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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I mean I love taric supp and he carried me out of bronze. If you know what to do and how your champ works, you can beat any other supp.

I myself am just a glutton for champs that aren't in the meta. The closes I've ever been to playing a meta champ was Soraka before the rework.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Played a bit more Sona last night. It's really satisfying to land an ult during a team fight with her and hit most of the enemy team. That thing can really turn the tide of a battle. =O
I like Karma but agree that she falls off as the game goes on. I even tried Karma top but she was more like a utility player. Going W and then Mantra-Q once the snare happens does so much damage.


that ends up being balanced out by assist streaks tho

i think the bottom line is the more people that gets assists the better and to always steal a kill (don't flash for it tho lol) if there's assist money to be wasted, as long as you're not preventing a kassadin from snowballing or something
I'm a little confused by this. Are you saying it's better for a support to steal a kill instead of taking the assist (for assist streak) and letting the laner have the kill?


I'm a little confused by this. Are you saying it's better for a support to steal a kill instead of taking the assist (for assist streak) and letting the laner have the kill?
no, lemme try and explain it better

say you're killing someone, you roam mid and go try and kill their midlaner who has a 300g bounty. if you kill him 1v1 with no help, your team gets 300g, which all goes to you. if someone helps you kill him (say heals you or deals some damage), your team gets 450g, the kill money goes to the killer, and 50% of the kill money goes to the assister. now if you can't manage to just get an assist (say you're annie and can't do anything other than damage), it's not necessarily a bad decision to steal the kill so that someone gets that 150g extra gold that would be lost completely if there were no assists

obviously don't do it every time, but it's something to be considered. when a jungler comes mid and just flat out steals my kill, i'm not too mad (unless i was far behind) because i may not get that much money, but it puts my team more ahead than if i just gotten the kill myself. in some cases you might want not to do it say if there's a pretty big bounty you want to make sure your carries get. if i'm really behind in midlane, killing the other mid gets me 500g, i really need that money so maybe in that case don't steal the kill. or first blood or whatever.

assist streaks shouldn't really be affecting this, what they do is they offset the assist money split. if we split the 150g of a kill among 3 people, it's really not much money (basically two minions/ward kills). but if those people are constantly getting assists they get a little bonus so that you don't have to worry about "hey i'm getting an assist which means my teammates get less money", because all the people getting tons of assists always get flat bonus money.

it's kinda complicated, but general rule of thumb is the more assists the better, specially one is much better than zero

i bet scy could explain this with 1/5th number of words


played a lot of ranked today, back in promos to bronze III.

this is after I went on crazy tilt, and proceeded to drop from high Bronze II to Bronze IV.

What is your user name if you don't mind me asking. Because I keep spectating this dude who I am assuming is from GAFLeague and he is the sane tier as you and had similar drop.

Also, if I can add people here as friends, as I like spectating and want to learn the games from pros like you, I am faridmon.


They're playing the Kinetci DJ Sona song on the LCS stream. I really like that song. The other two are kinda stinkers, but that one's ace.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
They're playing the Kinetci DJ Sona song on the LCS stream. I really like that song. The other two are kinda stinkers, but that one's ace.

Wut. Concussive is amazing you heathen.
Tales from failed promos epsiode 9001:

All of my teams carrys going for their Lucian (2/7/1) rather than nuking the half-dead Morg who is shackling them. Ofc they all get rooted then wiped out and ask why I was pinging Zhyonaless Morg.

This is like the 9th failed promotion in a row now.

post-game chat:
alltheducks: uncarriable
alltheducks: xin no randuins on FH
alltheducks: crazy
DA CHIMPP: you smurffin ?
That's their Lucian FWIW.


What is your user name if you don't mind me asking. Because I keep spectating this dude who I am assuming is from GAFLeague and he is the sane tier as you and had similar drop.

Also, if I can add people here as friends, as I like spectating and want to learn the games from pros like you, I am faridmon.

Join the NeoGAF chat room (and set it to auto join). You are more than welcome to friend me (username: garathk) though I don't think you'd be learning much from me right now. I'm ruuuuusty. But playing more.

I'll always friend a GAF player.


They're playing the Kinetci DJ Sona song on the LCS stream. I really like that song. The other two are kinda stinkers, but that one's ace.

during my one hour play against bots on pbe i wanted to try the other songs, but kinetic too good

it changes a bit during the game, i dunno what affects it, maybe time, but it's so cool



Join the NeoGAF chat room (and set it to auto join). You are more than welcome to friend me (username: garathk) though I don't think you'd be learning much from me right now. I'm ruuuuusty. But playing more.

I'll always friend a GAF player.

Haha, didn't know about the auto join part, but yeah, done and done.
also your username has shown to be invalid but cheers!


during my one hour play against bots on pbe i wanted to try the other songs, but kinetic too good

it changes a bit during the game, i dunno what affects it, maybe time, but it's so cool


Ranking ult changes the music slightly. I think some FAQ said it got more "full" or whatever.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I forgot to ask earlier, but has anyone ever had an issue where the load screen freezes, they force a reconnect, and then their movement controls are borked? I had this on one occasion last night, where after connecting and buying my items, when I right-clicked to move, Sona went soaring straight down mid. I had to force shutdown and reconnect again to solve the issue.

Thankfully I was playing with friends, so they were very understanding, but I would hate to have a repeat of that if I ever do ranked. Anyone ever have this before?


Ranking ult changes the music slightly. I think some FAQ said it got more "full" or whatever.
ranking each spell also adds like a track

my only problem with this is that i play league with music off so i can listen to anime music or whatever and i have to turn it back on specifically for this skin

nothing deal breaking i guess, may actually force me to listen to league's cool music for once


your conclusion is correct but the argument is not. nami is legit, she doesn't really lose power on any part of her kit to her teammates. the only reason i've never off-picked her is her waveclear, i need my scumbag farm and nami just cant deliver.

sneak a statik shiv into your nami build
What is your user name if you don't mind me asking. Because I keep spectating this dude who I am assuming is from GAFLeague and he is the sane tier as you and had similar drop.

Also, if I can add people here as friends, as I like spectating and want to learn the games from pros like you, I am faridmon.

No Fun Nunu. I feel pretty proud if I'm being spectated by a gaffer ;)

I tried to add you, but I got told that your summoner name doesn't exist.


After playing Ziggs last night I realized how hard he has fallen off. Yeah, I won, but it was really, really hard. He's so slow that he's constantly at risk to be burst down and you're never going to land a Q on the likes of Ahri, LeBlanc, Zed, or the other big mid laners. He's super mana hungry, and if you can't get blue buff, it's hard to keep up in CS now that they reduced his wave clearing power so much in the early game.

Maybe it's time to give another look at going Lich Bane Ziggs, but that was so bad last season that I have a hard time thinking it would be any good now.

Anybody even playing Ziggs around here anymore?


4 EULCS matches, 3 Nidalee Jungle picks after only a week of 5.2, 3-0, 4.67/3.0/10.0 KDA. Currently around ranked solo queue win rate in the jungle is 55% and climbing.

Balanced. Good job Riot, that last patch was just aces all around.


Ziggs is strong vs most midlaners right now, including Leblanc but excluding Ahri (duh) and Zed (who will always be a problem).

Now that LB doesn't silence anymore, it's so easy to trade with her. If she wants to W in and your reaction is fast enough it should be an instant Q to her face. Or you just throw your minefield at the spot she W'd from, then she's totally trapped.

A ziggs with morello + another AP item still does ridiculous damage.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Any suggestions for characters to try out if I want to get a better handle on top lane? I've heard Garen is alright for newbies. Are there any others that I may want to look into?


Any suggestions for characters to try out if I want to get a better handle on top lane? I've heard Garen is alright for newbies. Are there any others that I may want to look into?

You can try Rumble and Sion. They're both free this week and can be played top.

Just try out all of the free champions every week. That way you'll eventually try everyone out and know who you'd like to buy.


Everything is moe to me
I imagine in the right match up that has to be every bit as tough to deal with as someone like Lissandra.
it was vs trynd. zyra somehow won. [must have had ganks]
she built liandrys first item tho, so i had to yell at her.


How would Aatrox deal with Zyra, especially after she has her Liandry's and Rylai's built?

by killing her lvl 2.


i really dont get this lp system

yesterday i lost two games in a row, won 1 got 12 lp. next game lost. today i win another game and get 18 lp

how does that make sense


Hit level 2 before her.

Honestly Aatrox doesn't do too bad against the ranged menace in top lane unless they have stupid burst like Jayce.

Her E/Q combo doesn't give him fits? I've never tried it in laning so I'm not sure about how that match up would go, but Aatrox is one of the least scary champs for me when I'm playing her in team fights.


Ziggs is strong vs most midlaners right now, including Leblanc but excluding Ahri (duh) and Zed (who will always be a problem).

Now that LB doesn't silence anymore, it's so easy to trade with her. If she wants to W in and your reaction is fast enough it should be an instant Q to her face. Or you just throw your minefield at the spot she W'd from, then she's totally trapped.

A ziggs with morello + another AP item still does ridiculous damage.

A common mistake I see with Ziggs players, particularly vs. assassins, is running ignite. Barrier or exchaust are much better choices.




Ziggs is strong vs most midlaners right now, including Leblanc but excluding Ahri (duh) and Zed (who will always be a problem).

Now that LB doesn't silence anymore, it's so easy to trade with her. If she wants to W in and your reaction is fast enough it should be an instant Q to her face. Or you just throw your minefield at the spot she W'd from, then she's totally trapped.

A ziggs with morello + another AP item still does ridiculous damage.
agreed, ziggs is pretty ok

Next patch shaping up to be absolutely terrible.
? there's barely anything in 5.3 afaik (but could be dj sona occupying all my mind)
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