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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Rek-ton is gonna get me out of bronze.
So I faced a jungle Ashe today. I'm guessing that's not a thing since she tried to gank me at level 1 when I was level 6.

Normals are funny but I can't wait until I can start doing ranked. I don't have any experience with Cassiopeia before the nerfs, but she still feels very strong.


Her weak escape really hurts in some situations though. I went 0/7 one match against a camping Shaco and LeBlanc mid :(


I know this came up the other day and I'm honestly really glad the penalty for your first dodge is pretty forgiving. The 4 man champion select rage is just too much. I'd rather lose 3 LP and wait 5 minutes than play with people like that for 20 minutes.

I think I liked "Inquisitor" better than "Warden" for the Naut and Sivir skins. I also liked Arbiter Vel'Koz better tho and still call it that by mistake sometimes.


I know this came up the other day and I'm honestly really glad the penalty for your first dodge is pretty forgiving. The 4 man champion select rage is just too much. I'd rather lose 3 LP and wait 5 minutes than play with people like that for 20 minutes.

I think I liked "Inquisitor" better than "Warden" for the Naut and Sivir skins. I also liked Arbiter Vel'Koz better tho and still call it that by mistake sometimes.

Had to dodge a game tonight because I was first pick and picked jungle and then 4th pick picked another jungler. Game would have been lost before it even started.


Wow. Gotta love stupid mid laners. Dude feeds Ahri then claims he was "beating her in lane". He keeps on asking me to gank but I keep trying to tell him Ahri is too mobile.


I just watched an ahri spam Q in the river for movement speed to gank lanes while i struggled to keep up with my mobility boots. Absolutely ridiculous.

It's like season 2 gragas all over again.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Well, I seem to get my best results with Janna, not to mention much better teammates for some reason. Her Q is such a life saver.


i'm almost an hour in of playing with dj sona against bots. like literally building 20 mejai stacks then goin back and building all ad just to see her crit super fast lol

this is the best skin in the game by far

oh my god

i can't

it's too good
Someone playing J4 in his current state is 9,000 power levels
**below ** someone playing support Lux, Fiddlesticks, or Vel'Koz. I rarely complain about champion balance, but those three chumps make me rage so hard when I see them in the bot lane.


I'm kind of in shock that we won this...

It was a nightmare game from the beginning. Our Yi was the worst jungler I've ever seen. Never ganking and then he would come after the other jungler would help Zed kill me off and then he'd die, so he fed my lane and bot pretty hard. Then he incessantly whined that I bought Chalice on Ziggs before Zhonya's, as if he had any clue how this game worked. Never once got blue buff...

Anyway, you can clearly see that we were WAY behind. Jayce, Ashe, Thresh, and I were 4v5 because Yi refused to fight with the team (his kills came late in garbage cleanup situations or late picks). It was to the point that the other team was mocking him outright. So the four of us said, "screw it, let's win. We can do this." We started playing like gods. Game ended when I caught all five of them in my ult, got an E/Q down on Zed while putting my satchel down on Pantheon, and Ashe got a penta kill. Yi complained that he had kills stolen. We pushed and won.

Look. At. That. Chart.

played a lot of ranked today, back in promos to bronze III.

this is after I went on crazy tilt, and proceeded to drop from high Bronze II to Bronze IV.


Far too often I find myself stuck as support, so imma just ask:

What should I build? I usually play karma supp.

Get Sightstone as your first item, this is my first item 90% of the time as Supp Sona.
After that you build your boots and either Locket or Mikael, depending on enemy comp.
From there, you can just build up your AP. No need to max out the Supp item you bought, you could always swap it out for an AP item.
Far too often I find myself stuck as support, so imma just ask:

What should I build? I usually play karma supp.
Don't play Karma would be my advice as she drops off after level 6.

Building her full damage doesn't even keep her relevant and building her utility means she even falls behind weaker supports.

Annie and Zyra are yoy best options for "damage" champs. Build Sightstone first then go from there depending on what your team needs.


Don't play Karma would be my advice as she drops off after level 6.

Building her full damage doesn't even keep her relevant and building her utility means she even falls behind weaker supports.

Annie and Zyra are yoy best options for "damage" champs. Build Sightstone first then go from there depending on what your team needs.

She's the only support I can play well :(

Maybe I'll give velkoz a go. I've tried Zyra and I didn't like her too much. Her plants felt weird.


Don't play Karma would be my advice as she drops off after level 6.

Building her full damage doesn't even keep her relevant and building her utility means she even falls behind weaker supports.

Annie and Zyra are yoy best options for "damage" champs. Build Sightstone first then go from there depending on what your team needs.

Falls off when? LCS grand finals, minute 25? Yeah. Every other division, statements like this make no sense to me.

People being comfortable with a champion's limits and abilities (something I lack :p) is WAY more important than any perceieved power level.


She's the only support I can play well :(

Maybe I'll give velkoz a go. I've tried Zyra and I didn't like her too much. Her plants felt weird.

A GAFfer I play with mains Karma, she has some really good poke and her Q deals eff'ton damage.

You could try Top Karma too since I recall reading in this thread it's do-able.


Holy crap, just had the 2 toxiest pieces of shit in this Normal. Was playing with a couple of friends and my Garen friend wasn't having the nicest time versus Pantheon, and Kha'zix babysat him and got immensely fed. It didn't matter though, we were acing bot and mid was doing fine, so there was no need to get hysterical.

Anyway, game progresses and Lee Sin keeps repeatedly trying to 1v1 Kha'zix after Kha is already way ahead and keeps whining on All Chat about "OMG SO LUCKY" and shit like that. I told them to calm down and such and at first I was like you know, just focus. But in the end it was just too much, I had to just mute them because it was like one of those deluded 12 year-olds that can't accept that everyone else makes mistakes, just like them. Man, I didn't even want to win this game in the end, fuck these asshats.

Jesus christ, for the first time in a while I've really just wanted to leave. Every single time anyone did anything wrong, they would spam in caps and shit. Holy fuck that is annoying. Reported them away but dang, what a bunch of bastards.

It's funny too, I asked for them to pink wards and only my ADC got 1, nobody else did. You guys rock! -_-
Falls off when? LCS grand finals, minute 25? Yeah. Every other division, statements like this make no sense to me.

It doesn't mean the champion doesn't have clear weaknesses. Pre-6 she is strong, undoubtedly, but once the opposite support gets the rest of their kit in check Karma no longer offers anything unless they stomped the lane (which shouldn't happen if you know how Karma operates). Her damage drops off relative to damage champs (no one picks Karma as the AP the team as they would Annie/Zyra ) and her utiity drops off relative to utility champs - all things being equal I'd rather have a level 18 fully itemed Janna on the team than a Karma at 40mins.

People being comfortable with a champion's limits and abilities (something I lack :p) is WAY more important than any perceieved power level.
Ofc it is, which is why I'll quite happily pick Nami into any bot and the same for Zyra mid back in S3. It doesn't change the above.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Well, I seem to get my best results with Janna, not to mention much better teammates for some reason. Her Q is such a life saver.

I personally can't stand supports who rely on your teammates being good and knowing how/when to properly trade and position. I'm starting to heavily favor more AP-lite and engage supports like Annie, Zyra, Leona, and possibly Blitzcrank after the Sona skin comes out.


Everything is moe to me
I personally can't stand supports who rely on your teammates being good and knowing how/when to properly trade and position. I'm starting to heavily favor more AP-lite and engage supports like Annie, Zyra, Leona, and possibly Blitzcrank after the Sona skin comes out.

this. if you want to climb elo, you have to carry them. taking power from your kit and giving it to the people who are worse than you by definition does not help you climb.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
And that is why Zyra > Nami.

In lower ELO (up to Gold 1) where people don't respect positioning and support burst sure. In Plat and above however, you start getting decent carries and your opponents will begin to respect your damage much more. At that point, Janna and Nami start overshadowing her.
In lower ELO (up to Gold 1) where people don't respect positioning and support burst sure. In Plat and above however, you start getting decent carries and your opponents will begin to respect your damage much more. At that point, Janna and Nami start overshadowing her.
Thankfully I'm a shitter so I get to play kamikaze full AP Zyra and fuck shit up.


Getting real tired of Blitz...

because my bot lanes always feed when he's on the other team

Some people just have no idea how not to get grabbed by Blitz.

You ------------------> A minion -------------------> Blitz = GG

Still, I don't like playing against him because it forces me to play super safely in lane.


Everything is moe to me
And that is why Zyra > Nami.
your conclusion is correct but the argument is not. nami is legit, she doesn't really lose power on any part of her kit to her teammates. the only reason i've never off-picked her is her waveclear, i need my scumbag farm and nami just cant deliver.
your conclusion is correct but the argument is not. nami is legit, she doesn't really lose power on any part of her kit to her teammates. the only reason i've never off-picked her is her waveclear, i need my scumbag farm and nami just cant deliver.

The best bit about playing Zyra is "wave clearing" top as you stealthy edge towards that NLR bit by bit.


Ugh had a roller coaster of a game last night. Our jungle jax dc and it was me as graves and a malph at boy vs draven and karma. Got poked the shit out of us but I played safe and kept up until malph got 6 and then we destroyed them.

Problem was they had a yi jungle who just farmed all game and then split push. At one point we were at their mid inner, and yi was knocking on our inhib turret top. We should have hard engaged them right there but ziggs went back to try and defend but he died and yi got inhib and we got nothing at all. Ended the game 45 kills to their 20 after an hour with a defeat. Just poor decision making.

Tldr, how do you stop a split pushing fed yi in silver? I was thinking we needed to force a team fight before yi pushed past the halfway point in a lane


Ugh had a roller coaster of a game last night. Our jungle jax dc and it was me as graves and a malph at boy vs draven and karma. Got poked the shit out of us but I played safe and kept up until malph got 6 and then we destroyed them.

Problem was they had a yi jungle who just farmed all game and then split push. At one point we were at their mid inner, and yi was knocking on our inhib turret top. We should have hard engaged them right there but ziggs went back to try and defend but he died and yi got inhib and we got nothing at all. Ended the game 45 kills to their 20 after an hour with a defeat. Just poor decision making.

Tldr, how do you stop a split pushing fed yi in silver? I was thinking we needed to force a team fight before yi pushed past the halfway point in a lane
If he overextends without his team putting up appropriate pressure, just kill him. If not, try to initiate a fight before Yi can do any large damage.

If you have someone that can duel Yi, just send him/her to deal with him.
That's it really. You have to force the TF's and go in hard. A fed yi is just a massive pain to deal with, so I would suggest ults, tf only when he is dead or just forcing team fights. In these scenarios split pushing only works if your guys aren't forcing your advantage.

You already know what went wrong by the sound of it. Only one champ hard counters yi and that's Rammus. .


She's the only support I can play well :(

Then keep playing her. She isn't remotely as bad a support as most people make her out to be. Not top tier, but an experienced Karma who wants to support can beat any other support champ played by an inexperienced player who doesn't want to be there.

In the time I've played Karma (and no lie, it's been a while) there's two aspects I think Karma players need to learn to get the most out of her. First, is that Mantra-W and Mantra-E are strong. Mantra-Q can potentially deal so much damage it can give players tunnel vision. But as a baiting tool in lane and a teamfight tool, Mantra-W and Mantra-E, respectively, are very good. The Second aspect is that Karma can both be an AP carry support or a utility support, but isn't strong enough in either support type to have a go-to build or playstyle. You need to have a good feel of when to go in either direction.

She's has better utility than people give her credit for. Q with even a moderate amount of CDR is a strong tool for peeling, particularly when paired with W. Q-> is pretty good for setting up picks as well. Mantra-E is a Talisman and Locket active all in one with a nice nuke at the end for good measure. If you land your abilities and AAs and have a good amount of CDR it's not uncommon to have your ultimate up twice over the course of a teamfight. If you already have a Locket, then it's like you can use three locket actives every single teamfight. Or with a Talisman it's like having three Talisman actives. You do have to be mindful that she has no form of interrupting CC (stun, displacement, silence, etc.) which to be fair is a pretty deal to not have on a support since it's pretty much expected these days.
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