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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Laned against a Kog and I dunno what to do.

Kog: (0/2) "Leave me alone I wanna farm just go roam."
Me (Morg): "But you're laning against Blitz and Lucia --"
Kog: "If you don't leave me I'm throwing the game."
Me: "Ok"

10 minutes later, he goes 0/5.

It's like there's no right answer. :(
you've obviously never waited for 30 goddamn seconds while a blue buff wails on you with 10 hp left on it while you wait for your stupidass midlaner who said he was coming to finish getting that last bit of farm before they actually do come to get it
And then the midlaner misses their skillshot and now they're oom, forcing you two in that awkward situation where you have this ranged guy with 50 AD attacking blue while you try not to die while also making it so blue doesn't reset at the same time.

Jungling <3

a flash player?
Ez's icon was bugged in your game, showing the flash icon instead

Don't ruin my anecdotes man


I said last week I was done with ranked but I think #TheClimb's getting to me again. I'm at silver iii with like 65 lp

Might dongerino tonight if my connection holds


Reading about all the terrible ranked stories and I'm just here, sitting on Diamond, only playing casual normals for the past month or two. Life's good.



i'm gold v zero LP and I can't remember the last time i played a ranked game 8)

I'm doing the same. I'm guessing that lots of decent to good players are done with ranked for the season, leaving only the desperate, the not quite good enough, and the crappy to fill the queues in ranked alongside those that are probably good enough to be in gold but have to wade through so much trash to get there.


Reading about all the terrible ranked stories and I'm just here, sitting on Diamond, only playing casual normals for the past month or two. Life's good.
The only ranked I've been playing recently is smurfing in Gold.
Fret not, next season is coming so you can join in the REAL fun
Then he won't have some silly Morg to depend on. Sivir will be the ultimate spell shield champion next season. Muhahaha.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Fucking dammit cop. Why do you do this to me?

*sigh* Time to solo queue.
I'm messing with you. If you're not going to play nobody would see your border anyways. I would play more ranked for my own personal enjoyment but all the bugs and my main mouse breaking down have probably put me off of it.

Treeline Hexakill is really fun.


Lol everyone treating Hexakill like a giant teamfight from minute one. Have been insulted for pushing the other lane where there was nobody.

I've won both games I've played this way though. And with the other team taking no turrets lol.


Lol everyone treating Hexakill like a giant teamfight from minute one. Have been insulted for pushing the other lane where there was nobody.

I've won both games I've played this way though. And with the other team taking no turrets lol.

People taking a casual game mode way too seriously? Sounds like the lol community!
I just want to stop playing with Bronze players (I'm Silver IV).

Then again a Bronze Vayne player carried us last game without being toxic.

Hexakill is easier if you do off-meta builds. The last time it was out I was Fizz and had the best score on my team because I built MR and Nashor's for taking down towers.


I'm not really sure that I like the fact that adding a weird filter to a champ's voiceover changes a skin from 975 tier to 1350


Reading about all the terrible ranked stories and I'm just here, sitting on Diamond, only playing casual normals for the past month or two. Life's good.
I thought you decay due to inactivity in ranked after a while.

Unrelated note, I finally played the new Sion when I happened to get him in ARAM the other day. I feel like he is one of the most confusing champions I have ever played. The E -sort- of makes sense but feels so weird. It's long range like Syndra stun but less effective and hard to aim? And the Q feels like you should be able to move while charging it, like Vi or something. It's really weird to just lock yourself in place and hope people walk into the giant glowing red area.

I probably ulted 3+ times before finally figuring out that the mouse cursor makes you steer. I am not good at reading tooltips. ;_;

The passive also felt a lot more useless than I expected. Almost every time it happened, I felt like I got stunned or snared very quickly, so good players will probably not even be affected by it I guess?


If it makes you feel better, I breezed through Silver 1 in less than a week. It was Silver 3 that was the real roadblock to push through.
I've had a similar experience with SII, which I found to be a breeze. SIII had the greatest disparity in skill level where you would either stomp games or watch lanes collapse all around you.

The final time I got through it playing 6 consecutive games as Kayle (mid/top/jungle,) of which I lost only one (that ult!)


Won 2 games as Top Mundo. I just tanked the eff. up, charged in, took brunt of the damage and let me team take te kills.
Mundo is happy.
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