus splitting up top. If they only send one, you just stall out until Nasus kills that guy and keeps pushing.

Edit: And if they do send one to kill Nasus, it's probably a high burst/high DPS champ, meaning that you can probably win that 4v4 fight. Dealing with a split pushing Nasus is always rough.
Then you take advantage of it. I mean, it's a common nasus tactic. They gotta send atleast 2 people to take care of a proper nasus, you guys have to push other objectives while that's happening. If you just sit back and watch him die and yell at him, then that does no good.
Good point. It's pretty easy to take a mid or bottom tower or dragon if they send 2-3 guys to handle Nasus splitting up top. If they only send one, you just stall out until Nasus kills that guy and keeps pushing.
I guess...

I'm not the type that argues endlessly when the other person makes a good point. I'm chill enough to admit it was a good point, so you're right about that.


Drives me nuts when in any competition people complain about a single event costing them a game. If you're in the position where a single play changes the entire outcome of a game, maybe you shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. All the events that led up to that singular moment could have been better or worse for you, and those are things you had control over.

This isn't a slam on any person, just a point.

I completely agree with this. Same thing when I hear people complain about one shot in basketball that could have won it or a field goal.

Its not that guy's fault, the game should never come down to one play. If it does its the whole team's fault.


I have like every rune except the hybrid ones. I like gold per 5, it helps take away some of the boredom of support because you get items.

I'm not sure why are taking ap runes/masteries with Braum, tho. I guess you prefer to have fun than win then, no problem.

(if you prefer to win runes should be pure defense and masteries something like 0-16-14).


All I care about is the win. And in that game it wouldn't have mattered if I played perfectly, we still would have lost because of Nasus.

Jesus, you are not getting what people are trying to tell you at all.

Pancakes said:
Download this:


Record your games. And rewatch to see how badly you played. Helped me get to Platinum all the way from Silver.

On a [somewhat?] related note, how do I watch the matches I record on op.gg?

Einbroch said:
Drives me nuts when in any competition people complain about a single event costing them a game. If you're in the position where a single play changes the entire outcome of a game, maybe you shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. All the events that led up to that singular moment could have been better or worse for you, and those are things you had control over.

This isn't a slam on any person, just a point.

Preach on.





rito confirmed no 4.19 this week :/

but there's gonna be something on pbe at least

On a [somewhat?] related note, how do I watch the matches I record on op.gg?

go to op.gg, find the match and click replay. it'll download a bat file that you can just execute and will do all the work for you. bat files look scary but they're safe stuff, you can open it up in notepad if you're unsure what it does

Not since zky told us to read that doujin.
i seem to remember that being costy ruining my innocence

as katarina vs lux, should i take boots first to doge skillshots ?
yes, you'll also want the 3 pots to sustain her harass in lane.


as katarina vs lux, should i take boots first to doge skillshots ?

Well, I checked probuilds and there's a few somewhat similar match-ups (e.g. Vel'Koz) and the start is still Doran's Shield + pot.

The idea of getting boots+4pot would be to exchange her mana pool for your effective health. So the 3 extra pots nets you 450hp. It'll take Doran's shield 6-1/2+minutes to overcome that, that brings you to about level 7, ~8 min mark. She should have chalice before that mark. Consider the AA passive and 80hp on shield vs. the added movement to make her miss her abilities...

It's a possible alternative item start, but it requires you to play very aggressive levels 2-5 when you can capitalize on her possible mana problems. You're looking to at least have her blow a flash before level 6. Probably best to pair this strat with a strong early game ganking jungler. Makes your early laning less safe, be careful of the opposing jungle pick. If you're looking to farm up as best you can and roam, not sure about either junglers, probably better off with Doran's start.

You should be able to download the .bat file. Just run that file.

go to op.gg, find the match and click replay. it'll download a bat file that you can just execute and will do all the work for you. bat files look scary but they're safe stuff, you can open it up in notepad if you're unsure what it does



dorans only makes sense if you are trading autos
like two unfavorable trades/getting caught in a combo means you have to play scared or b, no bueno
ms is way more favorable in this matchup

it even helps u e a bind when there are no minons or wards
even against ad mids, id run armor 5 pots instead of shield
It was the whole game, it wasn't just that one sequence that cost us it. I never said it was that one play.
Zed was a much, much bigger liability throughout the game than Nasus ever was. By 20 minutes Akali was 10/1 and Zed was 1/7. Akali didn't even need to roam for most of the game, she was just taking kills mid for free.

Even if it were the case, so he was doing it all game, what did your team do with it? Why did you waste 6000 gold on essentially nothing? What is Sunfire + Banshee's + Giant's Belt supposed to do against a team that doesn't really care if you die or not? You had a stronger team comp, maybe if you had Mikhaels you could have stopped Warwick from being relevant. Maybe if you had purchased Locket you could have made your team live long enough to win the fights. Maybe if you had CDR you could have mitigated much, much more damage from the Corki that you got fed. You were against Akali, where are your team's pinks wards?

We're trying to give you advice here. Stop trying to point fingers at someone and try to look back at what you could have done better. The "this team" attitude will get you nowhere and you won't get to dodge every single time you have to support.
Zed was a much, much bigger liability throughout the game than Nasus ever was. By 20 minutes Akali was 10/1 and Zed was 1/7. Akali didn't even need to roam for most of the game, she was just taking kills mid for free.

Even if it were the case, so he was doing it all game, what did your team do with it? Why did you waste 6000 gold on essentially nothing? What is Sunfire + Banshee's + Giant's Belt supposed to do against a team that doesn't really care if you die or not? You had a stronger team comp, maybe if you had Mikhaels you could have stopped Warwick from being relevant. Maybe if you had purchased Locket you could have made your team live long enough to win the fights. Maybe if you had CDR you could have mitigated much, much more damage from the Corki that you got fed. You were against Akali, where are your team's pinks wards?

We're trying to give you advice here. Stop trying to point fingers at someone and try to look back at what you could have done better. The "this team" attitude will get you nowhere and you won't get to dodge every single time you have to support.
You're pointing fingers at me, albeit indirectly... implying. I can't control them. I can't help a Zed that dies 14 times. No shit I didn't play perfect and probably built a couple shit items, but it wouldn't have mattered in the end.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
dorans only makes sense if you are trading autos
like two unfavorable trades/getting caught in a combo means you have to play scared or b, no bueno
ms is way more favorable in this matchup

it even helps u e a bind when there are no minons or wards
even against ad mids, id run armor 5 pots instead of shield
Lux is just going to E ▶ auto if you go boots.


how did you do that arrow
i think it's pretty easy to dodge and you can dodge it more easily and last longer with boots and pots compared to shield

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