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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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It sucks.

Like the first game I went support with Nami (1-1-13) got my adc feed and we stomped.
Then next game I get Ahri (17-3-7) and the enemy team surrendered.

Why couldn't I have just another game like that, just one. ):
Down to 88 LP, at least I'm only 1 game away from promos... again.

I totally jinxed it. ):

Aww, sorry to hear! But at least you are close to it, you can do it! And if it's not now, eventually. :)

Yesterday I played some more ADC games! I tried Corki for the first time in normals. I was doing fine in lane but I screwed up and would accidentally W in (????? idk why, I think maybe muscle memory?) and such. It was really bad lol. Also my friend was trying Soraka so he wasn't as comfortable as he is when he plays Sona (he is absolutely pumped about DJ Sona, and so am I to be able to "use it" even if I won't own it!).


Then had some games on Jinx.

This first one didn't feel like we were doing so well lol. They cheesed me at level one (our bush grab plus Ashe passive) leaving me at like half life but they didn't abuse it and the Blitzcrank couldn't land a hook to save his life. They went overly agressive at one point and I got a double kill which got me going. We got ganked a bit but then Twitch saw we could turn it easily. It felt really good though!


Next one was a bit tough. Caitlyn was abusing the hell out of her poke and I had to concede the lane a bit. Thresh roamed a lot and put our midlaner in defensive mode (she was going apeshit versus Ezreal) but it allowed us for some breathing room. I played like poop and my farm was terrible but I just made sure to be there when fights broke out and be there. Since Riven had lost to Teemo fairly hard and Ezreal was useless (I think his only kill was when he hit me with an ult and I screamed lol).


Last but not least, a game with Leona! I had been meaning to get back to her, since she was the first support that I learned the basics of supporting with (I think I said that thousands of times) and she will always be kinda special to me. My Lucian was having a tough time versus Varus and Thresh and started first item Triforce but I just let him on his own and roamed a bit when I saw the opportunity. He played safe so that was good but then he barely grouped up. We got 5 dragons and 1 Baron and since they were all AD it was fairly easy to deal with them, I basically peeled for Leblonk and Sion and I were like these two big walls (me not so much).

I love how fun it is to chain stuns lol. You can tell how god damn frustrated people are. At one point it was funny because I taunted Thresh and he was like, trying to come for me, then I went after him and he backed away and I was like "Yeah. Thought so" >:O Asserting dominance! Rawr! But they played the map well regardless (Trynda was super annoying pushing top relentlessly).


Aaaah, sorry for the long post ;_;! Just felt nice to have these wins yesterday, to redeem myself from that awful Corkster game lol.

PD. I have this crush on Jack Etienne ._. I can't be the only one who finds him really handsome! ;o



It's just blind pick. :(

The worst part is that we're pretty much guaranteed to get matched with pre-lvl 30 accounts once we pass 15 minute queue times. They are almost always smurfs, but it's still weird.

edit: 10 minutes later



I've had a full teambuilder team for 15 minutes without a match. Could that be because of matchmaking adjustment? Idk how that stuff works but we have an "assassin" volibear and a "fighter" brand which I think activates the adjustment.


Went Supp Annie, enemy team kept flaming each other with Rumble, the poor sap, feeding real bad. He was trying to take top turret, but I ulted him and then lucian finished him off.
Laning against Braum was a bit tricky but I managed to supp well enough for us to take the turret, and from there we just steam rolled, came a time I backed to base with everyone engaging in mid and there weren't any wards up lol.

But that's what Yasuo is supposed to rush

It feels like they barely do any damage though :/


despite my hate for akali i think there's something really off with so many overnerfs (at least in winrate effect) so close to one another

There's nothing wrong with Riot's balancing philosophies though, right?

In other news, I'm really, really liking rushing Youmuu's on jungle Xin after upgraded machete and mobi boots. Covers all his deficiencies to varying extents and sets him up for some excellent build path options after it's completed.
There's nothing wrong with Riot's balancing philosophies though, right?

In other news, I'm really, really liking rushing Youmuu's on jungle Xin after upgraded machete and mobi boots. Covers all his deficiencies to varying extents and sets him up for some excellent build path options after it's completed.

When playing xin do you go all Attack speed, all attack power or mix. I have tried all three and they are really fun.
Just wondering what you do?


The new Fizz is so limp. He's absolutely awful and unless you can land that shark 150% of the time, don't bother playing him. Akali deserves to sit in nerf hell. She's one of those champions that when she's strong she's no fun to play against at all.

So is Lich Bane coming back on Ziggs? I haven't played him since his last nerfs, but the mid has changed so much that I might be willing to give him another look. I had a good win rate on him, and I thought he was tons of fun. He just fell off to the point where so many better picks were available.

Also, has anybody played the new Katarina? I don't ever see her anymore, so I'm not sure how the nerfs changed her.


There's nothing wrong with Riot's balancing philosophies though, right?
it's not really a philosophy thing and i wouldn't ever say there's nothing wrong with how rito does shit

i just think it's a pretty bad streak

also this was posted by ghostcrawler yesterday: "after seeing [ahri's] assassin changes play out, we [realized] we were wrong there and that going back to a more extended combat pattern's best for Ahri (particularly in terms of the playstyle her ult's multi cast best matches)."

rito has the right attitude, the game is just too broken to make an easy fix for some things (itemization, bruisers, the jungle) or they make mistakes, that's about it.

Akali they tried taking it slowly but she just won't stay down.

Fizz is straight up "to the rework bin" balancing.
yeah i mean, they kinda shit on syndra, akali and fizz and ridiculously overbuffed ahri all so close together

i'd say it's a pretty bad series of balance changes
Fizz nerfs completely palatable and justified.

Absolutely toxic kit before hand and yeah, of course you should need to land the shark for it to be worthwhile.

Akali? Meh, bit of a brainless kit but it's the brainless on the team that make it so. Plenty of champs that can work around her abilities and, god forbid, a pink ward!


Balancing for 120+ characters and their interactions and countless items etc. sounds like a fucking nightmare. I don't envy that job at all.


When playing xin do you go all Attack speed, all attack power or mix. I have tried all three and they are really fun.
Just wondering what you do?

All three.

The key to playing Xin Zhao is learning how to adapt your build and playstyle to what's happening in the match. He's extremely malleable build-wise, but a the same time none of his builds provide a massive bump to his power.

Generally speaking, Xin's two most frequent big ticket damage items are Trinity Force and BotRK. TF vs. squishy teams. BotRK vs. tanky teams. When in doubt, BotRK + Youmuu's is all you need for damage. Just make sure to use Youmuu's active to really max out BotRK's on-hit damage.


Fizz nerfs completely palatable and justified.

Absolutely toxic kit before hand and yeah, of course you should need to land the shark for it to be worthwhile.
fizz got a mini rework so ppl might need some time adjusting. i dunno if after a week the numbers say everything. maybe ppl will start building differently or whatever.

i think he probably got overnerfed tho. hopefully rito will wait and see, at least for one patch.

Akali? Meh, bit of a brainless kit but it's the brainless on the team that make it so. Plenty of champs that can work around her abilities and, god forbid, a pink ward!
akali is much worse than fizz. fizz at least can resort to doing baits and other tricks like that if he's losing. akali has no options if she's losing, it's just 4v5. also fizz has a more interesting kit in general, he has dodgeable skillshots and has to time his jumps for "tanking" damage, it's much better than akali that just presses all her buttons and waits for cooldowns in shroud.

and buying pink wards is not meaningful counterplay

I agree that is why I think they should slow it down with the new champs and items and take time fixing things.
they have slowed it down with new champions (doing lots of reworks, which is also balance) but items need to go in as they're a big part of what allows the game to be fixed

Balancing for 120+ characters and their interactions and countless items etc. sounds like a fucking nightmare. I don't envy that job at all.
i totally envy that job, working at rito must be amazing, treating champion releases like a whole game on themselves seems really fulfilling

live balance is a bit less exciting but i think it's pretty interesting too and i think rito has the right mindset, they just make mistakes cos it's just too complex a game to perfectly predict.

i wish they more aggressively used pbe but i'm guessing the data they get from pbe isn't too useful since something like a champion's power level could be easily be guesstimated by its winrate in pbe (but everyone trolls on pbe and so balance wise it's a pretty useless place)
All three.

The key to playing Xin Zhao is learning how to adapt your build and playstyle to what's happening in the match. He's extremely malleable build-wise, but a the same time none of his builds provide a massive bump to his power.

Generally speaking, Xin's two most frequent big ticket damage items are Trinity Force and BotRK. TF vs. squishy teams. BotRK vs. tanky teams. When in doubt, BotRK + Youmuu's is all you need for damage. Just make sure to use Youmuu's active to really max out BotRK's on-hit damage.
Ok thanks I really enjoy playing him also that makes more sense now.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
QTpie playing the donger in mid. Time to take notes boys.
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