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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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when i level my smurf, i see the weirdest things

no-elo players have an unhealthy obsession with protecting worthless turrets late game. in my blitz support game, we would kill the enemy midlaner/top/adc, and when their splitpush yi shows up to our top inner turret, our adc and fed fiora top would recall to go stop him even after he's already left instead of just pushing mid to win with 40 second death timers on the people we just killed.


Gonna grind out the remembrance day long weekend smurfing. Plat is awful to play in, but I'm curious how far I can go starting from Plat V in that amount of time (or how long I can keep my sanity). If anyone wants to duo, I'm down.
What countries celebrate Remembrance Day? British or Canadian thing, guessing from Wikipedia?


when i level my smurf, i see the weirdest things

no-elo players have an unhealthy obsession with protecting worthless turrets late game. in my blitz support game, we would kill the enemy midlaner/top/adc, and when their splitpush yi shows up to our top inner turret, our adc and fed fiora top would recall to go stop him even after he's already left instead of just pushing mid to win with 40 second death timers on the people we just killed.
Noticed other weird things too. Like toplaners in like silver and below are like glued to their lane. No matter what's going on in a match, they'll always return back up there. Dragon's up and a big fight is about to happen? Better farm top. You guys are 25 kills ahead? Gotta splitpush top, grouping isn't possible.
What countries celebrate Remembrance Day? British or Canadian thing, guessing from Wikipedia?
The commonwealth.
i had an amazing nunu jungle game on my smurf yesterday. at no-elo laners just dont respond to invading junglers. bought a ward at level one, put it on voli's red. saw him do his red as i was doing blue, mosied on over to his blue and waited. saw that he opened the buff with smite so I just LOLed and smited over the wall to take it, and ran away giggling. bought a sightstone at first back and never stopped.

you can also go AP nunu at no-elo and not get punished for it.

Tried Nunu for kicks once in Team Builder. We were blue, so I warded their red and started at our blue buff. Waited until Pantheon started on red and then stole it and forced him back (might have killed him if I used Flash). Proceeded to run amok stealing his buffs and camps.

Gonna grind out the remembrance day long weekend smurfing. Plat is awful to play in, but I'm curious how far I can go starting from Plat V in that amount of time (or how long I can keep my sanity). If anyone wants to duo, I'm down.

Not sure how often I'll be on, but I'm in.
drawkcaB, they changed the jungle items again with the latest PBE if you hadn't noticed amidst all the skins. You got your wish with the AD enchantment now having CDR instead of lifesteal for example, but I'm not too keen on the tweaks to the counter-jungling item (50% bonus gold gone -> +20 gold and 175% decaying movement speed) with regards to its Smite benefit.


drawkcaB, they changed the jungle items again with the latest PBE if you hadn't noticed amidst all the skins. You got your wish with the AD enchantment now having CDR instead of lifesteal for example, but I'm not too keen on the tweaks to the counter-jungling item (50% bonus gold gone -> +20 gold and 175% decaying movement speed) with regards to its Smite benefit.

Holy shit, this completely flew over my head. Ditto the camp spawn timers.

I actually like the change to the counter-jungling smite. I agreed with Riot's idea that the different machete upgrade should let any jungler adapt. The small problem with the old Poacher's Knife is that you still needed to be a counter-jungling capable champion in order to counter-jungle. It couldn't be used to cover a weakness, only enhance a strength (which is fine if that's what you're going for but I don't think that's what Riot wants). Whether the numbers are right I can't say, but I like the overall idea of the MS boost.

Also, I wish Riot would make the machete upgrade enchantments and then the enchantments would be actual items where the enchantment stays on. I'm being pedantic, but buying Poacher's Knife and getting the tank enchantment seems stupid to me.

I keep wondering whether or not to dip into the utility tree for my junglers to get the smite CD reduction.

EDIT: Holy shit they gave the AD item ArPen?! Tank item has Tenacity and CDR? 20% CDR on the AP item? I'm foaming at the fucking mouth. Going to end up sitting at base 5 mins every game wondering with enchant to get with Xin.
Gonna grind out the remembrance day long weekend smurfing. Plat is awful to play in, but I'm curious how far I can go starting from Plat V in that amount of time (or how long I can keep my sanity). If anyone wants to duo, I'm down.
If only I didn't have to work this weekend :(


i've been formulating a ton of teemo jungle strategies today. who wants to help me test?

some examples:

(on purple side) assuming a red buff start by the enemy

1. have team distract enemy team at the mid river side entrance to blue side jungle.
2. sneak in as teemo in botlane tribush, stealth with vision of buff somewhere.
3. wait for enemy jungler to get to half hp, destealth, all in him.
4. W happy yordle butt out at level 2.
5.take own blue buff (if there's enough time) and then go to his bluebuff and do the same thing

other (super cheese) strat:

1. start level 1 in bot brush closest to enemy tower, stealth
2. all in at level 1 with own botlane to cheese them. will blow flashes and return later

any other ideas? i want to do this again. i remember our teambuilder game we had a long time ago with my teemo jungle that just murdered people


Wow... I go into my first ranked game in a long time, and my game crashed and now is scanning files idenfinately...


when i did it, i was an unstoppable splitpush monster. runaans (yes, runaans)/nashors tooth pushed lanes so incredibly fast, and I was always safely able to W away allowing my team to put pressure elsewhere while I did it.


when i level my smurf, i see the weirdest things

no-elo players have an unhealthy obsession with protecting worthless turrets late game. in my blitz support game, we would kill the enemy midlaner/top/adc, and when their splitpush yi shows up to our top inner turret, our adc and fed fiora top would recall to go stop him even after he's already left instead of just pushing mid to win with 40 second death timers on the people we just killed.

I actually lost a 60-30 game because of this. Why take the win instead of dragging out the game until the kill/gold difference becomes irrelevant? Other favorites include going for dragon/farm after reaching full build. Or the classic all dmg items on the ADC even after zed/kat has been deleting carries since the 3 item mark.

Like I get that I am bad so I can't ask other people to carry, but it would nice if the ones that could carry actually did so.


Tried Nunu for kicks once in Team Builder. We were blue, so I warded their red and started at our blue buff. Waited until Pantheon started on red and then stole it and forced him back (might have killed him if I used Flash). Proceeded to run amok stealing his buffs and camps.

Not sure how often I'll be on, but I'm in.

Nunu is so enticing to play because of the sick counter jungles but then I end up doing so little damage that I get sad.


Nunu is so enticing to play because of the sick counter jungles but then I end up doing so little damage that I get sad.

the feeling of being in the middle of a teamfight with your ult on and nobody interrupting you is amazing though. not for the damage but for the slow it applies, allowing your team to do whatever they want.


the feeling of being in the middle of a teamfight with your ult on and nobody interrupting you is amazing though. not for the damage but for the slow it applies, allowing your team to do whatever they want.

Oh yeah a perfectly landed nunu ult is one of the most satisfying things. Hard to pull off though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Fucking tests man, don't even know what day it is anymore

Still applies though, take a break for a few days while gamebreaking shit is found and people stop picking new/nerfed/buffed champions.
If people want to grind ranked games before the season ends they don't really have that luxury.


had a riven who intentionally fed my team because nobody helped her with red at start. my team overextended and we almost lost. took 59 mins

next match 2 premade groups both going bot. ahri,blitz,graves,lux. i was top alone mid was free. they flamed eachother for 20 mins until we lost.

next was yasuo bot alone vs vayne and blitz while lucian was mid and hecarim jungle afk after 5 mins. i was top alone again. lost after bot and mid got fed.

they literally happened back to back


Fucking tests man, don't even know what day it is anymore

Still applies though, take a break for a few days while gamebreaking shit is found and people stop picking new/nerfed/buffed champions.

Still fucking sucks I eventually got back in but it was too late. We put a hard fight but... It just sucks. I was hoping this might be the start of my "come-back" games in one final attempt to get to gold and it starts like this...


Don't know why, but I've been getting actual newbies on my bot matches lately whenever I play one for the bonus win of the day. It's kinda fun 1v5 the bots and ending with like 40 kills. Plus, the matches take longer so i get more bonus IP.
Holy shit! You people don't joke when you say ranked has some toxic people in it! I hit 30 a few days ago, and did my first 5 ranked placement games. Lost my first 4, then won number 5. My first 3 games had thee most toxic, asshole players I've ever played with.

One guy threw a hissy fit that I was going top, and he wanted because it because it was the final of his series, he had to win it, and he was best up top. I conceded, and went the only other open position---support. That I kinda suck at, but not awful. Top guy on my team went Garen. Other team went Teemo. He then spent the opening of the game bitching about how he can't beat Teemo, and GG. He refused to push Teemo, even a little bit, and threw a constant fit because the jungler wasn't up there 24/7 helping him out.

Another game we had a Quinn bot lane that LOVED to ult into overwhelming, awful odds and get slaughtered. Then yell at us. I knew we were doomed when the other team got first blood on her, and she immediately yelled "GG. We've lost" and maintained that negative, shit attitude the rest of the game.

I hate ranked. But my journey is not yet over.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
My experience in normal games is way worse than ranked.

People feed regularly. There's huge skill disparity. Somehow the people in my normal games are super mean too, even though there's even less on the line.


My experience in normal games is way worse than ranked.

People feed regularly. There's huge skill disparity. Somehow the people in my normal games are super mean too, even though there's even less on the line.

I see the same things. I have no idea why people get so worked up in normals. The skill disparity doesn't help matters either.


What a fun game right there! I know I'll regret saying this but I love playing Nami with Vayne.

Tristana played terrible so that helped, at times she was overly agressive and at times she was too passive when they could have all-in'ed us. We got ganked a lot but it didn't matter, Jarvan played it super bad (plus Vayne just condemned and Q'd out of Cataclysm). Other lanes were losing at first but it didn't matter much. As soon as I build my Locket of Iron Solari, Cho'gath stopped being an issue and Vayne was just tearing through him. Morgana was pretty bad as well and we easily baited her Black Shield.

Also, I had no idea I could interrupt her ult with mine? wth

Really really fun game to play.



Holy shit! You people don't joke when you say ranked has some toxic people in it! I hit 30 a few days ago, and did my first 5 ranked placement games. Lost my first 4, then won number 5. My first 3 games had thee most toxic, asshole players I've ever played with.

One guy threw a hissy fit that I was going top, and he wanted because it because it was the final of his series, he had to win it, and he was best up top. I conceded, and went the only other open position---support. That I kinda suck at, but not awful. Top guy on my team went Garen. Other team went Teemo. He then spent the opening of the game bitching about how he can't beat Teemo, and GG. He refused to push Teemo, even a little bit, and threw a constant fit because the jungler wasn't up there 24/7 helping him out.

Another game we had a Quinn bot lane that LOVED to ult into overwhelming, awful odds and get slaughtered. Then yell at us. I knew we were doomed when the other team got first blood on her, and she immediately yelled "GG. We've lost" and maintained that negative, shit attitude the rest of the game.

I hate ranked. But my journey is not yet over.

I actually have found fairly nice people, though on my 3rd ranked placement there was a really annoying Zed that kept on a bitchy attitude. Also the people that whine about being camped on allchat... for real, how stupid can you be. Ranked seems fine if you just assume you'll find people like that. It's part of the experience™. It absolutely sucks but there's nothing you can do. Use that time to practice mechanics and like push yourself and that's kinda it really.

Also unless you have DOTA background I'd suggest a month or two of daily'ish normal matches before sinking into Ranked although now it might be too late and might as well just do the placements yeah.

I miss Zkylon. ;(
Up to 41 points in Silver 2. Anyone wanna duo? I've pretty much carried myself up this far, from Bronze 4 or 5, I forget. Probably played like 5-7 duo ranked games.

Edit: I meant to say TF carried me up this far, of course.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
I have a level 30 account in NA that hasn't seen ranked since season 1. Will carry to gold for Dota 2 coaching.

im srs
My experience in normal games is way worse than ranked.

People feed regularly. There's huge skill disparity. Somehow the people in my normal games are super mean too, even though there's even less on the line.

That's kind of why I've tapered my league playing off lately. People in Normals just don't listen to calls. It's a little ridiculous.



Ranked is definitely toxic, you guys.

Toasterstrudel was a leona btw, further proving that supports are the classiest players of league of legends.


I hope you animation cancel your auto-attacks. I forgot who did that, but someone from the Dota thread played League and did animation canceling to CS. It was so hilarious, everyone in chat was laughing.
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