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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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My friend got demoted from Diamond V to somewhere in Plat because of inactivity. He couldn't climb back up since it happened a day before the deadline.


I'm talking about tier demotion. I know that Riot implemented this in S4, but I think they said something about getting a warning, but I'm not sure.

I don't know anyone who got demoted from gold to silver, for example.

I don't know if you get a warning, but you have to have something like one tier below appropriate MMR to get demoted, assuming you are not inactive. So, silver v mmr will let you get demoted to silver if you are in gold v.


Here's the thing, depending on enemy comp I gotta choose between Mikael or Locket. Like if enemy team has champs with AoE abilities, I'd like to get Locket to help out my team.
Would it still be worth it to get Locket+Mikael though?

I don't think it's one or the other. It depends, Mikael's I tend to get it if there's any deadly CC that I want to avoid from my ADC (Charm/Thresh hook for example) and Locket I look to purchase it if double AP on enemy team or something with AoEs scary like you mentioned.


didn't rito implement something against league inactivity decay for <diamonds? like you can go from gold 2 to gold 3, but you can never go from gold 5 to silver 1 from not playing

and to go from gold 5 to silver 1 by playing you have to have bronze 1 elo at max iirc, so it's really hard to drop unless you're trolling

It's probably a way of controlling these items. Like, imagine if Doran gave % base, say 25%. Now the item is weaker than live early, but then you stack them and now you have huge, cheap mana sustain that scales hard. Solution would be making it an unique passive, but now you can't stack Dorans.

It's just too much trouble. Same goes for blue and elixir, you stack them with something like Morello's and now you might as well be an energy champion.
it wouldn't be huge because mana regen doesn't work like that in s5.

ahri has 6-20~ base mp5. you get six 25% regen doran rings on a level 18 ahri and she has 30 extra mp5. you get morellos and she has 20 extra/not trolling your team. blue buff right now gives 25 mp5.

i asked morello about it but he never came back with the reply, but i take it they want these things to be consistent through the game. not so much having a cap but having a baseline.

i can understand that, but it's so weird after they changed all the items. like when exactly is the 15 mp5 part from blue elixir useful?



20 minute game with diamonds/plats. How is it even possible? How do I diamond?!


didn't rito implement something against league inactivity decay for <diamonds? like you can go from gold 2 to gold 3, but you can never go from gold 5 to silver 1 from not playing

and to go from gold 5 to silver 1 by playing you have to have bronze 1 elo at max iirc, so it's really hard to drop unless you're trolling
They did do something like that, but it's everything below Gold that is immune, IIRC. Maybe Gold is included in the immunity, but Plat definitely isn't.
Got Nidalee in ARAM. I keep missing spears so I just built around her traps instead. Morello, Chalice and Seraph for spamming. Rylai and Liandry for damage. ~52% current health over 6 seconds is nice. Karth's health disappears when he steps on one.


They did do something like that, but it's everything below Gold that is immune, IIRC. Maybe Gold is included in the immunity, but Plat definitely isn't.
Yeah Gold is included as well.

Btw a RoA is so good on AP champs in ARAM. It gives tankiness, a huge mana pool for spamming skills, a great passive which gives hp and mana since u cant back and u level up quite fast and a decent chunk of AP. I started to build it on literally every AP champ, since I kept getting OOM with the grail or morello's.


Your damage to structures is based on your base AD + 100% of your bonus AD or 40% of your AP, whatever is higher.

The latter isn't working on inhibitors and the nexus, so AP champions deal minimal damage to them.

I might've noticed this when I was taking on an enemy team's nexus as Seju the other day.
Guys...I think Irelia needs a nerf for real. You should not be able to start flash + 3 pots and consistently win trades top lane against someone with a damage item.

Her stun spell is a serious problem. Ridiculous cooldown late game and early game it just does way too much damage.


Grr, 1-1 in my promos for Silver 1. The loss reminded me that I need to pick up at least one or two new junglers. They picked Vi and I didn't want to play Rengar against Lissandra, Lulu, and Udyr. So I went Lee Sin. I got fed from early ganks, but it didn't amount to much later on.
Grr, 1-1 in my promos for Silver 1. The loss reminded me that I need to pick up at least one or two new junglers. They picked Vi and I didn't want to play Rengar against Lissandra, Lulu, and Udyr. So I went Lee Sin. I got fed from early ganks, but it didn't amount to much later on.
Panth is pretty good right now


Panth is pretty good right now

Ya he's the one i've been thinking of buying.

On another note, I've done a complete 180 on my feelings about Lulu. I always hated playing her or having her on my team. So far I'm 5-0 this season with her and really love playing her top or mid. I put out some good damage, plus shields and slows give me some control in teamfights. It's great, especially since I'm not the best at midlane assassins.


Ya he's the one i've been thinking of buying.

On another note, I've done a complete 180 on my feelings about Lulu. I always hated playing her or having her on my team. So far I'm 5-0 this season with her and really love playing her top or mid. I put out some good damage, plus shields and slows give me some control in teamfights. It's great, especially since I'm not the best at midlane assassins.

I played against a top lulu last night and she was damn near unkillable late game.
Grr, 1-1 in my promos for Silver 1. The loss reminded me that I need to pick up at least one or two new junglers. They picked Vi and I didn't want to play Rengar against Lissandra, Lulu, and Udyr. So I went Lee Sin. I got fed from early ganks, but it didn't amount to much later on.

Are you a fan of Kha'zix? Idk how he stacks up against J4 or Vi, but he's pretty nice.


Are you a fan of Kha'zix? Idk how he stacks up against J4 or Vi, but he's pretty nice.

I was always a fan of the bug. I'll probably play him again soon too. I wonder how his sustain will be though. I was never too huge on maxing or evolving W first.


Grr, 1-1 in my promos for Silver 1. The loss reminded me that I need to pick up at least one or two new junglers. They picked Vi and I didn't want to play Rengar against Lissandra, Lulu, and Udyr. So I went Lee Sin. I got fed from early ganks, but it didn't amount to much later on.

Pantheon, nidalee, sejuani, even khazix can all run pretty well in the new jungle. Some people also really like wukong. He was never my thing but still good.


Guys...I think Irelia needs a nerf for real. You should not be able to start flash + 3 pots and consistently win trades top lane against someone with a damage item.

Her stun spell is a serious problem. Ridiculous cooldown late game and early game it just does way too much damage.

I just hate the fact that it literally punishes you for outtrading her.
Finally back at the starting line, that only took 8 fucking promos and a couple years out of my life - and the 8th promo still had to be a 3-2 GOD DAMN IT


I don't know what I'm doing wrong but im always so low on health when I jungle. Like, the other day as Wu I started gromp, blue, then couldn't kill a wolf and had to b. Is there some specific trick that I'm missing?


Everything is moe to me
Finally back at the starting line, that only took 8 fucking promos and a couple years out of my life - and the 8th promo still had to be a 3-2 GOD DAMN IT

we should duo sometime. i added you on my smarf.
so if you get a friend invite from 'selfish genie', that's me.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but im always so low on health when I jungle. Like, the other day as Wu I started gromp, blue, then couldn't kill a wolf and had to b. Is there some specific trick that I'm missing?
Did you have a leash?
we should duo sometime. i added you on my smarf.
so if you get a friend invite from 'selfish genie', that's me.
Good to know, I'd just deny you thinking it was a RP bot lol
Yea, I was pretty healthy after gromp. I'm still supposed to use smite on it immediately..right?
Depends on how good a leash you're getting. Probably doing Gromp first with Wu ain't such a good idea to beign with, try starting Krugs? Haven't touched Wu since S4 but he shouldn't be have too many issues early on, even without Spirit Stone.


Aah! Stupid op.gg, I ask him to record my games and it won't!

Anyway, I have noticed that I have been struggling in laning lately (ADC) a lot more. Had a match as Tristana versus the following team:

- Ezreal
- Morgana
- Diana
- Kha'zix
- Garen

Ezreal was really good at positioning and poking from afar, and it was really annoying for us. I managed to get myself back into the game by grindfarming but ugh. The last team fight we aced them and Sona, Gnar and Amumu took Inhib mid turret, and as I respawned I took Dragon, but then they somehow wanted to turn on them (??? Idk, they were low themselves and enemy team was full health) and then both Yasuo and I just followed (our mistake ofc) and then they just pushed through top due to our timers.

Overall it was a bad game but we had just managed to get ourselves back into it and regain map control. That's why it was kinda frustrating.

I think I'm a lot better at the whole macromanagement of the game, like (I think) I know what I have to do (when not to team fight or when do I need to farm to be decent to bring stuff to the table, and which objectives we should be going for, are available) but I fail a lot in terms of laning, particularly. Before every game I tell myself to try to trade along with my support but usually I end up having to choose between a creep or autoing someone. I also fall for baits too like, they are at the brush, I KNOW THEY ARE THERE, but nah you know, I'll go put the ward there. FailFish ;_;

Also fuck Morgana Q, that shit is wider than Irelia's Frostbutt. D:


Has anyone tried going both Shiv and PD? I tried it by accident after I bought a second crit cloak, and noticed a huge jump in late game damage (was on Lucian). Also had IE and LW. You get a crazy 70% crit rate and your attack speed is scary enough that most people will start running as soon as you attack them.


Has anyone tried going both Shiv and PD? I tried it by accident after I bought a second crit cloak, and noticed a huge jump in late game damage (was on Lucian). Also had IE and LW. You get a crazy 70% crit rate and your attack speed is scary enough that most people will start running as soon as you attack them.

if you're going to go double items, double PD is best. IE/LW/PD/PD on jinx is something to behold
Nothing wrong with two attack speed items, just gotta make sure you're either fed enough to forego a lifesteal item or have enough protection to ignore a defensive item.


The dream is real, I was two matches away from Gold V, and now I'm in Silver II.

Dream is real guys... And it's been found dead in an ally.

I just can't win, whether it's normal or ranked, it's becoming harder and harder to win. Ever since I went into my series and then failed it, it's been a struggle to win any game mode I play.


The dream is real, I was two matches away from Gold V, and now I'm in Silver II.

Dream is real guys... And it's been found dead in an ally.

I just can't win, whether it's normal or ranked, it's becoming harder and harder to win. Ever since I went into my series and then failed it, it's been a struggle to win any game mode I play.


what champions are you playing
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