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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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New Kat art is nice.
Janna's current artwork is better IMO, like the artstyle.

beat the shit out of him.

...but he's too tanky...

Speaking of which , one of my issues when lanning is attack enemy champ and then their minions react and attack me, is there some method to prevent that from happening or just have their minions not focus on me?


Hey ladies and gents. Been playing league for a little over 4 years now. Addicted to the game. Who knows how much money I've spent on skins.

Just felt like it was time to join the community.



ok this mode was fun for the one time we're ever gonna play it lol

(i dunno why someone would give them sona and viktor lol)

Speaking of which , one of my issues when lanning is attack enemy champ and then their minions react and attack me, is there some method to prevent that from happening or just have their minions not focus on me?
not really, basically you should always consider minions when trading because lots of minions will really fuck you up, specially caster minions

if you're melee you're in a pretty bad spot against a ranged champion, but if you're ranged just go outside of minions' range.


Everybody complains about how sexualized the female champions in this game are, and everytime a new splash comes out where the face of one of them is slightly different than the generic supermodel perfect animu face they are swift to say that they look like trans, they're ugly, they're orcs and that kind of bullshit followed by a shitty photoshop that brings them back to the expected generic perfect face/body they can jack off to.

First championship Shyvana, then Janna and now Katarina. These 15yo horny rat-kids are why we can't have good things.

Miserable and disgusting.

Good one


3 so far. Dunno why people dodge a mode that's just for fun.
I can understand why because it's not super fun to have people playing champions they have no clue about, especially when (I've seen this at least twice) something like Eve shows up and just destroys a game.

However, it's a little funny since Riot had a plan for leavers this time -- huge dodge penalties and no summoner icon reward. I guess people don't know or don't care.


I can understand why because it's not super fun to have people playing champions they have no clue about, especially when (I've seen this at least twice) something like Eve shows up and just destroys a game.

However, it's a little funny since Riot had a plan for leavers this time -- huge dodge penalties and no summoner icon reward. I guess people don't know or don't care.

Yeah, apparently it's a 2 hour penalty. Ouch


How is it fair that I have to take an LP penalty and wait to play because I chose to dodge this? FIX THIS STUPID SYSTEM, RIOT!
How do you propose they fix it? If they didn't give you a penalty, anyone could continue dodging games until they found one that seemed statistically most viable, and it would take even longer to get a game going.


How do you propose they fix it? If they didn't give you a penalty, anyone could continue dodging games until they found one that seemed statistically most viable, and it would take even longer to get a game going.

If there's a unanimous vote to kick a player, kick them. Everybody would have kicked that guy. Then give that person a 5 minute ban and everybody else goes back to queue. This garbage in ranked is so stupid. Heck, limit kick votes like re-rolls in ARAM. So you can kick maybe once or twice per day.


If there's a unanimous vote to kick a player, kick them. Everybody would have kicked that guy. Then give that person a 5 minute ban and everybody else goes back to queue. This garbage in ranked is so stupid. Heck, limit kick votes like re-rolls in ARAM. So you can kick maybe once or twice per day.

Sorry for asking this but did you dodge or play through with it? None of the other 2 dodged the game?


3 so far. Dunno why people dodge a mode that's just for fun.

I queued up with 3 other friends, so it was 4 of us and a stranger (it was him and I as Nami-Janna botlane), and the same seemed to be with the other guys.

Anyway, we gave them all tanky AD tanks (except Olaf who has true damage I guess). Anyway, they gave us Cho-top, Heca-jgl, Zilean-mid and us at the botlane and obviously we harrassed the shit out of them.

At one point, Nautilus says in all-chat "4 people disconnected from my team...", apparently the premade guys on his team just left the game, and only returned to /ff.

We won it (I'm currently 1 - 2 on Nemesis) and I honored the Nautilus guy and we tried to fool around with him with emote spams (until Zilean came and felt like being Bomberman and ruin the fun!). But yeah, that's so bm to just not play it out and then force the ff since they are four of them... Didn't feel good at all.


If there's a unanimous vote to kick a player, kick them. Everybody would have kicked that guy. Then give that person a 5 minute ban and everybody else goes back to queue. This garbage in ranked is so stupid. Heck, limit kick votes like re-rolls in ARAM. So you can kick maybe once or twice per day.

someone picks something slightly off meta, everyone kicks them..
that system does not work.


someone picks something slightly off meta, everyone kicks them..
that system does not work.

That or kicking the last-pick guy who doesn't main the role he got stuck with.

I don't dodge often, but I don't mind losing 3 LP if I have a legit troll in champ select.



So today I played 3 games of nemesis draft and won all three. I played zilean once and taric twice. Man is Taric weird.

Try this with Taric:
IBG, Frozen Heart, Randuin, Spirit Visage, Armor or AP item.
For boots go whatever.
With 40% cooldown, you'll be landing that IBG passive with just about EVERY hit and you'll keep chasing their asses. Helps when his W reduces enemy armor too lol.
They gave me Alistar. Swapped it for jungle Sion. Alistar disconnected. Won anyway.

What is the champion pool that you can pick? Yours, the target, or is everything free?


They gave me Alistar. Swapped it for jungle Sion. Alistar disconnected. Won anyway.

What is the champion pool that you can pick? Yours, the target, or is everything free?

They give you their champions (doesn't matter if your team doesn't own the champion, you will still get it) and all the champions your team owns ends up being theirs.


If there's a unanimous vote to kick a player, kick them. Everybody would have kicked that guy. Then give that person a 5 minute ban and everybody else goes back to queue. This garbage in ranked is so stupid. Heck, limit kick votes like re-rolls in ARAM. So you can kick maybe once or twice per day.
Hmm, maybe that would work. I hadn't thought about limiting kicks. I still feel like it would get spammed, and people would start raging about kicks or NOT using kicks.

Heck, yesterday when I was looking for guides I saw one of the top ones on a list...and it was a troll guide. It was specifically a guide on how to lose 100% of ranked games without being banned by having a bad KDA / intentionally feeding. It even talked about the tribunal probably never coming back, and how the worst you can get is a chat ban if you don't feed / AFK. There was also a chart for doing elo boosting, and how to properly keep an account low so you can keep boosting etc.

It's just the nature of a large playerbase that such things exist I suppose.

*edit* I got Janna in Nemesis draft. It's funny to have 469 AD, but even then with IE and Phantom Dancer, she didn't seem to do much damage. Like, maybe 200-300 in a hit to an Elise with hourglass as the only armor item. I guess I needed at least one big armor pen item.


Sheesh, just had multiple DCs on myself, our ADC, and top. We got murdered so hard. Thanks for not giving a Loss Prevented, Riot.

Holy jeez, I'm on tilt too.
People used to say AP Yi and Tryn were gimmicky trash until they started seeing the 1000000 heals and Yi being untargettable while deleting teams.


Someone gave me Mordekaiser in Nemesis mode. It was mostly endless farm against Singed, but I had one brief shining moment where 2 people came to kill me and I had hardly any health. But, through spellvamp and shield, I got a double kill and lived.

I miss the memories of when Morde 1v3 under tower was viable or whatever.

Riot said:
And for enemies, Mordekaiser is no longer a moving short range cannon, but slow metal tank who can be kited.
Can Morde...not ALREADY be kited?


Someone gave me Mordekaiser in Nemesis mode. It was mostly endless farm against Singed, but I had one brief shining moment where 2 people came to kill me and I had hardly any health. But, through spellvamp and shield, I got a double kill and lived.

I miss the memories of when Morde 1v3 under tower was viable or whatever.


Can Morde...not ALREADY be kited?
Right now he is a burster, which means it is meaningful to kite him before he uses his burst but near pointless to kite him after that.

Riot wants to move him towards sustained damage instead of burst, which means it will be more meaningful to kite him all the time.


Right now he is a burster, which means it is meaningful to kite him before he uses his burst but near pointless to kite him after that.

Riot wants to move him towards sustained damage instead of burst, which means it will be more meaningful to kite him all the time.
Thanks for the explanation. I feel like champions that depend on being close range without having gap closers or CC would struggle though. Udyr? Even he has speed boost and stun. Master Yi has speed boost. Eve has speed boost + CC. Tryndamere has a gap closer. Volibear has a speed boost + CC.


Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Last night, I played 3 games as Master Yi jungle. Just for Fun.

It was exactly that. At one point, I had a quadrakill, and would have just killed everyone, had the support not been precise with that last shot.

Even when I am back in early games, it works. This truly is the holy grail for getting out of bronze hell, is it!


What lane is Talon more suitable in: Top or Mid? ...and remind me where his Teleport puts him in again? Is it Behind the target or to their right, left, etc.?

Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Last night, I played 3 games as Master Yi jungle. Just for Fun.

It was exactly that. At one point, I had a quadrakill, and would have just killed everyone, had the support not been precise with that last shot.

Even when I am back in early games, it works. This truly is the holy grail for getting out of bronze hell, is it!

I say do what you can to gtfo out of Bronze Hell mang.


So who here has been buying the yellow trinket upgrade? I make it a habit of always buying it when I have gold for it. I do hope they don't plan on raising the price.
Bugs me when my allies don't even bother with it. 250 Gold for better vision helps a lot.
So who here has been buying the yellow trinket upgrade? I make it a habit of always buying it when I have gold for it. I do hope they don't plan on raising the price.
Bugs me when my allies don't even bother with it. 250 Gold for better vision helps a lot.

I have been as often as I can. Such a good upgrade. And it's absolutely fantastic for split pushing.


What lane is Talon more suitable in: Top or Mid? ...and remind me where his Teleport puts him in again? Is it Behind the target or to their right, left, etc.?

Mid. Play Talon mid.

I just beat a Leblanc with Katarina. I freaking hate that match up though. At level 2 she can burst you to 50% your health with her ridiculous combo. Then my jungler and bot lane fed her two kills and gave her double buff. It was REALLY hard to get going, but I managed to get a triple and two assists on a big team fight and turned it around.

I still hate Leblanc. Top 5 in most annoying champions to play against.
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