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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I usually don't like 750 skins but I love Pickpocket Twitch. Definitely day one on him. It looks like he's the one that stole Gangster Twitch's attack sound effects too.


I like the new champ in theory, but I have a feeling it'll bad for quite a while in solo queue.

Also: Where's mah Malz skin?!


I usually don't like 750 skins but I love Pickpocket Twitch. Definitely day one on him. It looks like he's the one that stole Gangster Twitch's attack sound effects too.

Hahaha. For a moment I thought you were going support masteries for pickpocket.

Holy shit. I just saw officer volibear.

What the fuck. Im so buying that. It looks so damn goofy.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I need someone on the PBE. Tried the new Skarner skin, it looks well done and all but it really doesn't feel like Skarner to me.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Buttcracker eve will bring a resurgence of the stealthed menace to ranked.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Thematically? Or is it buggy?

Kalista can wall hop with her passive. Only works on really short walls but it's definitely doable, although even that takes a longer backwards hop.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Kaks why???




Kalista can wall hop with her passive. Only works on really short walls but it's definitely doable, although even that takes a longer backwards hop.

I love skarner but really dislike his VO so idk. Depressed scorpion just doesn't hit home for me


Did my 5th placement match, lost. At this point I'm pretty sad because I really wanted to make it to Silver, because there's such a stigma around Bronze, but to be honest, I don't think it'll happen (I'm 2/3 on wins/losses out of 10).


Before the match I told Caitlyn (I was Nami) that IF we were down in kills, she should learn to play passive. That didn't mean to play passive during the entire laning... wth. The Lucian wasn't even good. He stood still autoing creeps making for super easy bubbles with no follow up on Caitlyn. Basically if I pushed him out of lane (which was hard with Soraka heals) it was all thanks to my poking. I have never seen a Caitlyn so passive. And with such bad farm too.

Lee Sin played really well and ganked wherever and whenever possible. He didn't build a Sighstone so I guess his mobility was kinda twarthed.

Pantheon lost lane quite hard to Aatrox but he helped a bit except he liked to go 1v5. I don't even know like, I am fairly sure you can cancel ult yet he said not to but I didn't argue.

Fizz was ok I guess but kinda forgettable.

I just don't know what to do, because this game could have been easily won if only people reacted better. We gave up on a Dragon because ??? idk. Like not even contest it. Soraka was dumb as fuck (DFG, no Sighstone, no Spellthief hello?) yet Soraka being Soraka... heals for days which made my poke useless. Also Lucian started the Sheen build-path which should have given us window to regain control... but Caitlyn decided to rush Bloodthirster first (Why do people do that?).

Also enemy Malzahar went AD which our team reacted poorly to. I told them a couple of times, telling them the minions were dangerous to no avail... Saw Caitlyn just stand there next to one autoing someone else while dying.

I know I didn't play perfectly but I think I kinda give up on playing Nami at this kind of elo. I am sure that with Annie I could have been able to just delete the Soraka. I was last pick and Caitlyn asked for Nami... so Nami it is.

At one point they did Baron and I guess it was my fault for not tanking Dragon (although I arrived half-way, Lee Sin was soloing it) and I managed to steal with my ult but even then Fizz and I died (trying to steal, I was bound by Soraka's E) and Pantheon ulted when we were useless to do anything then.

Sorry for the long rant. I just know I can be better but I guess in soloQ you can't really rely on your team to always play optimally (I can't either, I can have terrible games), but I don't understand how if I can go 3/1/21 versus low Gold/low Plat on normals, and do decently well, I can't carry on lower elos.


I guess I should be more vocal and call shots but besides warning about Dragon/Baron times and to push certain lanes, which I did, I don't know what else to do... Most of my friends tell me that I shouldn't really support at these elos but idk, it's really what I enjoy doing but at the same time, I want to do better and reach higher so I can enjoy "good" team synergy. Thoughts?

halp pls.

I have the replay btw, if anyone is interested in giving tips/pointing out mistakes.


Lore-wise, how do League champs stack up against Doto heroes? I'm talking of them fighting each other.
Dota for sure. Most league champions are just regular people that have gained magical abilities like TF, monsters or the weird undead people from the shadow isles.


Lore-wise, how do League champs stack up against Doto heroes? I'm talking of them fighting each other.

Dota has a couple different "physical embodiments of the earth", that guy who was too bad for hell so he went to super hell and quite some "last of his/her kind", IIRC.

I don't think any one game is a shining beacon of good lore, but it's possible that say Dota has a slight edge. Both definitely have stinkers though.
Wait a second, since when did Janna get fun to play. I was just support in my 3rd promo game and picked Janna at the last second. All I did was derp around all game and somehow got 25 assists.

90% of the assists felt like they were nothing, like I did nothing for em except stand there. Lol. Got a lot of gold due to this and eventually the spells started being decent.


Wait a second, since when did Janna get fun to play. I was just support in my 3rd promo game and picked Janna at the last second. All I did was derp around all game and somehow got 25 assists.

90% of the assists felt like they were nothing, like I did nothing for em except stand there. Lol. Got a lot of gold due to this and eventually the spells started being decent.
Maybe this is a stupid question, but does Janna now get assists from just being nearby, since her passive got changed to an AOE instead of global?

And would the same now be true of Zilean, effectively trading off the global passive nerf in the latest patch with some extra gold for Zilean himself?

Then again, I guess most any decent support champion will have AOE aura items and thus get assists for just being nearby anyway.


Coordinating tornadoes is not an easy job.

Janna is what you make her to be.

If you have no idea on what to do on support or on Janna, then yeah. You'll get bored because all you'll be doing is pressing E and R to peel.

If you're any good at the support role or Janna, you'll use calculated Qs, won't be scared to use W for damage and cc, use self Es to harass and use Rs like a melee form gragas ult.
Maybe this is a stupid question, but does Janna now get assists from just being nearby, since her passive got changed to an AOE instead of global?

And would the same now be true of Zilean, effectively trading off the global passive nerf in the latest patch with some extra gold for Zilean himself?

Then again, I guess most any decent support champion will have AOE aura items and thus get assists for just being nearby anyway.
Felt that way, yeah. I'd get +100g + 100g + 100g just derping around with her. I didn't have an aura item, though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Coordinating tornadoes is not an easy job.

Janna is what you make her to be.

If you have no idea on what to do on support or on Janna, then yeah. You'll get bored because all you'll be doing is pressing E and R to peel.

If you're any good at the support role or Janna, you'll use calculated Qs, won't be scared to use W for damage and cc, use self Es to harass and use Rs like a melee form gragas ult.
I think I'm kind of okay at support.

Janna is really boring. Super low risk, high reward.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Running around really fast felt fun to me. I bought mobility boots, I was flying around the map. Plus she's super hot
Janna is fast but it's not like her roam has the presence of a lot of other supports. Blitz, Thresh, or Leona roaming with mobis are just way more intimidating. Janna with mobis just keeps her distance and tries to skirt on the edge of combat. Not super engaging to me. People want to pretend the ultimate is used offensively but realistically that happens like one out of 30 times it gets used.


People want to pretend the ultimate is used offensively but realistically that happens like one out of 30 times it gets used.
In team fights? Pretty much never offensively.
In lane/small skirmishes? Offensive Janna ult use is much more common and can be very important.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What about those times when you Janna ult outside the enemy base to heal up your entire team completely uninterrupted? Boy, I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
Dota has a couple different "physical embodiments of the earth", that guy who was too bad for hell so he went to super hell and quite some "last of his/her kind", IIRC.

I don't think any one game is a shining beacon of good lore, but it's possible that say Dota has a slight edge. Both definitely have stinkers though.

The dota lore gets insane http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923 and it's always added upon with even crazier shit http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Archronicus .

Some of them are pretty crazy yeah, there's like 10 heroes that are immortal and don't perceive time or some shit as they wield the elements creating the universe. Yeah there is also a porcupine, seal, and panda who got in a bar fight and are still going.

But between Kosmatka, Chet, and Laidlaw, it's going to be super awesome and I can't wait for more as it unravels.

I don't know anything about League lore other than it's like a political war game or something to stop nations from hating each other or something.

I just wanted to talk about how dota lore is awesome.


I feel Janna is pretty useless if your ADC is one of those suicidal ADCs. No amount of peel is enough for idiocy.

Then again, when I played her, I felt I was doing nothing. Sure I got some nice Tornadoes and shielded allies and W'd on picks but yeah. Maybe I just need to play her more and discover a whole world!

Also, her recent fix on her Q (she would move forward if you were aiming further than the range of it) explains why I kept mispositioning with her. With directional "spear" skillshots I tend to aim quite far... that kinda explains a bit (though doesn't excuse it).

I really like her kit but tbh I have more fun with Nami (I see them fairly similar but I could be wrong).


Those times you ult the enemy Rengar into your adc makes up for it. That's exciting.

In all seriousness, Janna can be played as offensively or defensively as you want and can, that's the beauty of her kit.


The dota lore gets insane http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923 and it's always added upon with even crazier shit http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Archronicus .

Some of them are pretty crazy yeah, there's like 10 heroes that are immortal and don't perceive time or some shit as they wield the elements creating the universe. Yeah there is also a porcupine, seal, and panda who got in a bar fight and are still going.

But between Kosmatka, Chet, and Laidlaw, it's going to be super awesome and I can't wait for more as it unravels.

I don't know anything about League lore other than it's like a political war game or something to stop nations from hating each other or something.

I just wanted to talk about how dota lore is awesome.
Sounds fun tbh, clearly valve had been putting in some extra effort in the lore department since the original dota.


So I typically shy away from any custom skins, but this one was too good to pass up...

It's the New Summoners Rift. Though granted it's the WIP version and if you go to the corners of the map you see things you shouldn't be able to and Blue sides base thing didn't appear, just the merchant (though Red's did.)

Going to keep it until the real version comes out. :D Some screenies though!

Hope you guys don't mind me posting screenshots.




Whelp, just got crushed by a Pantheon as Gnar top. Not sure what I could have done after he got the upper hand. My AA range is just short enough that he can jump on me with ease so I was left to Q sniping minions for farm which didn't go so hot. Game before was vs. and Urgot. I lost lane but not as badly.


Whelp, just got crushed by a Pantheon as Gnar top. Not sure what I could have done after he got the upper hand. My AA range is just short enough that he can jump on me with ease so I was left to Q sniping minions for farm which didn't go so hot. Game before was vs. and Urgot. I lost lane but not as badly.

Pretty sure panth can't do much to Mega Gnar unless he has a massive item advantage.

Poke with Q to build up rage and jump in to trade


Pretty sure panth can't do much to Mega Gnar unless he has a massive item advantage.

Poke with Q to build up rage and jump in to trade

The minion wave was always in his favour so I was hesitant to do that. I'll have to check my replay, but once I we hit level 3 he combo'ed me and I lost control for the rest of laning phase.
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