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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Just had the worst game ever as Sivir, our Mid Yasuo AFKs early on making our Jungle Yi have to Mid.
Kata gets fed like crazy and she carries the game for the opposition whose Vayne was AFK all game.
Doesn't help that my Thresh support doesn't even build Locket when it was the first item I told him to build early on in chat
When Kata starts slaughtering us, and I tell him to sell Mikael he keeps saying he's 'building towards it'.

Ugh...but then I remember that game as Sivir where I got 19 kills and I just shrug it off.

BTW why is Yi not considered a lot in high elos for?


It's impressive how Hexakill can be more rage-inducing than SR.


Lol had a trynd stay in the jungle literally the entire game once. He then bragged in all chat as our nexus tower was being taken down that he had the most cs of anyone in the game. Good job bud.
Yeah, this "mouse cursor not moving after putting in new batteries" is a new problem. Just bad luck. Feel awful for my team. Wasted 40 minutes of their time and lost them points/possible promo.

somebody has the same avatar as you do, this confuses me. fix it pls.


Because high level teams can easily shut him down unless you're someone with thousands of Yi games like Cowsep.

Mind elaborating please? I figure if you've warded properly you can CC him and he won't be a threat anymore.
At least if I'm Garen Top against Yi I can wreck his shit starting with Lvl. 2, Q>E and bye bye 40% of his health, so if I keep harrassing him I can stop him from getting ahead.



Just tried my hand at Jinx on SR and I fucking blew it. -_-;

I fucked up and got heal baited once and overall acted like an idiot. I was able to keep up with farm with the other ADC on both times but obviously way below kills.

At one point we had 5 people bot but it's ok, because Udyr can keep farming Wraiths. :D

One of the lanes we were against was Kennen and Annie... stuns for life. ._. fucking cheesey ass lane.

I really want to improve, I really do, but I feel I'm always gonna be a scrub. I keep getting baited, I assist team mates that are overextending (and I end up overextending in return of course) and shit like that.

Match histories:


Was going so well at the start, I kept poking with the rockets when Kennen was near, and I was pushing them and having them under turret. We were ahead but then we had a bad engage and both of us died. Then it kinda spiraled down because I didn't want to engage and every time they did, we commited to it anyway (don't ask me why).

This one Kassadin "left" his lane after losing it and instead of farming waves, he just roamed... I don't understand. At one point he ported to bot, when enemy bot lane was under tower (???).


This is the one was worse.

I was planning on doing my 5th placement match tonight but I'm discouraged atm. Any insight is much appreciated, as always. Tips/criticism etc.


How long have you been playing league?

Hmm, like since March/April? I think! At least then was when I started understanding the game for real, and was leveling @10-20. Before that I played with RL friends and basically got carried in games (still do!).

Edit. Whoops! In my self-pity forgot to comment on Wolf! Grats and GL! I'll be DDOSing your opponents. ;o


Hmm, like since March/April? I think! At least then was when I started understanding the game for real, and was leveling @10-20

Ah ok, that makes sense.

It takes a lot of time to actually get decent, haha. I started playing like in June 2013 and I'm only silver III. Just looking at that game, you've got the itemization part down (you're not rushing hurricane, etc). You're also recognizing what you're doing, so that's good.

The main thing you can do is just keep playing. Work on farming and general strategy. Getting just like 60-70 cs every 10 minutes is enough by itself to get you to silver. I dunno if you main ADC, but don't initiate teamfights, especially with Jinx. Your job is to sit in the backline and throw autos, running away from the fight in between each one to stay alive. If someone gets caught, just leave them unless you know you can save them.


Ah ok, that makes sense.

It takes a lot of time to actually get decent, haha. I started playing like in June 2013 and I'm only silver III. Just looking at that game, you've got the itemization part down (you're not rushing hurricane, etc). You're also recognizing what you're doing, so that's good.

The main thing you can do is just keep playing. Work on farming and general strategy. Getting just like 60-70 cs every 10 minutes is enough by itself to get you to silver. I dunno if you main ADC, but don't initiate teamfights, especially with Jinx. Your job is to sit in the backline and throw autos, running away from the fight in between each one to stay alive. If someone gets caught, just leave them unless you know you can save them.

I tend to main support and I can play an OK Ahri/Annie mid and get by in the jungle. Top is probably my weakest as far as champion pool/practice goes. But I honestly just hate that lane.

ADC is fun and it's a role I want to improve on but I get really picky as far as supports goes (I guess because it's the role I play the most) and I tend to not be able to play when behind. Like I was trying to farm an incoming towards inner bot tower and when I went to ward our jungle, bam, Akali and Zed there.

My problem is I recognize my mistakes after I have done them... what worth is that. ._. ty for the input btw
Lost game #1. They were simply better. :'( I could barely land any Dark Binding in lane. Their Ryze got fed hardcore. We had much superior vision because their support Xerath didn't get Sightstone while our team had a 2nd Sightstone from Lee. Problem is that Lee was trying really hard to kill Ryze but it usually ends killing both Lee and Kat.


I tend to main support and I can play an OK Ahri/Annie mid and get by in the jungle. Top is probably my weakest as far as champion pool/practice goes. But I honestly just hate that lane.

ADC is fun and it's a role I want to improve on but I get really picky as far as supports goes (I guess because it's the role I play the most) and I tend to not be able to play when behind. Like I was trying to farm an incoming towards inner bot tower and when I went to ward our jungle, bam, Akali and Zed there.

My problem is I recognize my mistakes after I have done them... what worth is that. ._. ty for the input btw

Excuse me for asking this but you don't have any problems last hitting as ADCs right?
What ADCs have you played as so far?


Excuse me for asking this but you don't have any problems last hitting as ADCs right?
What ADCs have you played as so far?

Hmm, I have gotten better as far as last hitting goes. It's not near enough for what I want but it seems to be enough vs the players I am matched against (so far).

I've only played it in normals but Tristana (pre nerfs) and Jinx. I own Ashe and Sivir but I don't really enjoy them playing them (had them in ARAMs and what not).
So my friends saw me played ranked, they did their ranked matches to qualify into ranked division, they got silver III instantly, sobs

Yeah, this "mouse cursor not moving after putting in new batteries" is a new problem. Just bad luck. Feel awful for my team. Wasted 40 minutes of their time and lost them points/possible promo.

I saw a clone on you on the MCC thread, salty as hell


Hmm, I have gotten better as far as last hitting goes. It's not near enough for what I want but it seems to be enough vs the players I am matched against (so far).

I've only played it in normals but Tristana (pre nerfs) and Jinx. I own Ashe and Sivir but I don't really enjoy them playing them (had them in ARAMs and what not).

I love Ashe. She's one of my favorite adc's to play. I don't play her that often though.


I love Ashe. She's one of my favorite adc's to play. I don't play her that often though.

I think Ashe looks lots of fun as far as kiting goes! I just don't trust myself as far as laning phase goes. Jinx is troubling me more than I thought but I'm better at CSing with her than with Tristana (E's passive tends to fuck me over sometimes). I feel with Ashe I would fuck up with the Q-toggle, I would need it to make more of a sound, like Jinx's Q!

I've gotten better at kiting auto-attacks (I feel Jinx's animations/sounds help, both on rockets and minigun), so I guess that's good!


Hmm, I have gotten better as far as last hitting goes. It's not near enough for what I want but it seems to be enough vs the players I am matched against (so far).

I've only played it in normals but Tristana (pre nerfs) and Jinx. I own Ashe and Sivir but I don't really enjoy them playing them (had them in ARAMs and what not).

Give Sivir another try, poke with Q, and if there are 3 creeps remaining W them to poke the enemy champs even more if they are close to them. You'll run into mana problems, but will be able to deal with it.
Inf.>Statik>Last Whisper then Bloodthirster or BoRK

Remember that her E stays for more than 1 second so try to use it to avoid skill shots etc.

I've come to like Sivir and having been using her as ADC with mostly good results even if I lose games :p


I think Ashe looks lots of fun as far as kiting goes! I just don't trust myself as far as laning phase goes. Jinx is troubling me more than I thought but I'm better at CSing with her than with Tristana (E's passive tends to fuck me over sometimes). I feel with Ashe I would fuck up with the Q-toggle, I would need it to make more of a sound, like Jinx's Q!

I've gotten better at kiting auto-attacks (I feel Jinx's animations/sounds help, both on rockets and minigun), so I guess that's good!

I hear ya. To be honest, just keep on playing and practicing. Eventually you'll find yourself at a point where you have a good idea of what you opponents will do in certain situations. Makes laning that much easier.

I love Ashe's slows, but it's her ult that does it for me. Especially when enemies are dysfunctional, you can pick someone off pretty easily if they're caught out alone, getting you that 4v5. :)
I am still having trouble as an ADC trying to kill the minions guys, in the early game I mostly fail to deal the last kill and get the money because my own minions kill them faster or kill them with the last pixel of health so I decide to get agressive ant start bulling the other ADC mostly
Still smh about last night. So I'm in the third game of my promo and my mouse battery goes out and then the cursor stops moving when I put in new batteries. Takes almost 20 minutes for me to fix it. I rejoin and we're up 30-21 but it's too late, they have our inhibs.

So I lose the series. Then what happens? Lose the next game. I went from being promoted down to 55 points just like that, because I buy crappy $40 games like Mordor and Divinity instead of buying a decent mouse.


Dare I try Ranked again as Sivir GAF?
Dare I....
wired mice forever.

Cosign. Wireless Mouse is for like presentations or if you got your PC/lappy hooked to a big ass TV to watch movies and ish.

Still smh about last night. So I'm in the third game of my promo and my mouse battery goes out and then the cursor stops moving when I put in new batteries. Takes almost 20 minutes for me to fix it. I rejoin and we're up 30-21 but it's too late, they have our inhibs.

So I lose the series. Then what happens? Lose the next game. I went from being promoted down to 55 points just like that, because I buy crappy $40 games like Mordor and Divinity instead of buying a decent mouse.

Hey man don't go into steam thread calling Divinity shitty, they've Bad Rats-ed people for less.


I played Twisted Fate on my main last night. Aside from managing mana and being able to do his ultimate quickly, I did well and carried our match along with Akali who I helped steamroll early. Lots of fun.

AP TF, by the way.
Hey man don't go into steam thread calling Divinity shitty, they've Bad Rats-ed people for less.
Bad Rats'ed? Banned? Ehh whatever, it's an overrated game with a crappy story and easily exploitable combat.

But you can click on everything!

Wow, so classic WRPG! -Doge


Everything is moe to me
I played Twisted Fate on my main last night. Aside from managing mana and being able to do his ultimate quickly, I did well and carried our match along with Akali who I helped steamroll early. Lots of fun.

AP TF, by the way.
birth of the new meta.

Heavy, have you ever tried quinn mid? she's kind of like ad tf, but tankier, more mobile, better scaling, etc. the trade off is a blind instead of a stun though.


I hear ya. To be honest, just keep on playing and practicing. Eventually you'll find yourself at a point where you have a good idea of what you opponents will do in certain situations. Makes laning that much easier.

I love Ashe's slows, but it's her ult that does it for me. Especially when enemies are dysfunctional, you can pick someone off pretty easily if they're caught out alone, getting you that 4v5. :)

Yeah my problem now is that I am too aware of my lane and little of others. I still check minimap but like earlier, bot lane we were both very passive (besides poking/trading Kennen/Annie) then I realized around 12 minutes in that we were 2-6 (none from bot lane) and was like uh oh, that's when we forced an engage that we shouldn't have made. I guess thinking it cold now, I pressured myself to win lane hard, when just "evening it out" would have been better, vs Kennen/Annie.

Also I think one of my problems is (not) trusting my support as well (and viceversa, when I play support, trusting the ADC). Idk how to solve that either, because I can't really say I would do better!

Give Sivir another try, poke with Q, and if there are 3 creeps remaining W them to poke the enemy champs even more if they are close to them. You'll run into mana problems, but will be able to deal with it.
Inf.>Statik>Last Whisper then Bloodthirster or BoRK

Remember that her E stays for more than 1 second so try to use it to avoid skill shots etc.

I've come to like Sivir and having been using her as ADC with mostly good results even if I lose games :p

I actually had a really good game as Nami (started iffy) with a Sivir.


I didn't really agree with Sivir's itemization though. I would have followed your route but it looks like he went Bloodthirster first (which made me understand why we were losing trades/all-ins mid game). Was a nice dude though, so I didn't mind. Also was the kind of ADC to accept when he f'd up (as did I). So that was a nice breeze.

What I didn't agree with was his Nami suggestions? He said he mains Nami and said something like 4/0/26? Fuck that. I went 0/9/21 (the usual it seems on probuilds). And also suggested to get Frost Queen first... to be honest I just rushed Sighstone > Boots > Gold item, as I tend to do almost often. I didn't do so poorly on mana as I expected, albeit I could have done better (some W's hit nobody but the target so that's bad).

Also I need to improve so much on using actives. Namely Randuin's/Mikael's! Randuin's I tend to use it more when using Leona/Thresh. I really don't think about it when playing Nami (who I plan on buying!).



Fun 50 minute epic. We could have won a few times at the end but kept flopping. Finally did win. I had 4.9k hp with elixir

Amumu so strong but his damage really late game is shit. I was just a walking ult/dmg sponge.

The beauty of Amumu is how "in your face" he is. He is this crying tank that never goes away and can punish bad positioning so bad.. D;

In all honesty I think you would be better off getting the AP jungle item to boost early gank damage, as well as maybe going Abyssal Scepter instead of Solari locket (though it's good that you got it, since Braum didn't get it himself). I could be wrong though! Just going off what I see lately on streams/probuilds.

Did they pop your Guardian Angel a lot? I don't really see it that much of a good item on a full-tank build, because if you are dying after soaking so much damage enough to warrant the revive, then maybe your team has more problems, like lack of damage. I could be wrong though!
The beauty of Amumu is how "in your face" he is. He is this crying tank that never goes away and can punish bad positioning so bad.. D;

In all honesty I think you would be better off getting the AP jungle item to boost early gank damage, as well as maybe going Abyssal Scepter instead of Solari locket (though it's good that you got it, since Braum didn't get it himself). I could be wrong though! Just going off what I see lately on streams/probuilds.

Did they pop your Guardian Angel a lot? I don't really see it that much of a good item on a full-tank build, because if you are dying after soaking so much damage enough to warrant the revive, then maybe your team has more problems, like lack of damage. I could be wrong though!
I got the GA in the last 5-10 minutes of the game after selling my boots (lol).


If the new champion doesn't release for another month, I might have a chance of finally finishing League of Legends. I am so close! I will not have tons of runes but I don't care as much about that. I just want all the champions.

My remaining 5 are Lucian, Aatrox, Zac, Darius, Viktor. I chose Lucian.


If the new champion doesn't release for another month, I might have a chance of finally finishing League of Legends. I am so close! I will not have tons of runes but I don't care as much about that. I just want all the champions.

My remaining 5 are Lucian, Aatrox, Zac, Darius, Viktor. I chose Lucian.

I think you misunderstood something. You finish League when you hit Challenger rank 1.


I got the GA in the last 5-10 minutes of the game after selling my boots (lol).

Oh whoops, didn't even notice lack of boots lol. Not sure I agree with that choice though! ;o

If the new champion doesn't release for another month, I might have a chance of finally finishing League of Legends. I am so close! I will not have tons of runes but I don't care as much about that. I just want all the champions.

My remaining 5 are Lucian, Aatrox, Zac, Darius, Viktor. I chose Lucian.

I'm at that point where I want only around 12-13 champs! And sadly most of them are 4800+ ones. -_-;

I think you misunderstood something. You finish League when you hit Challenger rank 1.

I think winning League is actually finding a Vayne that plays somewhat safe after getting a lead in lane and is not an asshole. Like this one!

Man, was this game fun, hmhmm!

I had a pink or a sweeper ready everytime Twitch tried to use his Q. Stink-b-gone!

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