Another thought about your Ghostbusters Cuusoo:
The only reason that I noticed this is because I like to check your projects progress every couple of days, and when I checked it tonight, I noticed an odd occurence that I hadn't before...
I noticed that your Ecto-1 isn't in your main picture that shows up when you search for "ghostbusters" from the Homepage for Cuusoo's site, and it seems to have the full image cropped so that the words 30th Anniversary only show up as:
half of the letter "G" then "HOSTBUSTER" then half of the letter "S" --below that it looks like this:
almost all of the "3" missing then, "0 TH ANNIVERSAR" with the "Y" half missing as well.
Do you think that it would be hard to resize the font to be a bit smaller, so that all of the text fits into Lego Cuusoo's Cropped Preview Box? Just a thought.
I also wonder if people first saw your Ecto-1 in as full an image as possible (or in the background behind the Ghostbusters characters) in that initial picture that maybe they would be more inclined to click into it to check out all of your premise for your 30TH Anniversary Set! I'm just hoping that people aren't deciding not to click on your Cuusoo Ghostbusters Project just because they "only" see the four Ghostbusters characters in the Thumbnail, and falsely assume that your project is nothing more than just the 4 Main Characters. And your characters look fantastic, but I just wonder if showing Ecto first might entice them a bit more!
I hope you don't think that I'm being too hands on/pushy with any of my advice. I genuinely want to see your project get to 10,000, and especially before the other project from those other people who treated you ridiculously gets to 10k!!!
Anyway, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds, and if you leave it as it is now, then no worries bro!