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LEGO GAF |OT2|: Building Dreams. Demolishing Wallets



They look great!

Waiter: love the new printed bottle and serving tray! Having another option for formal torso is nice too.

Roller Derby Girl: Neutral on this one.

Roman Emperor: Great to see another Roman figure. I much rather prefer the printed toga than a fabric one.

Cyclops: LOVE this minifig! The reversible eye is a great touch!

Policeman: On one hand, another policeman is the last thing I need, on the other hand this is the best looking policeman I will have.

Chicken Suit Guy: He wins this set, but we knew that a long time ago, didn't we? Looks GREAT!

Alien Avenger: Looks like something out of Warhammer 40k, and he will fit nicely with the previous Space Marine.

Mermaid: Not really feeling this one (though it will go nicely with Neptune). Getting a starfish is a nice bonus.

Heroic Knight: Another knight minifig, but I like the base metal color scheme on this one, so this is a win for me.

Hollywood Starlet: Kind of a weak entry IMO, but I do like the new hairpiece.

Mr. Good & Evil: I love the look of this guy - he'll fit right in with the Monster Fighters theme.

Forest Maiden: mehhhhhh

Judge: Love the gavel, the face, the hair... ok I love the whole minifig!

Fortune Teller: If there were no Chicken Suit Guy, this minifig would have been my favorite of this theme. I love everything about this one.

Plumber: It's all about the plunger accessory.

Battle Mech: Looks like my Orange Squad is getting a new member!

This is the strongest line-up since Series 6, in my opinion. I can't wait to pick them up in January!


LEGO can't learn from itself. He was able to do a great new policeman, despite having it since the history of time in the LEGO CITY sets but failed to do a great new knight (dejavuù, dejavù everywhere).

The presence of only 2 complete set is unfair for whoever is not a collector. Now it won't be convenient for collectors to just buy togheter a full box and they'll just pillage from the boxes at stores and newspaper stands... leaving little to buy for who just wants only 1-2 specific minifigs

edit: something something.... memory from my childhood with lego knights.... i need.... i need...ALL SIX OF THEM!!!!
Dayum. When I'm so far from ever affording all the legos I want, I'm not about to start collecting a competitor, but that katana is about as sexy as building blocks can get.

Actually Nanoblocks seem to be quite a bit cheaper overall than Legos which might make them a viable alternative for some people...


don't ask me for codes

They look great!

I'm getting a box or buying the whole set from bricklink.

Waiter - Nice waiter, very useful in a restaurant moc. Like the moustache.
Cyclops - Awesome looking guy. Good for any fantasy setting really.
Starlet - Very nice hair.
Knight - Seems like it uses pretty standard parts which is a bit disappointing actually.
Emperor - Good face, but I don't really see an Emperor in my moc plans.
Policeman - The detail on the cop is actually pretty good. So much nicer than the standard City cop.
Chicken Suit Man - Fun character. I look forward to seeing silly vignettes including him.
Roller Derby Girl - Least interesting fig imo. The skates are new though.
Fortune Teller - Good for medieval villages.
Judge - Nice parts. I want to make a Phoenix Wright vignette now.
Alien Avenger - Good villain for the Space Marine, but not a fan of the color of his armor.
Mermaid - Not sure if the hair is new.
Battle Mech - Love this guy. Related to the Galaxy Squad androids?
Jekyll/Hyde - Goes very well with the Monster Fighters theme. Now we need a hunchback.
Forest Maiden - Nice hair. Another good addition to any medieval scene. The shield is pretty.
Plumber - Pretty standard guy, but that plunger will be a nice addition to any home.


I'm getting a box or buying the whole set from bricklink.

Prior to Series 8, I bought every set from Bricklink. After getting half a football team from S8, due to my lack of bag-feeling skills, I will be getting S9-onward from Bricklink again.


Someone gifted me a package of Nanoblocks the other day, i wasn't even aware these things existed, anyone here ever try those?

I've built a few sets from their architecture line. They displayed nicely together and the builds were a fun challenge. But after five or so, the novelty began to wear off.

The biggest difference between Lego and Nanoblock for me was my stress level, haha. I've always found building Lego to be very therapeutic and relaxing, but not so much with those teeny tiny nano pieces.



They look great!

Waiter: Will get for the accessories, but a meh otherwise.
Roller Derby Girl: Again, want those roller skates, if not for them this would have been a major dud
Roman Emporer: Need one, will gladly have one. My Romans need someone to lead!
Cyclops: personal winner of the set for me. Love the head and the double-sided eye is an amazing touch. Need 2 or 3 to terrorize my Hobbits!
Policeman: Didnt care about this at all until I realized his hat was unique and accurate. Now I want him.
Chicken Suit: Easily the number 2 of this set. Glad to see the mascot numbers growing.
Alien Avenger: Space Orc. Need a few to fight my Space Marines.
Mermaid: Another dud IMO, but yay starfish I guess?
Knight: I'm always a fan of Knights and since I got back into Lego after this last castle theme I'll happily take more
Starlet: Worst figure in this set by far. Thankfully is seems shes shortpacked so I dont have to worry with her at all.
Mr. Good & Evil: Amazing, will fit in great with my Monster Fighters!
Forest Maiden: dud and a half
Judge: That Gavel, that hairpiece, that minifig!
Fortune Teller: Second worst in the set for me. my hatred for that stupid dress wedge knows no bounds.
Plumber: Like everyone else, that Plunger is fantastic
Mech: yay robots, yay more figures to the Galaxy Force (like they really need backup XD)

It's always amazing the differing opinions related to these minifigure sets. Which is great because for every me who hates crap like the Fortune teller, theres someone else out there who finds it to be a favorite. More for you guys!


Really like Chicken Guy and Cyclops, but the whole set is pretty cool. I wish I had gotten into collecting the minifigures.

only two sets per box is pretty mean!

Looks like Lego is trying to cater towards "army builders" with that breakdown. An interesting way to do it, that's for sure.
I can't believe this but the Police man is the strongest in this series.

So if I want to split a box, where do I order it and how much is it?
Any other Canadian? each gets a complete set and we divide the spare ones


I still haven't finished collecting the figs I like from series 8 or 7 yet :( Why is galaxy patrol so hard to get?

Because he's easy to feel/find and everyone wants him!

Sidenote: I recently went to a Target and amongst the Series 8 was ONE Series 7 bag left.... Can you guess what it was?!

O_O That's right muthafucka! A muthafuckin Space Patrol figure!! 0_o

The only one I still wanted from that series!!!


There are FOURTEEN bags of series 8 sitting unopened in my room that I intend to gift my family members that enjoy them at christmastime. I groped every bag. All I am sure of is that one, and only one, is a manbat.

You must study in the ways of the Groper if you are to perfect your grope!


WOW @ box distribution... guess I'd better brush up on my packfeeling abiliies... splitting a box wouldn't be a very good idea for this set methinks, unless it's straight up 50/50 with one other person... and even then you are ending up with a lot of extras + shipping costs. To be fair though most of the GOOD figures are the ones you get 4 or 3 of, which is nice. Looks like the Brave-inspired female with the bow will be one of the most sought-out.


You must study in the ways of the Groper if you are to perfect your grope!

I still amaze my friends at my gropability with minifigs bags. They dont understand how I'm able to do it XD.

All you need is a viual cue as to remind yourself what is in each set.

I became a damn savant looking for Series 6 Clockwork robots, where sometimes its not about what you feel it's about what you dont!

In fact I'll help you figur eout what to feel for this time around!

Waiter Flat round plate
Roller Derby Roller skates
Roman Flat Square Plate
Cyclops Club
Policeman Handcuffs
Chicken Suit Non-standard torsos are always the easiest finds.
Space Orc Gun, I'd say feel for the armor, but he'll be easy to confuse for the mech if you're not careful
Mermaid Tail
Knight Sword, Armor, Feather, Shield, take your pick, this one has a lot of unique pieces to feel for
Starlet Stupid Wedge, then find the trophy
Hyde Tophat
Forest Maiden Srupid Wedge, then find eith er the shield or bow
Judge Gaval
Fortune Teller Stupid Wedge then feel for a flat tile or two
Plumber Stick, or if the plunder is rubber, then the sqishy piece!
Mech Armor, again, for the inexperienced this could be the Space Orc, so make sure there's no gun in there!
I still amaze my friends at my gropability with minifigs bags. They dont understand how I'm able to do it XD.

All you need is a viual cue as to remind yourself what is in each set.

I became a damn savant looking for Series 6 Clockwork robots, where sometimes its not about what you feel it's about what you dont!

I just can't do it myself, spent 30 minutes the other days touching those bags, I was so frustrated I didn't buy anything and left empty handed, I don't have the patience nor the time to do it, plus the weird looks that people give you are not so pleasant either.
I rather buy a box with someone or bricklink them.


I call them Bag Whisperers.

(many of them that i have seen hold the bag up to the side of their head for some reason... like they are communing with them)

Best location to find a Bag Whisperer (or to be one yourself) is at the LEGO store. If you are looking for a specific minifig, the BW's can be your new best friend. If you are a BW, you don't get the nasty looks from other shoppers, in fact you may get approached by others asking for your help in feeling a bag for a specific minifig. They keep the CMF's at the back of the store, so it always looks like a secret society has gathered back there.


I just can't do it myself, spent 30 minutes the other days touching those bags, I was so frustrated I didn't buy anything and left empty handed, I don't have the patience nor the time to do it, plus the weird looks that people give you are not so pleasant either.
I rather buy a box with someone or bricklink them.

Definitely require patience and not giving a fuck about the looks you get. Sometimes I'll grab a handful of bags and take a walk through the rest of the store while I'm feeling. Feels less weird that way. Or if there are kids looking at minifigs, I'll just skip it that day. Rather they have them than me.


Well, I have to go by Target and get some stuff this morning... if they have LEGO Bag End I'm gonna impulse buy. Wish me... luck?

Also, Ninja Turtles sets are now listed on lego.com, but you can't buy them yet. Sorry if old.


^ clicking that link currently redirects though.

You can see them at the "what's new" section at the very bottom (or last page).

LEGO Kraang brain looks better than the Playmates version :p Step up your game, playmates.

Wow @ those prices...

Unfortunately as a TMNT fan I am going to have to buy them all.

Psst... Hey, LEGO... please do a LEGO TMNT game D:


Here are the pics I promised :p
Click on the thumbnail for bigger pictures. Sorry for the horrible picture quality.

Both are presents, from now on I think I'll get a few sets for myself and expand my collection a little, provided I find the space in my room.

Also this is a LEGO bucket I've had since I can remember, I just looked for it and it looks like the LEGO 1577 from 1988 or something. I have most of what was inside at the time but since I suck so much at custom designs I keep everything inside, unbuilt.



Here are the pics I promised :p
Click on the thumbnail for bigger pictures. Sorry for the horrible picture quality.

Both are presents, from now on I think I'll get a few sets for myself and expand my collection a little, provided I find the space in my room.

Also this is a LEGO bucket I've had since I can remember, I just looked for it and it looks like the LEGO 1577 from 1988 or something. I have most of what was inside at the time but since I suck so much at custom designs I keep everything inside, unbuilt.

that ambulance is adorable, if ican suggest some other cheap and cool looking CITY sets:



4430 - a beast


WOW @ box distribution... guess I'd better brush up on my packfeeling abiliies... splitting a box wouldn't be a very good idea for this set methinks, unless it's straight up 50/50 with one other person... and even then you are ending up with a lot of extras + shipping costs. To be fair though most of the GOOD figures are the ones you get 4 or 3 of, which is nice. Looks like the Brave-inspired female with the bow will be one of the most sought-out.

I'm available anytime here on GAF if you need any bag-feeling advice! ;)


I call them Bag Whisperers.

(many of them that i have seen hold the bag up to the side of their head for some reason... like they are communing with them)

Best location to find a Bag Whisperer (or to be one yourself) is at the LEGO store. If you are looking for a specific minifig, the BW's can be your new best friend. If you are a BW, you don't get the nasty looks from other shoppers, in fact you may get approached by others asking for your help in feeling a bag for a specific minifig. They keep the CMF's at the back of the store, so it always looks like a secret society has gathered back there.

Yes... The secret society......

We have been discovered!
But act normal.
odd question:
I've seen on ebay that some minifigures can be gotten cheaper from Asian sellers. I've ordered a couple and everything down to the packaging looks the exact same. Is there something I'm missing or is this a viable method to getting some of the older ones still sealed in packaging?


Yes... The secret society......

We have been discovered! Disband!
But act normal.

Huh, the last place I'd expect to bagfeel would be a Lego store. Always figured the employees frowned heavily upon it, so never wanted to risk it since they're usually super cool about everything else.


Huh, the last place I'd expect to bagfeel would be a Lego store. Always figured the employees frowned heavily upon it, so never wanted to risk it since they're usually super cool about everything else.

YMMV? Just ask if people do it or if they care. If they don't care, feel away!


Huh, the last place I'd expect to bagfeel would be a Lego store. Always figured the employees frowned heavily upon it, so never wanted to risk it since they're usually super cool about everything else.
I've groped bags at Toys R Us, Target, Fred Meyer, and the LEGO Store with no problems. The only place that frowned upon it was an indie store I visited while in Victoria, Canada. That place actually had a sign posted prohibiting feeling the baggies. Other than that, I found Victoria to be quite pleasant. =)
odd question:
I've seen on ebay that some minifigures can be gotten cheaper from Asian sellers. I've ordered a couple and everything down to the packaging looks the exact same. Is there something I'm missing or is this a viable method to getting some of the older ones still sealed in packaging?

I've heard those could take months to arrive, I would rage hard if my order not only takes months to arrive but the items are the wrong ones or not as advertised.

proceed with care, and good luck
I simply cannot wait for that set! The details and playability are off the charts!
This set looks awesome! But is it just me, or does this set look kind of small for a 1600+ piece set? I would've expected it to be bigger with that piece count.

Huh, the last place I'd expect to bagfeel would be a Lego store. Always figured the employees frowned heavily upon it, so never wanted to risk it since they're usually super cool about everything else.
During our last trip to the Sherway Gardens LEGO store in Toronto, one of the employees was feeling bags for specific figs at the request of customers. My daughter really wanted a cheerleader, so we asked him and he found one right away for us. Got home and opened it up and it was the cheerleader! He was very happy to feel everyone's bags! Errm... that didn't come out right...


Spent $90 at the Lego store on the Winter Post Office and a gift for my niece, thanks to this thread.

Nice work, bastards.


Spent $90 at the Lego store on the Winter Post Office and a gift for my niece, thanks to this thread.

Nice work, bastards.

You're quite welcome! :)

Edit: Ironically, your post made me realize that I should look for a Post Office Deal online and I'm moments from getting it from Amazon for 60 bucks! :p


Weird question. But is there anyway to transfer Amazon Gift Cards to Lego Shop gift cards? I expect to get a LOT of those for Christmas and would like to use them for Lego while still acumulating points on my account.


Weird question. But is there anyway to transfer Amazon Gift Cards to Lego Shop gift cards? I expect to get a LOT of those for Christmas and would like to use them for Lego while still acumulating points on my account.

I don't know how that would be possible... :/

Sidenote!! I just ordered Grand Emporium and a Halloween Gift Set (Witch, Zombie Buisnessman, and Ghost) at LEGO.com!!


Now all we need is Pet!

No I'm not looking to build Cafe Corner or Green Grocer...

And I forgot! I just picked up An Unexpected Gathering from Target.com for 68 bucks after tax and free shipping! :)

Annnnnd I just picked up Winter Village Post Office from Amazon for 60! Next year holiday season: Winter Village Cottage! :)

My 2012 LEGO Holiday Shopping is officially DONE barring 30-50% off sales.

It feels good mang.


Anyone know if it's possible to use someone else's Lego VIP points if you have their card?

I figure he'll have to be with us, but a friend bought the B-Wing during double points month but he said that's the only thing he really wanted right now and offered to let my son and I have his points. I was just hoping there was some way to combine them with what we have.

Also, looking forward to Chicken Suit Guy. We went to one of the Legoland discovery centers over the weekend and they had a crapload of Series 5 figures so I managed to pick up some we didn't have (5 is the first series where we got into Lego).

Like this guy. So awesome. My son really wants more of the 'X suit guy' figs.


I don't know how that would be possible... :/

Sidenote!! I just ordered Grand Emporium and a Halloween Gift Set (Witch, Zombie Buisnessman, and Ghost) at LEGO.com!!


Now all we need is Pet!

And I forgot! I just picked up An Unexpected Gathering from Target.com for 68 bucks after tax and free shipping! :)

No I'm not looking to build Cafe Corner or Green Grocer...

I need Pet and Town, those will be my next pickups for sure. Once I attached Fire Brigade ti GE, the whole thing came together.

Not really feeling the Arkham Asylem set. I wish it was a modular building instead of a slice. I also dont like how the gate is seperate from the builing.


I need Pet and Town, those will be my next pickups for sure. Once I attached Fire Brigade ti GE, the whole thing came together.

Not really feeling the Arkham Asylem set. I wish it was a modular building instead of a slice. I also dont like how the gate is seperate from the builing.

Yeah, they should "throw in" (read: up the price of the set) a baseplate and make the entrance really integrated... :/

I was gonna say that maybe their 48x48 baseplate would be too wide for the set, but it looks like the Asylum is less than that from front left to front right about 40 ish pieces wide.

Any reason that lego doesn't make custom baseplates for large playsets? Custom as in different sizes/mulitiple colors? I think that it would be better because you could put the minifigures into action poses in front of the playsets if you had studs for their feet to attach to. I don't think that buying them separate works for me. I would want TLG to include them into their sets.


I was telling my son a couple months ago, that I wished that the Minifigures could have a little speech bubble attached to their neck, so that they could say different things to each other or for display purposes, and lo and behold yesterday my wife finds this at TRU:


I was like: 0_o What?! :) Wow! They actually make this?

Whataya know! The Lego Group was reading my mind!

*is dreaming about a Minas Tirith 4000 piece UCS..... *drool*
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