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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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How does tp Irelia deal with ignite Darius?

just let him push to tower as darius always does (if you have to bait out his abilities, know the ranges to avoid the damage)

freeze near tower. farm. if darius doesn't get a kill on you, you've won the lane. You outscale massively (lategame unfed darius isn't even a champion).


Why do people say this?

Unless everyone on the enemy team has BV, you can always pull off some nice Es.

because his E has an incredibly short range, a long cooldown, and anyone with half a brain won't be standing around him to let him do it.

If he flashes in to do it? he's dead instantly because he's not fed.
Darius is a good counterpick to Irelia in lane phase. He can bully her out and go for kills if she hangs around. Irelia should call jungler, especially if he has Ignite (really, any top laner with Ignite should have the jungler called on their greedy ass, never mind if they have no escape). If Irelia can avoid getting dumpstered she will be more useful later in the game since she has innate tenacity and can jump to and instantly land guaranteed hard CC on a priority target. Her burst actually becomes better than Darius' unless he can build stacks of Haemorrhage too. Since it's TP v Ignite the TP player should look for chances to (threaten) a cross-map TP to help their team secure objectives or dive bot/mid whenever it's up.

Likely outcome is Darius bullies Irelia but can't carry because he's Darius and one of the other 8 players ends up being the main influence in the game's outcome.


i think even if darius gets fed come late game he's pretty useless

at least from a mid pov i'm usually like "a top laner without mobility or insane initiation? free damage on their carries!!"


just let him push to tower as darius always does (if you have to bait out his abilities, know the ranges to avoid the damage)

freeze near tower. farm. if darius doesn't get a kill on you, you've won the lane. You outscale massively (lategame unfed darius isn't even a champion).

Should I start doran's shield or flask&3 pot? I started flask&3 pot, got wrecked at level 2 and kept feeding for an early start. Gonna have to remember Darius' dmg dot with the ignite early on is insane.


True, Darius is melee scum and has no place touching our ranged overlords.

Aside from Irelia, the top lane does seem to be dominated by ranged champions. So it just leaves the jungle for melee (J4, Lee Sin, eh Vi/doesn't seem like the trinity for jungle is set yet). Well Zed in mid, but he is kind of an AD caster.


green sona: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA-PvlUwy7s
red sona: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Dzyp0FvsBk
pink sona: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFbkEwDREPw

I kind of want to dismiss this, but it does seem like top lane has become a ranged lane (Lissandra, Irelia, Gnar) aside from Irelia. So it just leaves the jungle for melee (J4, Lee Sin, eh Vi/doesn't seem like the trinity for jungle is set yet). Well Zed in mid, but he is kind of an AD caster.

irelia is ranged?


I mained Darius for a while when learning top lane. He's amazing early, good in the mid game, and then just falls off of a cliff, no matter what you do. Your main contribution is to make sure that the other top laner is severely behind going into the mid game and to try your hardest to get two ults off in a team fight. He's just so easy to kite and avoid late, and any CCs or slows just nullify his useful abilities until it's too late to have a big impact on a team fight.


Well I typed "aside from Irelia", right?
yea i'm gonna give you partial credit cos you did type that but that sentence is super weird lol

anyways i don't think what you say is true at all. it's not range that it's the issue, as competitive shows that many of the top picks in top lane aren't necessarily ranged. after gnar and lizzy there's a lot of rumble, mundo, renekton, irelia, kassadin, sion, maokai, there's lulu and morgana in some cases but you don't see ryze or vlad or any other ranged champion that isn't those two.

the thing the best top lane champions have is they're mostly really good in 1v2s (sion/gnar), they have sustain (irelia/renek) or scale really well (mundo/mao/rumble). 100% there's more to it but that's what i see, at least. aside from flat out ops, at least in the hands of pros like kass, the "ranged" issue in top lane isn't really there, it's just that you have to have a combination of some of those traits to deserve a pick, which is true in just every other lane.

and in regular play that's even less of an issue as you can pretty much play whatever you want. fiora, sion, tryndamere, malphite, singed, riven, they all have decent winrates. they're not broken ahri but they're not urgot

if there's a satisfaction issue because it's no fun to be poked out of lane by lissandra i can understand it but she has a 50% winrate. lulu has 47%. seriously, who are these ranged champions that are making top lane impossible to play?

like always i'm not gonna say that my word is truth specially about a lane i barely play but i watch lots of korea and shit and think about my own games and really i find it very unusual to see ranged top laners. i pay attention to it cos it's the only type of top lane i like playing and i've been playing top lizzy and annie for over a year so i'm always looking for new stuff in case those are banned/picked


Do you guys think that riot will ever make jinx's sister into a real champ or do you think they just put that in there for fun.

uhh that's vi, dude



Should I start doran's shield or flask&3 pot? I started flask&3 pot, got wrecked at level 2 and kept feeding for an early start. Gonna have to remember Darius' dmg dot with the ignite early on is insane.

cloth 5. its fine to give up CS at the beginning. the cloth turns into tabi or chain vest depending on your need.

sometimes it's wise to get a giants belt before you start your trinity force, but that puts you a bit more behind and if you can't confidently CS with irelia then it might not be worth it


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Do you guys think that riot will ever make jinx's sister into a real champ or do you think they just put that in there for fun.

Still waiting on Irelia's brother Zelos,Kassadin's daughter, Kog'Maw's dad etc etc. I wouldn't hold my breath.


Do you guys think that riot will ever make jinx's sister into a real champ or do you think they just put that in there for fun.

I would love to see a support champ that would have custom speech if paired with Jinx in the bot lane.

Edit: I assumed that there was a 3rd sister, because Vi definitely doesn't fit the "crazier than Jinx" mold.


Serious question here, how do you deal with a Nasus that gets this fed? He has 800 stacks or something at 35 minutes and could pretty much 1 shot me with a Q. I've never bothered to learn how to deal with Nasus's so I'm genuinely curious.
I'm a mediocre player, but I'd say get to level 18 (him being higher level helps), and make sure you have at least one armor item (e.g. Guardian's Angel). Then just try to stay near your peelers so they can, if they're good enough, hard-CC or kite Nasus off you.


Newt and Ferga GGs.

u guys kept fucking me with those 4 man bots

oh well intense match!

i'm as sorry for your trash tf as i am for my trash yi :|


Newt and Ferga GGs.

u guys kept fucking me with those 4 man bots

oh well intense match!

i'm as sorry for your trash tf as i am for my trash yi :|
GG, that was an awful game for both sides I think. That being said, you're pretty decent at Sivir! The Morg you were with was really good too!

Wish I could say the same about the ardent censor Nami ~_~.
Lost 2 games in a row.

Now I'm 2-2.

Last chance to get to Plat.

It hurts when I leave mid to somebody because he said he was "super-good". Just to feed. Enemy lb was 16/0 at 20.

And then next game one of my teammates took Ahri. And lose again, against lb.

Here we go...



Lost 2 games in a row.

Now I'm 2-2.

Last chance to get to Plat.

It hurts when I leave mid to somebody because he said he was "super-good". Just to feed. Enemy lb was 16/0 at 20.

And then next game one of my teammates took Ahri. And lose again, against lb.

Here we go...


don't stop. belieeeeeving!


Lost 2 games in a row.

Now I'm 2-2.

Last chance to get to Plat.

It hurts when I leave mid to somebody because he said he was "super-good". Just to feed. Enemy lb was 16/0 at 20.

And then next game one of my teammates took Ahri. And lose again, against lb.

Here we go...

Always check someone's op.gg before you do that. I had someone say to me he was an awesome support and we should let him get support. He had 53% win rate on his main, so that was a "lol nope" moment.


It's even more fun to get people you know on your team. It's like a 3-man premade in solo queue!
yeah, it doesn't happen often to me cos i don't play much ranked and when i'm with friends we just do normals since we're always 3 or 4

Lost 2 games in a row.

Now I'm 2-2.

Last chance to get to Plat.

It hurts when I leave mid to somebody because he said he was "super-good". Just to feed. Enemy lb was 16/0 at 20.

And then next game one of my teammates took Ahri. And lose again, against lb.

Here we go...

you can do it!

i got gold on my fifth promo game, don't let it get to ya
Lost 2 games in a row.

Now I'm 2-2.

Last chance to get to Plat.

It hurts when I leave mid to somebody because he said he was "super-good". Just to feed. Enemy lb was 16/0 at 20.

And then next game one of my teammates took Ahri. And lose again, against lb.

Here we go...



So my Riven is afk for the first 7 minutes. It sucks because she was against Tryndamere... so... you can guess pretty much what happened.
It sucks because we managed to win a teamfight, somehow. There was a light of hope. But it was gone just as fast as it came.

My jungler went to do our blue, our adc went top, our support was with me trying to destroy the inner tower of mid, and Riven recalled.
Leona and I couldn't take down the tower, Lucian got killed.

At that moment I knew my last hope was gone.
Our adc gave up and said he didn't care if he lose since he had won 6 games in a row already.

It sucks.

Like the first game I went support with Nami (1-1-13) got my adc feed and we stomped.
Then next game I get Ahri (17-3-7) and the enemy team surrendered.

Why couldn't I have just another game like that, just one. ):
Down to 88 LP, at least I'm only 1 game away from promos... again.

I totally jinxed it. ):


98 LP.

Why you gotta troll me during my struggle, Riot?

Edit: On the bright side, my ADC was in game 5 of his promos and I got him over the hump.
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