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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Well... at least we got Azir nerfs, right?

Oh well, looks like I'll keep banning J4, Vi, Morgana or Leona.

Rito should add bans but for my own team. I would gladly ban LeBlanc, Zed, Katarina, Fiora, Kennen, Shaco, Udyr, Teemo, Vayne, Ezreal, Shen, Yasuo, Zac, Akali, Urgot, Alistar, Ryze, Syndra. Maybe Evelynn and Fizz.

I'm more worried about what my team picks than the enemy team, lol.
Like I said, it's not the most creative, but if Riot wanted to make a really cool time mage then it would probably be one of the most bullshit kits this game would ever see.

You want CertainlyT champions? Because this is how you get one.


Like I said, it's not the most creative, but if Riot wanted to make a really cool time mage then it would probably be one of the most bullshit kits this game would ever see.

You want CertainlyT champions? Because this is how you get one.
I want a king crimson CertainlyT champion.
I'd probably not want it to actually be in the game though.


My win rate is around 60% so far this season and im flying through divisions(silver 4 to gold 5 in like a week and a half).

But I swear my win rate is like 30% in my promotion series, I have not won a single one on the first try. I'm playing great and i get to the promos and every lane(and me slightly) just disintegrates.


So I usually play just about every spot well, but for the life of me I can't do jungle well at all... My last 4-6 games were lost because Jungler literally said at times "I can't help because I dot like fighting ____ champ, sorry" and various other reasons. So I'm taking the initiative to step up my jungle game. That said 2 questions. 1 how is Lee Sin and Udyr right now? And 2 What makes J4 so damn good right now.


So uh... Did they nerf Katarina? Playing as her now and wow.. She is pathetically weak. Seems like everyone in mid lane out cs her easy cause they do it far better than she does...


my mouse can't come fast enough today. if you look at my match history, it's all bot games 'cause that's all i can play with a mouse that drops 1 out of ever 3 left and middle clicks.


So uh... Did they nerf Katarina? Playing as her now and wow.. She is pathetically weak. Seems like everyone in mid lane out cs her easy cause they do it far better than she does...

It's not easy to farm CS with Katarina in a lot of match ups. You should push your lane and roam. You can get your top lane or bottom lane ahead. Stay safe and scale up. Punish mistakes and cooldowns in lane. But yes, you might have trouble farming to start out.

Edit: Also, max Q first. A lot of people alternate Q and W, but you'll do better maximizing Q first.


My win rate is around 60% so far this season and im flying through divisions(silver 4 to gold 5 in like a week and a half).

But I swear my win rate is like 30% in my promotion series, I have not won a single one on the first try. I'm playing great and i get to the promos and every lane(and me slightly) just disintegrates.
I wish you would spectate me and tell me some of the things I'm doing wrong. ;_; I've tried even the mighty Tryndamere and Sivir per Newt's suggestions, and I'm not yet back to 50% win rate.


Everything is moe to me
Zyra is cool, but I only have a 33% win rate with her in ranked this season, 1-2. Horrible KDA average of 3/11/9 for her.

well, my smarf is silver 3 right now so we could duo.

gives me an excuse to avoid playing on my main now that i have plat there.


well, my smarf is silver 3 right now so we could duo.

gives me an excuse to avoid playing on my main now that i have plat there.
OK, my ingame name is SummonsInTrouble if you want to add me. I'm usually on evenings EST if anyone wants to spectate to give me advice.


OK, my ingame name is SummonsInTrouble if you want to add me. I'm usually on evenings EST if anyone wants to spectate to give me advice.

Add me. My ID is jar155. Maybe we can duo as well. I dropped from gold to silver after placements and I am suffering through the climb as well.
So uh... Did they nerf Katarina? Playing as her now and wow.. She is pathetically weak. Seems like everyone in mid lane out cs her easy cause they do it far better than she does...
She's untouched for a few patches and she's pretty strong right now. Her laning is supposed to be bad.


Ew. Today was a terrible solo queue day. 1-3 on the day. I hope my Silver 1 struggles haven't returned. I'm only losing 12 or 13 per loss, so it's alright for now.


laning as leblanc against kassadin is like the most depressing thing ever lol

like, i'm thinking outside of a troll pick it might be the single most awful thing you can do to yourself lol


I wish you would spectate me and tell me some of the things I'm doing wrong. ;_; I've tried even the mighty Tryndamere and Sivir per Newt's suggestions, and I'm not yet back to 50% win rate.

Climbing back up to gold from Silver 5, Graves, Wu and Lissandra are my go to champs. Have pretty good success with them. I cant emphasize this enough, focus on yourself at this ELO. Yes it's a team game. But focus on farming, trading in lane, and your golden.

halp, my mouse is leaving the games bounding box and going to my second monitor and i cant fix it.

After you alt+tab you have to click on a window in your second monitor. Then drag the mouse to the first monitor and click. That always works for me.


Woot. Nidalee and jinx skins get.

Skins win games. Had an excellent nidalee jungle game. Found out its near impossible to do a good first clear with no leash though :( nearly died to the damn gromp.

I like that skin. It is well done.


Been playing a bit with my friend and his MMR is so much higher than mine. Getting stomped every game, isn't fun anymore. I don't want to play solo, but when I play duo I always go like 3/8/1 and the team rages, he gets upset, and it's just a bad time.

Probably done with the game for a bit. Oh well. Took a three month break last year and it helped, gonna do it again.
Looks like I'm taking a long ass break from ranked. at least until i stop matching kids who do their best to imitate that final scene from independence day over and over.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Teambuilder so refreshing. Support Vel'Koz continues to be complete trash.


pretty good vid on why rito doesn't just buff everybody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai6oMY4U0Yw

does nobody read the patch or something

I usually read the S@20 notes which are very WIP and don't explain much at all.

Looks like I'm taking a long ass break from ranked. at least until i stop matching kids who do their best to imitate that final scene from independence day over and over.

Darkest Dungeon breh, very fun game.


zilean q is pretty interesting. it's kinda like a corki q that stays on the ground and if you walk through it you pick it up, as either ally or enemy

i imagine his zoning being pretty nuts, but he seems like he might be better as support as they reduced the damage on q


it's honestly way worse than his old one but his old one was a retarded piece of shit so i'd take the new over the old any day.

well obviously they had to nerf his q since it was a no counterplay thing

now you can dodge it and he can miss it so they gave really big buffs to his e (seriously 5.5s 99% slow is insane) and the gave him a huge stun on his double q

his ult cd is also nerfed if i'm not mistaken (like lower number but can't reset it with w)


zilean q is pretty interesting. it's kinda like a corki q that stays on the ground and if you walk through it you pick it up, as either ally or enemy

i imagine his zoning being pretty nuts, but he seems like he might be better as support as they reduced the damage on q
Is there any travel time (like, Corki Q), or is it instant like old Zilean Q?
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