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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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won my 3, never gonna play this again

i really don't like these modes, they're really unbalanced towards champions i don't like but they're also really not exciting at all, i don't even notice the difference between this one and ascension, just lots of people murdering each other in random situations :/

i guess someone likes it but to me this is a waste of time

Well shurima didn't have any turrets so laying siege didn't matter in ascension. With this mode there is probably some strategy, but for the most part it plays out as 6 players in a small map so aoe/resets for days. Pentas and hexas are so common as to be meaningless.



let's make a rockman/monkeyman/robogirl/samuraiman/fishgirl/anythingelsewithaknockupman hexakill team and go ham.

actually let's not

hexakill seems dumb


Hexakill is just whatever.

Another mode for me to play a couple times, but get bored because I just want to play Summoner's Rift.


First impressions of Hexakill: TT for me have been meh. I only played one game but it was only fun because I was on Katarina so I could reset a lot. I'll probably only play it a few more times to try to get the 3 win icon.

Attack range increased to 550 from 525.
Movement Speed lowered to 330 from 335.



I'm addicted to kha zix, you guys. I wish I bought him at the height of his op earlier this season.

I think he is in a good spot now to where you actually can get away with evolving him a lot of different ways depending on your playstyle or what your team needs.
Enchantment : Devourer
Renamed to "Devourer" from "Stalker"
Attack speed increased to 50% from 40%
Now deals 40 magic damage on hit.
No longer gives 10% CDR
Passive reworked to "Devouring - Killing large monsters increases the Magic Damage of this item by 1 and Champion Kills or Assists increase magic damage by 2" from "Basic attacks grant +6% attack speed for 8 seconds (stacks up to 4 times) and deal 24 bonus magic damage"
Fuck off Riot, I thought we were leaving that feral flare shit behind

I'm really behind on jungle changes. Is there no more sustain built into jungle items at all?
Nope, only on the AD item, but red buff gives you health regen now.


it was really weird that lucy's w scaled with ad instead of ap

now it makes a lot more sense

I'm addicted to kha zix, you guys. I wish I bought him at the height of his op earlier this season.

I think he is in a good spot now to where you actually can get away with evolving him a lot of different ways depending on your playstyle or what your team needs.
live kha6 is pretty overpowered
Fuck off Riot, I thought we were leaving that feral flare shit behind.
The sustain that gradually ramps up is gone, so no more improved survivability for the glass cannons like Yi and counter-jungling actually matters again in pre-season 5 with the added incentives, never mind that Quick Smite in its current state makes it relatively easy to just run around stealing all the big creeps in the jungle camps to slow the other guy's damage down. The Feral Flare-esque enchantment carries clear risks.
I can't resist, I have to play. I bought lollipoppy. My hand has actually gotten a tiny TINY bit better after not playing all day. I'll try to adjust the position of the keyboard.


I can't resist, I have to play. I bought lollipoppy. My hand has actually gotten a tiny TINY bit better after not playing all day. I'll try to adjust the position of the keyboard.
Try to at least sit up straighter and keep your arms closer to level with the floor, over the top of your wrist. Also try not to bend your wrists sideways much if you can help it.

But most importantly, this is the sort of thing that can cause you serious problems that can take MONTHS to recover from. If you truly do end up with a wrist problem like that, and cannot resist the urge to play, then with all due respect you should probably try to find some help from a friend, counselor, or whatever. You have to find a way to keep the playing frequency to a healthy level, and I say that as someone who gets easily addicted to games.
Try to at least sit up straighter and keep your arms closer to level with the floor, over the top of your wrist. Also try not to bend your wrists sideways much if you can help it.

But most importantly, this is the sort of thing that can cause you serious problems that can take MONTHS to recover from. If you truly do end up with a wrist problem like that, and cannot resist the urge to play, then with all due respect you should probably try to find some help from a friend, counselor, or whatever. You have to find a way to keep the playing frequency to a healthy level, and I say that as someone who gets easily addicted to games.
Thanks for the tips.

I really shouldn't have played. It was a 4vs5 after our Kog left when he started 0-2 in the 7th minute.


I'm reading about the new Jungle camp stuff over @ Surrenderat20, and holy shit at that Aspect of the Dragon buff o_O

Also interesting in the Doran Shield change-
"Blocks 8 damage from single target attacks and spells from champions"

Also Singed FINALLY getting a new model.

Boo @ the changes to Zilean's passive, I mean...the dang thing isn't even noticable...


Has Graves ever been used at top lane?

Sigh...looks like we're all starting Doran's shield again guys. New season same as the old season.

Why wouldn't it be situational? Based on the tool tip, it doesn't look like it'd block damage from say Riven's Q, but will reduce Gangplank & Nunu's Q. I think Yasuo's sword stab doesn't apply.



10% magic and armor pen is pretty cray and like then you get 30%? that's crazy

i mean, fairly unimportant since it's very uncommon to get 5 dragons but still, sounds like you might as well win the game


Why wouldn't it be situational? Based on the tool tip, it doesn't look like it'd block damage from say Riven's Q, but will reduce Gangplank & Nunu's Q. I think Yasuo's sword stab doesn't apply.

I didn't notice the first go around that it only applies to single target spells so it might not be that bad. Guess I'm just trigger happy to give judgement whenever Riot tried (and fails) to find a panacea item to correct something that's wrong with the game instead of getting down and dirty.

dimb said:
There aren't really defensive items starts to take against spell casters right now. It's part of why AP top laners are so prevalent.

True, but this item doesn't work. Which AP top right now outside of Ryze is dependent on single target spells? Notice it's also spells, which in all other cases the term is used isn't contingent on dealing any specific type of damage. Null Mantle start still only let's you have a single pot - start there.

Fuck I re-read the item descrption, now I don't know exactly what it blocks. If it only blocks single target spells, I don't see the point. If it blocks all spells regarldess of whether the spell is multitarget or single target, then it'll spill into the other lanes. This is fucking stupid.


Does Mundo's Q benefit from Magic Penetration?

antle start still only let's you have a single pot - start there.

Fuck I re-read the item descrption, now I don't know exactly what it blocks. If it only blocks single target spells, I don't see the point. If it blocks all spells regarldess of whether the spell is multitarget or single target, then it'll spill into the other lanes. This is fucking stupid.

I think it'll block attacks that are like Nidalee's spear and Malph's Q, but attacks like Riven's Q or Braum's icey haduken won't have 8 damage reduced from them because they can damage multiple targets.
I think it can block 8*5 damage from Warwick's ult too since that is a single target spell too. I.e. anything that doesn't do 'splash' damage or damage more than 1 target in a line/area will have 8 damage blocked from it.

EDIT: That's my speculation, but I understand that Riot need to elaborate on it more, like Yasuo's ult, does the 8 damage blocking apply? Yeah I know Yasuo's ult isn't a good example but it's one that comes to mind.

I can't do it. Leona getting hooked all game. How do you not know the range of Blitz's hook by now? She'd be just standing there in mid with us and get hooked, couple other people die trying to save her, they push and get turret, rinse repeat.

By the way, I've gone from 81 points in Silver 2 to 0 points in Silver 3. That's how far I've fallen.



I can't do it. Leona getting hooked all game. How do you not know the range of Blitz's hook by now? She'd be just standing there in mid with us and get hooked, couple other people die trying to save her, they push and get turret, rinse repeat.

By the way, I've gone from 81 points in Silver 2 to 0 points in Silver 3. That's how far I've fallen.
Learn a meta champ

or swain god
Learn a meta champ

or swain god
They're not TF, my sweet prince

This end of season rush to get to Gold has brought out a ton of bad players with small amounts of ranked games played. I've gotten stuck with a lot of them. It's also brought out a lot of smurfs getting their friends accounts to Gold. It's just stupid. I'm better than Silver 4 (what I will have after this next game).


Learn a meta champ

or swain god

My main prob. with Swain atm is last hitting, his atk damage is so low that sometimes I fail to kill a minion orI'm too late to kill it :V

...but do try Swain, tank him up and watch as fools die hopelessly in team fights.


Played this game for the first time for about 2 hours tonight.

Had no idea what the fuck I was doing first few games but by the end, I was having a lot of fun. All intro games v. AI of course so basically can't lose, but definitely can see how this game has such legs.

Question about the $ part of this game: Is it mostly for aesthetics? I'll only play this game casually, but if I enjoy the melee combat type characters and I like Garen, can I just keep playing with him and not be at a huge competitive disadvantage? I'll never be playing it at a high level, so if I'm looking to play that way will the roster of free characters be fine?

Look forward to playing this game some more.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Question about the $ part of this game: Is it mostly for aesthetics? I'll only play this game casually, but if I enjoy the melee combat type characters and I like Garen, can I just keep playing with him and not be at a huge competitive disadvantage? I'll never be playing it at a high level, so if I'm looking to play that way will the roster of free characters be fine?
Yeah, you'll be alright.
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