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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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What sort of changes have happened that made Blitzcrank stronger in the current game state? I thought he used to be sort of mocked.


Guys join the superior DOTA game where we have no idea what we're doing for the most part.

Techies still fun though.


Guys join the superior DOTA game where we have no idea what we're doing for the most part.

Techies still fun though.
My rule of DOTA 2 is that I only play if I can play Lina (or on rare occasion the guy with the vision-revealing Karthus ult) and wander around hitting people with spells as hard as possible.
I don't ban Blitz because I can beat him with Leona.

Derped around the map again and got another win with Janna. Three wins in a row with her.


Just a ton of free gold from garbage assists doing nothing.

It's also stress-free. I'm barely even trying. I'm just running around with mobility boots getting +100g every couple of minutes from random assists where I did nothing like pressing E. Compare this to TF or any carry really where I have to many times carry a huge load on my back, getting anywhere from 10 to 30 kills just to get a win.

This was me with Janna in S3: had an absurdly high win rate with her. Even though I rarely played ranked I was placed in Silver 2 and ended the season in Silver 1.

It helps if you have a good team though. All the peel and disengage in the world won't help bad positioning and lack of map awareness, and when your team goes "we need more damage" and you didn't buy Mejai's you're screwed.


Played a game as Galio with a Jayce, Janna, Corki, and Amumu, and there was literally nothing the enemy team could do against our poke and counter engage. Someone always had an ult up to stop their dives on us. It was glorious. Get fooked, Ryze, Lucian, and Kha.


Yes. Item choices and clear speeds in particular.

Well, then let me preface this by saying that what I'm about to say is just my own thoughts after some experimenting on the PBE. Also, when I say I feel a champion is better/worse, it's in relation to how I think other champions will do in S5 and not whether they're better than in S4.

Much better. Diana's issues in S4 is that 90% of the time needs level 6 in order to gank unless the target is ridiculously overextended when she has red buff. This gives her a hard time against early gankers like Lee, Kha, Panth, etc. who can get their team rolling. S5 mitigates this by A.) making level 3 ganks more difficult to pull off and less frequent and B.) reducing the time necessary to reach level 6. Her clear speed and sustain are quite good. On top of this, the new AP jungle enchantment (90 AP, 10% CDR, MPen) fits her perfectly. Not only does this item not need stacks like SotSW but the stats are overall better. In S4 she's fringe viable in solo queue. I suspect she might become a real alternative to Fiddlesticks for teams needing solid magic out the jungle.

Slightly worse, possibly unchanged, possibly better. I know it's a cop-out answer, but I'm having a tough time getting a read on how he'll do. On the one hand he's currently played as an early ganker and that's been hit. His ult is nice and all, but it's not a massive boost to his ganks, so hitting 6 earlier isn't a huge change on him. That said, counterjungling will be more important and Voli is undervalued in that aspect, just no one does it because he's better off ganking in S4. What he loses in ganking power he might gain as a counterjungler. Doesn't seem to benefit from any item change. His clear relative to other champions is average. Sustain is good but in my experience he couldn't do a straight level 4 clear because he ended up frequently triggering his passive by accident.

Better. I'm not a fan of S4 Sejuani jungle because it takes up to level 7 before she can sustain well, so I didn't get my hopes up in the harder jungle. Shockingly, she's just peachy. For reasons I don't understand I actually feel like she sustains better (pretty sure it's because of the flat hp/mana regen) than in S4, relative to other champs. Clear speed is solid. Faster access to level 6, though not needed. She has decent hp left after a level 3 clear for ganks and has a really nice level 4 gank path. I had the best success running armor reds-armor yellows-MR/CDR blues-HP quints when clearing. Item changes don't affect her much, although if you happen to get fed early on the AP enchant ain't half bad if you want to get cheeky. Also, and this is a general comment for all junglers, I don't know whether or not finishing your jungle item ASAP is 100% necessary now. Sure, they're all very cost effective once you take into account that you need to buy a machete upgrade anyways, but without the gold generation incentive it might be reasonable to do something like upgrade machete->boots->RoA->enchant jungle item.

No clue. Rule of thumb, where you jungler is now relative to others is close to where he'll be after. I don't play Tryn, but I suppose he likes the AoE smite upgrade for faster clearing and both the new AD/LS and ASPD/on-hit enchants? Yeah, no clue.

Stahp. Just, stahp. Actually, no idea. My own feeling is all the super fringe ranged AD and AP carry junglers are going to have a rough time. Not only is the new jungle not friendly to squishies as it is, but leashes aren't going to be a good either because of the initial spawn timers. Never bothered trying stuff like Twitch, Jinx, Lissandra, or Karma.

EDIT: lol, I just wasted 30 mins at work writing this. God bless professional desk employment.


Yeah, it's a shame they never went ahead with her passive change so that it generates a shield. I suppose that would make capable in the jungle...and OP everywhere else. Passive right now sucks balls and I'd love to see it changed.


Everything is moe to me
Oh wow I never looked at Lissandras passive before. That really is atrocious.

hey man, up to 100 free mana every 18 seconds. too legit.
or you can get 100 mana every 10 seconds if you hit every spell, and that will only cost you 640 mana.


Oh wow I never looked at Lissandras passive before. That really is atrocious.

The passive in-and-of-itself is kinda ok. That's fine. Lots of passive are underwhelming. What makes it complete dog shit is that it was unnecessarily balanced out by giving her spells stupid early level mana costs. Early on it doesn't come up frequently enough because of the way it interacts with her spells, and when it actually does through Q-W'ing waves she has a big ticket mana pool/regen item and doesn't give a fuck about her passive anymore.


The passive in-and-of-itself isn't good. That's fine. Lots of passive are underwhelming. What makes it complete dog shit is that it was unnecessarily balanced out by giving her spells stupid early level mana costs. Early on it doesn't come up frequently enough because of the way it interacts with her spells, and when it actually does through Q-W'ing waves she has a big ticket mana pool/regen item and doesn't give a fuck about her passive anymore.

I can see this. I feel hesitant to even use my q at times because of how much mana it costs early game. I really really like her kit so I hope riot can do something to make her more viable.


Just had a nice comeback game. It started out awful. Jinx and Annie were guarding red, and I came in late since I had to use the bathroom while we were loading in. I go to ward red, when Poppy, Zilean, TF, and Corki pop out and snag first blood on me. Warwick and Maokai go to take their red, but WW dies to Kha and TF when Maokai bails. They then proceed to head to our blue and kill Annie when she comes over to help. So at this point they have all of the first round of buffs. Doesn't look very good and Annie is telling them to just push mid.

Meanwhile, Jinx and I are botlane doing our thing and trying to keep us in the game. Jinx goes low and I snag a kill on Corki. Almost had a double too, but I messed up pathing around minions. This really set the pace for us botlane. I was able to go really aggressive and lane some nice bubbles. Poppy got greedy with her ganks and dove our tower multiple times. Letting me slow, bubble, and kill her before I went down.

After another botched gank we take dragon and things are slowly turning in our favor. About 20 minutes in we finally even out the difference in team gold. Deep wards and countering theirs with pinks and red trinket helps so much. We take dragon a couple more times, get some aces and take some towers. We made some mistakes later on by splitting up, but our defense held out, letting us head up and take Baron when they were all botlane, leaving Zilean to die while warding Baron.

Eventually we have a big enough lead to just push and win. Felt awesome coming back from such a bad start.

77lp in Silver 1. I'm soo close lol


Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Guys join the superior DOTA game where we have no idea what we're doing for the most part.

Techies still fun though.
Were you in that bot game yesterday? Brian as axe and I was playing ember spirit


What sort of changes have happened that made Blitzcrank stronger in the current game state? I thought he used to be sort of mocked.

Basically everyone playing squishies everywhere and Thresh being knocked down a bit.

I really want to buy Blitz but I feel that unless you can land every hook perfectly, you're gonna be pure garbage. At least if I play Thresh or Nami, I have other spells in my kit to make up for that.

My problem with Blitz is that his hook is instant I think? Correct me if I'm wrong. I always compensate for player movement on Thresh or Nami so the times I've played Blitzcrank besides ARAM have been bad (I think I have 1 normal game with him).

Pd. I feel Blitz can really destroy games atm, putting lanes on tilt and such.
My LP got reduced to 0, so another loss and I will be going to Bronze IV I think? Guess I wont give a damn anymore in ranked and play it randomly


i had an amazing nunu jungle game on my smurf yesterday. at no-elo laners just dont respond to invading junglers. bought a ward at level one, put it on voli's red. saw him do his red as i was doing blue, mosied on over to his blue and waited. saw that he opened the buff with smite so I just LOLed and smited over the wall to take it, and ran away giggling. bought a sightstone at first back and never stopped.

you can also go AP nunu at no-elo and not get punished for it.
My LP got reduced to 0, so another loss and I will be going to Bronze IV I think? Guess I wont give a damn anymore in ranked and play it randomly

I guess since the season ends soon it doesn't matter a whole lot, but maybe you should stay away from ranked for a bit and focus on improving in normals. You're only tanking your MMR at this stage which will make it harder for you in the future.


My problem with Blitz is that his hook is instant I think? Correct me if I'm wrong. I always compensate for player movement on Thresh or Nami so the times I've played Blitzcrank besides ARAM have been bad (I think I have 1 normal game with him).
I don't think it's instant, though it is very hard for me to react to visually. I may have been told if you listen for the sound, Sivir can shield it as a reaction.


Counter jungling buffs is the most satisfying thing in the game for me. I love invading and handicapping the enemy jungler, so much fun.


Gonna grind out the remembrance day long weekend smurfing. Plat is awful to play in, but I'm curious how far I can go starting from Plat V in that amount of time (or how long I can keep my sanity). If anyone wants to duo, I'm down.


Gonna grind out the remembrance day long weekend smurfing. Plat is awful to play in, but I'm curious how far I can go starting from Plat V in that amount of time (or how long I can keep my sanity). If anyone wants to duo, I'm down.

Newt Plat to Challenger in 5 Days | Teaching the Ways of the Battle Mistress | How to Hard Carry


Gonna grind out the remembrance day long weekend smurfing. Plat is awful to play in, but I'm curious how far I can go starting from Plat V in that amount of time (or how long I can keep my sanity). If anyone wants to duo, I'm down.



for blitz try to be walking perpendicular to the hook when you sense him about to hook, you can dodge soccer goalie style prtty easily then

most blitzes will just run up and punch you in the face tho
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