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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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EU LCS - Week 4 - Day 2


H2K vs Roccat
SK Gaming vs Giants Gaming
Gambit Gaming vs Elements
Copenhagen Wolves vs Fnatic
Meet Your Makers vs Unicorns of Love

Please use the LCS Thread for further discussion. Let's keep this thread spoiler free.


i mean, i think nerfing it is deserved, so i'm all for them tuning it until it's good. i just want my lane dominance back

i want my q to deal damage again

uh, no?

I ask cuz the description didn't mention the stun :p

It still stuns but now there's a delay before the cage appears. Right now good Veigars have an instant, impossible to dodge stun that turns into death.

Ah I see, that instant stun was annoying, like you THINK you're in a position to dodge it but nope...


I know some consider her OP and I probably won't get to play her much in ranked...

But I love Katarina. so. much. fun.


Plus, as I posted yesterday- got a penta on her. :D


Is the spellvamp that good on Katarina? I haven't built it since the old days of gunblade. Maybe I should try it again. I usually just get haunting guise first or second if I'm playing Katarina.

I hope they don't reduce the ratio fo Veigar's ult too much. It was nice having one skill in the game that can LITERALLY one-shot someone, with the right conditions, even better if it's some fed mage building AP. The insane laughter that follows makes it even better.


OT Hard Carry
Hey guys. I'm taking ideas for the next OT: anything you think should be in, whether it's advice, links, topical jokes or expertly cropped nsfw pictures. Either post or PM me.

Since costy has been hit with real life/work complications and I'm still exhausted myself from intensive university stuff we'll just recycle one of the old generic OTs. Won't be as entertaining to make/read as the past themed ones but at least we can have it up relatively fast.

So yeah, let me know what you guys believe should be featured.


No. And it's worse if they cant accept to split on 2 lanes. Then you know you are with kids and all faith is lost.

"Hey guys! Main Riven/Vayne. Please don't ban them."

Categorically no. If someone says this and you pick before them take support or ADC for you own team's sake.

Yea screw these guys.

I think overalll though afk farmers when the game is "over" are my least favorite.

Like there is a small chance that the other team makes some huge positioning mistake and you can come back. But not if you afk push free kills the whole game.


Neo Member
This may sound dumb, but I just realized how much Jax benefits from the changes to the upgraded trinkets... it's an indirect buff as far as I'm concerned.

He basically gets a Sightstone at level 9 for 250g... it's so nice to have a ward reserve to escape that gank.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
So, I've been doing some custom matches to practice last hitting in order to be able to play other roles beside support without being completely horrible (mostly using Riven right now).

What's a good way of practicing this and getting an idea where I may be getting competent enough at it to try heading into actual games? Should I just march up mid and see how much CS I can get in a 10 minute period in order to have some numbers to work with while gauging my performance? Getting around 70 or 80 CS in mid as Morgana and Riven thus far, but reckon I have a long way to go still. =\


Thanks for the welcomes. I also joined the chat channel. (I'm Spacedock Fondue. Don't google that.)

Looking forward to playing with you all.


So, I've been doing some custom matches to practice last hitting in order to be able to play other roles beside support without being completely horrible (mostly using Riven right now).

What's a good way of practicing this and getting an idea where I may be getting competent enough at it to try heading into actual games? Should I just march up mid and see how much CS I can get in a 10 minute period in order to have some numbers to work with while gauging my performance? Getting around 70 or 80 CS in mid as Morgana and Riven thus far, but reckon I have a long way to go still. =
Practice with Vlad, only using auto attacks, without items and without ad runes or masteries. That's hard mode.



i liked it much better before

this one looks creepy, i can't masturbate to this

for comparison

So, I've been doing some custom matches to practice last hitting in order to be able to play other roles beside support without being completely horrible (mostly using Riven right now).

What's a good way of practicing this and getting an idea where I may be getting competent enough at it to try heading into actual games? Should I just march up mid and see how much CS I can get in a 10 minute period in order to have some numbers to work with while gauging my performance? Getting around 70 or 80 CS in mid as Morgana and Riven thus far, but reckon I have a long way to go still. =\
there was one thing of trying custom games 1v1 against mf intermediate bot. you had to get as much cs as possible while avoiding harass (and not harassing back)

and generally get good cs'ing practice like:
* hit all caster minions once then blow em up with a spell
* for csing under turrets it's usually one basic attack, one turret shot, another basic attack for casters, and two turret shots and one basic for melees. learning to cs under harass presure and with different health minions is pretty tricky and requires a lot of experience, but don't just like cast a random spell on your wave if you know you're gonna be pushed under turret
* learning to cs while hard pushing is also something that's not all that easy for some reason.
* i almost always get the extra minion damage mastery


i still want his q to have a more accurate hitbox, i dunno why that's so hard to ask

Fuck you blue smite
yeah, essentially: "we're switching it from center-to-center targeting to edge-to-edge targeting. What this effectively means is Chilling Smite range is effectively down by about 150, but vs. monsters it's relatively unchanged because monsters have HUGE hitboxes."


So, how do you guys enjoy the Nemesis draft ? I love to pick all ADC team for the enemy and then just stack armour with Thornmail and then just stand in place and let them kill themselves :D
Unrealistic anime shins, would not masturbate / 10
So, how do you guys enjoy the Nemesis draft ? I love to pick all ADC team for the enemy and then just stack armour with Thornmail and then just stand in place and let them kill themselves :D
I'd love to try it out but hearing people talk about how some people are just bitching about having to play weird stuff makes me think twice before queueing up.


Unrealistic anime shins, would not masturbate / 10

I'd love to try it out but hearing people talk about how some people are just bitching about having to play weird stuff makes me think twice before queueing up.

I love to play Urgot and I get to play him a lot in Nemesis. "Embrace perfection, embrace the cutest of the cute battlecast Urgot, hahahaha *bleh* *cough*"

i'd just build 4 bloodthirsters.

Hmmm, I wonder if your lifesteal would be bigger than the damage you would do to yourself...

"Life steal is calculated from the actual damage done to an enemy, after armor and all other forms of damage reduction." so I think you would not :D


in teamfights, yes. But 1v1 he is a beast. I even play him in ranked, it is hilarious to get messages like "omg, noob, picks Urgot, report for trollpick" and then once I am 7/0 they are like "omg, Urgot so OP, noob champ." :D

Poppy is similar, though she can wreck in a team fight too.



i liked it much better before

this one looks creepy, i can't masturbate to this

for comparison

The previous version looked like a failed attempt from Viktor to recreate Annie that he trashed away and was found by Singed, who travelled to the Shadow Islands and gifted it to Karthus in exchange for forbidden ingredients to combine a metagame relevance potion (which didn't work) and that was turned into a zombie by him and later stolen by Sivir, who sold it to Ziggs, who wanted to create the perfect girlfriend he always wanted, in exchange for a satchel charge so she's not a troll pick with the current jungler meta known as "The IV Cancer" (IV being an anagram for both embassadors of toxicity Jarvan and Vi).

In other words a creepy uncanny monster. Part of the problem is the weird ultrarealistic artstyle approach Riot is taking for whatever reason (idiotic reason for sure considering the actual game is cartoonier than ever), cute characters look creepy if you draw them in a realistic style. Probably another shitty decision from Ryze/Tryndamere/Morello forcing their stupid requests on artists who've studied art and know things like this.

The new one still looks bad because of this, but not nightmare-inducing bad.


The new one still looks bad because of this, but not nightmare-inducing bad.

I agree, the new one is a lot better. What do you think about the new Katarina splash, I don't find it very appealing honestly, there is something unsettling about her.


The previous version looked like a failed attempt from Viktor to recreate Annie that he trashed away and was found by Singed, who travelled to the Shadow Islands and gifted it to Karthus in exchange for forbidden ingredients to combine a metagame relevance potion (which didn't work) and that was turned into a zombie by him and later stolen by Sivir, who sold it to Ziggs, who wanted to create the perfect girlfriend he always wanted, in exchange for a satchel charge so she's not a troll pick with the current cancerigenous jungler meta called IV (anagram for both embassadors of toxicity Jarvan and Vi)

In other words a creepy uncanny monster. Part of the problem is the weird ultrarealistic approach Riot is taking for whatever reason, cute characters look creepy if you draw them in a realistic style. Probably another shitty decision from Ryze/Tryndamere/Morello forcing their stupid requests on artists who've studied art and know things like this.

The new one still looks bad because of this, but not nightmare-inducing bad.

the rant that never ends

also you forgot to add a bit about ghostcrawler buffing lissandra


Get rid of smite upgrades already. There's always one that'll be flatly better, that one will get nerfed, then junglers will move onto the next best one. Rince, repeat until they're all useless. Why continue towards the inevitable, particularly with something that warps champion strengths/weaknesses anyways?


The previous version looked like a failed attempt from Viktor to recreate Annie that he trashed away and was found by Singed, who travelled to the Shadow Islands and gifted it to Karthus in exchange for forbidden ingredients to combine a metagame relevance potion (which didn't work) and that was turned into a zombie by him and later stolen by Sivir, who sold it to Ziggs, who wanted to create the perfect girlfriend he always wanted, in exchange for a satchel charge so she's not a troll pick with the current jungler meta known as "The IV Cancer" (IV being an anagram for both embassadors of toxicity Jarvan and Vi).

In other words a creepy uncanny monster. Part of the problem is the weird ultrarealistic artstyle approach Riot is taking for whatever reason (idiotic reason for sure considering the actual game is cartoonier than ever), cute characters look creepy if you draw them in a realistic style. Probably another shitty decision from Ryze/Tryndamere/Morello forcing their stupid requests on artists who've studied art and know things like this.

The new one still looks bad because of this, but not nightmare-inducing bad.

I fucking love you Nev.
Get rid of smite upgrades already. There's always one that'll be flatly better, that one will get nerfed, then junglers will move onto the next best one. Rince, repeat until they're all useless. Why continue towards the inevitable, particularly with something that warps champion strengths/weaknesses anyways?
u telling me Jarvong didnt need a 50% slow at level 3
why is her chest flat :*(

we need bippy
That's what the Lulu ult fanart is for, silly


Doing Nemesis to see what it's like, and my impression is, again, how bad a map Summoner's Rift is.

Constant PvE. Little PvP, and typically solo instead of team coordinated. Very slow paced. I have no idea how you guys enjoy it.


Doing Nemesis to see what it's like, and my impression is, again, how bad a map Summoner's Rift is.

Constant PvE. Little PvP, and typically solo instead of team coordinated. Very slow paced. I have no idea how you guys enjoy it.

by playing the compositions the map was made for?
Doing Nemesis to see what it's like, and my impression is, again, how bad a map Summoner's Rift is.

Constant PvE. Little PvP, and typically solo instead of team coordinated. Very slow paced. I have no idea how you guys enjoy it.
We enjoy it because what happens in practice is pretty much the opposite of your impression. Aside from the slower - not slow, though - pacing than Dominion, that is.
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