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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I liked the part where Caitlyn flashed over the wall into your base to try and 2v1 Braum and Ryze. That part was pretty good.

You watched our game? Any thoughts? The event we're referring to was the ace at the end where Zed and Lucian got caught near the enemy red all alone. I told them, Zed specifically, several times to not go too far out. Kept doing it, they got picked off then the enemy just stormed our base for a 5vs3 ace and took out the Nexus turrets.

We made a little comeback after that but didn't really have a shot with the Nexus wide open.

Worst part about it is that the game before that was a total blowout. We did great. This one was ending up to be the same so I'm thinking in my head... "cool, a nice 2-0 to end the night, this will be huge momentum". And then bam, 1-1, gained nothing whatsoever, except Hammer as a duo which was great.
I liked the part where Caitlyn flashed over the wall into your base to try and 2v1 Braum and Ryze. That part was pretty good.

I liked it too. lol.

I'm still baffled at how after playing against Veigar for most of the game, Zed still didn't seem to show any understanding of the cast range of the prison. And he had no problem kamikazing into 3 all by himself.

Bruh, I just can't. The game shouldn't be this hard for people to grasp. I'd be different if I felt like we were outplayed, but instead it was pretty clear we beat ourselves with awful positioning on the most important people. 9K gold lead apparently means, "we need to position ourselves poorly and farm their wraiths with them nearby just because we can".


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You watched our game? Any thoughts? The event we're referring to was the ace at the end where Zed and Lucian got caught near the enemy red all alone. I told them, Zed specifically, several times to not go too far out. Kept doing it, they got picked off then the enemy just stormed our base for a 5vs3 ace and took out the Nexus turrets.

We made a little comeback after that but didn't really have a shot with the Nexus wide open.
Two people getting caught out shouldn't lose you inner turret, inhib turret, inhib, and two nexus turrets. You presented opportunities for the enemy to single you out afterwards, enabling the enemy team to ace you and keep pushing. The game wasn't decided by your Nexus turrets going down. On every level the game was stacked in your team's favor. For the vast majority of the game your team was stronger, and the enemy team basically had no way to fight you five vs. five. In addition to this the later the game went the better your chances for victory. The only reason the enemy team won was because Rengar went full Metal Gear and you guys basically ignored him. You can ward against this, or just don't try to base race to begin with. Force a fight that doesn't leave your base vulnerable and then win.

Also, Braum build problems. A huge lack of warding done by your team too, which contributes to teammates being caught out.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Yeah, there was no need for Braum to pick spirit visage over banshees. None of the stats benefitted him as greatly as the spell shield could of have.
And face of the mountain is pretty standard for tank supports.
Two people getting caught out shouldn't lose you inner turret, inhib turret, inhib, and two nexus turrets. You presented opportunities for the enemy to single you out afterwards, enabling the enemy team to ace you and keep pushing. The game wasn't decided by your Nexus turrets going down. On every level the game was stacked in your team's favor. For the vast majority of the game your team was stronger, and the enemy team basically had no way to fight you five vs. five. In addition to this the later the game went the better your chances for victory. The only reason the enemy team won was because Rengar went full Metal Gear and you guys basically ignored him. You can ward against this, or just don't try to base race to begin with. Force a fight that doesn't leave your base vulnerable and then win.

Also, Braum build problems. A huge lack of warding done by your team too, which contributes to teammates being caught out.
I just don't know, man. You make it sound like we basically have to do everything for them. We have to ward their top jungle just so our Zed and Lucian don't not follow our warnings to go too far out and die? We just can't control our teammates down at this level. No matter what you say, a lot of times they don't listen. They repeat the same mistakes over and over.


he's not talking about controlling your teammates
the two main things I end up saying in pvs games are:
presented advantages are not taken
there is too much concentration on the play of your teammates vs. concentrating on changing game conditions and what you need to do now that x event has happened
" and the enemy team basically had no way to fight you five vs. five."

When you can't get your teammates to stick with the team, what can you do? Can't control them.
he's not talking about controlling your teammates
the two main things I end up saying in pvs games are:
presented advantages are not taken
there is too much concentration on the play of your teammates vs. concentrating on changing game conditions and what you need to do now that x event has happened
This is meta mental stuff that is probably over my head, unfortunately. :-(


it's hard to generalize when I haven't seen your game but

the best you can do is push a lane out and then follow them
you guys seemed pretty ahead for just something like this to be successful

like i wanna bring up the part where you said that those two were at red buff and ask, where were you? but I have no context and it might not be an appropriate thing to ask if i had more information
but know that questions like these aren't like meant to be accusatory but in service of giving some sort of perspective

oh god someone stop me

This is meta mental stuff that is probably over my head, unfortunately. :-(

I mean you can often think of it like a hockey power play, with objectives (vision, buffs, dragron, etc.) as goals, it's not complicated

being needlessly overcome w/ salt about ur teammates isn't that hard I think, but it is probably in practice really hard for some ppl


"hey what do u wanna go"


"ok, go supp pls"

*instalocks rengar*

walks constantly at the enemy cait to feed her kills

u wanna report me? go ahead

goes afk

how do people get this bad -__-


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I just don't know, man. You make it sound like we basically have to do everything for them. We have to ward their top jungle just so our Zed and Lucian don't not follow our warnings to go too far out and die? We just can't control our teammates down at this level. No matter what you say, a lot of times they don't listen. They repeat the same mistakes over and over.
I mean, the support and jungler are the primary keepers of vision control on the map. Anticipating the locations that need to be warded is part of playing those roles. You had a 7k gold lead, lost all of it and then some, and still manged to make most of it back. There were clear win conditions in place for you to win, and the game itself didn't even end with someone getting caught out.

Picking out what your teammates did wrong doesn't really help anyone. That was a very winnable game. Seriously sit down and ask what you could have done differently coming off games like that.


Playing late game Sion is just so damn fun. I just love shield champs like him and nautilus.

I'd like Naut's shield if it wasn't such a wet noodle damage wise by that point in the game. Really wish Riot would take another look at him and give him the same %max health damage tools they've given to every other new/reworked tank in the game.


Yeah, there was no need for Braum to pick spirit visage over banshees. None of the stats benefitted him as greatly as the spell shield could of have.
And face of the mountain is pretty standard for tank supports.

Sprit Visage? Shouldn't it be locket? Locket and face would have been a pretty solid shield on the adc.


you should definitely max e before w
things like item build and skill order are things you can control, which is why it's pointed out


glazed goku


Yeah, there was no need for Braum to pick spirit visage over banshees. None of the stats benefitted him as greatly as the spell shield could of have.
And face of the mountain is pretty standard for tank supports.

Sprit Visage? Shouldn't it be locket? Locket and face would have been a pretty solid shield on the adc.

You're both kinda missing the forest for the trees. Sightstone was picked up after the 20:00 mark. It's a rush item on any support save the odd Annie/Zyra/"AP"Support that get fed early and can chance upgrading Spellthief's first (even then I'll take Sightstone first for the extra health). It's particularly a rush buy on a champion whose only damage spell scales with his max health.

Face isn't 100% necessary on Braum. Relic shield however is because without it he has basically zero sensible means of assisting the ADC in rushing to level 2. Face is 95% the better item on Braum but you can make a case for Talisman if you team desperately needs the speed boost to initiate.


In a situation like that where I'm a fed jungler and have a lot of gold, you think a Sightstone would be a good idea? I know only Lee uses it as a jungler, but to maybe get myself accustomed to warding more, a lot more, a Sightstone would be a good idea.

Junglers who can buy Sightstone generally have means to overcome the combat stat deficit you receive when you buy the item (i.e. 475g that won't help you in a fight). Lee Sin has evasions/mobility tools to pick his fights, so he can do it (W to wards is just a bonus, not the main reason he can go Sightstone). Nunu and Trundle are tanky without items, have some good kiting/escape tools in their kit, and have no issues setting up shop in the opponent's jungle.

Cho'Gath? I dunno. I've always felt he's only moderately tanky until he starts getting his ult stacks up there, but I don't play him so I might wrong. Rupture doesn't seem like a reliable way to avoid fights, though I'm sure W+landing Qs does buy you quite a bit of time. Probably match-up dependent. I would do it vs. a Pantheon for instance. Cho doesn't strike me as the type of jungler who'll spend considerable time in the other team's jungle. Stealth warding your own shit as opposed to using pinks is kinda...questionable I guess you could say. You're better off just buying individual wards particularly pinks to cover jungle entrances. Try making a custom item page and adding wards to every section you have. That'll remind you plenty.

(Also, jungle Cho generally wants to put 2 or 3 point into E before max'ing W. This helps you conserve lots of mana and after a few points clears as fast. Lane Cho generally wants to max W first, but can do E depending on the match-up. Try buying wards every time you back when possible, even on first back)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
In a situation like that where I'm a fed jungler and have a lot of gold, you think a Sightstone would be a good idea? I know only Lee uses it as a jungler, but to maybe get myself accustomed to warding more, a lot more, a Sightstone would be a good idea.
Don't go Sightstone. Buy early pinks and put them in high traffic zones. In late/mid you can pink areas you expect Rengar to ult through, or just drop it on your team when you get the exclamation mark to try and prevent the burst.
Anyone else have a huge disparity in win % from promos, to regular ranked games? I've almost reached 60% win rate non-promos, and I'm like 30% in promos.


ok just got a d5 draven try to 1v1 the enemy ezreal and losing all game long. ended dying 13 times

tonight is not my night lol

i've reported so many people


If you're fed as a jungler, buy damage or tank items (depending on your champ) with green ward spam and always having a pink ward on the map.

And red trinket on your first back on every single jungler. Yellow trinket is nothing compared to the safety you get from clearing wards and being able to pass by wards to gank.


Anyone else have a huge disparity in win % from promos, to regular ranked games? I've almost reached 60% win rate non-promos, and I'm like 30% in promos.
I had this happen last season if I recall. I lost 4 or 5 promo series in a row, and kept mostly winning in between promos until I finally hit gold.


if you're fed, show up to places where you can use that lead (ur goal should be the objective after a successful gank, or like deeper vision, get da good stuff since it is now safer for you)
red trinket is prtty important on mid jungle and supp, you can buy wards

and ward strategically, dont just throw em down, reg ward is 3 min and trinket is a minute before level 9


k apparently i missed it was troll night or something

last game was a joyous 55 minute affair against master yi, katarina, yasuo and teemo in the enemy team, with our jungle fizz constantly "invading" and for some reason abusing our darius

4 in a row, that's a night for me, jeez

to think i could've watched a movie in that time
k apparently i missed it was troll night or something

last game was a joyous 55 minute affair against master yi, katarina, yasuo and teemo in the enemy team, with our jungle fizz constantly "invading" and for some reason abusing our darius

4 in a row, that's a night for me, jeez

to think i could've watched a movie in that time
That was me yesterday...worst day of my 20+ years of gaming (assuming I started when I was like 8 or something). It was a complete massacre.


[1:11] Pool Party Radon: hi
[1:12] Lord Newt: hey
[1:12] Pool Party Radon: I have a favor to ask.
[1:12] Lord Newt: sure, go ahead
[1:13] Pool Party Radon: i need team ranked reward.
but my team is silver
i want join your team
[1:14] Lord Newt: first, one question
how did you find me?
[1:15] Pool Party Radon: spectate
you are good player
very well
[1:15] Lord Newt: well, to be honest with you
the ranked team isn't really my choice
[1:16] Pool Party Radon: oh...
[1:16] Lord Newt: yes, I am the team leader, but it's members and such are controlled by group decisions
[1:17] Pool Party Radon: Please invite me if you feel like it.
[1:17] Lord Newt: ...
The hell...


Adventures in smurfing.

In one game I had two quitters and the other team had 2 smurfs. In the other game nobody quit, but the other team only had one smurf. Big difference...


Guys, that 73 minutes was pure agony.
I mean, the support and jungler are the primary keepers of vision control on the map. Anticipating the locations that need to be warded is part of playing those roles. You had a 7k gold lead, lost all of it and then some, and still manged to make most of it back. There were clear win conditions in place for you to win, and the game itself didn't even end with someone getting caught out.

Picking out what your teammates did wrong doesn't really help anyone. That was a very winnable game. Seriously sit down and ask what you could have done differently coming off games like that.

Indeed there were clear win conditions. Push and win. We couldn't convince people to group. Further, the most problematic thing was the frequency with which our primary damage dealers would get caught overextended in Veigar's prison. I agree they couldn't take us in a proper 5v5, but there weren't any proper 5v5's after awhile. They were more frequently 4v5 or 3v5 engagements in their favor. The nexus turrent defense was just sad. People going in 1 by 1 and dying.

As for the Visage, yea I felt like I didn't need it but at the time it solved 2 problems: not enough MR and a need for more HP. I didn't feel like they had enough targeted spells to require a Banshee's so I tended towards the higher HP item. I picked up the talisman thing because I anticipated a need to try to help people dodge Veigar's prison (or to push in) with a speed boost.

Overall I was pretty satisfied with our play. We made a lot of plays and saved a lot of lives. Got Lucian out to a 5/0/2 start. We rotated around a lot and bought quite a few wards. At the end of the day, if the team is going to allow themselves to get imprisoned by Veigar, engaged on and deleted, I'm not sure if there's anything we could do to stop them from doing so, and coming to their aid got us killed. And yes, gross positioning errors lose games. All the damage items Lucian and Zed had don't mean much when you're on the sidelines because you were in position to get picked off first (either from diving or standing in the front). People like playing close to the flame and get burned sometimes and sometimes the house burns down as a result. Shit happens.

Unfortunately I never saw Rengar in our base. Too focused trying to keep people alive.

Anywho, I like our chances over the next few days. Should be fun.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
As for the Visage, yea I felt like I didn't need it but at the time it solved 2 problems: not enough MR and a need for more HP. I didn't feel like they had enough targeted spells to require a Banshee's so I tended towards the higher HP item. I picked up the talisman thing because I anticipated a need to try to help people dodge Veigar's prison (or to push in) with a speed boost.
Locket is almost always the best option.


I made it to Silver I tonight. Looking at the tribulations this division has wrought upon Ferrio; I'm not looking forward to what it has to offer.

I'm going to have to find a niche pick to see me through. :/


I made it to Silver I tonight. Looking at the tribulations this division has wrought upon Ferrio; I'm not looking forward to what it has to offer.

I'm going to have to find a niche pick to see me through. :/

I was so close, promos :( Then it was a straight fall.

How the hell did you do damage?? Only chompers scale off ap.

My damage was like 60/40 phys/magical at the damage screen. So chompers did about 40% of my damage. The rest was the 36 cd on my ult + constant W spam.

Will say was the most fun I've had with jinx in an aram.
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