oh boy i made one of the top posters
Don't pretend you're innocent.Darn the op, how many of Zky's post are picture only?
If you're in silver, don't worry about being demoted. You have nothing to lose.Ah the smell of a new thread.
I am 1 LP in Silver 4. I am too scared to play another ranked match in case of being de-moted.
Yet at the same time I want to at least reach Silver 3 before the end of the season @_@
I lost four games in a row at 0 lp in Silver III. You can do it for sure! I'm still trying to go for gold but it's not looking too likely.Ah the smell of a new thread.
I am 1 LP in Silver 4. I am too scared to play another ranked match in case of being de-moted.
Yet at the same time I want to at least reach Silver 3 before the end of the season @_@
Don't pretend you're innocent.
After a loooong break, I've started to play LoL again. Is there any sort of numerical ELO available, either for ranked or normals, or is it completely hidden at this point?
If you have enough ranked games in your match history you can go to and use the "Calculate my MMR" tab. It isn't completely accurate but it's as close as you're going to get.After a loooong break, I've started to play LoL again. Is there any sort of numerical ELO available, either for ranked or normals, or is it completely hidden at this point?
It's hidden. Some websites have elo and mmr calculators or w/e but they're just estimates.
If you have enough ranked games in your match history you can go to and use the "Calculate my MMR" tab. It isn't completely accurate but it's as close as you're going to get.
Filthy.Guilty of posting amazing ahri fanart?
If you have enough ranked games in your match history you can go to and use the "Calculate my MMR" tab. It isn't completely accurate but it's as close as you're going to get.
This service is only available to lvl 30's playing ranked games.
man what isnt locked behind level 30 in this game
Bruh, I just played with a jungle Yi that managed just north of 1k damage in a 40-minute match.
It's like people don't even want to win.
It wouldn't be worth determining MMR from normal games, particularly below level thirty.This service is only available to lvl 30's playing ranked games.
man what isnt locked behind level 30 in this game
I don't think its possible to carry someone that does nothing but feed.just as a follow-up. The Yi in question:
help me understand how to carry these. My Jayce's back is only so strong.
he didn't even have a mid-silver ranked match...
It wouldn't be worth determining MMR from normal games, particularly below level thirty.
just as a follow-up. The Yi in question:
help me understand how to carry these. My Jayce's back is only so strong.
he didn't even have a mid-silver ranked match...
1.1 k damage to champs
Did you get rekted?
If you're in silver, don't worry about being demoted. You have nothing to lose.
Nah, we gotta swag is up with those borders.If you think about it, no one has anything to lose. Riot got us by the ballz.
Played top against Jayce as Darius... I fed sooo badly. First I got caught in an invasion at the start, and I was killed for first blood. Then Jayce kept killing me till I eventually killed him and I was 1/4 and he was 4/1.
Then... While I would still die 6 more times. I got soooooooooooooooo fucking tanky that Jayce began to do negligible damage to me and I could fight him easily.
We won.
That Ahri's creepy as fuck.Guilty of posting amazing ahri fanart?
What? Masteries mishap notwithstanding, Darius has the edge early on and if Cho started with Rupture at level 1 + built Rod of Ages eventually, then he had no idea what he was doing.Yeah we lost. Darius vs Cho... Just nothing you can do. Cho can build damage or tank and regardless of either, he will do shit ton of damage and have more defense and health than you...
That Ahri's creepy as fuck.
What? Masteries mishap notwithstanding, Darius has the edge early on and if Cho started with Rupture at level 1 + built Rod of Ages eventually, then he had no idea what he was doing.
lol nice, what'd you build on Darius? Did this Jayce forget to get Armor Pen?
Cho'gath is fairly weak initially by top lane standards. As someone like Darius, you have up until level 4 to hurt him before he can return respectable damage (as well as him not having Ignite); creating opportunities for that isn't particularly difficult to do if you position yourself correctly. If he started Rupture, he's a non-threat outside of ganks from the enemy jungler. If he started Feral Scream then it'll be more difficult to approach him with your own skills, but he still can't CS safely without spending mana if you position yourself correctly. You are underestimating just how mana-intensive he is early on. Having looked through your match history, that Cho'gath also built like shit; Catalyst rush so he continued to be a wet noodle for a relatively long time + Dumbfire Cape on him is sad too considering Cho'gath never needs that for any reason. No CDR of any kind up until the 26 minute mark, leaving plenty of room to exploit the long-ish cooldowns on Rupture / Feral Scream. You definitely could've been a larger threat to him than you made it out to be, excluding the possibility of gank pressure, which is something Cho'gath had to be wary of anyways since Nunu and Swain can keep up the chase on him.Not sure that's true... Honestly Cho can easily beat Darius due to his range of attacks. I always felt like I could never do enough damage. He only built one armor item and yet my damage just fell off instantly on him.
(should note that pre-hydra item I bought last...)
How do you carry a botlane with a combined death toll of 38 and a jungler who died three times to different jungle camps?
You don't.
just as a follow-up. The Yi in question:
help me understand how to carry these. My Jayce's back is only so strong.
he didn't even have a mid-silver ranked match...
Darn the op, how many of Zky's post are picture only?
What are the Xerath, Nidalee and Kassadin bugs?
got my second account to lvl 30.
add 'selfish genie' if you think i can help you get gold.
One of the most random bugs in the game I've heard in a while.xerath can crash the game for anyone who has vision of him by Qing backwards while he's on the fountain platform.