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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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How is this the wrong thread? The LCS thread is just to discuss the games so people here don't get spoiled. Everything league related aside from that is fair game (even fanart).

alright, i personally don't mind but i thought lcs stuff should go there


isnt crumbzz ur flex?


Don't worry, he started Piglet against me..

O wait..


alright, i personally don't mind but i thought lcs stuff should go there

I feel like everything LCS related should go in the LCS thread, but w/e yall want.
alright, i personally don't mind but i thought lcs stuff should go there

we have always posted roster/other LCS news in here as well as the other thread. Not everyone reads the LCS thread and not everyone who would be interested reads this thread.

the main point of the LCS thread has always been spoiler free match discussion

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Going into my second week of playing the game, and still enjoying it. Thanks to everyone who has given advice as I learn the ropes. =)

This game really reminds me of when I did battlegrounds in WoW. Really feels like a crap shoot the sort of players I get teamed up with. Sometimes I get an amazing crew, other times, my team makes me want to curl in a ball and cry. T_T

And yet I keep playing. =p


Going into my second week of playing the game, and still enjoying it. Thanks to everyone who has given advice as I learn the ropes. =)

This game really reminds me of when I did battlegrounds in WoW. Really feels like a crap shoot the sort of players I get teamed up with. Sometimes I get an amazing crew, other times, my team makes me want to curl in a ball and cry. T_T

And yet I keep playing. =p

Get used to this. Nothing changes no matter what level you are at in that regard.


i thought this was a pretty good summary of the general tank issue and i think i agree with his conclusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3_i1TZSDGs

i wonder why rito is always so wary of significantly buffing or changing tanks, like if they expect them to go ridiculously op or annoying if they do. i mean, if they go for the damage buff thing then sure, as we saw during zac times but i'm sure there's a healthier balance to be made, even if it's like stonewall says less "pure" tanks and just tankier, more utility based bruisers

There is no mercy here. Only pancakes.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Also here are some really dumb games of me trying to relearn Zyra in ranked with my duo buddy. Hilarity ensues thanks to terrible amazing gold Vayne players on the enemy team.

Trapped in Silver - Zyra - Game 1

Trapped in Silver - Zyra - Game 2

I keep messing up her combos in the videos since I think I have range indicators on for smart casting. i should turn those off.


i think the ahri q nerf is really dumb as it's a direct nerf to her roaming since you're supposed to spam q to get to other lanes faster now

i still don't understand why her winrate is so high tbh


Tales of Silver V: I had someone say they would go Master Yi jungle, and they never "loose". Of course saying you'll do well is cause for concern, but it worked out.

No one on the team seemed to rage, and people worked together. We failed at smiting our 3rd dragon buff but got it the next time around. The few all-chat interactions seemed polite and amusing. One time the ADC wanted red buff but I said not to fight, since Master Yi was more fed right now and could use it. I lost top tower because of 3 enemies, and couldn't 1v1 Jax as Singed or even stop him from teleport-backdooring a tower, but I outfarmed him and didn't feed.

Overall good experience.


The league community is the fucking cesspool of humanity I swear. Thresh and talon forget to swap so when the game starts Thresh goes full manbaby and heads mid.

I don't understand why you wouldn't surrender at 20 when your team starts out 20 kills behind. What a waste of 45 minutes.

Nauthilus support, ...how do I say it, just a champ that doesnt give a damm about the enemy adc or your ally adc or something, it just simply walks and hit


Everything is moe to me
Also here are some really dumb games of me trying to relearn Zyra in ranked with my duo buddy. Hilarity ensues thanks to terrible amazing gold Vayne players on the enemy team.

Trapped in Silver - Zyra - Game 1

Trapped in Silver - Zyra - Game 2

I keep messing up her combos in the videos since I think I have range indicators on for smart casting. i should turn those off.
tier 2 boots before FQC?
starting guise with a ruby crystal?
rushing liandry's?



Think this will get Sivir disabled?

Support Morgana is my main. I tend to play her as a roamer.

I always take 21 Utility (+starting gold). The rest is either Defense or Offense (CDR, Expose Weakness).

Bog standard AP page but with some mana regen blues.

Open with WQE, then R>Q>E>W

Open: Spellthief, 1 Ward, 2 Pots, Yellow Trinket. I try to get Sightstone, 1 Pink and a few pots on my first back. I always place my pink on the river entrances near blue/red (not the patch of grass on the river).
Core: Sightstone, Mobility Boots, Spellthief
Situational: FQC, Aegis, Crucible, Randuin, Frozen Heart are my usual other pickups. I only pickup Zhonya if I'm getting fed, or if they have means to blow me up while I ult. FQC is VERY useful for me. It makes it much easier to setup a Q. If I don't have any particular item I need to build, it's my go-to after Sightstone/Mobi. I haven't tried the reworked Mejai yet.

Laning: I only use W when I have 2-3 stacks on Spellthief, otherwise I go OOM. I try to target the one with less sustain. Avoid hitting minions especially casters.
During 6: Walk and ult, then hit them with Q as soon as the stun wears off. Works very consistently until mid Plat. I always try to use it as soon as the cooldown wears off.
Teamfights: Don't feel bad about shielding yourself to ult. I use my ult as either an engage or peel.

I hate Tristana, Corki, Draven. Cait and Kog somewhat.
I really hate Janna, Lulu and Sona. Braum makes it harder to pull off kills when you hit 6 because it's harder to wear them down.

I haven't thanked you for this. So thanks!

I just won my first match with her a sup. Although mid was getting the kills but I am learning.


4 wins 2 losses today and still end up losing lp.

God damn.
As with Nekofrog, maybe you got matched with good players or against bad players and the system thought you were supposed to win those games, so the reward is less? I'm not sure how the MMR / duo system works precisely. Or maybe if you're duoing with another diamond, you're more likely to win a game, so the reward is less.

I assume there's some sort of math that calculates it based on how likely you are predicted to win a match.


I want to choke out someone at Riot for putting back down in this crap hole of a tier.

Winning games at gold 4 is way easier than winning games at silver 4. Way easier.


Also here are some really dumb games of me trying to relearn Zyra in ranked with my duo buddy. Hilarity ensues thanks to terrible amazing gold Vayne players on the enemy team.

Trapped in Silver - Zyra - Game 1

Trapped in Silver - Zyra - Game 2

I keep messing up her combos in the videos since I think I have range indicators on for smart casting. i should turn those off.

Interesting. I almost never use E on her plants. Unless I want to go for the slow. The ranged plants are just too good.


also yeah laning with current syndra against azir is like riot kicking you in the face

i'm not gonna play syndra for a while

so depressing
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