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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Someone save me...



wow i feel guilty about playing corki

had like twice as much damage as our lizzy and like 10k more than kennen that got a penta

he's dumb

3-0 in placements, but i bet i'll end up like g4 or something



So I bought Randuins after IE and PD because Voli, Darius, and tryndamere were jumping on me immediately and I didn't really have anyone to peel for me. Now Shaco was pissed at me because I "needed more damage"

What say you? Did I make the right move or no?


For the price of Randuin's, I would have probably gotten a chain vest and a Last Whisper instead, then tried to stay as far back as possible. A QSS might be justifiable.


The drama in that stream. their lee Sin afks cuz Singed was dieing to Kenne, but he only died like TWICE, and Singed managed to do OK from there on. Now when he comes back he makes up dumb excuses and shit.


Promos game 1: Loss

Stupid Jinx was saying that it's A GOOD IDEA TO GET HOOKED BY BLITZ IF YOU'RE UNDER TOWER. Kept saying that it's how you get 2 for 1 trades. You have to be kidding me, right? So yeah, that game as a loss before we even walked to lanes.


Lately my build as Morde goes like this:
Will of Ancients>Kindlegem>build AP.
i RUN cooldown runes on Morde, mainly so I can his E up every 4 seconds.

Really looking forward to seeing how they change him up, wonder if they'd make his abilities have no cost and make his kit work in a way that makes him a tank.

I reluctantly went mid against Xerath. Got outfarmed so hard but at least I didn't die. Burst him down at 6 (he blew both summoner's and couldn't get away), their Twitch AFK'ed, and we started rolling.

Because it's Bronze we threw spectacularly at Baron: Shaco came in, killed two of us and stole.


How bad would it be if Thresh's AAs worked with the execute from Relic Shield? A shitter like me sometimes wants to get cannons but I am terrified, and I feel my charged E is wasted if I don't use it on harrass.

I have gotten better though, since I started playing ADC, so that's something.
How bad would it be if Thresh's AAs worked with the execute from Relic Shield? A shitter like me sometimes wants to get cannons but I am terrified, and I feel my charged E is wasted if I don't use it on harrass.

I have gotten better though, since I started playing ADC, so that's something.
It used to work like that and it was pretty stupid.
It's also that late game it gets so hard to try to get stacks ._. nothing more frustrating than having 4 orbs around you and see your midlaner or adc just take an entire wave in front of you, lol.
Melee supports don't have it any easier from us ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Seriously tho, just tell them to let you do that shit, they'll get the gold and CS anyways.
Nothing worse as a Targons support and seeing another player just chew through the wave you're clearly trying to sustain off. Saying that, it's the same when I play ADC and I'm clearly trying to LS my way back to full health to see someone else come over and spunk all their mana for a measly 100G rather than keep me alive from the impending Jinx rocket.


Melee supports don't have it any easier from us ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Seriously tho, just tell them to let you do that shit, they'll get the gold and CS anyways.

Idk as Leona sometimes I can just W through a wave and at least snatch some caster minions but yeah I should just ask! I am just really mindful when people have stacks ._. I let them proc them on me!


By the way, if anyone remembers my cable modem woes with internet dropping out a lot (T3/T4 timeouts), the new fancy modem not helping, etc...after a week or two of that, they seem to have completedly stopped. I can play League again and the modem log shows no dropouts in the last week.

I have no idea if anything even changed, and maybe my ISP just happened to fix something, but I'm glad about whatever happened.

...literally the day I was going to write this post, I had a T3 time-out. The only one all game (maybe the only one in the last 6 days), and it happened after I got under an enemy turret and used Tryndamere ult, so I sat in place, watched other players move around, and then died once the ult ran off. We won the game though.


Had my worst game as nidalee jungle so far last night. Nothing was going my way. So many near miss kills, was lagging for some reason so my R wasn't registering properly and my Q->R->W->E->Q->W out combo resulting in spearing someone, dropping a trap on them then kind of standing there doing nothing. It was very awkward.

Got sona ulted and kill on the first dragon, outsmited on the second dragon, stole the third with a spear. We got baron once but the very fed Fizz really had a hard on for that baron so we threw on the second one. Got wombod by Ramus, Katarina and Sona. Akward.

Fizz was raging at me the entire game. I think if I wasn't lagging quite as much it would have been much smoother.

Same garbage happened when I was playing Elise a lot. I'd have games where the R just wouldn't register in time and I'd completely fail the combos. Frustrating. Now I remember why I took a long break from playing mechanically intricate champs.
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