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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Orb of Deception (Q) mana cost [lowered] to 65/70/75/80/85 from 55/60/65/70/75
Fox Fire (W) damage decreased to 40/65/90/115/140 from 50/80/110/140/170
Fox Fire (W) Range decreased to 600 from 750.

Base AD increased to 52 from 49
[Soldier autoattack range reduced to 325 from 400]
Conquering Sands ( Q ) damage lowered to 65/85/105/125/145 from 75/105/135/165/195
Arise (W) damage to towers lowered to 60+10 per level (+.4 AP) from 90 +15 per level (+.6 AP)

The time in which you can not gain rage after transforming from Mega to Mini increased to 15 seconds from 13 seconds.
[ Total transform time reduced? While the tooltip on live says "15 seconds" is actually lasting around ~20 seconds. This has been reduced down to ~15 seconds on PBE.]

Null Sphere (Q) damage reduced to 70/95/120/145/170 from 80/105/130/155/180
Nether Blade (W ) passive damage changed to 10/15/20/25/30 from 20 at all ranks

and minor buffs to varus, diana and gragas, and the usual "let's randomly rearrange numbers!" sona change

what's so terrible about it?


lol 58% winrate Ahri.

Another thing- why does Riot want Nidalee to be strong? Can't she rot for a bit?

Every time she gets too strong she's possibly the most oppressive and annoying champ out there. I don't understand why they're not content with her being average.


Azir getting fucked, Ahri being toned down, that's 2 bans down, how is that a bad patch?

Those Ahri buffs aren't going to do shit. Once the dust settles she'll still be OP because they didn't address what they broke. Azir will be fine too, because they've ignored the massive damage from his soldier AAs come late game, so again no change there. Meandering buff for Varus and Gragas.

Meanwhile, Cass, Jarvan, Vi, Nidalee are stupid good and a host of junglers are still in the shitter and the whole role is still a complete mess.

You'll still be banning Ahri and come next week you'll be banning Nidalee.


it's only the beginning of 5.3 pbe, hopefully they'll fix some of those issues soon

tho i disagree with azir, the nerf to their dudes range will be effectively a nerf to his overall damage per game. i think this is a pretty solid nerf he's getting

i don't know about the ahri changes, i don't like ahri right now in general


i'm slowly coming around to the next wave of kassadin nerfs. mind you i still think he's strong right now vs ap assassins, but ap assassins barely exist as it is anymore (akali nerfed, kat getting reworked, ahri nerfed into an ap mage and that ap mage getting nerfed, fizz having most of his damage entirely reliant on a skillshot ensures that he'll only be good in specific hands, etc)

if they don't tone him down, he'll completely overtake most midlaners entirely as they are nerfed around him and his strength comes as a natural soft counter to ap mage/assassins.


Kassadin should never be allowed into the meta. Should stay as a niche or a specific counter pick to ap assassins.

imo, when kass becomes a popular pick, there's something wrong with the meta.


there's always something wrong with the meta :p

i hope it gets stable soon-ish

i thought the meta was pretty enjoyable in late s4
So I just stomped with Morg mid but I still didn't feel strong enough to 1v5 and I was constantly OOM.

Was this the best build?


Kassadin should never be allowed into the meta. Should stay as a niche or a specific counter pick to ap assassins.

imo, when kass becomes a popular pick, there's something wrong with the meta.

right. i think that as a soft counter to ap assassins, he's perfect. he brings balance to the BS that assassins bring to the table. but if he's strong in general, it's not healthy for the game.


there's always something wrong with the meta :p

i hope it gets stable soon-ish

i thought the meta was pretty enjoyable in late s4

Yeah late s4 was pretty good.

No irelia, no kass, no lissandra, no ryze, a butt load of viable junglers who can counter each other, mid champs who require mechanics to play well

But seriously in s5, I feel like a masochist for maining jungle. Almost every single patch so far has nerfed the jungle in some way or another and has progressively made it worse. Not only worse but more boring to play.

(Only good change I can think of is the promotion of stalkers over rangers)


Yeah late s4 was pretty good.

No irelia, no kass, no lissandra, no ryze, a butt load of viable junglers who can counter each other, mid champs who require mechanics to play well

But seriously in s5, I feel like a masochist for maining jungle. Almost every single patch so far has nerfed the jungle in some way or another and has progressively made it worse. Not only worse but more boring to play.

(Only good change I can think of is the promotion of stalkers over rangers)

hey now

i played a buttload of lizzy in s4

the world just hadn't caught up yet

i thought the mix of junglers, mids, top and supports in late s4 was pretty healthy, like you say lots of high skillcap champs and lots of diversity of tanks, bruisers, assassins and mages. and well adcs are always like whatever lol


Liss mid is balanced. Liss top is not.

I see Liss top as the ap version of buffed gnar. Way too much cc in team fights and is ungankable during laning phase


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Every time she gets too strong she's possibly the most oppressive and annoying champ out there. I don't understand why they're not content with her being average.

She's a very popular champion so her being strong keeps people playing the game.


Yeah late s4 was pretty good.

No irelia, no kass, no lissandra, no ryze, a butt load of viable junglers who can counter each other, mid champs who require mechanics to play well

But seriously in s5, I feel like a masochist for maining jungle. Almost every single patch so far has nerfed the jungle in some way or another and has progressively made it worse. Not only worse but more boring to play.

(Only good change I can think of is the promotion of stalkers over rangers)

As a bronze how do I jungle? Like doing half the map doesn't give enough gold for the first upgrade. If the whole point of the tougher jungle was supposed to reduce the importance of low level ganks, the increased gold costs really hurts. Either gank or waste time on the shuttlecrab to hit that 450g.

She's a very popular champion so her being strong keeps people playing the game.

I've never got this. It is mind-boggling that players actually want to watch Nidalee and watch RF's stream for it. Can't Nidalee just be popular for fan art but mediocre for actual play like Katarina and Miss Fortune?
People noted Oddone's apology for playing J4, but he favors tankier junglers and was playing J4/Nunu last season while ignoring Lee Sin. Now even he is on the Nidalee jungle bandwagon.


As a bronze how do I jungle? Like doing half the map doesn't give enough gold for the first upgrade. If the whole point of the tougher jungle was supposed to reduce the importance of low level ganks, the increased gold costs really hurts. Either gank or waste time on the shuttlecrab to hit that 450g.

I've never got this. Like players actually want to watch Nidalee and watch RF's stream for it. Can't Nidalee just be popular for fan art but mediocre for actual play like Katarina and Miss Fortune?

You have the choice to get scuttle after 3 camps or go for golems/gromp into double buff

You don't waste time on scuttle. Scuttle gives you a tonne of gold in this patch.


Liss mid is balanced. Liss top is not.

I see Liss top as the ap version of buffed gnar. Way too much cc in team fights and is ungankable during laning phase
that tells you that lizzy is not really a problem but top lane itself is

top laners should have more tools to punish squishy mages (maybe something better to build out of hexdrinker? ignite buffs?) tho i think squishy mages should have a place top lane as that makes the game in general more interesting

People love fox ears and panthers.

and fluffy ice ears

Maw may suck ass but what else will you make from a hexdrinker? Only thing I can think of is a Giants Belt combime and that would get pretty good pretty fast.


i wonder if hexdrinker and maw couldn't be turned into something like an ad/mr/hp5 version of seekers armguard.

so early on it's still weak which allows mages to still bully melees but once it gets stacking mages aren't as strong.

i'm thinking of low on the ad and mr so it's not too abused midlane or by adcs, and cos hp5 is a more valuable stat top and maybe jungle than everyone else afaik.

if it built out of cowl+hexdrinker it would be too expensive for roa stackers but sounds that it might be decent for like renekton or something if the stats are alright?


morello said they would try to get a new 120 ap item on for 5.3

i wonder what they'll make, if it'll be a tank buster thing like dfg and liandry's were supposed to be or something else entirely. i think they were talking about making it a more mage-oriented item, so i wonder what it'll be about. we talked with boko about an item that had an active that could isolate people (like mini xin zhao ult or just pushing ppl like that item from doto) so you could either separate them from their team to prevent their teammates from peeling for them and helping you assassinate, or maybe just giving you some other way of pushing people away (which might be kind of broken probably)

also i was just thinking if they ever think about changing or buffing lux or whatever i hope they make her ult like push her back a short distance (like graves e). i imagine that would look really cool and allow her to do some fun escapes with like ulting through a wall


also i want lux ult to vaporize her victims

i wish league had like custom death animations at least for some ultimates
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