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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Any of you guys have felt like I do lately? I want to play but then I get lazy and end up just watching streams? Like I really do want to play, then I play one match and I have fun, but I feel it's "enough" lol. It's really strange.

Maybe in a couple of days I'll go back to my binge League mood, been trying to catch up on stuff on XIV.


Gonna giv rumble a try.
Any tips for using him effectivly? Um thinking of oing linadry hourass rabadon void and then tank up a bit.


well, lost like every game today, even like the alright let's just do an aram for fun in which karma went and last hit my penta cos apparently that's funny

fuck this game lol, i'm going back to metroid


well, lost like every game today, even like the alright let's just do an aram for fun in which karma went and last hit my penta cos apparently that's funny

fuck this game lol, i'm going back to metroid

lel, so XD le random!!1

/comfort That sounds annoying ._./
After taking a break from ranked, I've started to play Vayne and learn to improve my skill at positioning, map awareness and freezing lanes as an ADC.

Overall, I can happily say that I'm enjoying Vayne a lot more than when I tried to play her months ago.

I realized that I wouldn't get better at the game unless I started to improve myself mechanically, and I'm happy with the results. I learned a lot about the Poke - Sustain - Kill triangle from this video and I've been trying to improve my orbwalking.


not the best match, but I'm happy to know that their terrible Brand and Annie kill lane couldn't handle Vayne with Yorick support.


well, lost like every game today, even like the alright let's just do an aram for fun in which karma went and last hit my penta cos apparently that's funny

fuck this game lol, i'm going back to metroid

That has happened to me twice in the past two weeks :( I know them feelz bro.
Anyone got some good guides for playing ADC?

I used to main Ashe a lot when I was learning the game in Season 2, but that role fell out of favor for me when I found that snowballing top and mid were more fun. I tried going back playing Ashe, but I found that I had either forgotten how to play adc, or that the new mobility focused adc's wrecked me.

The other champ I've always wanted to be good with is Sivir. Anyone got any advice for someone learning the role and Sivir?


I feel like getting Ez, just so that I can play a match wit a supp who will be thanking the rito matchmaking gods for being matched with an Ez that DOESN'T build Tear of the Goddess.


lel, so XD le random!!1

/comfort That sounds annoying ._./

yea like i wouldn't be so mad but i got a few games of annoying teammates and racist opponents so it was just a shitty night all around

plus like the one game i played mid i like ran circles at the azir but had rushed fiendish codex so ran out of mana mid combo and died 1v1 without being able to ult and i was just like fuuuuuuuuuuck this fucking gameeeeeee

not my night haha

Well to be fair laning with old Syndra against Azir was Riot kicking you in the gut, so it's not like it's any worse.
i dunno, i seriously kept dodging his q's this game and was giving him a beating before this one mistake lost me the lane. if my q was worth its mana i might've actually killed him or something, i dunno


Finally a good game i went supp sona with a bot corki.
Altho he laggd a bit our team dominated. Our lee carried and our jungler mao was very helpful. I supported the shit out of my mana amd eventually se got the win


I finally bought Thresh the other day. Now I feel stupid for waiting so long because he became my favourite support in the first game. Nice poke with the flay passive and more often than not death sentence (the hook) lives up to its name. Just an amazing and fun to play champion all around.

Tales of Silver V: I had someone say they would go Master Yi jungle, and they never "loose". Of course saying you'll do well is cause for concern, but it worked out.
Yi is pretty much free elo in bronze and low silver. People just can't help but feed him early at those ranks and at that point it's already over.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Aaagh the video won't load at work, youtube pls. (I should probably be working...)

edit: nvm, omg I need this skin now. Fuck the Zyra hype train. We're playing Sona all the way to Diamond boys.

So how do you play support ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I was playing support before it was cool /hipster


regarding the Sivir glitch. As a Ryze player I've seen this exact glitch happen with Banshee's Veil and Nocturne as well. It's not just a Sivir glitch, it's a spell shield glitch as a whole. Blocking a Q and Rune Prison in 1 go, it's not just annoying, it's actually all sorts of pathetic when you're trying to go at them. :(
Completely stuck in silver 2. Failed 6 promotions in a row now but keep getting 20+LP for wins so I'm straight back into promos after 1 win.



Well I've found my favorite rune set for Nidalee jungle. I've tried all sorts of stuff. In the end I've had the best clears/early game with:

AP quints
hybrid pen marks
armor seals
AP glyphs

All the AP. I would have thought some AD or attack speed would have been the way to go but no, it's all about the AP. First clear last night was the smoothest it's ever been with those runes. Q->E->W. The Q start lets you mark the mobs and get extra cougar Q damage. The E second gives you the heal and attack speed buff plus the swipe in cougar form.

I was even able to level 3 gank :eek:

Nidalee jungle is definitely going to be popular for a bit. Hope they don't nerf her. I actually feel like she's in a pretty good place now. Just happens to be a Tier 1/1.5 jungler now instead of whatever crap tier she was before.


DJ Sona ability previews

Her songs are not tied to her abilities, whoa

I figured that would be the case, because otherwise the songs would change too much when you do quick combos.

I'm betting on her taunt or another emote actually being a more elaborate version of Heimer, Vi, and Rengar's visual changes that cycles through the different genres of EDM and QWER (and maybe passive) change the beat/rhythm/sounds slightly so it actually sounds like a DJ.

garath said:
Hope they don't nerf her. I actually feel like she's in a pretty good place now. Just happens to be a Tier 1/1.5 jungler now instead of whatever crap tier she was before.

A champion with a mechanically complicated kit who's sporting a <51% win rate in three roles (mid, jungle, top) is not in a good place.


A champion with a mechanically complicated kit who's sporting a <51% win rate in three roles (mid, jungle, top) is not in a good place.

You think she's too strong? She's on a 50% winrate right now. She's not nearly the dominant mid or top she once was, hasn't been for awhile. Nothing has been changed about her top or mid performance. She got a jungle buff so that's the only context I'd consider needing any changes. Any nerf would potentially destroy her top and mid. She was a 47% winrate before the jungle buff. Her kit lends itself well to the current jungle meta.

I think removing the "neutral monsters are rooted for 2 seconds" part of the hunt would clean it up a bit. That's the only nerf I'd consider.


Had one of those entirely frustrating nights last night. Had a teammate Renekton decide to just stay in base after he died a second time in lane vs Garen. Said he wouldn't come out because we should have known that we needed to camp his lane (both mid and jung) to give him a chance. Could he play safe? Nope! Had to go all in over and over. So he stood there and lost the game for us despite us winning in the other lanes. Selfish jerk.

Then the lag spike came in a game that we were definitely going to win. I was lagging about a full second. It was obnoxious. Then some guys on the team started to DC and also complain about lagging. Oh neat! We got a drop hacker! Funny how it starts RIGHT AFTER we win a Baron fight.

Final straw was playing mid against a Nidalee. Was doing ok, but those stupid spears come out every 4-5 seconds and they still chunk like 50% of your health, even after getting some MR. Why does such a powerful ability have such a low cooldown? Maddening. Anyway, was holding my own just fine until but the Kalista on bot was 9-1 and when team fights started it was just a slaughter each and every time.

Cool, cool. I love low silver. Would get placed low and climb again. A++++++++++++++ Riot.


You think she's too strong?

Flatly, yes. And she wasn't 47% before the buff. She was already a shade off 50%, even in the jungle which was already statistically her strongest win% role. She's been steadily climbing over the past few months as other champs are nerfed around her.

A mechanically complex champion getting these sorts of win rates results is smoke to a fire; the supposed high skill floor is being overwhelmed by the numbers in the kit and for Nidalee that's evident with a quick glance at her numbers. Correlation isn't causation, but the moment the likes of Zed, Gnar, Elise, old Nidalee sniffed 50% win rate they became permabanned. An interesting recent example of this trend is Jayce. Started off S4 with a ~47% win rate and due to the nerfs to other champions throughout the season he was a hair shy off of 50% by the time Worlds rolled around and like clockwork he shows up in competitive again. More recently you can see the same thing with Kalista; gets to 50% win rate and immediately sees competitive play and bans.

(For the record I'm actually thinking of trying Nidalee out soon. I'm always in the market for a jungler who can lane as well)

That's the only nerf I'd consider

Jeff-DSA said:
Was doing ok, but those stupid spears come out every 4-5 seconds and they still chunk like 50% of your health, even after getting some MR. Why does such a powerful ability have such a low cooldown?

I think I'd go quite a bit further myself...


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Just remember that it's very easy to carry in silver.

Problem is that early this season the drops affected a lot of people. I'm running into former plat and high gold players in silver 1 who certainly aren't playing like silver scrubs. This probably makes things rough for actual silver players.


Problem is that early this season the drops affected a lot of people. I'm running into former plat and high gold players in silver 1 who certainly aren't playing like silver scrubs. This probably makes things rough for actual silver players.

I'm tired of seeing another lane get outright murdered by someone who clearly doesn't belong in silver. They've created some messy competitive imbalances by dropping people. And yes, I've steamrolled some lanes too.

I just want some good games, man. Everything is a stomp one way or the other.


Yeah skill disparity is massive right now. I keep telling myself that I'm gonna quit ranked for a while and use teambuilder to learn how to adc but for some reason I keep going back.


Flatly, yes. And she wasn't 47% before the buff. She was already a shade off 50%, even in the jungle which was already statistically her strongest win% role. She's been steadily climbing over the past few months as other champs are nerfed around her.

A mechanically complex champion getting these sorts of win rates results is smoke to a fire; the supposed high skill floor is being overwhelmed by the numbers in the kit and for Nidalee that's evident with a quick glance at her numbers. Correlation isn't causation, but the moment the likes of Zed, Gnar, Elise, old Nidalee sniffed 50% win rate they became permabanned. An interesting recent example of this trend is Jayce. Started off S4 with a ~47% win rate and due to the nerfs to other champions throughout the season he was a hair shy off of 50% by the time Worlds rolled around and like clockwork he shows up in competitive again. More recently you can see the same thing with Kalista; gets to 50% win rate and immediately sees competitive play and bans.

(For the record I'm actually thinking of trying Nidalee out soon. I'm always in the market for a jungler who can lane as well)

I think I'd go quite a bit further myself...

I'm not sure where you are grabbing your win percentages, but looking at lolking ranked solo, she's been steady between 46 and 47% winrate up until the jungle change patch where she jumped to 50% immediately.

As far as skillcap, she is up around 53-54% in diamond. So that's about the cap I'd put her at. That is high for a champ but compare that to the top 20 or so champs that have that kind of winrate across all tiers it doesn't strike me as overly OP. If we balanced everything about the top 2% of players then we'd be in trouble. If she comes out in competitive and starts looking ridiculous, I think you'd see an immediate change. Pantheon for example was WAY stronger than Nidalee and still didn't see any changes for awhile.

I'd believe there is an issue with her general kit strength if she was higher winrate before the jungle change. But frankly you didn't see her much. Sure her spears can chunk someone but that takes quite a bit of AP to do so (I don't really think a single anecdotal complaint warrants a nerf). The top mages are FAR worse in the midlane and I don't even think she rates in top lane anymore. Her pick rate has been 10% or less pretty much all along. She's got her fans. Always has.

I'd say try her out. She's fun, mobile and can be a threat but not a huge damage dealer unless you're building her as such. Base numbers aren't super great. Huge damage threat built AP but pretty squishy.

I've faced her a few times as well. I had no issues dealing with her as Sejuani. Even had an OK time as Vi.

Other than being fun and myself enjoying mechanically challenging champs, I still don't think she's better than the tier 1 junglers (Jarvan, Lee sin, Vi, etc) nor do I think she's as good or better than the top midlaners (Cassio, Ahri, Katarina).

Any nerfs might just knock her completely out of viability for laning. Which might be ok. Who knows.

I just don't see her as even worth a ban right now. Definitely not in gold. Maybe higher she might be.

She probably will get tweaked some. Not sure where it'll be though. I'd start with the neutral monster stun. Maybe lower her AP ratio on the spear.
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