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LEGO GAF |OT2|: Building Dreams. Demolishing Wallets


Finally got my $13 werewolf set after being delayed


OWOOOOOOOOooo Werewolves of London!

Cheerio ol' chap. Taste my blunderbuss!


@Ponn: I really like the car in this set, great retro look, imo it's the best one of the Monster Fighters theme, though i haven't built em all yet...

Car was a quick fun build. Vampyres Hearse is my favorite by far, though thats kind of unfair since it is its own set. That green curvacious beauty from the Castle set though is a pretty sweet ride.
Heads up guys! Target has an exclusive 2-disk Blu-ray set for The Hobbit ($24.99, March 19) that comes with an exclusive Bilbo figure! (Look at that dapper clothing!)


Sure it's not the Extended Edition, but that printing is amazing!

Bilboa in a another outfit isn't enough of a draw for me to buy the package. I will wait for when all Hobbit movies are out in a box set or something. It is a nice minifig and the torso would be great for a Joker outfit change.

And patience.

Also, on the way home from work I stopped and got 5 more series 9 figures. My sack fondling skills were great tonight. I successfully felt up a Chicken Suit Guy, Roller Girl, and three Knights. I was wanting to increase my number of Knights and Chicken Suits. And I wanted more roller skates.

Those roller skates are useful for making micro train builds.

Finally got my $13 werewolf set after being delayed

OWOOOOOOOOooo Werewolves of London!

Cheerio ol' chap. Taste my blunderbuss!

Main reason I got that set. Dat werewolf! Also, set has good tree parts.


Bilboa in a another outfit isn't enough of a draw for me to buy the package. I will wait for when all Hobbit movies are out in a box set or something. It is a nice minifig and the torso would be great for a Joker outfit change.

Pretty much this- no incentive. Would've preferred a Radaghast or an Azog but presumably they'll be in the wave 2 sets this year anyway.


Ding ding ding! These are for April apparently. I dont think they're as good as the current wave but there's loads of good stuff in there- seagull piece, Medusa, admiral- I believe the golden fig is rare or something but I cant remember the numbers.



Here we go again!

Librarian - a friend for the computer geek. Printed coffee cup is nice.

Painter - love the interchangeable rollers!

Warrior Woman - like the shield

Sea Captain - a new bird! And new binoculars?

Baseball Catcher - if you got a bunch of these, and a bunch of the series 3 baseball players, you could create an entire game...

Sad Clown - I really like him - basic but striking

Trendsetter - a new non-Friends LEGO dog!!! Is the cellphone new too?

Biker - not digging the hat, but the tattoo is cool

Grandpa - finally a bald character without a stud on top!

Tomahawk Warrior - a new axe?

Paintballer - not my cup of tea, but is that a new gun?

Roman Centurion - anyone doing a Roman Empire has got some great minifigs to go with

Medusa - better than I expected - glad they used the Ninjago snake tail

Skydiver - not much to say here

Bee Lady - not as strong as previous animals, but still will be one of the most popular

Revolutionary Soldier - an army builder - may be harder to find for that reason - I dig the wig

Golden minifig - thanks LEGO for making a design I don't care if I get or not - seriously, this will make it much easier to miss this one

In all another strong series, with a few standouts for me (grandpa, trendsetter, sea captain, sad clown), and no space minifigs!


as previously stated, i dig more this than the previous one wich was, in one world, quite boring.

that gold man minifig says "i'm f***ing rich!" everywhere

also am i the only one to notice that the centurion face is really similar to the gladiator face? :)




Ding ding ding! These are for April apparently. I dont think they're as good as the current wave but there's loads of good stuff in there- seagull piece, Medusa, admiral- I believe the golden fig is rare or something but I cant remember the numbers.

Gold Top Hat!
Sea Captain!
Honey Bee Girl!

Can't wait!
Positively surprised by this series, after reading the initial descriptions without seeing the pics, it sounded pretty lame but now i am pumped for mostly all of these (except maybe the skydiver and the paintballer for limited usability)
Ding ding ding! These are for April apparently. I dont think they're as good as the current wave but there's loads of good stuff in there- seagull piece, Medusa, admiral- I believe the golden fig is rare or something but I cant remember the numbers.

Painter & Paintballer
These are cool to have, but the issue I have with these types of minifigs are the prints. They are very specific to the scenario which makes them hard to reuse and mix parts with other minifigs. You could take the painters outfit and have him viciously stab a Smurf or something so the blue splotches are blood. Not too many re-uses for torsos and legs. I do understand the splotches are very fitting.

Amazon / Warrior Woman - Diana Prince before she became Wonder Woman. I need a few of these to fulfill my Amazon fantasy...I mean for MOCs.

Sea Captain - Oh yeah, a nice bird to poop on cars for some MOCs / scenes.

Tomahawk Warrior - Finally a natural colored mohawk.

Golden minifig - They should do the same golden minifig for all 3 sets each year or something like that. I'll look for it as I'm groping packs, but no loss if I don't find it.


I'm not sure if the "gold" minifig is going to be chrome gold like some of the castle/POTC parts or metallic gold. If it's the latter i'd be a bit more interested but because of the printing involved it might be the former.


A bigger pic of Series 10 for those who want to see more details! But I think if you click this pic or the other posters, than it links to a high res pic of the figs... :)


Edit: I didn't know that if you clicked on a quoted image that you would be able to toggle between the original size image temporarily then back to the quoted size if you click it again! Mind Blown!
So if you want those details, click RichardAM's quoted image for MASSIVE DETAIL! :)


I'm not sure if the "gold" minifig is going to be chrome gold like some of the castle/POTC parts or metallic gold. If it's the latter i'd be a bit more interested but because of the printing involved it might be the former.

if it is something like this, then i'm happy even if i don't found it

if it is this instead.... mmmmmmh my prreeeeciousssss



if it is something like this, then i'm happy even if i don't found it

if it is this instead.... mmmmmmh my prreeeeciousssss


With it having different-colored hands, I'm thinking the latter, as LEGO had problems in the past with the metal paint flaking off the hands (as they are used to grip items, etc) and switched to having the hands be non-metallic.
I'm going to need several of those Pagliacci mini-figs.

May god have mercy upon everyone I know when I get my pagliacci. Gonna be so much shitty singing and mispronounced italian all up in this. VESTIIIII LA GIUUUUUUBAAAAAAAAAA I'll have to actually learn all the lyrics in preparation.
With it having different-colored hands, I'm thinking the latter, as LEGO had problems in the past with the metal paint flaking off the hands (as they are used to grip items, etc) and switched to having the hands be non-metallic.

Brilliant observation. That makes it a bit more worthwhile to seek out.

Strange that they didn't go with the same gold hands in Lloyd/gold ninja since the whole fig is gold. I guess they chose gloves which are appropriate.


Neo Member
On the topic of Minifigs, I have some old series 5's I dont have a bond with in case anyone needs them. I have:

>Fitness Girl

And I think doubles of the Zookeeper and Graduate. Maybe the clown too. I'll have to check.


Oh my god, LOVE series 10. Finally a geek girl! And the sad clown is precious.

Now I need to hurry up and finish collecting series 9. Dang these move fast.


Maturity, bitches.
So I guess even though my mother will be on holiday at the time and can visit a toyshop that opens the bags in advance so you can basically ask for what you want there's no point in looking for the gold guy.

Mr Mike

1 million Canadian dollars
Have been pacing myself with the Cinema build, but think some of the criticism is a bit unwarranted. I fear we can hype these things up a bit much. So far it's a handsome set - and I'm not even on the No.3 bags yet. (Of course, yes, it lacks complicated/fiddly or even any special SNOT stuff - Pet Shop and Fire Brigade still rule there.)

Anyway, did encounter an annoying few brick issues with the second set of bags...

I realised that the 14 tan 3794 (1x2 tile with hollow stud knob in centre) aren't the same. 9 of them have the groove around the base, and five don't. So it looks a total mess when lined up.



I'm going to contact LEGO's replacement brick service to see if they can send me five that have a groove (or nine that don't!)

But I can wait to add them in - earlier on I let the thing slip off the table... Oops.



Have been pacing myself with the Cinema build, but think some of the criticism is a bit unwarranted. I fear we can hype these things up a bit much. So far it's a handsome set - and I'm not even on the No.3 bags yet. (Of course, yes, it lacks complicated/fiddly or even any special SNOT stuff - Pet Shop and Fire Brigade still rule there.)

Anyway, did encounter an annoying few brick issues with the second set of bags...

I realised that the 14 tan 3794 (1x2 tile with hollow stud knob in centre) aren't the same. 9 of them have the groove around the base, and five don't. So it looks a total mess when lined up.



I'm going to contact LEGO's replacement brick service to see if they can send me five that have a groove (or nine that don't!)

But I can wait to add them in - earlier on I let the thing slip off the table... Oops.


Lego must have changed their manufacturing in relatively recent years. It seems bricks aren't as flush, and colours aren't as consistent as they used to be. I imagine they use different plastics for different pieces too, since the colours don't match.

Still top notch though, and designs are far better these days.

One of my dream things I wanted as a kid was a "model team" lego truck. Not sure if model team exist any more, but yesterday I bought a creator 3 in 1 series tow truck, and I LOVE this model. So glad I bought this instead of the lame Rancor Pit during the 25% sale. I love the creator stuff.
hehe, these just poped up on imgur


more here

Haha, those are hilarious and excellent photography. I'm envious I didn't think of some of those. I do like to credit the creator(s) (not saying you didn't Flixfantatier - just somewhere along the way getting to imgur). I believe they originated from here:


Them + the mime from series 1 and a joker minifig on the steps of the modular town hall.



Old set, I know, but I just had to share a couple pictures of my An Unexpected Gathering set. It's the only "big" Hobbit/LOTR set that I own, but I friggin' love it. I probably spent too much on Bricklink to get the rest of the dwarfs, but I couldn't let that hobbit hole remain so empty.



Ah man, that's cool.

Here in NZ, it came out and I turned it down a few times, even at 25% off, just before Christmas. I decided I'd just go and get it, and it was sold out EVERYWHERE. I guess it was a big Christmas gift or the Hobbit movie release made it just disappear. Since December I have not ever seen a copy anywhere.

During the Fire Brigade build I was missing a piece, and it was the grey version of this piece! (Used under te inverted radiators around the roof). I contacted LEGO for a replacement but they sent me the wrong kind. I can't remember if I needed no lip, or wanted a lip but they sent me the opposite. Completely inconsequential but annoying.

While we are complaining I really wish the Grand Emporium's baseplate didn't bend up at the corner.
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