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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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The new minimap building icons are weird, like some sort of chess pieces.
Agreed. And they seem a little too big on the map. I dunno.

So, I suck at Jinx. I give up as her. I need a new ADC. I miss her ult all the time. I get bursted down in team fights like no one's business. I'd rather have a crazy glass canon to burst back at people.
Agreed. And they seem a little too big on the map. I dunno.

So, I suck at Jinx. I give up as her. I need a new ADC. I miss her ult all the time. I get bursted down in team fights like no one's business. I'd rather have a crazy glass canon to burst back at people.

Corki promotes a "crazy glass cannon burst" style of play but is more safe. You will feel noticeably weaker in the super-late game than with other ADs unless you get recklessly aggressive with your build, though.
I meant "following". How are those following champs in the PBE jungle? I get so annoyed updating PBE because the download speed always drops to dial-up.


If you can't play Jinx then play adc casters. Jinx is pretty auto attack reliant and scales insanely with items.

Look at graves, corki, ezreal, miss fortune


My luck has been terrible.

Played three ranked games top in an attempt to improve in that lane:

Gnar where I was 8/0/2 before the 30 minute mark. (Including a Quadra under my turret when the enemy collapsed on my wee self!)

Nasus where I went 3/0/0 with 300 stacks pretty early, our adc was on 60 farm at that point :(.

I can't even remember the last (first!) one.

Lost all three games. They were the kind you know you can't salvage (our jungler was purposely feeding in one of them.)

I was happy with how I came out of lane but felt I could have done more to influence the map.

Shifting the focus from climbing to having a strong performance while weeding out errors has done so much to improve my mentality. Now I'll need to pick 2-3 champions per lane and learn them inside out, as one of my issues is an unfamiliarity with my champion's limits.

I don't think I'll be making Gold but I've got a list of things to work on in preseason. Silver in my first season will have to do.

I hope they don't nerf my most played/favorite champion next season, Jayce. (Damn PawN ;_;)


My luck has been terrible.

Played three ranked games top in an attempt to improve in that lane:

Gnar where I was 8/0/2 before the 30 minute mark. (Including a Quadra under my turret when the enemy collapsed on my wee self!)

Nasus where I went 3/0/0 with 300 stacks pretty early, our adc was on 60 farm at that point :(.

I can't even remember the last (first!) one.

Lost all three games. They were the kind you know you can't salvage (our jungler was purposely feeding in one of them.)

I was happy with how I came out of lane but felt I could have done more to influence the map.

Shifting the focus from climbing to having a strong performance while weeding out errors has done so much to improve my mentality. Now I'll need to pick 2-3 champions per lane and learn them inside out, as one of my issues is an unfamiliarity with my champion's limits.

I don't think I'll be making Gold but I've got a list of things to work on in preseason. Silver in my first season will have to do.

I hope they don't nerf my most played/favorite champion next season, Jayce. (Damn PawN ;_;)

That's a very positive outlook you have on ranked! Some people should learn from you haha. Don't worry so much about doing well in lane and then losing match, that will happen many times and hopefully will also win you matches when you actually lose lane (QT's theory of equivalent exchange is pretty funny lol).

I don't think Jayce has much of a reason to be touched, as it's pretty balanced I think, I admit I he is lots of fun to play with, I just wish I could "get it" as in do better lol.

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Unconfirmed Member
How much ranked has everyone played this season? I think I'm getting close to 500 matches.
I'm just under 70 I think. Might play some more but Dota 2 holding me down and then it's probably off to Guilty Gear or back to FFXIV. League got super stale for me and I've only been playing for the past month and a half or so


Shin Megami Tensei 4 is ace.

Mordekaiser seems pretty cool. Anyone have tips for him?

Get Hextech Gunblade first, use its active to close the distance and them pummel them with your abilities. Don't be afraid to continue an engagement, your passive can nullify damage from the opposition, especially when you can recharge it when you have your abilities up again.
Deathfirse Grasp is useful since it'll buff the damage from all your abilities, so consider it as your 2nd item. So you would go Hextech/DFG or other way round>your abilities+Ulti.
In team fights Morde excels but he's a very close range champ.

E is a great poke move, but you gotta get the distance right if you want to poke enemy champs.

Common build tends to be: Hextech+DFG+Hourglass+Void+Armor
That's what I mostly seen though.

On the ONE hand Rylai+Liandry is divisive, haven't tested it myself to give a through suggestion TBH.

Just try not to lose your head when against really mobile champs like Yasuo or Zed.

Oh and if you get ganked, like by a short range melee champ, just focus all your attacks on them if they are not too tanky and you should be able to kill them...maybe.


That's a very positive outlook you have on ranked! Some people should learn from you haha. Don't worry so much about doing well in lane and then losing match, that will happen many times and hopefully will also win you matches when you actually lose lane (QT's theory of equivalent exchange is pretty funny lol).

I don't think Jayce has much of a reason to be touched, as it's pretty balanced I think, I admit I he is lots of fun to play with, I just wish I could "get it" as in do better lol.
That video. I can't breathe.

I actually had a discussion with my brother (currently Diamond I) who got me into the game. He lives overseas so we never talk League, but the talk re; his experiences were enlightening. He essentially focused his time in Silver building strong fundamentals, and ended up spending very little time in Gold and low Platinum as a result. When he was good enough, the climb took care of itself. It's not easy to look at this way when you lose a promo to a feeding lane for example, but being stuck in Gold for a season wouldn't make things any different. Thus I turned my focus to improving irrespective of where I sit in the ladder + the performance of any teammates. It makes certain points that I would normally overlook, like 'what have I done the past five minutes?' and 'what was a more efficient way to spend that time?' take precedence over the depressing stats on some of the scoreboards.

I really do love Jayce and feel a bit peeved that he's popular after Worlds while Talon gets the skin. Damn.


Accidentally played 2 ranked games without knowing they were ranked.

Second game I met a really young kid who demanded his support to apologise for leashing blue.

When the support didn't apologise, the kid just afked at fountain and started typing up so many swear words in non cohesive sentences.

Quite unfortunate since me and top were destroying our lanes while our warwick farmed his feral for 15minutes before the other team started grouping up. The guy was in his promos and sacrificed a game to do this.

The weirdest thing was the guy was kind of begging for the support to apologise. I have no idea what was going on with the guy but he must have some sort of social ineptness.

God, it was such a terrible experience. Especially since i though it was draft


So I got 80 games restriction chat and 38 ranked games restriction. The only match I knew I was gonna get reported was when a tryhard Jayce in a normal game told me "I'm gonna report you" because I said "rekt" in /all in a clearly joking way (he was joking too with similar stuff but aparently these kind of fucktards are the only ones with the right to use all chat and report people). The rest I haven't flamed AT FUCKING ALL on purpose so I didn't get another and yet I get another fucking restriction, surely because premade sad idiots report you for losing.

I'm fucking sick of this disgusting piece of trash of a half-assed system created by this Lyte guy who should've been fired long time ago, what was this genius thinking when he decided getting rid of the tribunal and letting this game's community (League of Legends community, LEAGUE OF LEGENDS COMMUNITY) the power to give restrictions to everyone for no reason at all and with no consecuences at all was a good idea? Jesus Christ how can you be so STUPID. And he gets paid for it? Lucifer Almighty.

Rest assured I'm gonna report everyone I'm not premade with from now on, apparently that's the normal thing to do. Fuck everything and fuck all.


So he shows the chat history from custom games with friends and make it look like I flame people I don't know and the silver brigade suck his dick in fear of getting banned themselves in an embarrassing circle jeck of wannabe platinums bashing me for saying "you suck / easy" to my irl friends? Haha no thanks.
I haven't flamed AT FUCKING ALL on purpose so I didn't get another and yet I get another fucking restriction, surely because premade sad idiots report you for losing.

I'm fucking sick of this disgusting piece of trash of a half-assed system created by this Lyte guy who should've been fired long time ago
Jesus Christ how can you be so STUPID. And he gets paid for it? Lucifer Almighty.

Rest assured I'm gonna report everyone I'm not premade with from now on, apparently that's the normal thing to do. Fuck everything and fuck all.

the silver brigade suck his dick in fear of getting banned themselves in an embarrassing circle jeck of wannabe platinums bashing me for saying "you suck / easy" to my irl friends? Haha no thanks.

yeah, nooooooo idea why you get restrictions. None at all. Nope.


Thresh can't hook allies can't he?
Cuz a Thresh hooking a Sion when he ults is the most hilarious thing ever.


My luck has been terrible.

Played three ranked games top in an attempt to improve in that lane:

Gnar where I was 8/0/2 before the 30 minute mark. (Including a Quadra under my turret when the enemy collapsed on my wee self!)

Nasus where I went 3/0/0 with 300 stacks pretty early, our adc was on 60 farm at that point :(.

I can't even remember the last (first!) one.

Lost all three games. They were the kind you know you can't salvage (our jungler was purposely feeding in one of them.)

I was happy with how I came out of lane but felt I could have done more to influence the map.

Shifting the focus from climbing to having a strong performance while weeding out errors has done so much to improve my mentality. Now I'll need to pick 2-3 champions per lane and learn them inside out, as one of my issues is an unfamiliarity with my champion's limits.

I don't think I'll be making Gold but I've got a list of things to work on in preseason. Silver in my first season will have to do.

I hope they don't nerf my most played/favorite champion next season, Jayce. (Damn PawN ;_;)

im not playing since that long but i always feel like top is the least important lane in the game. most of the action is happening mid and bot in my experience while top is just doing top things


Did 3 matches today! First one as Annie support I ended up doing more damage than Rengo and Yasuo ;x We had really decent laning but other lanes got dumpstered and we just managed to make it even (maybe a bit of a lead). Their team had no Sighstone besides Lee Sin's but we didn't manage to use that.
Katarina got super big and my Stun was generally used before she ulted (I should have let them initiate and not viceversa).

I kinda fucked up with Blitzcrank at the start of laning phase too.

Loss: http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1808918606/206655443

Second match I did Nami support into Vayne. We got a decent lead at bot (nothing amazing though) which translated into Dragon. Yi was doing very good counterjungling Gragas but top was losing very hard to Wukong (Riven was our top). Our midlaner (Veigar vs Veigar) was doing well but I didn't support him enough (not like Nami has great synergy with Veigar), because he was the only one that did most of the damage.
Wukong at one point got a pentakill and he got really big and was a real annoyance. Overall I feel we didn't manage to translate our potential on other lanes and once Vayne had a lead in lane, she kinda just discarded everything and kept playing thinking we were ahead (when we were not).

Loss: http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1808953148/206655443

Third match was a god damn blast. My Vayne was a Diamond 5 (top player though) but was incredibly nice! Man, what a pleasure to play with some people. We had great synergy and I got lucky/got nice bubbles. I failed some ults though, so that's not so great. We were not doing so great at the start, I poked a lot and sustained a lot which helped not to lose lane. At one point Vayne got a triple kill though and even though enemy top and mid (Xin and Annie) got fairly big, we started to get really strong. I guess it helps with Lucian's bizarre itemizations and the fact that Blitzcrank is completely useless if he can't get picks. We lacked peel for Vayne though, which was our only source of damage, so as soon as Orianna and Kassadin adapted to that, we started to win.

At first it was hard translating our lead bot to other lanes but we struggled a bit versus Xin and Annie and we lost a big fight around Dragon and we were very low on towers/objectives. Kassadin focused a bit too much on splitpushing but it worked because it helped us set up a nice Baron call. We got it done fast and got nice picks after that, which ended up on getting Dragon. By the end we were going after top and my Vayne got a Quadra and would have been a Penta if enemy team hadn't surrendered!

I also managed to get away from sure deaths when trying to ward. The movement speed, E and her bubble can really save lives!

Win: http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1808958205/206655443

I just really enjoy playing Nami now. I had completely overlooked how great she is to set up picks. People often mention how great a roam can be with Thresh but I feel Nami can have a lot of potential. Using your E to slow them or boost your ADC to catch up on someone and slow them, then use your Q can be really really amazing. I really need to improve on aiming those ults though (they are sooooooooooo slow).

I hope to learn her more and get to play her more. My biggest gripe is that if we lack damage I feel completely useless, but at least she can still be useful in sustain when behind. Sometimes I feel when playing Thresh, if we are behind I'm kinda just peeling and sometimes ADCs need too much of that, so Nami's sustain comes in handy in those times.

Sorry for the long post!


I hope they make it so that Kalista's jump is affected by slows because shes going to stomp all over some champs :>
I hope they make it so that Kalista's jump is affected by slows because shes going to stomp all over some champs :>
That would make her passive pointless. She's supposed to be a kiting god and already can't use Furor boots, if her hops are affected by slows then might as well just make her a normal ADC.


For general play, Blitz is way better than Thresh right now.

I might start banning him. My current bans are: Rammus, Fiddle, Amumu, Janna, Maokai, Gnar, Yasuo (for own team).


Sometimes it's not really avoidable. Blitz is really good right now for a reason.

IDK I feel like 5 deaths from botlane within the first 5-7 mins of the game shouldn't really happen.

If you don't have the minions to cover you, just back off and let the lane push, right? Especially as an adc without an escape.


IDK I feel like 5 deaths from botlane within the first 5-7 mins of the game shouldn't really happen.

If you don't have the minions to cover you, just back off and let the lane push, right? Especially as an adc without an escape.
Well yeah, of course 5 deaths in 7 minutes is unreasonable.
Derped around the map again and got another win with Janna. Three wins in a row with her.


Just a ton of free gold from garbage assists doing nothing.

It's also stress-free. I'm barely even trying. I'm just running around with mobility boots getting +100g every couple of minutes from random assists where I did nothing like pressing E. Compare this to TF or any carry really where I have to many times carry a huge load on my back, getting anywhere from 10 to 30 kills just to get a win.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
IDK I feel like 5 deaths from botlane within the first 5-7 mins of the game shouldn't really happen.

If you don't have the minions to cover you, just back off and let the lane push, right? Especially as an adc without an escape.
Sometimes getting pushed off a wave has a really big impact. If you're behind in lane it's Blitzcrank will continue to zone you and you'll kind of just be shut out of a game. Not that you should fight for every wave, but there are circumstances where you kind of just need to try.

Try not to feed though.
Giving up waves Vs Blitz ensures he can just plow through your entire lane. It's fine to give up some CS but you absolutely cannot miss on experience, otherwise don't even bother coming bot anymore and try to do something somewhere else.

Blitz lanes are nightmares.


So I got 80 games restriction chat and 38 ranked games restriction. The only match I knew I was gonna get reported was when a tryhard Jayce in a normal game told me "I'm gonna report you" because I said "rekt" in /all in a clearly joking way (he was joking too with similar stuff but aparently these kind of fucktards are the only ones with the right to use all chat and report people). The rest I haven't flamed AT FUCKING ALL on purpose so I didn't get another and yet I get another fucking restriction, surely because premade sad idiots report you for losing.

I'm fucking sick of this disgusting piece of trash of a half-assed system created by this Lyte guy who should've been fired long time ago, what was this genius thinking when he decided getting rid of the tribunal and letting this game's community (League of Legends community, LEAGUE OF LEGENDS COMMUNITY) the power to give restrictions to everyone for no reason at all and with no consecuences at all was a good idea? Jesus Christ how can you be so STUPID. And he gets paid for it? Lucifer Almighty.

Rest assured I'm gonna report everyone I'm not premade with from now on, apparently that's the normal thing to do. Fuck everything and fuck all.

Lol'd. God bless the system works.


For general play, Blitz is way better than Thresh right now.

I might start banning him. My current bans are: Rammus, Fiddle, Amumu, Janna, Maokai, Gnar, Yasuo (for own team).
Just stop banning Janna if you don't want blitz in the bot lane, she can handle the matchup well.


Just stop banning Janna if you don't want blitz in the bot lane, she can handle the matchup well.
Oh, I have no problem with the matchup. I'll just go Sivir.

I ban Blitz if I want to make a specific pick like Draven or something.


Oh, ok. "I might start banning him" general, but banning him against Draven is a good idea.
Well, I'm not gonna ban him just for myself. Just because he doesn't hook me in lane, doesn't mean he's gonna be irrelevant for the rest of the game.
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