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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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we should file this orb walking convo under "who cares" and get back to talking about how underpowered syndra is

srs riot pls buff syndra

Screw that, Vi needs a rework.

Top lane has Irelia.
Mid has Ori/Syndra/Ahri
Bot has well, it could probably use an ADC, but support wise: Janna, Morgana and Nami
Jungle has been a sausage fest after Elise fell out of favor.


Theres no jungle meta atm besides rammus and kha6. They nerfed everything and forgot to balance.

You can practically play anything in the jungle this patch.


Theres no jungle meta atm besides rammus and kha6. They nerfed everything and forgot to balance.

You can practically play anything in the jungle this patch.

Eh, Rengar, Khaz, Lee seemed pretty popular.

Still want a Vi rework.

edit: That out of the way, I guess it is either too late for this season and too early to call for next season.
That's a big if getting the yellow card off. Plus, if you don't kill them within 2 seconds you're probably dead, which is really hard to do since tf has no real attack steroids, or burst since you are not ap. I just don't see it happening unless you're really ahead.

You'll take a ton of damage coming in, and if they have any armor you'll probably lose too.

Then it must have been a pretty bad Sivir. Either way, AD TF can't 1v1 most ADCs.
I'm sorry but you two don't have the experience I have with AD TF. I'm sure you're better at LoL than me, but you haven't played AD TF as much as I have.

He can take every single ADC in the game unless they have a QSS or Cleanse.
Man so much of this new thread consists of random posts and ad tf debates.

What I'm trying to say is lets talk more anivia!
Rito why did you change the way her q cast works? It makes no sense to move her if casting out of range for the way that skill works. You pretty much always want to aim it max range and press q again to pop when you hit your mark. The new auto feels nice but ihave some getting adjustments to make after playing her a ton before the "buff".
Gosh I love that wall.
Let's talk Anivia? All right!

Chicken needs nerfing, she's OP as shit under the pretense that she's hard to play. Saw Bjerg do some shit with wall that is just dirty
I'm sorry but you two don't have the experience I have with AD TF. I'm sure you're better at LoL than me, but you haven't played AD TF as much as I have.

He can take every single ADC in the game unless they have a QSS or Cleanse.
They have much more experience with ADCs in general than you do with AD TF

Also it's not a matter of experience, most ADC numbers > AD TF numbers. They have higher AD scaling abilities, higher attack speed steroids/scaling and half their kit isn't useless because of your build path. This is something no amount of experience can change, if you take your AD TF build and apply it to any ADC they will outdamage you period.


I'm sorry but you two don't have the experience I have with AD TF. I'm sure you're better at LoL than me, but you haven't played AD TF as much as I have.

He can take every single ADC in the game unless they have a QSS or Cleanse.

What about banshee's?


I don't see the big deal with orb walking. I do it all the time when I play Syndra.


already made that joke, get out!

Anyone here can come to the aram map, get us farmed up to late game builds, and then 1vs1 TF. No QSS or Cleanse

Aram sorta poor place to test real world conditions, especially if you're disallowing certain items. That said I'd think AD TF would do even worse on ARAM 1v1.


OT 9 basically has to be named AD TF at this point right?

Seems like half the posts in the thread have referenced it in some way.


oh were we talking about the champ and not


Eh, Rengar, Khaz, Lee seemed pretty popular.

Still want a Vi rework.

edit: That out of the way, I guess it is either too late for this season and too early to call for next season.
Vi rework? She's one of the newer champion and I can't think of anything that needs changing with her really.


Is the adc in question afk?

This is coming from a guy who regularly plays olaf and vlad, so I have no room to talk about playing weird shit, but I just don't see how this works. I'll try to spectate one of your games soon.


Reading heavys posts are so hilarious. If and but qualifiers (you do realize that a lot of players at higher elos DO buy qss our take cleanse right? And I don't mean 6th item qss either), and so much silver reasoning (all I have to do is ult our flash in on the carry, not realizing that doing that outside of silver is going to get you obliterated by their team)

We should really do an in house game and see just how well it works against people who know how ad tf relies on low elo lack of game knowledge to succeed
The notion of an adc flashing to engage is absurd

Reading heavys posts are so hilarious. If and but qualifiers (you do realize that a lot of players at higher elos DO buy qss our take cleanse right? And I don't mean 6th item qss either), and so much silver reasoning (all I have to do is ult our flash in on the carry, not realizing that doing that outside of silver is going to get you obliterated by their team)

We should really do an in house game and see just how well it works against people who know how ad tf relies on low elo lack of game knowledge to succeed
I know what you're thinking. You're just wrong. You have no idea the damage he deals.


Unfair, Sivir has a spell shield. You're picking the one counter to TF.


i said force him to NOT play sivir

or is he not allowed to play draven either because he has a speed up to kite?

or is he not allowed to play cait because she can E away?

or is he not allowed to play jinx because she has chompers?


and you can't use your ult.

because ad tf.

I know what you're thinking. You're just wrong. You have no idea the damage he deals.

you know what? it's time to stop talking. time to put up or shut up. we're organizing an in house.

who's in? when are we doing it? i'm down. we're going to put an end to this stupid conversation


i said force him to NOT play sivir

or is he not allowed to play draven either because he has a speed up to kite?

or is he not allowed to play cait because she can E away?

or is he not allowed to play jinx because she has chompers?


and you can't use your ult.

because ad tf.

I misread. :(

Urgot only.
i said force him to NOT play sivir

or is he not allowed to play draven either because he has a speed up to kite?

or is he not allowed to play cait because she can E away?

or is he not allowed to play jinx because she has chompers?


and you can't use your ult.

because ad tf.

you know what? it's time to stop talking. time to put up or shut up. we're organizing an in house.

who's in? when are we doing it? i'm down. we're going to put an end to this stupid conversation
This is a silly, condescending post. I get what you guys are thinking. Bronze/Silver durr, but he beats every ADC in the game 1vs1 if no QSS or Cleanse. I have 300 games with him in ranked. I've played vs so many smurfs it's unreal.


This is a silly, condescending post. I get what you guys are thinking. Bronze/Silver durr, but he beats every ADC in the game 1vs1 if no QSS or Cleanse. I have 300 games with him in ranked. I've played vs so many smurfs it's unreal.

it's condescending because you've been nothing but condescending in your posts by flippantly dismissing what everyone who's better at the game has been telling you because "reasons". then you try to make qualifying statements (they cant have cleanse or qss), and try to justify "reasons" by "i beat smurfs all the time"

it's time to prove what you've been saying this entire time or shut up.

Come make a custom 1vs1 game with me right now, take 10 mins to farm our full builds, then go. We can just exchange kills to farm.

and you post stupid shit like this. this isn't how the game works. this isn't how SR works. you're making claims about ad TF in SR, so we're going to prove you wrong with your AD TF in SR. we're not going to cowtow to your specific design to give yourself every advantage possible to prove us wrong

i come home in 40 minutes. be ready.


I've never went AD on TF but I would imagine there's a reason he's not used that way in high level competitive play. Who knows though.


This is a silly, condescending post. I get what you guys are thinking. Bronze/Silver durr, but he beats every ADC in the game 1vs1 if no QSS or Cleanse. I have 300 games with him in ranked. I've played vs so many smurfs it's unreal.

I'm all for weird builds. I love Quinn. I know. You mastered a champion and can beat people who haven't mastered theirs. I always, always tell my friends "why did I have to master Quinn why didn't I master <insert 10+ ADCs that are better>".

You can admit that he's not as strong as other champions and still love him to death. Maybe he fits the way you play perfectly. That's fine. But look at the numbers. They don't lie. His damage output is simply lower than a lot of ADCs with similarly powerful items. None of his abilities scale off AD (except his draw). His range is pretty abysmal. He's a one-trick pony that can be countered in a number of ways.

If you like him, that's fine. Play him all you want. If you're having success, then go ahead. But don't throw around your personal experiences like they're fact, especially when you're in Silver. I'm only in Gold and I don't throw around stuff like that, at least not without it being tongue-in-cheek.
it's condescending because you've been nothing but condescending in your posts by flippantly dismissing what everyone who's better at the game has been telling you because "reasons". then you try to make qualifying statements (they cant have cleanse or qss), and try to justify "reasons" by "i beat smurfs all the time"

it's time to prove what you've been saying this entire time or shut up.

and you post stupid shit like this. this isn't how the game works. this isn't how SR works. you're making claims about ad TF in SR, so we're going to prove you wrong with your AD TF in SR. we're not going to cowtow to your specific design to give yourself every advantage possible to prove us wrong

i come home in 40 minutes. be ready.
Nothing has ever been condescending about my TF posts. I don't think you know what that word means. Saying TF beats every ADC 1vs1 isn't an example of someone being condescending.


I like the AD TF talk. Both parties have valid arguments. I think AD TF is a good pick in the lower elos. I got destroyed by a legit ADC TF once in diamond ranked (#neverforget). He dished massive damage, I can see him 1v1ing an ADC. He was massively fed, though, mostly by me (his synergy with his support was incredible, the double stun was a nightmare, forgot who was support tho, maybe leona).


Nothing has ever been condescending about my TF posts. I don't think you know what that word means. Saying TF beats every ADC 1vs1 isn't an example of someone being condescending.

it absolutely is, because every time you state it, you put up asinine qualifiers. no cleanse or qss, are you serious with this shit? who is going to look at a team comp with lock downs and not buy a qss in this game outside of gold and under elos? and are you forgetting about crucible? or basic peel?


I know what you're thinking. You're just wrong. You have no idea the damage he deals.

The thing of it is though, we do have a pretty decent idea of how much damage he does, along with his attack range. For example:



Compare him to twitch because he's the random first ADC I thought of. TF's base stats are similar, but he has a worse aspd scaling, a worse aspd steroid, no AD scaling abilities (unless you count his W), and essentially only one ability that is actually useful in a 1v1. I honestly have no idea how you would ever kill an ulting Twitch by just walking at him as by that point he has more than 300 range advantage on you. That's on an ADC that isn't even in the meta right now
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