I have both, and they play all but identically. I suppose 360 is a little harder in Realism mode because headshots are more troublesome without mouse/keyboard, although on balance the 360 is probably easier because of the loose hit detection. I also suspect the pace of the 360 version is slightly slower, but that's entirely anecdotal and I have no demonstrable basis for saying that.
The crucial point about the 360 controls: there is no autoaim. As I said, it's looser in its hit detection than the PC (i.e. a shot quite near the head counts as a headshot, whereas on PC you have to, y'know, shoot the head), but it doesn't steer or sticky your aim at all, unlike just about every other console shooter, including the biggest in the business (Halo, CoD). So if you're bad with a controller, and/or used to having autoaim compensate for analog stick aiming, it probably will feel more difficult than other console shooters.
But Easy really is easy on either platform, and without being a dick about it, I would genuinely question the credentials of someone paid to review games for a living if they can't blaze through the game on that difficulty. There must be some fundamental mechanics they're not grasping (RT to shoot?).