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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Probably not. He needs a kit rework. By nature of how he works, he's always going to be too strong or too weak.

he's as balanced as he's going to get right now. i think he's in a good spot as a counterpick to LB or Ahri. He is actually what he was originally intended to be, the anti-mage. He counters mages right now. That's his job. If you're going to pick LB or Ahri and you don't ban Kassadin, that's your own fault.

And while his laning phase vs those champions is still very strong, he gets smacked hard by other champions (ie not mages) and pre-6 ganks.

Kassadin will never be more balanced than he is now.


Everything is moe to me


probably has to do with his account being hacked last night.

edit: yep.
probably has to do with his account being hacked last night.

edit: yep.
Many streamers getting hacked lol
"Theres an exploit right now that allows you to open the shop up in your browser and spend RP and IP. You don't have to be logged into the persons account to have to do it and you can do it to anyone provided you have the correct id for their summoner."

Also someone transferred Scarra's account to EUW lomo


he's as balanced as he's going to get right now. i think he's in a good spot as a counterpick to LB or Ahri. He is actually what he was originally intended to be, the anti-mage. He counters mages right now. That's his job. If you're going to pick LB or Ahri and you don't ban Kassadin, that's your own fault.

And while his laning phase vs those champions is still very strong, he gets smacked hard by other champions (ie not mages) and pre-6 ganks.

Kassadin will never be more balanced than he is now.

I was thinking of making some snarky comment, but yeah. You're right.

He's not too big in the pro scene compared to other offenders (Liss, J4, Gnar, Irelia) and he has counters. Honestly I'd rather see Irelia nerfed over him.


he's as balanced as he's going to get right now. i think he's in a good spot as a counterpick to LB or Ahri. He is actually what he was originally intended to be, the anti-mage. He counters mages right now. That's his job. If you're going to pick LB or Ahri and you don't ban Kassadin, that's your own fault.

And while his laning phase vs those champions is still very strong, he gets smacked hard by other champions (ie not mages) and pre-6 ganks.

Kassadin will never be more balanced than he is now.

So basically you're never allowed to play most mid laners if Kassadin isn't banned?

Seems fair.


Our Rengar was useless, our Top Darius fed Akali and didn't even buy magic resist til Akali got mega fed.
His idea of magic resist? Guardian Angel
This bronze hell...


So basically you're never allowed to play most mid laners if Kassadin isn't banned?

Seems fair.


He's anti-mage. He's not anti assassin (fizz, zed, khazix ((yes, khazix mid is an assassin)), etc). He's a lane bully to a SELECT few champions instead of being a lane bully to every champion (Syndra).

He's also still Kassadin. In lane, if a jungler blows his flash pre-6 he's either got to farm under turret (not the easiest thing for Kass, but easier than it used to be) or he's straight up dead and his snowball has no chance.

Kassadin can be mitigated by smart play even against those who he counters.

I'm one of those people who believe that his LAST round of nerfs were unjustified (the extended duration of riftwalk before reset on mana cost)


Our Rengar was useless, our Top Darius fed Akali and didn't even buy magic resist til Akali got mega fed.
His idea of magic resist? Guardian Angel
This bronze hell...

I'm seeing lots of top Akali players. She's doing well up there. Even worse if they don't buy a pink ward and complain about her shroud. :\


Few things are more satisfying then coming back and winning against a team that was shit talking your team big time as they were amassing a lead.


I'm seeing lots of top Akali players. She's doing well up there. Even worse if they don't buy a pink ward and complain about her shroud. :\

If my enemy team has an akali i always get a purp ward just in case.

This bronze hell...
If my enemy team has an akali i always get a purp ward just in case.

This bronze hell...

Well there's no point buying it if you can't stack it, is there. That's why he needed to feed first to make it gold efficient hehuehue.


EDIT: w00t, got Taric in ARAM, I don't care if I lose but as long as there are AD champs on the other team i will FABULOUSLY wreck their shit.

Well there's no point buying it if you can't stack it, is there. That's why he needed to feed first to make it gold efficient hehuehue.

He didn't choose the Bronze Life, the Bronze Life chose him.

Oh did I mention this was in ranked.

My friend got boosted to Gold last season and I bet he hasn't played ranked yet, cuz every game I see him play looks like he is playing with bronzes. Brah is totally bronze if not silver.


i wish i could get a legit bronze 5 account without intentionally bombing the promos.

then take a bronze5 under my wing and tutor them, train them, spend hours upon hours of coaching and building their skill level for that one day, that one day

bronze 4


i wish i could get a legit bronze 5 account without intentionally bombing the promos.

then take a bronze5 under my wing and tutor them, train them, spend hours upon hours of coaching and building their skill level for that one day, that one day

bronze 4

want my bronze 4?
Braum still feels quite strong. His Q scaling with HP is a bit of a joke and the passive is troll tier.

Bronze V is a mysterious place. I've spectated my bronze 5 friend before and the shit that goes on is just mysterious.

My "friend".

Yeah I'd consider him my friend. Well anyways, I just specced a game and only one person had 100 cs by 20 minutes.
It was a joke about it really being you.

They have a strange obsession with teleport down there.
They're trying to use it to get out of there.
2 games of nonstop shitstomps

holy fuck lmao first it was a quadra kill bot in the first 10 minutes on trist and then it was a wukong running train on a reksai who had randuins and thornmail.


people still see trist and say "o doesn't do anything early"

she's kind of a lane bully now with the right mentality/decision making

even before the rework she was a lane bully

she had a bad midgame since she had no ad scaling abilities and her aas werent fast enough to shred tanks.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD


i think i like the gnar nerfs, i don't know much about him but i like that it sounds like it'll add more windows to beat him rather than straight nerfing numbers

also the super blue trinket thing sounds awesome and the red trinket thing is awesome as well. i think this makes trinkets pretty interesting

Uh no. Her E was bullshit and that nerf wsa justified, Syndra wasn't fine. Though, reverting the Q nerf seems fine.

uhh noot did i not say the e nerf was fine like a million times already


Please just stop, I can only read so much before I want to bang my head against the keyboard.
don't bother. just keep repeating the wrongnames gonna wrongnames mantra like i do

This is bad. Bad bad bad bad bad. Making Ahri super mana hungry again is just fucking bad.

i wonder where these nerfs are gonna leave her. i'm surprised she got so op but at least now we'll get to see if there's any room in the game for her when she's not ridic overpowered.

Crumbz officially stepped down from Dignitas today. Obviously he has been underperforming but it's a god damn shame that Dignitas has such shitty management to the point where KiwiKid is still on the team and all the decent players just choose to leave. The video where he explains his decision is pretty heartbreaking.



wrong thread but dang, that's sad


Crumbz officially stepped down from Dignitas today. Obviously he has been underperforming but it's a god damn shame that Dignitas has such shitty management to the point where KiwiKid is still on the team and all the decent players just choose to leave. The video where he explains his decision is pretty heartbreaking.



Damn, sad to hear. That team just looks like it's on a downhill ride.

Oh well

The best DIG player still remains tho. Kiwikid.

Of course!


Crumbz officially stepped down from Dignitas today. Obviously he has been underperforming but it's a god damn shame that Dignitas has such shitty management to the point where KiwiKid is still on the team and all the decent players just choose to leave. The video where he explains his decision is pretty heartbreaking.



Man I knew something was up behind the scenes after DIG's abysmal performance. The team is just a shadow of what it was last split.

I hope we see him in a team with people he can call his friends.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
wrong thread but dang, that's sad

How is this the wrong thread? The LCS thread is just to discuss the games so people here don't get spoiled. Everything league related aside from that is fair game (even fanart).
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