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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Thanks. I probably should've used TP to split-push since I had Sunfire for wave-clear. I thought MR would mainly be for Annie since Amumu built defensive. I felt I needed armour for MF and Irelia. Spirit Visage? IE? I built Brutalizer first and converted it to Ghostblade later.

Yeah I went Ghostblade because the Cleaver price was too steep. I had last pick so my options were limited. Maybe Shyvana for more AoE? The reason the game lasted so long was because it's low Silver and their MF made brain-dead plays as well. Frankly Irelia wasn't much of a factor either.
Sometimes the damage output of the enemy team can be deceptive. A Miss Fortune/Leona lane actually deals a fair amount of magic damage because of how MF's abilities work, and how Leona's passive works. Irelia is another case of mixed damage, where you see true damage and magic damage showing up in the kit. In both cases Randuin's is a better option for the boosted health and attack speed slow. If you want a tanky build Randuin's into Visage or Veil is fine, and then stack Warmog's/Thornmail on top of it.
Yeah I went Ghostblade because the Cleaver price was too steep. I had last pick so my options were limited. Maybe Shyvana for more AoE? The reason the game lasted so long was because it's low Silver and their MF made brain-dead plays as well. Frankly Irelia wasn't much of a factor either.
I don't know that there was anything you could have picked for top that could have helped your team comp team fight. You guys needed something like Sejuani in the jungle to combo-break their ult chain. Or maybe a Vi, Shaco or Rengar to assassinate their adc. Miss Fortune has no escapes, so she's food for those kinds of assassins. At mid, an assassin like Fizz or Zed would have been ideal.

But no, I don't think there was anything you could pick for top that when paired with the rest of your comp would have allowed you to win 5v5's. Maybe top Rengar or Poppy. Maybe a split pusher like Trynd to sort of force them to split up. I don't think anyone else gets through their front lines.

adc jayce, teemo support, jungle poppy and jungle gnar all in one match?
can't ask for more than that.

can't disagree. Purple team's propensity to sort of dive 2v5 or kamakazi for a kill was a sight to behold. Dat Heavy poppy was knockin bitches out.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't know that there was anything you could have picked for top that could have helped your team comp team fight. You guys needed something like Sejuani in the jungle to combo-break their ult chain. Or maybe a Vi, Shaco or Rengar to assassinate their adc. Miss Fortune has no escapes. At mid, an assassin like Fizz or Zed would have been ideal.

But no, I don't think there was anything you could pick for top that when paired with the rest of your comp would have allowed you to win 5v5's. Maybe top Rengar or Poppy. Maybe a split pusher like Trynd to sort of force them to split up. I don't think anyone else gets through their front lines.
Anything with high splitpush pressure would have done fine in that game top. I don't really think his team's comp was that bad.
Anything with high splitpush pressure would have done fine in that game top. I don't really think his team's comp was that bad.

I just don't feel like that comp can team fight after midgame/25 mintutes. And if you can't team fight you have to be able to do something else well. Whether that's split pushing or ganking and pickoffs, you've gotta have something that your comp does that points to a win condition. But they didn't have the picks to support any of those playstyles, and as the game got later, the team fight advantage only gets stronger for the enemy comp. Enemy team fights were infinitely easier (on paper) to coordinate and pull off.

No? I may be giving the enemy comp too much credit. But I feel like the only option would have been someone like Trynd or Jax to split push and be annoying as hell. Or even Rengar who can split push hard, then assassinate the adc in 5v5's.


Uploaded my Garen match. The beginning is a bit weird and the camera resets if I ALT-Tab, so it's in regular spectate mode rather than following me. Any tips? I didn't play that well to be honest.



Couple questions, what runes and masteries are you using?

One thing I saw from the start is that especially against melee you want to harass them heavy. You have a lot of damage at the start. When irelia goes for a last hit auto, then cancel that with your q. Usually you get the two hits and even with the movement speed you will get a second auto attack against them.

Most irelia's I've fought start with Q so don't worry about them stunning you.

Most irelia's damage comes from heiten(or however its spelled) style which is true damage. Armor is good but won't help you against that.

Try to make sure your spin2win gets all its hits against caster minions. At level 1 you will need one more auto to kill them but at 2 or 3 levels of spin2win you will kill them with all the hits of it. Especially with a large group like was near your tower at the start.

Gonna watch more and provide tips as I see them. Good so far though. I personally start with doran's blade to really harass


If you are gonna spin2win against an enemy make sure you auto or Q them. One at top you were next to melee, started spinning and then moved to irelia.

Also when the jungle comes, in irelia's case try to bait her stun by going a little aggressive so it isn't up when the jungler ganks (be careful to not go too early before the jungler gets in place.

And try to silence at the start. Against irelia ignite isn't too bad because of her ult. That negates that or executioner's sword of "hey homie no healing round here".

Double edit:

Around 20 minutes the enemy bot is at your tier 2 tower and there is a ward at the brush below golems. You should have ported in and showed who's big boss.

For ganks bottom, if they have a ward in the brush at bottom, when the enemy bot commits you can port in to help change the flow to their favor. Just make sure to push the lane first so the enemy top doesn't get a free tower.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I just don't feel like that comp can team fight after midgame/25 mintutes. And if you can't team fight you have to be able to do something else well. Whether that's split pushing or ganking and pickoffs. But they didn't have the picks to support any of those playstyles, and as the game got later, the team fight advantage only gets stronger for the enemy comp.

No? I may be giving the enemy comp too much credit. But I feel like the only option would have been someone like Trynd or Jax to split push and be annoying as hell. Or even Rengar who can split push hard, then assassinate the adc in 5v5's.
They have strong disengage and hold turrets well with Ori/Janna combo. Or you look for picks in the jungle with Lee. To be honest they probably would have been able to team fight if there wasn't such a great gold disparity, which is part of why the game lasted as long as it did and blue team even managed to take certain team fights.
They have strong disengage and hold turrets well with Ori/Janna combo. Or you look for picks in the jungle with Lee. To be honest they probably would have been able to team fight if there wasn't such a great gold disparity, which is part of why the game lasted as long as it did and blue team even managed to take certain team fights.

ic. I didn't watch the replay. Just looking at the graphs and comps. In my mind I see Amumu Q - ulting 3 or 4 with tibbers followup and leona dropping ult on those trying to escape. Probably not how it actually went down.

I have absolutely no idea of what I'm doing. But it works!


I had a ranked game recently I wish I could have done this for, but the game somehow never got registered on the matchhistory.league website. :(

It had to do with a comeback against a Yasuo that 4-0:d our Jayce in mid lane.

Is it me or even with the recent nerfs, Yasuo can still be played by decent people? I feel like Yasuo is the Akali of AD mids, in the sense that a couple of kills/items manage to keep him/bring him into the game?

I could be wrong though!

Also idk how Jayce could lose that big vs Yasuo? But maybe I'm playing the matchup wrong in my head!

I got completely fucked with Vayne and still somehow won, isn't that how it's supposed to go?

"Vayne carry" always means Vayne got carried!


A good Pantheon or Jarvan IV are scary to me. I've never managed to make it work myself, but sometimes I'll have one in a game and not especially notice them, and then when I check the scoreboard they'll have 15 kills or something.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
I had a J4 top that first-picked him and went something like 18-4. Assassin J4 is always hilarious, people never respect his power.


just lost another dragged out game as lee sin

should i go full tank or hybrid ? early/mid game is pretty good but im of no use late game except for roundhouse kicking adcs

bought hydra-tabi-randuins-ruby sight-spirit vis-and warmogs

any tips ?

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
just lost another dragged out game as lee sin

should i go full tank or hybrid ? early/mid game is pretty good but im of no use late game except for roundhouse kicking adcs

bought hydra-tabi-randuins-ruby sight-spirit vis-and warmogs

any tips ?
Id say put ruby sight before randuins and replace spirit visage with banshees.
Remember that his q does more damage the less health a target has and is really good at finishing off enemies along with his e.
Thanks for the tips. It's a lot to keep track of: last-hitting, harassing, keeping an eye out for their jungler, while our bot lane just rages at each other. Lee Sin was like "I'm done" so many times.
Thanks for the tips. It's a lot to keep track of: last-hitting, harassing, keeping an eye out for their jungler, while our bot lane just rages at each other. Lee Sin was like "I'm done" so many times.
Well, to be fair with a Trist like that I would be done like 2 times per minute

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
did absolutely nothing but get the last hit on nexus. ez game


Is it me or even with the recent nerfs, Yasuo can still be played by decent people? I feel like Yasuo is the Akali of AD mids, in the sense that a couple of kills/items manage to keep him/bring him into the game?

I could be wrong though!

Also idk how Jayce could lose that big vs Yasuo? But maybe I'm playing the matchup wrong in my head!

Yasuo is indeed viable in the hands on decent players. If he does not get overly punished early he will grow ridiculously strong later, much stronger than Akali.

I really have no idea how Jayce lost though. I think he did some mistakes on lvl 1, got killed and then the Yasuo was good enough to exploit the lead to snowball him.


Thanks for the tips. It's a lot to keep track of: last-hitting, harassing, keeping an eye out for their jungler, while our bot lane just rages at each other. Lee Sin was like "I'm done" so many times.

Yeah it is a lot to keep track of, but those things make a big difference, when you run teleport you gotta keep track of the whole map to see if a team fight breaks out that you can make a huge difference in.


The league gods graced me with three losses at 0lp with no demotion. Nice. I guess lol...

Even with the loss, my teammates and enemy team commented on how well I played despite our team. Simple things like having pinks on hand for Akali, exhauting Tristana, and knocking back WW ults go a long way :)
Also idk how Jayce could lose that big vs Yasuo? But maybe I'm playing the matchup wrong in my head!

Maybe he got ganked a lot? Idunno. I just did this in a mid 1v1 against a Yauso.


Was pretty free in laning phase. I mean if you don't understand how Yauso's kit works, you might get bodied. He can be a very obnoxious matchup with his ability to side-step or block EQ's and auto's.


wow nasus is amazing

faced off against a tryn who couldnt do anything after i got armor on my first back.

had around 550 stacks at the end lol

edit: im supposed to play passively with nasus right ? i just kept farming for pretty much the entire early/mid game


wow nasus is amazing

faced off against a tryn who couldnt do anything after i got armor on my first back.

had around 550 stacks at the end lol

edit: im supposed to play passively with nasus right ? i just kept farming for pretty much the entire early/mid game

That's what I do when I play nasus. Watch some sirhcez, you can learn a lot from his nasus play.



Riot said:
Our first goal was to balance this more equally in favor of other attributes like sustain and mitigation in order to open up the strategic space for jungler power. As such, we’ve given basic camps a pretty hefty base stat increase. We’ve also changed the pacing of the basic camps, increasing their gold and XP rewards, along with their spawn delay. This puts a higher premium on mitigation-focused junglers who can stay healthy to gank after clearing a camp, while high-damage junglers might be more effective at ganking but will have a tougher time keeping up.

I'd love for Riot to expound on why they think this will be the case. At some point in time Riot is just going to have to get down and dirty and look at champion balance and stop blaming high level systems for the lack of jungle diversity.
wow nasus is amazing

faced off against a tryn who couldnt do anything after i got armor on my first back.

had around 550 stacks at the end lol

edit: im supposed to play passively with nasus right ? i just kept farming for pretty much the entire early/mid game

Just freeze your lane, keep farming then TP to teamfights/dragon. Tryndamere is a very favorable matchup for Nasus.

I'd love for Riot to expound on why they think this will be the case. At some point in time Riot is just going to have to get down and dirty and look at champion balance and stop blaming high level systems for the lack of jungle diversity.
Well, they decoupled the damage + sustain from attack speed / damage and moved the damage to Smite plus monster buffs. Not sure how that's gonna help tank junglers especially on first clears though, given that the camps are tougher now.
There is nothing worse school-related than writing papers. Just getting started is the worst. Picking a topic, finding the peer-reviewed articles, starting that first paragraph. It's just brutal. Once I get started I blow through the paper, but I always this huge writer's block to get started. These last two hours I could have been TF'ing it up but instead I wasted two hours writing a simple one page paper that should have took maybe 30 minutes for a normal person.
There is nothing worse school-related than writing papers. Just getting started is the worst. Picking a topic, finding the peer-reviewed articles, starting that first paragraph. It's just brutal. Once I get started I blow through the paper, but I always this huge writer's block to get started. These last two hours I could have been TF'ing it up but instead I wasted two hours writing a simple one page paper that should have took maybe 30 minutes for a normal person.



There is nothing worse school-related than writing papers. Just getting started is the worst. Picking a topic, finding the peer-reviewed articles, starting that first paragraph. It's just brutal. Once I get started I blow through the paper, but I always this huge writer's block to get started. These last two hours I could have been TF'ing it up but instead I wasted two hours writing a simple one page paper that should have took maybe 30 minutes for a normal person.

Write about ad tf. Reference yourself and this thread.


wow nasus is amazing

faced off against a tryn who couldnt do anything after i got armor on my first back.

had around 550 stacks at the end lol

edit: im supposed to play passively with nasus right ? i just kept farming for pretty much the entire early/mid game

Let the enemy push into tower at level 1

Use cdr runes/masteries for 10% cdr at level 1 to help with stacking under tower.

Glacial shroud on your first back if you're against AD or negatron+ruby is you're against AP

Stack pots so you only back when your teleport is up.

Should aim for 350-400 stacks by 20minutes if you don't die or get harassed much. 500 if you get jungle pressure.

If you find yourself losing lane or have died once, 250-300stacks by 20minutes is good.
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