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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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why play Orianna when you can play the superior thigh ball champion
Syndra is my most played mid this season but my Syndra is cursed by the God of Throws. I either do great and we throw or play like shit and single-handedly lose the game. No in-between.

Also she's not a thigh champion, she's a feet champion, get your facts straight.
I remember when I used to play Left 4 Dead 2 versus games with friends. We always tried to make things balanced, but then sometimes you get stuck with the people who have their head in the clouds and wander off on their own and you just want to strangle them so much holy fuck they're so dumb d;lkjndsfn'sanfvksd
I remember when I used to play Left 4 Dead 2 versus games with friends. We always tried to make things balanced, but then sometimes you get stuck with the people who have their head in the clouds and wander off on their own and you just want to strangle them so much holy fuck they're so dumb d;lkjndsfn'sanfvksd
People taking Left 4 Dead Versus seriously when nothing about it is well-designed is the true crime here.

And Scavenge Mode was superior in L4D2 anyways.
So I duo'd with a friend for 3 games today...


Man. Phew. I haven't seen this sight in quite a while.

first game as Caitlyn we rolled game, but I had trouble against Yi in the mid-late game. Dude fucking hurts. Thankfully our hybrid Amumu with just enough armour and just enough AP was able to solo him and we won the game.

The second game I got Lucian and we rolled the game super hard. It was really easy. Lucian Janna is kinda dumb.

Then came the third game...

Oh man. 53 minutes of my heart in my mouth. I was carrying so fucking hard, but like fight after fight Mundo or Karthus would get hooked and we lost a lot of them. I was so farmed and so strong though that we eventually started winning fights again. Got a Baron, a few dragons etc. But then it started happening again. Just hook after hook landed on Mundo and Karthus and we'd lose fights. At this stage I had a Mercurial Scimitar to avoid Gnar stuns and Thresh hooks killing me, but we had just lost a fight and I was the only won alive. At this stage they had 2 inhibs and 1 nexus turret down, though the inhibs themselves were up at this stage.

It was 4 of them against me pushing down mid lane. Wasn't much I could do. I sold my Scimitar for a GA, just in case. They got our inhib and both nexus turrets, but my team respawned just in time. I managed to kill 2 or 3 of them and we bum rushed down mi. Got the inhib, got the last Nexus turret... and then my team started dying. I knew I couldn't win the fight 1 v 3 or 4 so i just went straight for the half health nexus. eventually it was just me alive and the Nexus had one hit left... they killed me, but when I revived from my GA I got the last hit in with 4 of them standing around me on my own and won the game.

Holy fuck. I've never carried so hard.


You can tell from the graph just how back and forth it was. Only 1.3k gold separated us at the end:


And uhhh.... in case you guys didn't know, Lucian does hella damage:


Now sitting on 59 LP. The dream is still alive.


So I duo'd with a friend for 3 games today...


Man. Phew. I haven't seen this sight in quite a while.

first game as Caitlyn we rolled game, but I had trouble against Yi in the mid-late game. Dude fucking hurts. Thankfully our hybrid Amumu with just enough armour and just enough AP was able to solo him and we won the game.

The second game I got Lucian and we rolled the game super hard. It was really easy. Lucian Janna is kinda dumb.

Then came the third game...

Oh man. 53 minutes of my heart in my mouth. I was carrying so fucking hard, but like fight after fight Mundo or Karthus would get hooked and we lost a lot of them. I was so farmed and so strong though that we eventually started winning fights again. Got a Baron, a few dragons etc. But then it started happening again. Just hook after hook landed on Mundo and Karthus and we'd lose fights. At this stage I had a Mercurial Scimitar to avoid Gnar stuns and Thresh hooks killing me, but we had just lost a fight and I was the only won alive. At this stage they had 2 inhibs and 1 nexus turret down, though the inhibs themselves were up at this stage.

It was 4 of them against me pushing down mid lane. Wasn't much I could do. I sold my Scimitar for a GA, just in case. They got our inhib and both nexus turrets, but my team respawned just in time. I managed to kill 2 or 3 of them and we bum rushed down mi. Got the inhib, got the last Nexus turret... and then my team started dying. I knew I couldn't win the fight 1 v 3 or 4 so i just went straight for the half health nexus. eventually it was just me alive and the Nexus had one hit left... they killed me, but when I revived from my GA I got the last hit in with 4 of them standing around me on my own and won the game.

Holy fuck. I've never carried so hard.


You can tell from the graph just how back and forth it was. Only 1.3k gold separated us at the end:


And uhhh.... in case you guys didn't know, Lucian does hella damage:


Now sitting on 59 LP. The dream is still alive.

Nice! Loved reading these btw. Like, all of you should do this! Makes me kinda live it ;o


Nice! Loved reading these btw. Like, all of you should do this! Makes me kinda live it ;o

I had a ranked game recently I wish I could have done this for, but the game somehow never got registered on the matchhistory.league website. :(

It had to do with a comeback against a Yasuo that 4-0:d our Jayce in mid lane.


So I'm a little confused with 1 item for Mordekaiser:
Will of Ancients vs. Hextech Gunblade

On the one hand Will gives 80 AP and cooldown, on Hextech there's its active and its lifesteal, which can give a good health chunk for his Q and when my abilities are on cooldown autoattacks give back a little health.

...I think I'd rather go Will of the Ancients, is cheaper, and with Deathfire grasp I get 20% total cooldown. Sure it'd just shave off maybe 1 second off his Q and E, but even then it'd help get his passive shield up a little faster.
So I'm a little confused with 1 item for Mordekaiser:
Will of Ancients vs. Hextech Gunblade

On the one hand Will gives 80 AP and cooldown, on Hextech there's its active and its lifesteal, which can give a good health chunk for his Q and when my abilities are on cooldown autoattacks give back a little health.

...I think I'd rather go Will of the Ancients, is cheaper, and with Deathfire grasp I get 20% total cooldown. Sure it'd just shave off maybe 1 second off his Q and E, but even then it'd help get his passive shield up a little faster.
The Gunblade active really helps. Morde has no way to close gaps


never seen ziggs pre 30. is he worth buying ?

You're lucky. Most boring champ in the game for me.

On Morde. I go WoTA. Even if he's melee I never do any Physical damage with him. It's all about the E and W aside from the ulti. The slow helps but I'm not really chasing people as Morde he has no way to escape if you overextend jut a bit.


You're lucky. Most boring champ in the game for me.

On Morde. I go WoTA. Even if he's melee I never do any Physical damage with him. It's all about the E and W aside from the ulti. The slow helps but I'm not really chasing people as Morde he has no way to escape if you overextend jut a bit.

ok im about to buy either kassadin or ziggs but im leaning more towards kassadin

pls help


Depends on what you're interested in.

Ziggs is overall more useful right now imo because he's still pretty good at holding off sieges and whatnot. Easy to farm with, easy to play in general. If you don't know many mids he's a really good one to know.

But if you just want to zoom around the map and teleport on top of people a bunch kass is good for that. Kass is much better off against ap mids than ad though.
Personally, I feel Xerath is better than Ziggs at what they both do during mid and late game. :/ Xerath can nuke waves with one skill, but Ziggs can't. I can see Riot nerfing Q's damage against minions some time in the future, since they dislike safe and easy waveclears.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Uploaded my Garen match. The beginning is a bit weird and the camera resets if I ALT-Tab, so it's in regular spectate mode rather than following me. Any tips? I didn't play that well to be honest.


Probably don't want to run TP on Garen very often. Garen's global presence is pretty meaningless when his gank or teamfight contribution is going to be low, and it drastically cuts your kill potential in lane. Make sure you're finding high priority targets for the silence because there were times when it didn't seem like it was reaching the targets it needed to. Don't overcommit to chasing the enemy team or engaging on a fight just because the rest of your team does. I don't like your build either. Sunfire was a waste in that game. Not enough MR either considering the enemy team comp. I generally feel that Garen's base damage is too low to build primarily defensive.


We don't bm in low elo panda

Gotta respect Gnar for building Wriggles though considering he missed 12 minutes of the game.
Anyone wanna duo with me and help me push through these Silver 2 quals real quick? Hit me up if so.

Probably don't want to run TP on Garen very often. Garen's global presence is pretty meaningless when his gank or teamfight contribution is going to be low, and it drastically cuts your kill potential in lane. Make sure you're finding high priority targets for the silence because there were times when it didn't seem like it was reaching the targets it needed to. Don't overcommit to chasing the enemy team or engaging on a fight just because the rest of your team does. I don't like your build either. Sunfire was a waste in that game. Not enough MR either considering the enemy team comp. I generally feel that Garen's base damage is too low to build primarily defensive.

Might I also add: I wouldn't recommend rushing a ghostblade as your only damage source. It doesn't synergize with his spin and he's rarely looking to stand there and autoattack the enemy. Casual Brutalizer --> IE --> LW is my preferred damage setup, with amor/mr as the match calls for it. I like the item build order otherwise.

Things just came out too late. It was eleven (11!) minutes between your first major completed item (sunfire) and your second (Omen). Gotta see what you can do to get those items online faster.

That said...pretty sure your team lost at character select, bro. Your comp doesn't allow you to do anything easily. Pickoffs don't come easy (no assassin). Split pushing isn't easy (no really good, really fast waveclear). 5v5 isn't easy (far worse team fight comp).

You guys had absolutely no way to initiate into them with Annie, Leona and Amumu ults looming. None that should end in your favor, anyway. Frankly, I'm surprised you guys made that match last 40 minutes. Their comp is an ADC's wet dream. CC on every champ on their front line. Space fuckin created.
Probably don't want to run TP on Garen very often. Garen's global presence is pretty meaningless when his gank or teamfight contribution is going to be low, and it drastically cuts your kill potential in lane. Make sure you're finding high priority targets for the silence because there were times when it didn't seem like it was reaching the targets it needed to. Don't overcommit to chasing the enemy team or engaging on a fight just because the rest of your team does. I don't like your build either. Sunfire was a waste in that game. Not enough MR either considering the enemy team comp. I generally feel that Garen's base damage is too low to build primarily defensive.

Thanks. I probably should've used TP to split-push since I had Sunfire for wave-clear. I thought MR would mainly be for Annie since Amumu built defensive. I felt I needed armour for MF and Irelia. Spirit Visage? IE? I built Brutalizer first and converted it to Ghostblade later.

Anyone wanna duo with me and help me push through these Silver 2 quals real quick? Hit me up if so.

Might I also add: I wouldn't recommend rushing a ghostblade as your only damage source. It doesn't synergize with his spin and he's rarely looking to stand there and autoattack the enemy. Casual Brutalizer --> IE --> LW is my preferred damage setup, with amor/mr as the match calls for it. I like the item build order otherwise.

Things just came out too late. It was eleven (11!) minutes between your first major completed item (sunfire) and your second (Omen). Gotta see what you can do to get those items online faster.

That said...pretty sure your team lost at character select, bro. Your comp doesn't allow you to do anything easily. Pickoffs don't come easy (no assassin). Split pushing isn't easy (no really good, really fast waveclear). 5v5 isn't easy (far worse team fight comp).

You guys had absolutely no way to initiate into them with Annie, Leona and Amumu ults looming. None that should end in your favor, anyway. Frankly, I'm surprised you guys made that match last 40 minutes. Their comp is an ADC's wet dream. CC on every champ on their front line. Space fuckin created.

Yeah I went Ghostblade because the Cleaver price was too steep. I had last pick so my options were limited. Maybe Shyvana for more AoE? The reason the game lasted so long was because it's low Silver and their MF made brain-dead plays as well. Frankly Irelia wasn't much of a factor either.
Don't build armor for Irelia, build Health.

Also you take too much time between recalls, after you got brutalizer you just turned the lane into a stalemate because neither of you could kill each other and none of you recalled, but since you're Vs Irelia that is heavily against you because if you're not bullying her while you have the advantage she'll just outscale you hard.


I want to play more jungle. Maybe I can practice in the off-season.

I was really going to take a break from league.. but you know how that works out.
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