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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Her early game is not that strong considering her early damage depends a lot on her W passive, and that depends a lot on what support you are running.

She's mobile but she's not much of a duelist, her base attack speed is ok but she has zero steroids. She's sort of like Ashe? In the sense that her lategame is really fucking good but not because she hyperscales. Her midgame doesn't look that special.

I could be very much wrong though, this is all what watching streams and looking at her numbers show me.

Her support cant be passive and more of a poking champ to active the passive right? Braum + Kalista would be a instant ban
Thanks. It kinda balanced out. Poor coordination. Their Riven was really wrecking face. Lucian, J4 and Annie were just bickering starting midgame. J4 did really foolish acts like farming enemy wolves alone, even though there were 3 enemies along the lane. Suddenly Orianna just passes by their blue then J4 1v1s her. Ori survives, J4 got promptly curbstomped.

Anyway, glad that I can see the progress I made throughout seasons! I'll just aim to collect the rest of the champions this year, then I can retire my account.
Season 2: 18-20 (47.4%) (~950 Elo) (~Bronze V)
Season 3: 88-66 (57.1%) (Gold V)
Season 4: 51-20 (71.8%) (Diamond V)


Considering even after removing so much from their kits they're still strong and super fun to play, does that even matter?

That's my point. When you add superfluous shit to a kit you end up with a champion whose strengths are overly strong and/or their weaknesses aren't pronounced enough. Lots of times this superfluous power can be really difficult to appreciate. Take the attack speed slow on Lee Sin's E. In combination with his actual passive, it enabled him to duel champions that he should have had a harder time with. Removing it didn't harm him, it didn't kill his identity.

Which brings us back to CertainlyT. It's not strictly that he overload the kits, but where he overloads them. Hell, I don't fault a champion designer for releasing OP champions. They should aspire to making strong champions. My issue is that he puts that overloaded power in the passives or as side effects on actives which makes that unnecessary power hard to detect and address.

Compare Darius who has a simple kit to every champion he made afterwards. A few number tweaks plus his reset being gone made him straight up ass, while you can remove whole mechanics from his other champions that they're still fine and much easier to balance.

Sort of feel like you're just proving my point again. Perfection [...] nothing left to take away. Although to this day I agree with the reasoning behind the change (coming back to lane and Darius still had ult but you didn't was, frankly, stupid) it did hurt him a lot. But yeah, shouldn't have been taken away without a plan in place. We've been hearing about a rework since what, mid-S3?

Not every champion needs to be as well thought out and designed as Sion. A little bit of crazy never did any harm.

Again, not arguing for simple kits. Crazy is fine. I just don't like crazy with a bit more crazy hidden behind it.
One thing that I'm worried about Kalista though, her E not having any sort of cap against monsters.

Having Kalista on your team essentially means you have a second smite for Drag / Baron. She can fucking skewer the thing and then nuke it out of orbit.
Her support cant be passive and more of a poking champ to active the passive right? Braum + Kalista would be a instant ban
Yes. Braum is eh, I think the real scary stuff will be Kalista + Nami


Kalista + Annie.
Time to update the wall paper.


What do you guys think is the best duo combo? I keep hearing Mid/Jungle, but I also see some people say that ADC/Supp is a better combo.
ADC/Supp is a bad combo, unless you guys have like a lot of synergy and you're sure you're gonna outplay your opponents.

Best combos are imo are:



Mid jungle ensures your duo has the most control over the game

ADC/Supp is a bad combo, unless you guys have like a lot of synergy and you're sure you're gonna outplay your opponents.

Best combos are imo are:




Yeah, most of my duo matches are either Supp/Mid or Mid/Jungle. My friend and I thought about trying ADC/Supp since we do have lots of synergy, but Mid/Jungle is too nice.


Yeah, I should use the bushes more. That's definitely an area of improvement. The problem with being able to handle Panth as Mega Gnar was that I wasn't Mega Gnar very much. My AA was just short enough that he could leap on my whenever he wanted to and charging with boomerang level 4-9 isn't exactly fast.

Anyone care to spar with me? I wouldn't mind learning Gnar without having to worry about how badly the rest of my team is doing.

I can tonight if you haven't had the chance to with anyone else yet.


ADC/Supp is a bad combo, unless you guys have like a lot of synergy and you're sure you're gonna outplay your opponents.

Best combos are imo are:




Mid/Jungle is my favorite. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to take all the dragons or be at least able to have vision control and in good position to contest. Also, a good duo playing mid/jungle is a nightmare for the enemy jungler. His mid ganks always get countered, and you can always coordinate attacks on him in the jungle. It's brutal.
idk but solo q is the best and most rewarding. I feel like I'm cheating when I play duo q.

I've done solo 90% of the time, but I've been stuck in Silver 1 for like 2 weeks, and it seems like the only time I progress in the tier is when I duo. If I'm playing with someone, that's one less chump in Gold V who is trolling since he or she has nothing to lose =P
The main form of balancing an ADC is controlling their power spikes. They need stages of strengths and weaknesses. I haven't played Kalista, but I'm afread here early game will be too strong compared to what she offers later on. Like going through some of the currently balanced champions:


Early game: Absolute garbage
Mid game: God tier
Late game: Mediocre


Early game: Weak
Mid game: Decent
Late game: God tier


Early game: God tier
Mid game
: Mediocre
Late game: Strong

What a champion shouldn't look like


Early game: Strong
Mid game: God tier
Late game: Strong


Early game: Absolute garbage
Mid game: Strong
Late game: Super Saiyan
Don't underestimate top/support duo queue if the top laner is good at using TP. Stash a ward in the bush, push top out when their bot pushes up, gank 'em. Obviously needs the right champions like Leona/Maokai/Ryze etc. Can easily open up a huge lead with a double kill and objective. Especially if the jungler covers top or helps take more after the gank.


You really need to play in an inhouse and get that wakeup call.
The problem with this is the psychological and social aspect.

As in, if you spectate one of Heavy's games (you did), the one time out of a streak of like 6 that he won, you could conclude it doesn't work. Or, if you then saw his streak of 9+ ranked wins more recently, you could conclude it works, but only in silver. (I don't think he has ever claimed it worked well out of silver/gold, though he asked a while back for someone in higher tiers to try it and see if it would work). So what then, the next step is inhouse?

So what would happen with an inhouse? Would you want to be on Heavy's team? I'm guessing not. So if not, you have a team of platinum/diamond players...against a silver player. Do you expect to win? No matter WHAT champion the silver player is using, wouldn't you still expect to win a matchup between diamond players who normally play together, and a silver player who never plays with any of those players?

What is your goal then, to try to bully or embarrass someone of vastly lower skill level? Does that prove a point?

Lastly, even if you managed to get skill levels approximately even in an inhouse, with a roughly equal number of people who have played together and communicated with each other before, do you honestly suggest that Heavy would be treated like other players? Or, that you, nekofrog, etc. -- the people who were mocking Heavy and other silver players in the Mumble room going while spectating him -- would pay special attention to make sure you countered Heavy, make sure you ganked him, make sure you focused him, make sure he failed and suffered?

Please be honest. If the posts are annoying, that's one thing, and you can use the ignore feature (you used it on me though I hardly ever post here, so you definitely know how it works), or you could ask him to stop posting about it (even though you brought it up yourself the last time this became an issue). But doing this sort of call-out is just absurd.


Mobility creep is making older ADC's look irrelevant.

I tried Lucian in a bot game and he is ridiculously strong. His Q is targeted!
I guess Ezreal was one of the original mobile ADCs. For a time, I think he literally had a crazy ranked play rate like 50% or higher.

The bolded is something a bit non-obvious about Lucian to some. I may have gone through the same cycle of getting hit by one of his spells, wondering how I was so bad at dodging, then finally realizing it was targeted. :p

The wiki says the following, so I guess it IS possible to dodge, just difficult?
Piercing Light will attempt to lead the target if it is moving but does not adjust further during the 0.35 second cast time. As such, a unit can dodge the laser if it changes its velocity by a sufficient amount during the delay.


remember you bounce back according to your AA range. so annie would bounce outside of tibbers range.

I was more thinking along the lines of Annie having a ridiculously easy time proc'ing the 2xAA %health bonus damage thanks to her 625 AA range. It basically gives Annie a way to pump out consistent DPS while E charges up her passive.

You can always Tibbers -> Kalista Ult as opposed to the other way around if you're worried about the bounce back.

I just read all the info and numbers on the wiki about her abilities (I just read the synopsis stuff yesterday before watching some stuff on Twitch). Jesus Christ that's OP.

Negaduck said:
I can tonight if you haven't had the chance to with anyone else yet.

Spar with a gold top main who play at least two of the champions I want to learn? Yes, yes absolutely. lol..."tonight". Everynight. j/k


Everything is moe to me
What is your goal then, to try to bully or embarrass someone of vastly lower skill level? Does that prove a point?
one of the points of contention was that Heavy claimed that his TF was Gold level or higher and had a history of defeating smurfs, so yeah having him lane against stronger opponents does prove something. it's not just about if it works in silver, it clearly does.

Lastly, even if you managed to get skill levels approximately even in an inhouse, with a roughly equal number of people who have played together and communicated with each other before, do you honestly suggest that Heavy would be treated like other players? Or, that you, nekofrog, etc. -- the people who were mocking Heavy and other silver players in the Mumble room going while spectating him -- would pay special attention to make sure you countered Heavy, make sure you ganked him, make sure you focused him, make sure he failed and suffered?
uh.. i mean, thats part of higher play. you do pound on weak links and TF's laning phase is already fairly bad ap/ad notwithstanding. when i jungle or mid, you better believe im looking on lolnexus for the weak link. it's just good strategy.

you can say that the jungler camped TF as a bully tactic, but junglers should be camping TF's. AP TF's that hit 6 and gank a lvl 4 bot lane are a serious problem that junglers and the enemy mid want to address early.

and personally i think you're exaggerating if you think we couldn't find 4 people who'd play with him and not waste 30 minutes intentionally losing. I'd play on his team.

personally though, if we ever do an inhouse. i'd want to see neko in mid lane. gold 5 vs silv 2, close enough for me. imagine the hype and the shit talk if heavy beat neko. it'd be glorious.


Speaking on inhouses, when I started playing League more often and starting to understand concepts (yet nowhere near where I am now, and I still don't know shit), I had a 4v4 with some RL friends. Many of them were Silver-Gold level which back then was very skillful for me.

I remember one guy making the point to bait me and kill me on several occasions, to the point where I wasn't worth gold, all that while being all 8 on the same TS channel. It was a really embarrassing moment for me, because I am not the kind to laugh off made fun of, at least not from people I thought I could trust. Made me really dislike that person from then on.

Anyway, this is not really to echo all of Blizzard's post but I do agree that if Inhouses do happen, I hope to see something somewhat even! I am all for friendly matches of goofballs.

Hell, you all should play weird combos!


Hell, you all should play weird combos!
I usually have the most fun in League when I can do this (either inhouse, or premade vs. internet). If I recall correctly, what usually happened when several people would try this would be, 2+ people on the other team would pick their mains, people would get accused of being tryhards, and frustration/anger would result.

Succeeding with something silly or unusual can be great fun though.


I was more thinking along the lines of Annie having a ridiculously easy time proc'ing the 2xAA %health bonus damage thanks to her 625 AA range. It basically gives Annie a way to pump out consistent DPS while E charges up her passive.

You can always Tibbers -> Kalista Ult as opposed to the other way around if you're worried about the bounce back.

I just read all the info and numbers on the wiki about her abilities (I just read the synopsis stuff yesterday before watching some stuff on Twitch). Jesus Christ that's OP.

Spar with a gold top main who play at least two of the champions I want to learn? Yes, yes absolutely. lol..."tonight". Everynight. j/k

Lol yeah bro I'll spar with whatever top you want. Started picking up jayce too. Really enjoy how he's a bit more complex with the stance dance


Speaking on inhouses, when I started playing League more often and starting to understand concepts (yet nowhere near where I am now, and I still don't know shit), I had a 4v4 with some RL friends. Many of them were Silver-Gold level which back then was very skillful for me.

I remember one guy making the point to bait me and kill me on several occasions, to the point where I wasn't worth gold, all that while being all 8 on the same TS channel. It was a really embarrassing moment for me, because I am not the kind to laugh off made fun of, at least not from people I thought I could trust. Made me really dislike that person from then on.

Anyway, this is not really to echo all of Blizzard's post but I do agree that if Inhouses do happen, I hope to see something somewhat even! I am all for friendly matches of goofballs.

Hell, you all should play weird combos!

My very very first game of dota (oh my so many many years ago) I picked venomancer because he was a hydralisk and everyone just killed me over and over and over without really teaching me.

I mean I grinded it out and learned and to this day veno is still one of my all time favorite heroes. Probably because of that first game.
During inhouses there's always the chance I'm awake and a team gets to have me to even the odds for the enemy team

one of the points of contention was that Heavy claimed that his TF was Gold level or higher and had a history of defeating smurfs, so yeah having him lane against stronger opponents does prove something. it's not just about if it works in silver, it clearly does.
I mentioned one time I've beaten smurfs and that's somehow been warped into implying I beat all these plat and diamond smurfs. I've gotten rolled by them way more times than beaten, I just said I beat them before in 1vs1s, and that gets warped into something totally different.

uh.. i mean, thats part of higher play. you do pound on weak links and TF's laning phase is already fairly bad ap/ad notwithstanding. when i jungle or mid, you better believe im looking on lolnexus for the weak link. it's just good strategy.

you can say that the jungler camped TF as a bully tactic, but junglers should be camping TF's. AP TF's that hit 6 and gank a lvl 4 bot lane are a serious problem that junglers and the enemy mid want to address early.

and personally i think you're exaggerating if you think we couldn't find 4 people who'd play with him and not waste 30 minutes intentionally losing. I'd play on his team.

personally though, if we ever do an inhouse. i'd want to see neko in mid lane. gold 5 vs silv 2, close enough for me. imagine the hype and the shit talk if heavy beat neko. it'd be glorious.
Hold on a second, Nekofrog is only Gold V? After all this shit talk, the guy is Gold V? I thought he was like Diamond or high Plat. Gold V is nothing. There wouldn't be any "shit talk" or "glorious hype" if I beat him... he's Gold V, who cares?

Anyway, Blizzard's post made a ton of good points.


Everything is moe to me
I mentioned one time I've beaten smurfs and that's somehow been warped into implying I beat all these plat and diamond smurfs. I've gotten rolled by them way more times than beaten, I just said I beat them before in 1vs1s, and that gets warped into something totally different.
i seem to recall you saying your TF was gold level.

Hold on a second, Nekofrog is only Gold V? After all this shit talk, the guy is Gold V? I thought he was like Diamond or high Plat. Gold V is nothing. There wouldn't be any "shit talk" or "glorious hype" if I beat him... he's Gold V, who cares?
to be fair, he was gold 1 a month ago. the guy is the living embodiment of the term 'losing streak' right now.


I usually have the most fun in League when I can do this (either inhouse, or premade vs. internet). If I recall correctly, what usually happened when several people would try this would be, 2+ people on the other team would pick their mains, people would get accused of being tryhards, and frustration/anger would result.

Succeeding with something silly or unusual can be great fun though.

OK! Don't wanna sound salty but I found the match and have a screenshot lol: (ranked status of peeps are current, not "then")


The Lee Sin guy doesn't do ranked but he basically has played since Beta. Basically I couldn't go anywhere without being ravaged lol. Never mind my terrible build (I guess I was going for... idk, your guess is as good as mine lol) but yeah, when someone makes a point to just make a miserable experience for one of the people, that's bad.

My very very first game of dota (oh my so many many years ago) I picked venomancer because he was a hydralisk and everyone just killed me over and over and over without really teaching me.

I mean I grinded it out and learned and to this day veno is still one of my all time favorite heroes. Probably because of that first game.

Yeah, this was one of my first turning points for me as well. I have always been a very competitive person so this was kind of the moment when I was like "ok, I suck, let's change that". Atm I still suck, but at least not on that level, which I guess that's what people call progress! I still feel I can play a mean Annie and she's one of my favorite champions out there (so easy) and I'm glad that game didn't sour that.
So when I had a losing streak from S2 to S4 it was a "reality check", but his is just a losing streak.
Neko never claimed anything like his Irelia should be plat

He know he suk. Same goes for me, I also got demoted into hell and back but I understand why.


yeah i dunno how ppl can care so much

oh no someone is saying that he is better than he actually is....how could someone do that in league of legends.....
the guy is saying ad tf is good
get hiiiiiiiiim

prtty ready for the next episode where heavy doesnt win in an inhouse
and he doesnt change his mind
and his nemesis's's are prtty confounded....but we beat him in an inhouse....i dont understand.....


Yeah but maybe Heavy will cry. Won't that be worth it?

He won't cry, he won't care, people will get upset and probably banned. Whole thing is dumbsies.
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