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LEEEEEET'S PARTY!! new Metal Wolf Chaos video


force push the doodoo rock

this game makes mechassault 2 look like a joke

Kon Tiki

"Hows that for a chickenless chicken?" ? :lol

Script reminds me of one of SEGA's DreamCast games. Looks like fun. That rocket launcher look liked something from The Mask, pretty funny.

Funky Papa

Oh man, that was beyond cheesy, but it was also beyond COOL

Working at From while hanging from Microsoft's money tits must be the sweetest thing ever, it's like if some stoned dev at the brainstorming session had a mental fart and said 'hey guys, let's make this crazy game where you are the president of the USA and you get to pilot an overpowered mech suit, and you blow shit up, and then jump into the Air Force One and fuck up the Lincoln memorial and...'

This is game is going to be a riot.



Looks fun as heck......and silly as a heck. The weapon selection pods are neat.

"hurry, and get in from the rear hatch...." :D
:lol "Mr.President, people out side of White House are really scared" :lol

Littleberu said:
10 bucks the game ends up being complete ass. Is it made by the same guy who did Armored Core?

Thread about Xbox/Xbox game + Littleberu + a negative comment = classic.



US President in a mech , with Airforce One tearing up lincoln memorial with hard rock in the background = awesomeness

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
Played the TGS Demo and it was pretty awesome,although a bit too easy,you could simply press down the fire and see everything around you blowing up without even targeting.
Juggling/smashing tanks was fun though. I wonder if they can keep the fun for more 30 minutes though.
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