Here's my March pickups. Except for the Goblin King set, all my sets were of the smaller variety. Each one of these sets was bought during a sale of some sort. My Walmart had the Goblin King set on clearance for $50 for some reason. With that and Barrel Escape, I'm almost done finishing up the Hobbit collection. Just need to find the Warg set on sale.
I only got the Iron Man 3 set for the War Machine figure. The boat is just meh. One nice thing about it is that the flick missiles are nicely hidden and the mechanism to fire them resulted in launching them the furthest of any other set.
The Turtle sets are alright. The minifigures are great and I love Baxter's mech and hand firing features. The Stealth Shell set was a disappointment and overpriced. Unless you want Fishface, you can skip the set. You can get Raphael in the Baxter set.
I managed to get every 2013 "Great Vehicles" set. At $20 each, they're one of the best values you can get our of a set, price per brick wise.
I got the Galaxy Squad sets since I wanted to build giant bugs. I'm in the process of building the Star Slicer set now.