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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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So I'm not losing my mind, this is a match I should have trouble with as Gnar, right? I figure that if that's true for the likes of Irelia and Fiora than it's likely true for Panth. After some thought, I think I should have spammed my autos to get Gnar form ASAP, maybe? Get him on the back off early on and poke down to ride out laning phase and keep him in check.


I've never played the match up so i'm just guessing here but;

Don't let the wave push into his tower at level 1. Last hit. Weave in and out of bush to avoid him spearing you too much.

Level 2 and 3, stay in exp range and don't lose too much hp or the crits will start coming

Level 4+, you should be fine as mega gnar and some early armour items. I can't imagine a panth winning a trade if Gnar can hit a boulder and a stun.


I've never played the match up so i'm just guessing here but;

Don't let the wave push into his tower at level 1. Last hit. Weave in and out of bush to avoid him spearing you too much.

Level 2 and 3, stay in exp range and don't lose too much hp or the crits will start coming

Level 4+, you should be fine as mega gnar and some early armour items. I can't imagine a panth winning a trade if Gnar can hit a boulder and a stun.

Yeah, I should use the bushes more. That's definitely an area of improvement. The problem with being able to handle Panth as Mega Gnar was that I wasn't Mega Gnar very much. My AA was just short enough that he could leap on my whenever he wanted to and charging with boomerang level 4-9 isn't exactly fast.

Anyone care to spar with me? I wouldn't mind learning Gnar without having to worry about how badly the rest of my team is doing.


I haven't lost with Twisted Fate yet. It's not that I'm carrying or anything, but he's almost like having a second support going into team fights with one big upfront burst. In the last game I was sort of struggling mid against Fizz, but a couple of ults to the bot lane got them steamrolling ahead and we started to crush all lanes after that.

It's crazy how fast a TF ult can change a lane.
Also if anyone that plays support regularly (and did it during the climb) has some insights on this post will be much appreciated. <3 Sankyu!

- Don't start with Q unless it's because of an early 5v5 invasion. It can work for a super early kill in lane, but Cait doesn't have burst and you have no Ignite.
- Always max Q last. Leveling E makes Qs easier to land and the damage isn't even that far compared to Q. Also, you can use E on yourself to setup a Q. Lower elos don't really expect this often.
- For W, as much as possible do W->AA with your lanemate in range for the bounce. You probably do this already seeing that you have AD reds.
- Your ward count is fine. Were you always warding dragon/baron before they come up? I find that if the objectives are warded and swept, teammates are more likely to take them.

I don't know which game you're talking about since you have two separate games. In your 1/5/20 game:
- Crucible doesn't work on Warwick and Malzahar's suppress in case you bought it in an attempt to remove them.

For your 3/1/21 game:
- I know you steamrolled anyway, but there's no reason to pickup Frozen Heart here. No auto attackers, and you can use the slow for extra peel against Riven/Panth, plus the health against Xerath. Crucible would have helped against Panth ults. Aegis/Locket would be good against Xerath.


- Don't start with Q unless it's because of an early 5v5 invasion. It can work for a super early kill in lane, but Cait doesn't have burst and you have no Ignite.
- Always max Q last. Leveling E makes Qs easier to land and the damage isn't even that far compared to Q. Also, you can use E on yourself to setup a Q. Lower elos don't really expect this often.
- For W, as much as possible do W->AA with your lanemate in range for the bounce. You probably do this already seeing that you have AD reds.
- Your ward count is fine. Were you always warding dragon/baron before they come up? I find that if the objectives are warded and swept, teammates are more likely to take them.

I don't know which game you're talking about since you have two separate games. In your 1/5/20 game:
- Crucible doesn't work on Warwick and Malzahar's suppress in case you bought it in an attempt to remove them.

For your 3/1/21 game:
- I know you steamrolled anyway, but there's no reason to pickup Frozen Heart here. No auto attackers, and you can use the slow for extra peel against Riven/Panth, plus the health against Xerath. Crucible would have helped against Panth ults. Aegis/Locket would be good against Xerath.

Thanks! Really Mikael's doesn't work with WW/Malz ult? :/ That really sucks! I pressed it once but it is true it didn't instantly remove it but I assumed it was because I was late on activating it. Had to resort to stopping them with Q or ult and even then it wasn't that great.

I was mostly referring to the match history one (ranked), but thanks for the tips! I agree that Frozen Heart was a really poor choice of me on the normal match. I wanted some CDR and Armor and instead I could have gone after Kindlegem > Locket I guess. It's not like Lucian seems very autoattack/attackspeed reliant anyway so I guess it was a really really bad buy (thanks for pointing it out!).

You are absolutely right about Level 1 spell and leveling it up. I tend to (I had to, in that ranked) do the self-E because sometimes I have trouble relying on my ADC. I did use it with Sivir or I use it a lot when a team mate is close but needs that extra push (I used it on Gnar quite a bit on the normal game).
I do try to autoattack after W (or AA > W > AA) but sometimes I back off a bit or I get away to get a bounce. I just bought her but I plan on practicing and hopefully master these kind of things with her.

Correct on the Baron/Dragon, I had a pink that was sitting at Baron until enemy team made a call for it. The first 2-3 Dragons I had them warded but after that it became less of a priority. I do feel I could have swept more but to be honest, they had no wards on the enemy team as most of them were used during the laning phase.

Thanks so much for the insight! It helps "digesting" and analyzing my mistakes. I know we could have won that ranked, which is why it upset me so much but I guess losses are bound to happen anyway, and there's no point in really pointing out what others did wrong, but what I could have done better.





Yeah i'll just take that down.

Here, have Kalista's base stats!

(These may seem a little weird due to the preseason stat changes for all champions)
Base HP: 517.76 (+83 per level)
Base Mana: 231.8 (+35 per level)
Base Movement Speed: 325
Base Damage: 55.46 (+3 per level)
Base Mana Regen Per Second: 1.26 (+0.08 per level)
Base Attack Range: 550
Base Magic Resist: 30 (+0 per level)
Base Armor: 19.012 (+3.5 per level)
Base HP Regen Per Second: 1.2 (+0.11 per level)



Insight please. I'm terrible at adc.

Why was my damage output so low?? I felt like I was melting people in fights and harassed decently enough in lane but my damage output is horrendous.

Edit: O god I didn't build a last whisper. For shame!

I think you'd go either Youmuu's or Statikk but not both? Maybe, I don't know much about itemization on ADCs but yeah, as you pointed out Last Whisper would have helped a lot, particularly on Amumu and to a lesser extent Morgana.

Maybe could it be they didn't really line up for your ults? Did you play him as an Assassin? I see most Twitch tend to focus on picks.

Did you get peel? It feels like most fights you died somewhat early (bound to happen), leaving cleanup for Yi/Ahri after everything was blown on you.

You'll get it. Just keep lookin

Good lord, am I slow in the mornings, lol.
They used to limit custom games to a number of players when there were too many people trying to play at the same time, maybe try out later? Idunno

yeah, they used to do that. Now if you go into an SR custom you literally can't add bots. You can only switch sides.

Anyway, Kalista feels really fun. Her passive is hard to do properly with 200 ping, but I'm sure it feels much smoother on lower ping. She'll probably be the best ADC on Treeline, but on SR she might have issues laning?
Laning shouldn't be that bad, 550 range, a manaless hop, a way to farm from range and easy last hits if she gets shoved thanks to the Oath, plus she's pretty tanky - right now she has the highest base HP in the game and pretty good HP per level, pretty good base armor too.

She's no Lucian but she's no Vayne either.


yeah, they used to do that. Now if you go into an SR custom you literally can't add bots. You can only switch sides.

Anyway, Kalista feels really fun. Her passive is hard to do properly with 200 ping, but I'm sure it feels much smoother on lower ping. She'll probably be the best ADC on Treeline, but on SR she might have issues laning?

I think the worst part from what I see on stream is her ult is awkward to use and not that pleasant to use by either of the parts lol.

I so with I had a PBE account ._. dammit I applied for it long ago but I guess my account is not old enough/used enough to warrant it yet.


Watching The Oddone on PBE, it seems jungle changes aren't going to be so extreme in the end? I mean sure, some variation but it doesn't seem as daunting as I expected, which is good! I am not familiar with the new jungle items though (a rundown would be much appreciated; I think drawkcaB got to try it?).

Also, how many of the changes do you guys think are going to stick? Like the river crab/inside jungle scout?
At this point, most of it is sticking, I think. They've undergone several revisions, the actual S5 jungle shouldn't differ too much from what is on the PBE


Watched pro replays and yep, I think the reason I'm doing poorly with Gnar is a combination A.) not controlling the minion wave properly for various reasons and B.) not being aggressive enough with Mega Gnar. I'm always pushed all the way to either tower, so I'm either unable to jump onto the enemy because I'll get his by tower, or I need to take care of the wave in front of my own.

"We're aware that mobility creep has been an issue in the game." - Riot, every year going back to S2.

Releases a champion that has a mini-dash after every auto.

CertainlyT strikes again, Kalista's mobility is disgusting.


Zyra's passive is bad. Not useless, but not very good.

I would be fine with Kalista's mobility if she had 500 range, but she doesn't :/.



Zyra has had her plant damage, actual passive, and CDR on W nerfed. Zed being the exception to his penchant for passives doesn't matter - that champion needed a mini rework for his shadows and many nerfs to bring him in line. The champions as concepts are fine, he just doesn't know when to stop. Perfection is achieved not when there's nothing left to add, but when there's nothing left to take away - that's a fundamental element of designing anything.


Ah, yes, passives. I see what you mean.

I think CertainlyT makes the most interesting champions. Even though they're complicated, they're fun to play and watch. The issue is that other champions don't have the layers that his champions have.

Kalista is going to be a nightmare to balance. She's going to be insanely strong compared to all other champions or so gimmicky that she'll be useless. She's almost like a Dota 2 hero plopped in League. A lot of his champions are like that.
Perfection is achieved not when there's nothing left to add, but when there's nothing left to take away - that's a fundamental element of designing anything.
Considering even after removing so much from their kits they're still strong and super fun to play, does that even matter?

Compare Darius who has a simple kit to every champion he made afterwards. A few number tweaks plus his reset being gone made him straight up ass, while you can remove whole mechanics from his other champions that they're still fine and much easier to balance.

Not every champion needs to be as well thought out and designed as Sion. A little bit of crazy never did any harm.


Martial Poise (Passive)
Kalista cannot cancel her attacks. If the target leaves vision, her attack will miss.
If Kalista enters a movement command while winding up her basic attack or Pierce, she will drive through in that direction when she launches her attack, lunging a short distance.
Dash distance scales with boot rank and is 25% greater when
lunging backward.

Has this been posted yet?


The main form of balancing an ADC is controlling their power spikes. They need stages of strengths and weaknesses. I haven't played Kalista, but I'm afread here early game will be too strong compared to what she offers later on. Like going through some of the currently balanced champions:


Early game: Absolute garbage
Mid game: God tier
Late game: Mediocre


Early game: Weak
Mid game: Decent
Late game: God tier


Early game: God tier
Mid game
: Mediocre
Late game: Strong

What a champion shouldn't look like


Early game: Strong
Mid game: God tier
Late game: Strong
I became a Rumble main back when he was extremely, ridiculously, absurdly OP in season 2 (imagine if his Q did significantly more damage and his ult did a huge chunk of instant damage), and even then there weren't many Rumbles around. There's a lot of things that make him unpopular:

- Unique Heat mechanic that, if you mess up, can silence yourself at a crucial moment. Until you master it you can often feel like you're playing him badly by missing overheat opportunities or not using the right enhanced abilities.
- Ultimate has unique targeting mechanic and you will be blamed if you use it badly (like Ashe arrow, but worse). Sometimes you'll be blamed when you use it well too.
- Neither an engager, or a 1v1 champion (especially later in the game). Main tactical niche is finding/baiting and winning teamfights.
- Melee, immobile and has weak early lane phase. Therefore vulnerable to ganks and being caught out.
- Until you master him, your CSing will be awful.
- Only played top lane, so doesn't expand your mid/jungle champ pools like many other top lane candidates do.

I don't think Rumble is particularly hard to learn, but there's a lot of odd things about his kit that make him require more investment than others, and the rewards for doing so aren't as immediately obvious as with the other premier top laners right now (fighters like Irelia, Riven, Ryze, or the tank-god Maokai).



Early game: Strong
Mid game: God tier
Late game: Strong

Now that I've been playing Lucian a bit more (I did it to get out of Silver and won 9 straight with him), I would argue that his early game is also god tier. I mean, at level 3 he can Q from decent rage, double auto, dash, double auto, W, double auto, dash, and double auto. If he's playing with a support that can give him sustain during trades, he is such an overbearing bully. It easy for him to pick up a kill or two and get snowballing.
I haven't played Kalista, but I'm afread here early game will be too strong compared to what she offers later on. Like going through some of the currently balanced champions:
Her early game is not that strong considering her early damage depends a lot on her W passive, and that depends a lot on what support you are running.

She's mobile but she's not much of a duelist, her base attack speed is ok but she has zero steroids. She's sort of like Ashe? In the sense that her lategame is really fucking good but not because she hyperscales. Her midgame doesn't look that special.

I could be very much wrong though, this is all what watching streams and looking at her numbers show me.
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