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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Having some trouble mustering the will to play lately. It's not that I don't want to, but rather I was in the midst of another round of trying to organize/cull my jungler pool and I can't properly evaluate my play knowing that this time next month everything will be different in the jungle. Only thing I know is that Xin will still be aces for me.

So I think I'll switch gears but I can't decide whether I want to figure out my mid pool, practice Gnar top, or maybe brush up my ADC (Varus, Jinx, Ashe) play. How's Team Builder's queue times these days for going top or mid? Before the DDoS/network issues last month and earlier hit I had an easy time in TB getting what I wanted, but that suddenly changed for some reason.


lol lost another one

leona got really mad at me and jungler cos we weren't doing so hot so she went afk but then i started doing ok and garen started carrying us and she came back and we actually took an inhib turret off them and were winning fights and everything

and then garen said sorry gotta go i got nosebleeds and we lost lol

unfortunately riot hates me and doesn't let me drop to gold 2 so i have an excuse never to play this again

guess i gotta try again tomorrow but damn if i'm not having my worst streak ever. it's probably a bad time to start playing ranked tbh, i should probably play more next season or something


lol lost another one

leona got really mad at me and jungler cos we weren't doing so hot so she went afk but then i started doing ok and garen started carrying us and she came back and we actually took an inhib turret off them and were winning fights and everything

and then garen said sorry gotta go i got nosebleeds and we lost lol

unfortunately riot hates me and doesn't let me drop to gold 2 so i have an excuse never to play this again

guess i gotta try again tomorrow but damn if i'm not having my worst streak ever. it's probably a bad time to start playing ranked tbh, i should probably play more next season or something


Having some trouble mustering the will to play lately. It's not that I don't want to, but rather I was in the midst of another round of trying to organize/cull my jungler pool and I can't properly evaluate my play knowing that this time next month everything will be different in the jungle. Only thing I know is that Xin will still be aces for me.

So I think I'll switch gears but I can't decide whether I want to figure out my mid pool, practice Gnar top, or maybe brush up my ADC (Varus, Jinx, Ashe) play. How's Team Builder's queue times these days for going top or mid? Before the DDoS/network issues last month and earlier hit I had an easy time in TB getting what I wanted, but that suddenly changed for some reason.

top or mid is basically impossible for me to get in teambuilder. I have to do normal draft and hope I pick somewhere near the top to get top or mid.


top or mid is basically impossible for me to get in teambuilder. I have to do normal draft and hope I pick somewhere near the top to get top or mid.

Hmm, yeah that might actually be a good idea. I'm just weary of trying draft because I might want to play a certain champion and they get banned, but I don't think any of the champions I want to try have high ban rates, save maybe Gnar who's been getting up there lately.
Eh, the higher elo you get, the more people are open to different picks.

When player are more experienced and better at the game, then you start seeing off-meta picks and strategies that work. The meta is familiar and easier to deal with. At low elos, there are just too many ways to lose. You get a bad team, an AFK, a troll, lag, bad itemization, lack of wards, lack of objectives, going for an early Baron, etc. The last thing anyone wants to deal with is someone going off the board with their pick.

that's not the warm, comforting hug i was asking for

Just look at some pretty pictures.


What is the oddest use of flash you've ever had? Yesterday, I had a friendly Kha'zix who was ignited and was clearly about to die from the burn damage after killing an enemy Yasuo. I did not have time to tell him to come to me (I was Leona, why would he), so I flash+Locket of the Iron Solari to give him a shield just large enough to save his life.


What is the oddest use of flash you've ever had? Yesterday, I had a friendly Kha'zix who was ignited and was clearly about to die from the burn damage after killing an enemy Yasuo. I did not have time to tell him to come to me (I was Leona, why would he), so I flash+Locket of the Iron Solari to give him a shield just large enough to save his life.

i've tried flashing towards a minion to kill it and level up and heal myself from ignite

it didn't work :(

Just look at some pretty pictures.
i think i'm just gonna do a monday afternoon new girl marathon~~!!


What is the oddest use of flash you've ever had? Yesterday, I had a friendly Kha'zix who was ignited and was clearly about to die from the burn damage after killing an enemy Yasuo. I did not have time to tell him to come to me (I was Leona, why would he), so I flash+Locket of the Iron Solari to give him a shield just large enough to save his life.

Sometimes, when I'm really desperate for a kill (if it leads to objectives, becoming swain god, etc), I'll flash ignite. It's really dumb but I only do it if I absolutely have to.

I've flashed-zhonya's before too, to save a teammate from something or soak up damage in a fight.


What is the oddest use of flash you've ever had? Yesterday, I had a friendly Kha'zix who was ignited and was clearly about to die from the burn damage after killing an enemy Yasuo. I did not have time to tell him to come to me (I was Leona, why would he), so I flash+Locket of the Iron Solari to give him a shield just large enough to save his life.
My whole team was at 100hp including me, Jinx fires an ult that would've been a quadra for sure. I flash to the front and spell shield dat.


i would be nice if there was a round based howling abyss mode in which everyone starts with 1 hp and one random guy gets tagged with caitlyn ult and you all gotta try and get it so that someone else gets killed by it

i imagine some fun things would happen with like anivia or thresh tho fizz and kat would probably need to be disabled in that mode


Everything is moe to me
what is the fascination with counter jungling in low elo.

you can spend all day ruining their lanes and you know you'll never be counter ganked because he's at your wraith camp again.


i would be nice if there was a round based howling abyss mode in which everyone starts with 1 hp and one random guy gets tagged with caitlyn ult and you all gotta try and get it so that someone else gets killed by it

i imagine some fun things would happen with like anivia or thresh tho fizz and kat would probably need to be disabled in that mode

I'd love a game of mini games like that. It would be like uther party.


what is the fascination with counter jungling in low elo.

you can spend all day ruining their lanes and you know you'll never be counter ganked because he's at your wraith camp again.

I haven't really experienced very much counter jungling in my games. Most of the time junglers are too scared to go anywhere near the enemy jungle. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times that I've had a buff stolen from me.


Everything is moe to me
I haven't really experienced very much counter jungling in my games. Most of the time junglers are too scared to go anywhere near the enemy jungle. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times that I've had a buff stolen from me.
thats the thing, these guys arent taking buffs.

i mean, i had a rammus take my wolves.
a rammus.

just now i had a jarvan go blue to my red against sion, fail and then camp my wraiths/golems all game as if there was nothing better a j4 could do with his time in the area between mid and top.
Normal draft is probably the worst mode in this game if you're not playing in a premade lol
Normal Draft >>> Ranked >>>>>>> Blind Pick for me. Having a hard time mustering any interest for Ranked since the average skill level will be considerably lower than the opponents I face in Normal Draft and Blind Pick flat-out shouldn't even exist anymore.

Having some trouble mustering the will to play lately. It's not that I don't want to, but rather I was in the midst of another round of trying to organize/cull my jungler pool and I can't properly evaluate my play knowing that this time next month everything will be different in the jungle. Only thing I know is that Xin will still be aces for me.
Could always play more jungle Trundle. He's good now and he'll likely still be good when pre-season 5 kicks off, if the current changes are any indication.


thats the thing, these guys arent taking buffs.

i mean, i had a rammus take my wolves.
a rammus.

just now i had a jarvan go blue to my red against sion, fail and then camp my wraiths/golems all game as if there was nothing better a j4 could do with his time in the area between mid and top.

Yeah that's pretty strange stuff. I've not seen it in any of my games yet but that certainly smells of low elo behavior.

When I counter jungle I'm looking for blood in the form of a kill or a buff. I pretty much will only go into the enemy jungle as kha because very few junglers can outduel kha at level 2/3. So much fun.

OR I'll counter jungle shitty feral flare stacking dummies. It's great to make them have to wait until 30 minutes to finish stacking their flare.


I haven't really experienced very much counter jungling in my games. Most of the time junglers are too scared to go anywhere near the enemy jungle. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times that I've had a buff stolen from me.

I'm in the depths of wood 5 and I'd say there's a 50% chance some asshole will steal my red when I start purple side due in part to whether or not my top protects is a total crapshoot. Best part is that they do absolutely nothing with that advantage. They just do it because they think they're hot shit and don't respect my non-meta picks.

I just got used to playing around it and starting red on purple side. Watching replays was always good a laugh because they counter jungle a red buff that wasn't there anymore. My favorite instance was against this Vi player a while back. Got my own red buff as Volibear then went blue. Not sure why - genius or blind luck - my mid put down his ward at the river entrance and leashing, so I saw her going my red as I'm going blue. So I mosey on down to her red now, double buffs and all and kill her as she's getting wailed on by the red buff. Good times.

For some reason I've only been counterjungled at my first buffs once on blue side. Kha'Zix as Diana. Only reason it happened is because I derped not buying my machete and wasn't able to start red like I wanted to.

Crab Milk Mickey said:
Could always play more jungle Trundle. He's good now and he'll likely still be good when pre-season 5 kicks off, if the current changes are any indication.

The thought crossed my mind but I'm not worried about Trundle. I have 9 junglers right now and I'm trying to trim that down to 5 and he's among them already along with Xin. I wanted to get more playtime with the other 7, but I'm having a harder feel for how they'll make out in the S5 jungle. Although playing around some more yesterday on the PBE I'm less worried about Sej and Naut now.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
I think the funniest counter jungling to watch is some dude is at like 1/2 hp but figures he can invade. Or people not realizing that trying to duel an early game Lee Sin is usually not a good idea.


oddone seems to think that yi and nocturne will be good in the new jungle

i have no idea if he's trolling or not because i've done one pbe game


Nocturne does well in the new jungle. The changes to the camps, smite, and item enchantments favour him, but he's still bound to having his ultimate - his only genuine ganking tool - on 3 minute cooldown at level 1. If Riot ever implements ult buff on the PBE from a few months ago (not using the dash portion of the ult puts it on a lower CD) then yeah, he'll be good again. I don't see why Yi would be any different than now.

Despite all the changes the jungle isn't a dramatic shift from what we have now. Some junglers will be a bit better, some a bit worse (outside of potential outliers). Much like S3->S4 there won't be a massive shift in jungle picks. The bigger shift is going to be on the overall match flow, less level 3 ganks, less pre-6 ganks, stronger counterjungling, and no longer being able to just sit and farm the jungle until a gank opportunity comes up because sustain is hit.


What is the oddest use of flash you've ever had? Yesterday, I had a friendly Kha'zix who was ignited and was clearly about to die from the burn damage after killing an enemy Yasuo. I did not have time to tell him to come to me (I was Leona, why would he), so I flash+Locket of the Iron Solari to give him a shield just large enough to save his life.
I've been in that situation before, except I'm the Kha'zix and despite the fact that I know I'm going to die, I burn my own flash because I feel so helpless and have to try something.


Best use of flash is when I beat Mundo in a 1v1 with Ziggs. I was under 1/4 health and he was chasing me to my tower. I satcheled over his head, hit him with a Q, dropped the carpet bombs, hit him with another Q, let him get to me and flashed through him, and finished him with tower hits, and Q.

Yeah, he was pretty bad, but it was amazing.


My personal best flash is this one game where we were completely crushing the enemy and we're in their base. We just took bot inhibitor and the action moved up towards the mid turret/inhibitor. We won the fight but I was low health. A few enemy champions were going to spawn in about 10 seconds. Didn't feel like making my way back through bot turret so I flashed over the wall to back.

I am the avatar of swag.
No other skin in the game makes me want to play a champ more than Lollipoppy. I just love everything about it and Poppy is hella fun to play regardless, but very difficult as well. I'm just 3-8 with her in ranked, lost the last 6 in a row, but I'm gonna play her just because I bought the Lollipoppy skin. I'd make her face my avatar on gaf if not for my current avatar being so awesome.


why don't you practice it in normals first


she has a very harsh and unforgiving laning phase. if you don't learn her strengths/weaknesses before jumping into ranked you're being a complete jerk to your team. #lookwhoimtalkingto
why don't you practice it in normals first


she has a very harsh and unforgiving laning phase. if you don't learn her strengths/weaknesses before jumping into ranked you're being a complete jerk to your team. #lookwhoimtalkingto
Normals are boring. I have a total of like 275 normal games played in 5 years. All I play is ranked, special event modes, and ARAM.
I have so few games played with other champs this season that it doesn't really matter. Poppy is the next most played champ after TF with a whopping 11 games so it's just once in a while.
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