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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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So some of you might know, like a year ago my client decided to suddenly decide to gray out the option for "invite to game" on friends (and chatrooms.. if that was ever an option). I opened a case ages ago and went through a few steps but it eventually died out. So recently I bought a SSD and went from Windows 7 to 8.1 with a completely clean install and the option was still grayed out so I decided to try to open a case again.

I appreciate that they are following steps to diagnose the issue. But so far they've had me:

- disable windows firewall
- boot with only windows services
- reinstall League to the C: drive (my SSD since I had it on D:), mind you this would be the third time reinstalling it in a month
- switching to a public DNS
- disabling ipv6

Now I get this:
"Based on what you provided, I believe your home network hardware may be contributing to your degraded experience in League."

They want me to powercycle my modem and router and try again... Ok. I can almost buy the other stuff. After all their client appears to be largely web based and it's possible some of those things would do that but powercycling my modem? Now we're reaching. Besides the fact that I also cannot invite friends on my laptop at work, I don't see how any home network issues would contribute to a grayed out invite to friend.

If that doesn't work (why would it), next I'm instructed to send a tracert. This is exhausting. This has been going on for 10 days now. At least they haven't stopped responding this time.

I just want to invite a friend to game :(


Sivir doesn't need any more skins.

Not banning J4/Ahri in 2k15? It's like people enjoy losing.

Ahri should be drawing a 100% ban. Seriously. You will lose if the other team gets her. J4 is pretty crazy right now too, but at least he's not impossible to hit with a skill shot.


Gotta love League of Bot lane. Just had this stupid Trist blame literally EVERYONE but herself. I shit you not, the dude even said "not used to having a good support". That was his excuse for not clicking the lantern when it was RIGHT NEXT TO HIM.

God how some of these players get to gold is beyond me. I knew I should have dodged when they banned Kat/Morg/Liss.


Gotta love League of Bot lane. Just had this stupid Trist blame literally EVERYONE but herself. I shit you not, the dude even said "not used to having a good support". That was his excuse for not clicking the lantern when it was RIGHT NEXT TO HIM.

God how some of these players get to gold is beyond me. I knew I should have dodged when they banned Kat/Morg/Liss.
That's pretty unfortunate -- a player blaming everyone but themselves? Does that happen often in your games?


I was just Annie support with Kalista, god, that was disgusting lol. I got first blood with the Amumu diving us (level 4?), which ended up with my stun and combo along with ignite. Kaboom!

It was fun, fuck you Morgana, for starting with Dolan's.


Gotta love League of Bot lane. Just had this stupid Trist blame literally EVERYONE but herself. I shit you not, the dude even said "not used to having a good support". That was his excuse for not clicking the lantern when it was RIGHT NEXT TO HIM.

God how some of these players get to gold is beyond me. I knew I should have dodged when they banned Kat/Morg/Liss.
I mean, it's really not that difficult. I don't remember gold being toxic though.


Some of you might not survive in Silver V with me.

I've personally always found clicking Thresh's lantern very difficult to click on. Azir passive uses left click I think (but neither the wiki nor the tooltip mentions this), while Thresh's lantern uses right click. Sometimes it feels like I can click it 2-3 times, and still get nothing.

Maybe it's blocked by minions or enemies, or a minion is too close so it makes me autoattack instead? Maybe I'm out of range so it makes me start walking, and then I accidentally cancel it? The wiki page has a bunch of notes but does not seem to mention any possibility of standing next to Thresh's lantern to block it. I thought that was a mechanic Riot added on purpose.

Side note, I didn't know you could teleport to Thresh's lantern.

One other question about unreliable items: I have most or all item hotkeys set to smartcast. I may sometimes have trouble with hydra and how it interacts with spell buttons, but the single most unreliable item for me is probably Blade Of The Ruined King and the little sword mini version. So many times I press the hotkey with my mouse on an enemy, but the item doesn't go on cooldown and often I die. Is there a trick to doing it? Do you have to wait for the entire animation to play before you click anywhere or do any spellcasts to avoid auto-cancelling it?


I never found gold to be toxic. Lots of people feeling like they're playing where they hoped to get and were happy to be. Mid to high silver is the worst though, because everybody is sure that they belong in gold and they're going to rage all along the way as they try to get to gold.

Last night I was playing a match against Sona on top. Yeah, that happened. Anyway, I was Gnar and I won my lane easily. I was 2-0-1 coming out of laning, but our mid got stomped on by an Ahri and lost the first tower really, really early. That Ahri then snowballed and it turned into bot being lost soon after. There wasn't a whole lot I could do, but I did what I could and all it did was delay the game's ending when I made some plays. But because I missed catching my boomerang ONE TIME in a team fight, our mid lane freaked out and blamed the entire loss on me. Yeah, man, you got it.

Just before that had a game where our Jinx went 1-11, did less damage than everybody else in the game (including their Nami), and still blamed everybody else. Never mind that she fed the entire game and didn't pick up an IE until the 25th minute.

I need to get back out of silver. It's a nightmare down here.
I never found gold to be toxic. Lots of people feeling like they're playing where they hoped to get and were happy to be. Mid to high silver is the worst though, because everybody is sure that they belong in gold and they're going to rage all along the way as they try to get to gold.
There's a lot less pressure when you've already qualified for your free shit skin.


This will be amusing.. Had first pick Ezreal take revive/tp and claim he's mid and TRLLING. Last pick is support teemo with smite. I'm a not so safe Jinx adc. Fun! I would have dodged but I didn't want to wait the 5 min.
Man do I love getting yelled at by Katarinas that feed three kills to veiger, afk for three mins twice and then refuse to farm safely, because I am taking their cd.

Let me ask you guys. If you are the jungler and you have to cover mid lane, because every time your mid laner turns up and just gives kills, will you always push that lane as hard as you can?

In my mind it was case of, you are worthless kat and I would be better off with this CS than you, but I am also aware that you need some, which is why if you played safely you could actually farm all you needed from the safety of turret. She should have wrecked him...GRRR!!

On another slightly unrelated piece of news, I have found that I enjoy the game a lot more if I talk to myself while playing it. Anyone else do this?
Pushing the lane hard for no reason will just make your mid laner's life harder. Only shove if the lane will get to the turret while the enemy mid is not around, because if he is you just got your lane frozen and your Katarina is probably not getting a single CS for a while.


This will be amusing.. Had first pick Ezreal take revive/tp and claim he's mid and TRLLING. Last pick is support teemo with smite. I'm a not so safe Jinx adc. Fun! I would have dodged but I didn't want to wait the 5 min.

Yep. That was just about what I expected. Troll game. Really unfun. I hate people that think just because it's normals they can just jerk around the entire game. It's not fair to the other people who are actually looking for a decent game. If you're going to do that, go 5 man or ARAM or something.


That moment when you're just too tanky too fast.


When ur team is fighting at dragon and they're all low and ur Kha with evolved E thinking its reset city but their thresh is a god and gets everyone away safely.

Feels bad man.
I just cannot seem to get the hang of Tristana. I might have to give her some more tries, but I'm not liking her playstyle. I just tend to feed every game. Is she more for a harasser or a farmer in lane?


he felt very fair, really good example of how champions should be

azir also feels pretty good hitbox wise, even if his general hitboxes are more unclear

this reminds me i need a new girl mage, since ori is off-meta (still playable but she got really burned by the mana changes and athenes nerfs) and syndra got screwed

rito pls

The answer is Zyra.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Jungle Pantheon came and fed double buffs and double kills to our enemy botlane twice woohoo...



these are the ones that hurt

diamond karma not buying sighstone, placing 9 wards in the entire game

i had like 95% kill participation and was one shotting everyone, the only thing she needed to do is provide some vision for me to pick someone off

but some people just want to lose

i would blame it on corki or elise but that was like a game of me vs the world. if people helped me, i could kill the important people. i don't understand how people's egos can make it so difficult for them to facilitate being carried, it's really an awful thing that the community led itself to believe they had to "solo carry". i need the corki as much as he needs me, i'll help him get turrets and i'll peel for him in teamfights, he just needs not to get caught. and i need wards so i can flank and i can't afford slots for that when they have a three tank team

Adventures in Bronze!

20 minute game, my team doesn't get a single kill. Zilean blames Cait for picking into Jinx, everyone else blames Zilean for picking Zilean. He also didn't buy a Sightstone.


Next game we get a Leblanc who stomps everywhere, and only a Lee Sin who says he's Plat 3 made it interesting.



I don't jungle much at all, but I had last pick and nobody was comfortable jungling, so I took Pantheon. Thank goodness I've been playing him a bit on my smurf. Went 6-3-10. Nothing spectacular, but I managed to ease up and give my teammates the kills, which isn't the easiest thing to do with Panth. They had a Nocturne that was pretty good early on but fell off super hard late.


You should take kills on panth so you can use your lead in ganking other lanes.

There's never a guarantee for your laners to win lane off 1 kill. You can use the kill gold to snowball another lane, counter jungle or solo dragon

No point playing a non snowballed pantheon when you can easily assassinate carries mid game with 3 spears
Pushing the lane hard for no reason will just make your mid laner's life harder. Only shove if the lane will get to the turret while the enemy mid is not around, because if he is you just got your lane frozen and your Katarina is probably not getting a single CS for a while.

I get and that. That was what I was doing. She just kept complaining and feeding instead of just standing back, waiting a few secs for the enemy mid laner to to push the lane to her. Just dumb play.


You should take kills on panth so you can use your lead in ganking other lanes.

There's never a guarantee for your laners to win lane off 1 kill. You can use the kill gold to snowball another lane, counter jungle or solo dragon

No point playing a non snowballed pantheon when you can easily assassinate carries mid game with 3 spears

I'm climbing back out of silver. Me taking all the kills is just going to make them cry about it.
Man do I love getting yelled at by Katarinas that feed three kills to veiger, afk for three mins twice and then refuse to farm safely, because I am taking their cd.

Let me ask you guys. If you are the jungler and you have to cover mid lane, because every time your mid laner turns up and just gives kills, will you always push that lane as hard as you can?

In my mind it was case of, you are worthless kat and I would be better off with this CS than you, but I am also aware that you need some, which is why if you played safely you could actually farm all you needed from the safety of turret. She should have wrecked him...GRRR!!

On another slightly unrelated piece of news, I have found that I enjoy the game a lot more if I talk to myself while playing it. Anyone else do this?

If you know the right thing to do is to push out (it isn't always - if you can freeze on your side, especially against a champion with no dash like Veigar, you do it) then just do it and ignore your mid-laner's protestations.

I narrate everything to myself as if I was streaming (sometimes I am actually on Skype to a friend). It helps keep me from over-reacting to the chaos and find some fun in the times when my AD or mid gets needlessly caught at 44mins.
I was one win away from promos to Bronze I (99 LP), but I decided to duo with a friend who's Bronze V just for fun. I'm now two wins away from promos, haha.



The Kalista game I mentioned earlier. I went full Blem with the Rylai's first item and after we had a lead in lane, I just roamed mid and top with Jarvan the entire time. The Lissandra was Platinum (so was our J4) and the rest were like low Gold, high Silver.

At first I took a bit of harrass versus Morgana and Ezreal (she was full AP, runes and masteries, along with Doran, so her W hurt a bit at first) but then once Kalista got her W (Sentinel, not sure if it's her W), and we started proccing them together, it got really fun and just buried the lane.

We got ganked twice by Amumu and the first time he flash Q'd inside of turret and I stunned him and well, he ded, like so ded. Second one we turned him around too, thanks to Yasuo who was roaming bot.

We got a couple of awkward ults together, Kalista and I (it was his first time playing her) but it was lots of fun.

A highlight was when Leblanc was pushing bot, and even though I swept the bush I think they had a ward by their Gromp, so I lured her (I knew she was in the bush between outer and inner bot turret), and she tried to gib me but it wasn't enough, and I got her back. :3 I ended it with an "(ALL): ?" They were all flaming Amumu so I felt no mercy was needed! (Funny thing was bot blamed him too, whereas with first blood I just got Sighstone and boots, didn't really "harm" their lane with first blood).
How's Lee Sin these days? I know he takes a lot of mechanical skill, but he seems really fun. I normall go either Warwick, Master Yi, or Wukong jungle, but I feel like I need a change. I need a new mid as well since I lost Deathfire Grasp. I like Yasuo and Zed, but I'm not good with either of them and I probably need an AP champ.
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