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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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In a way, I sort of wish ranked didn't have any bans, kind of like how I wish dodge/leaver penalties were much bigger.

If there's a need for players to dodge ranked games until they decide the odds are right, I'd rather they have to wait a LONG time, to the point where that is not a viable strategy for ranking up. If they're dodging because of trolls, I'd rather the system detect the trolls sooner rather than later.

I don't think leaving is ever acceptable unless it's a personal situation (baby woke up, house on fire, etc.), but per Newt's post above, apparently even in diamond that doesn't necessarily even get punished.

For bans, in theory they allow for the possibility of ranked 5v5 teams, or tournament situations, where you go "We're doing a targeted ban on Bjergsen's mains" or "We're going to avoid a couple of top-lane counters for this particular pick". In solo queue ranked however, you don't know the enemy team's mains, which means all you can do is avoid counterpicks. What are the odds of the captain properly taking out counterpicks, given the varying levels of comfort and skill throughout the team?

If you take out player-targeting and counterpick-targeting, you are left with banning champions because they feel annoying/OP. I feel that is what bans end up getting used for in ranked generally, and sometimes may lead to this sort of fun time:
  1. Teammate complains [enemy champion] is so OP, gg, blames captain for not banning them.
  2. Teammate gets asked why they didn't pick said champion, if they're basically an auto-win.
  3. Teammate says that champion is too easy, and they don't play lame OP champions.

If ranked solo queue didn't have bans, then everyone would be forced to play, or deal with, the strongest champions. Riot would then have better data on how truly powerful they may be (at least in solo queue), instead of just PERCEIVED data based on how often those champions are banned. In theory Riot could then balance the champions better, avoiding any must-ban champions. And yes I know some may argue that bans are a way of temporarily fixing Riot's mistakes until the next patch.

It makes logical sense to me, but maybe I'm missing some important detail.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Less people would play the game if they had to deal with OP broken champs over and over again. I don't agree with leaving games early but sometimes a game is just over at 10 minutes. Sometimes your teammates are garbage, toxic, feeding, and non-communicative to a critical point. And sometimes they just don't want to surrender a game that simply cannot be won which is frustrating because you just want to get this game done and over with.

Oracle's Lens
[Price reduced to 250 from 475]



Probably not, because none of those champions have a stupid 1 dimensional feast or famine kit that anyone with at least 1 functioning brain cell can use.

Like Fiora and Garen and friends, Annie has no place in competitive. There's absolutely no outplaying her. Did she press Q/W/R on you? Congrats, you're dead/stunned.

Riot needs to rework her into something more than just smash face on the keyboard.

Please just stop, I can only read so much before I want to bang my head against the keyboard.

First off, no, Annie is not feast or famine. Yeah you might not do as much damage but her Tibbers burst along with its aura is one of the strongest damaging abilities in the game, not to mention the fact that having a reliable stun keeps her relevant in any game no matter what (even if you are 0/10/0, you can throw yourself as an initiator and allow your team to clean up), which is probably why you or your team were not respecting her when you started this Annie line of posts.

Also if you have been paying attention to LCS, Annie can be outplayed and definitely hasn't shown signs of what you claim.

So yeah idk man, sometimes your posts are alright but idk why you keep going on and on when you must know you are wrong...
Fox Fire (W) damage decreased to 40/65/90/115/140 from 50/80/110/140/170
Fox Fire (W) cooldown lowered to 8/7/6/5/4 from 9/8/7/6/5
Fox Fire (W) [ Range decrease? Seeing 600 from 750?]
These are nice.

Orb of Deception (Q) mana cost increased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 55/60/65/70/75
This is bad. Bad bad bad bad bad. Making Ahri super mana hungry again is just fucking bad.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Orb of Deception (Q) mana cost increased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 55/60/65/70/75
Fox Fire (W) damage decreased to 40/65/90/115/140 from 50/80/110/140/170
Fox Fire (W) cooldown lowered to 8/7/6/5/4 from 9/8/7/6/5
Fox Fire (W) [ Range decrease? Seeing 600 from 750?]
Now she is the same as she was in early S4 except that her E doesn't amplify her damage and she gets movement speed from her Q.


Now takes 15 seconds to start gaining rage after transformation (up from 13)

Pale Cascade [W] - Circle Missile Angular Velocity increased to 5.2 (up from 2.6) **not verified yet

Chain of Corruption [R] - Width Increased to 120 (up from 100)



I'd be content if they just added ranked team builder. I don't care if I have to wait an hour for a mid game, it's better than being made to support/top/jungle and get almost a certain loss.
I'd be okay with that too. I'd also be okay with them getting rid of normal blind pick and moving everyone into team builder/normal draft so the queue times aren't as long.


Yeah which is actually pretty cool. It was kind of a bitch to get all of the orbs to pop sometimes.

Varus buff will work well for my ARAM AP Varus


In a way, I sort of wish ranked didn't have any bans, kind of like how I wish dodge/leaver penalties were much bigger.

If there's a need for players to dodge ranked games until they decide the odds are right, I'd rather they have to wait a LONG time, to the point where that is not a viable strategy for ranking up. If they're dodging because of trolls, I'd rather the system detect the trolls sooner rather than later.

I don't think leaving is ever acceptable unless it's a personal situation (baby woke up, house on fire, etc.), but per Newt's post above, apparently even in diamond that doesn't necessarily even get punished.

For bans, in theory they allow for the possibility of ranked 5v5 teams, or tournament situations, where you go "We're doing a targeted ban on Bjergsen's mains" or "We're going to avoid a couple of top-lane counters for this particular pick". In solo queue ranked however, you don't know the enemy team's mains, which means all you can do is avoid counterpicks. What are the odds of the captain properly taking out counterpicks, given the varying levels of comfort and skill throughout the team?

If you take out player-targeting and counterpick-targeting, you are left with banning champions because they feel annoying/OP. I feel that is what bans end up getting used for in ranked generally, and sometimes may lead to this sort of fun time:
  1. Teammate complains [enemy champion] is so OP, gg, blames captain for not banning them.
  2. Teammate gets asked why they didn't pick said champion, if they're basically an auto-win.
  3. Teammate says that champion is too easy, and they don't play lame OP champions.

If ranked solo queue didn't have bans, then everyone would be forced to play, or deal with, the strongest champions. Riot would then have better data on how truly powerful they may be (at least in solo queue), instead of just PERCEIVED data based on how often those champions are banned. In theory Riot could then balance the champions better, avoiding any must-ban champions. And yes I know some may argue that bans are a way of temporarily fixing Riot's mistakes until the next patch.

It makes logical sense to me, but maybe I'm missing some important detail.
They should get rid of dodge penalties entirely. Dodges enable toxic players to act less toxic.
They should get rid of dodge penalties entirely. Dodges enable toxic players to act less toxic.
Yeah, but it also enables people to act like entitled little shits. Getting rid of dodge penalties will just turn ranked into normal draft, it'll be impossible to start matches since people that don't want role X or don't want to play against Y or with Z in your team wil dodge every single time.


Yeah, but it also enables people to act like entitled little shits. Getting rid of dodge penalties will just turn ranked into normal draft, it'll be impossible to start matches since people that don't want role X or don't want to play against Y or with Z in your team wil dodge every single time.
Sorry, I should have made it more clear. I mean get rid of the dodge timer penalties, but keep in the lp loss penalties.


They should get rid of dodge penalties entirely. Dodges enable toxic players to act less toxic.

Nah, then people would just dodge all the time until they think they have the stronger team comp. There was a time in season 1 when there was no dodge penalties. It was not fun.

Sorry, I should have made it more clear. I mean get rid of the dodge timer penalties, but keep in the lp loss penalties.

Eh, I guess that's kind of fine.
If there's a need for players to dodge ranked games until they decide the odds are right, I'd rather they have to wait a LONG time, to the point where that is not a viable strategy for ranking up. If they're dodging because of trolls, I'd rather the system detect the trolls sooner rather than later.

I strongly disagree with this approach. League matches usually last 25-30 minutes at a minimum, and can easily go for 50+ minutes - compelling everyone to play an experience they have reason to suspect will be horrible for that length of time will likely drive some players away from ranked queues. Allowing players to dodge for a relatively small penalty (which becomes a much bigger penalty if you do it again within a set time) gives everyone a self-help remedy they can use to avoid (some of) those horrible experiences.

Sure, in a perfect world Riot would have banned all toxic players. But League's playerbase is absolutely massive - to moderate every report quickly would require millions of man-hours, plus millions more to deal with reviews.


So why did Kass get a nerf?..
Edit: Is it because of #LCSPROBANSOP?

Seem to be hitting all assassin types. I actually was ok with nerfing Fizz but they kinda went overboard, Ahri and Kass got love taps in comparison. They need to bower the mana cost of his Q and E if they are gonna keep his pre-6 damage so low, he already had a bad laning phase before.

The might leave Leblanc and Katarina alone, but I'd be surprised if they leave Zed and Alaki alone much longer.



Finally went around and finished my placement matches. Went 8-2 so I figured I would be placed high. Ended last season with Gold 1 however so I was really surprised about this.

Yay plat :D
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