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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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The dream is real, I was two matches away from Gold V, and now I'm in Silver II.

Dream is real guys... And it's been found dead in an ally.

I just can't win, whether it's normal or ranked, it's becoming harder and harder to win. Ever since I went into my series and then failed it, it's been a struggle to win any game mode I play.

You're on tilt o: take a break or whatever you do to relax your mind. If you've reached promotions to Gold I see no reason why you couldn't make it!


Even if I win, I'm not sure if it's even worth the stess of carrying these terrible Vaynes.



what champions are you playing

Darius, Karma, Tristana, etc... I mean hell most of the time it isn't even my fault. I had matches were we were doing great and then everyone throws. Hell I had a match last night I played Garen ranked (really don't give two shits on peoples opinion on him), and did quite great. Never died once... But we had a feeder and nothing could be done...


not anymore
I'm confused, can you please help me understand? What changed with smite that smiting earlier doesn't make it available again faster? At minimum, if you had 2 charges, you get to use the second one in 15 seconds, and that 15 seconds would start timing sooner, right?
Started playing League last year, hit level 30 last month. Just finished placements...Silver V!
By the slightest of margins lol
I'm pretty happy though, I got unlucky and had two losers on two of my first three games who straight up said they were going to feed. Unfortunate but I went 5-2 after starting 0-3 so that was nice. Ranked is definitely a different atmosphere. People still throw pretty hard though, and two games I basically had to calm the troops after people started to tilt lol. Didn't carry in the traditional sense those games but lucky people buckled down and we got the wins.
Now the grind to gold begins.


Depends on how good a leash you're getting. Probably doing Gromp first with Wu ain't such a good idea to beign with, try starting Krugs? Haven't touched Wu since S4 but he shouldn't be have too many issues early on, even without Spirit Stone.

Always smite immediately. That way you'll get the poison buff or stun buff immediately and your smite will be up quicker.

Hmm I do smite immediately and had almost full health after gromp. The problem is blue. After that I was almost dead. Maybe I need to change up my mysteries or runes. I think I've been running my vi runes which also have attack speed.

Wu is super strong though. Even with my slow starts I have a pretty easy time banking, especially after 6. The damage is insane if you are able to go brutalizer second item.


Flaming me the whole time in chat. He got a kill on me early with a Vi gank but we quickly turned it around with some 2v1s and some good tank Gnar play. Dat salt :^)



Hmm I do smite immediately and had almost full health after gromp. The problem is blue. After that I was almost dead. Maybe I need to change up my mysteries or runes. I think I've been running my vi runes which also have attack speed.

Wu is super strong though. Even with my slow starts I have a pretty easy time banking, especially after 6. The damage is insane if you are able to go brutalizer second item.

Dont go aspd runes. Try ad marks and quints. Go E first then W. w mitigates a lot of the blues damage as well as doing a little ae damage.


I'm confused, can you please help me understand? What changed with smite that smiting earlier doesn't make it available again faster? At minimum, if you had 2 charges, you get to use the second one in 15 seconds, and that 15 seconds would start timing sooner, right?

We're talking about the beginning of the game though


Riot doesn't know what they're doing with Gnar. As someone who's played him a lot, they are nerfing the totally wrong parts. They need to hit his W. They will eventually keep nerfing everything about him until the only good part about him is his W, then they will nerf that.


Had a decent cassio game. Finally won one. I shouldn't touch ranked with a 10 foot pole till I shake off some of this rust. I feel like a dirty feeder most games. I see what I'm doing wrong and just still do it. Way way rusty. Playing like 1 game a month for 7 months left me in a bad state. I'd probably get placed in silver or something and I have no desire to ever do silver 1 again. That was a terrible terrible division.


We're talking about the beginning of the game though
Ah, so at the beginning of the game, it starts charging at 1:40 and whether you smite early or late, you won't get a second charge until 75 seconds later.

I'm almost to 6300 IP again. The only two champions I have left are Zac and Aatrox. It's sort of amusing that A and Z are left.

Then I will at last have all the pokemons!
I love playing mid champs, but the lane is just so stressful. Going up against a good Katarina, Yasuo or LeBlanc is the stuff of nightmares. Especially when I'm using a low mobility champ like Cassio. Junglers also seem to camp mid more than any other lane, I've found. :/

I don't know if I'm cut out for this.
I love playing mid champs, but the lane is just so stressful. Going up against a good Katarina, Yasuo or LeBlanc is the stuff of nightmares. Especially when I'm using a low mobility champ like Cassio. Junglers also seem to camp mid more than any other lane, I've found. :/

I don't know if I'm cut out for this.

Those are fairly good matchups for Cass. You can completely dump on Kat and Yasuo starting Lv2. Beating Leb requires predicting when she jumps towards you. You can outtrade her as long as you play aggressive.


Dont go aspd runes. Try ad marks and quints. Go E first then W. w mitigates a lot of the blues damage as well as doing a little ae damage.[/QUOTE

Oh, I go Q second since that worked in season 4, and only go W level 3 if I plan on ganking at level 3, otherwise I put a second level in E. I'll try w second


I love playing mid champs, but the lane is just so stressful. Going up against a good Katarina, Yasuo or LeBlanc is the stuff of nightmares. Especially when I'm using a low mobility champ like Cassio. Junglers also seem to camp mid more than any other lane, I've found. :/

I don't know if I'm cut out for this.

don't stress too much about it, gotta just go about developing that sixth sense for when you're gonna get a gank. try to read the other laner, see if he's acting unusually aggressive, or pay attention to what's happening around the map (if enemy midlaner comes back with blue that means jungler isn't at base and might gank you, or if you just saw jungler going into the wraiths you can also expect a gank). usually expect first gank to come from top side so i usually put my ward there, tho i don't know the timers anymore.

other than that it's just learning the matchups, cassi has decent lanes against kat and yasuo and she's gonna struggle against lebonk but she should be ok


Jungle Wukong:

Get W second. Doing this actually lets you jungle.

Auto-E-Auto-W-walk back-Auto repeat.

This is the most efficient way to jungle with wukong

Saves you an entire pot when doing the big buffs early on
Those are fairly good matchups for Cass. You can completely dump on Kat and Yasuo starting Lv2. Beating Leb requires predicting when she jumps towards you. You can outtrade her as long as you play aggressive.

don't stress too much about it, gotta just go about developing that sixth sense for when you're gonna get a gank. try to read the other laner, see if he's acting unusually aggressive, or pay attention to what's happening around the map (if enemy midlaner comes back with blue that means jungler isn't at base and might gank you, or if you just saw jungler going into the wraiths you can also expect a gank). usually expect first gank to come from top side so i usually put my ward there, tho i don't know the timers anymore.

other than that it's just learning the matchups, cassi has decent lanes against kat and yasuo and she's gonna struggle against lebonk but she should be ok

Yeah, I play too passively and get intimidated when enemy laner starts jumping around and doing weird stuff. Just have to learn the matchups I guess. I was able to easily bully an Akali the other day because I understand how she works from playing her myself.

As for jungle ganks, I've learned to anticipate them. It just sucks when you get camped. Like, you respawn after dying to a gank and enemy jungler is still there waiting for you in the bush as you go to place a ward. This never happens top or bot, but feels like a constant occurrence in mid lane.


nah, it also happens bot and top. junglers will cap whichever lane they figure will be most successful. if you're playing a scaling champion like cassi you should expect that and play accordingly. junglers will would (sigh) avoid syndra lanes just because of how easy it was for you to turn around and blow them up in a single combo, for instance, so it's not always a mid lane thing, although it is the most ganked lane for sure

you just gotta know when you're a juicy target for the jungler and when you're not. if you're losing, expect to be ganked. if you're down a flash, expect a gank. if you're twisted fate, you're gonna 2v1 all game, etc.


I tried support Brand for a change in ranked -- won the lane pretty easily, but the whole team was generally winning. I outdamaged the ADC even though I got sightstone, but I'm not sure I would play it again instead of Zyra. Trying to land the skillshots without any mobility or a single-skill snare was scary.


Diamond V looks really competitive. YLA Rex's division alone has 153 players in it at the moment, and 15 of them are in the middle of promotion series at this moment, including Rex.

In comparison, my Silver V division only has 59 players and 8 in promotions. That is a higher percentage in promotions though.


Diamond V looks really competitive. YLA Rex's division alone has 153 players in it at the moment, and 15 of them are in the middle of promotion series at this moment, including Rex.

In comparison, my Silver V division only has 59 players and 8 in promotions. That is a higher percentage in promotions though.
Not sure if it works that way. I think it's just like that because diamond V is an "elo hell" for higher elo players.


Well look at it this way:

- All the people who stream or are lcs level have already put enough time to reach master/challenger.

- All the people who are good at the game but play casually have only had enough time to reach diamond recently

I bet there are barely any casual players beyond diamond 4. It's too early in the season. Even if I were to win all the games where I was ahead and had the potential to solo carry, I probably still won't be in diamond 3.

(especially after the league system's screw up on the 2nd of february where high plat+ players randomly started getting +10lp per win and -20 to -30lp per loss)
Wow, so I just had a game where I basically told flamers to stop flaming, as it does absolutely nothing, and actually makes your teammates play worse, and they actually stopped flaming and we ended up winning.

That doesn't happen often at all.


As Jungle Seju I like to go AP+Tank hybrid, all things considered she can get things done by just tanking stuff if I just go full tank though, but for me Seju doesn't feel like the kind of champ I'd go full tank with (I go full Tank as Mundo, Voli and Shyv)


Well, I'm officially going to dodge if the other team gets Ahri. You can't win if she's on the other team, I've found. It's absolutely asinine that Riot let her out in the shape she's in.


yea it's truly worrying ahri was released with so little testing. like you wouldn't easily get it from the numbers but if you play with her a bit it's just absurd the amount of damage she puts out without even doing anything

dfg ahri actually had better counterplay if you would believe it

nerfs are well deserved


Well look at it this way:

- All the people who stream or are lcs level have already put enough time to reach master/challenger.

- All the people who are good at the game but play casually have only had enough time to reach diamond recently

I bet there are barely any casual players beyond diamond 4. It's too early in the season. Even if I were to win all the games where I was ahead and had the potential to solo carry, I probably still won't be in diamond 3.

(especially after the league system's screw up on the 2nd of february where high plat+ players randomly started getting +10lp per win and -20 to -30lp per loss)
I guess that makes sense. I heard about some rating screwup like you mention but didn't know exactly what happened.


Wow, I took Morgana at request of my ADC (he didn't want Zyra, the heathen), and I forgot how amazing she is to play. Got a couple of thread the needle bindings that immediately fed my ADC kills and totally decided the lane. Pretty fun stuff.

Forgive the infidelity, Zyra. It didn't mean anything.



I looked away for a bit. Come back during champ select and notice that we're going to have a mid Vayne. For crying out loud...

It was too late to dodge. Let's see how it goes.
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