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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I had a match where Thresh (support) started literally freaking out whenever I hit Leona, the enemy support.


See, we were constantly on full hp, and they kept losing health, I could not ever get to Jinx, but we were forcing them out of lanes, and I was happy farming.

Then once he freaks out, we have an engagement where Thresh just goes in, Jinx throws the traps between him and me, and they both get away with like...10% hp. I am on half health, out of mana, and Thresh freaks out again.

He apparently wanted me to just waltz into Jinx's traps, go past a leona, and "focus" a jinx, who, in this time, could just as well return the favor.

Then the game goes to hell. I get no kills, jungler RIGHT after this comes helping us, where help means a triple kill for the enemy team. Thresh just stands there, btw, enemy Fiddle came.

Meanwhile, Ahri is getting demolished by Veigar at mid. Darius gotta darius. They start to watch me attack Leona. Every time I attack Leona, they collectively shout at me. Nevermind that I wont dive into an enemy team, and yeah, I will only hit who I can safely hit without going into Veigar's stun cells and into Jinx traps. But hey!

We lost, big time. IT was embarassing.
I do not feel at fault. These people have no concept of just safely laning, no. I need to FOCUS ADC, even if it means going through traps and leonas so there is no escape. I am supposed to duel Jinx close range, right? (No.). As Caitlyn. Lol.

FOCUS ADC is in many cases the best way of seeing who is bronze in heart.


I had a match where Thresh (support) started literally freaking out whenever I hit Leona, the enemy support.


See, we were constantly on full hp, and they kept losing health, I could not ever get to Jinx, but we were forcing them out of lanes, and I was happy farming.

Then once he freaks out, we have an engagement where Thresh just goes in, Jinx throws the traps between him and me, and they both get away with like...10% hp. I am on half health, out of mana, and Thresh freaks out again.
I'm trying to improve my own attitude, and I used to never mute players. Recently I've just started muting anyone that starts freaking out, complaining, or saying negative stuff. Maybe they keep doing it the rest of the game, but at least it's less distracting to mute. I then just try to focus on playing, using pings to communicate, and watching the map.


Never focusing an ADC in a teamfight, especially if it's late game or the ADC is fed, can also be a bad idea however. It seems like it often happens that tanks are focused down, and someone like Jinx or Tristana can pick up the quadrakill cleanup and then kill towers for dessert.
Yes, going the safe route all the time is the wrong approach, but, on average, it has much better outcomes than diving the backline every fight as a squishy (which is much more common in low ELOs than the opposite). As you get better, you'll learn when you need to make a huge play by flash-bursting the Trist/Kog/Vayne killing everyone since you, as Corki/Graves/Ez, can never keep up with their damage and your tanks can't control them any longer.


Never focusing an ADC in a teamfight, especially if it's late game or the ADC is fed, can also be a bad idea however. It seems like it often happens that tanks are focused down, and someone like Jinx or Tristana can pick up the quadrakill cleanup and then kill towers for dessert.

If the adc is dumb enough to come in my face, sure, lets do this. if not, however? Trists that just pick up the damaged ones are the good ones. You cant go looking for trists when 4 people are between you and her :D

But your idea about muting such negative voices should be considered by me as well. Problem is: when I get flamed, my performance DOES go down :(


What I love about Dobke is that I can play any game with him and in the post game private chat, he will be able to reason out why I specifically lost them the game. Nevermind his performance or the teammates, it always boil down to my mistakes.*

*even if we have the same death count

No hard feelings, losses are still losses, funsies :p


She's melee, you don't even have to use spells to harass, if she farms with q she stays healthy but pushes the lane and gets ganked/zoned out, if she pokes you with q she's still pushing and you can still trade back, it's not like she has invulnerability when casting q or something, if she uses shunpo you can harass her back/zone her/get her ganked, she's basically disabled when shunpo is down, and by the way if she harasses with q (whose damage is laughable until she gets levels/ap) she has to farm with autos so you can punish every lasthit with an autoattack (you don't burn mana from that). I don't really know what to add, bI just think that if you have trouble laning vs katarina it has more to do with the way you handle the matchups than with her kit/patterns.
if you get into auto range of kat she can shunpo into you and proc q mark and w. she can dodge lissandra q with shunpo and then at best you can w in for some damage, but now you've spent roughly half your mana and still lost health while she has more potions than you and probably went ok on the trade thanks to dmg reduction. she even gets ms from w so she can walk away faster and you just less autos off. she's also 21/9/0 which makes her tankier, specially against autos

she'll look for those kind of trades often until you have no more potions and you can't afford to trade anymore, be it because of mana or because of health.

and i guess those would be nice moments to gank her but doesn't depend on you. any other situation she can just shunpo out. she even starts boots.

Never focusing an ADC in a teamfight, especially if it's late game or the ADC is fed, can also be a bad idea however. It seems like it often happens that tanks are focused down, and someone like Jinx or Tristana can pick up the quadrakill cleanup and then kill towers for dessert.
i think the problem in that situation is not really a focus one

if a fight started and you're not in position to kill the kog, chances are you already lost. against teams like that you should usually try and get the vi ult on him but only if there's someone on your team capable of following up.

people that go on their own and expect the syndra or graves or whatever to ignore the frontline and go kill the kog that's shooting from like 800 range are the ones costing their team the game.

you need to get a good catch if you don't have an assassin or like an irelia that can ignore cc and go kill the adc, and even then you'll probably need to do it super quick since you're essentially exposing your carries since they'll have no peel but the support.

it's a good thing tho to call out targets during teamfights if you're like on teamspeak or something.


I was under the impression that you focused on killing whoever is closest and that usually turns out to be the tank.

More accurate to say that you should focus whoever is the highest priority target in range without giving up good positioning. "Stop hitting the tank" and "target whomever's closest" can be equally dumb statements.
If the adc is dumb enough to come in my face, sure, lets do this. if not, however? Trists that just pick up the damaged ones are the good ones. You cant go looking for trists when 4 people are between you and her :D

Broadly speaking, this is good teamfighting and it's what you do. But if you're 50 minutes in against a full build Jinx as Corki, all other things being equal, good teamfighting isn't going to be enough - Jinx must die, or be zoned. She will kill your frontline well before you kill theirs. If you can trade 1 for 1, you should probably do it. If you think you have a good chance of getting her down by Valking in for a Q->R->Sheen proc with Gatling going, you probably have to go for it.

The other option is not to teamfight at all and look for a crucial pick (good idea against Jinx, not so good against Tristana since she's so hard to lock down).

That said, good teamfighting will get you a long way as an AD carry - get the DPS down, don't die, use your summoners and escapes properly, build correctly, show up (amazing how often ADs are AWOL at red buff at the most important teamfight of the game) and you will rise in ELO, and fast.
dats racist yo
bronze dps calculations.


Jarvan IV
Base Armor increased to 27 from 24.
Demacian Standard (E) no longer increaes Jarvan IV's armor by 10/13/16/19/22

bizarre nerfs

new dfg:
+X Ability Power
+% Movement Speed
UNIQUE Passive: Gains charges upon moving or casting. At X charges, the next spell hit expends all charges to dealX bonus magic damage to up to X targets on hit.
i'm guessing ap is 120 and ms is like 8%?

seems awesome and possibly broken

big nerf to janna too, wow

Tailwind (Passive) now increases movespeed of allied champions moving Towards Janna by 8% from movement speed of nearby allied champions by 8%
Zepyhr (W) passive movement speed increased to 9/11/13/15/17 from 4/6/8/10/12

this patch...


there's apparently also two new ap items, one that gives mana and cdr and another one that i'm guessing builds out of it that gives ap, mana and cdr with this passive+active:

Increases maximum Mana by X and generates stacks of Insight when spending mana (X conversion rate) up to X stacks (X of maximum Mana).
UNIQUE Active - Mana Burst: Releases a shockwave, consuming all stacks of Insight. Enemies hit by the shockwave are dealt X (+X*AP) magic damage. Allies hit by the shockwave restore X mana.



there's apparently also two new ap items, one that gives mana and cdr and another one that i'm guessing builds out of it that gives ap, mana and cdr with this passive+active:


And I'm going to hate LeBlanc even more now. That's going to improve her team fight ability and her assassinate ability. Heck, all of the AP assassins are going to love that.

Riot, please.


i'm not sure about these items being super healthy for the game tbh

i don't think movement speed should be a stat mages should get too much access to

I'd rather Jarvan to be tanky and lose damage than this tbh.
yup, and i'm guessing without that passive he's now got the kit of an early game assassin?

i think it's a really bad nerf
Is that a Kat nerf? I would think after 3 seconds if a champ dies it still counts as an assist. So if like her target gets away and then gets Jinx ulted 5 seconds later she gets an assist but no passive proc?

Looks like Janna got faster at the expense of her teammates.


Is that a Kat nerf? I would think after 3 seconds if a champ dies it still counts as an assist. So if like her target gets away and then gets Jinx ulted 5 seconds later she gets an assist but no passive proc?
yup, it works exactly like jinx passive, she gets the assist no matter what, but the reset is conditional on her participating in the kill just before it happened.

i don't think that's too much of a nerf, as i don't think it made all that much of a difference for jinx, but i might be wrong.

Looks like Janna got faster at the expense of her teammates.
yeah, her passive was pretty broken

this sounds cool, it reinforces her role as a backline disengage champion

i dunno about the w buff tho, 9% ms sounds kind of insane


It's gonna be a bigger deal to Kat than Jinx. Kat can't just go in, ult, get out, dance around the outside and wait for an assist then go back in a wreck.

It's not a massive nerf, but it does help curb the bullshit.


"Mandrake Ward"
Click to Consume:places an invisible blind sentry in a brush for 5 minutes. The plant will ping the map if a visible or invisible enemy enemy is within 900 range.

i really don't know if i like anything about this patch lol


I sure hope it's not the "danger" ping sound or that's going to get old FAST. Presumably it can also be killed like a normal invisible ward?
fuck low priority queues, I went to grab some stuff, and came back to have to wait 10 minutes again for the queues.

it's not even my fault, it's my friends.


They needed to nerf Jarvan's early game CDs or base damages.

These changes won't really affect players who know how to play assassin jarvan. Pretty dumb change imo.
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