sucks not to have any room to build LEGO 
so jelly atm...
so jelly atm...
So I drew out £20 to go out for drinks last night and then ended up staying at home. Technically that makes the money in my wallet already spent, so I may as well hand it in somewhere in exchange for LEGO on the way home from work. That makes sense, right?
Loving that Summer set actually... provided it IS cheaper than Spring scene because it's also smaller hmm, when will it be out again?
Also: On May 4th when i take my trip to the Lego store and they have the Friends Yacht available, i am not sure i can resist lol
Someone tell me it's crazy expensive so i have a reason to not get it pls!
Used to love these promo pics.
I'll add this as an edit, but a fairly random discussion question! What are everyone's favourite minifigs outside of the collectible series? You can name ones from licensed sets, but I could probably list so many Star Wars/Super Hero ones and it's more interesting thinking of ones that aren't tied to an existing franchise but still look great.
Edit: I'll add this as an edit, but a fairly random discussion question! What are everyone's favourite minifigs outside of the collectible series? You can name ones from licensed sets, but I could probably list so many Star Wars/Super Hero ones and it's more interesting thinking of ones that aren't tied to an existing franchise but still look great.
Blacktron. So badass even the visor is opaque. Like a boss.
this badass
Anyone been to the Lego Store at Disneyworld? What's it like? Does it have a good PAB wall?
Anyone been to the Lego Store at Disneyworld? What's it like? Does it have a good PAB wall?
Blacktron. So badass even the visor is opaque. Like a boss.
Daft Punk: The Lego.
Daft Punk: The Lego.
I like the original Captain Redbeard, the first generation Space Police and Blacktron as well as Futuron. Another random favourite is the transparent green stuff, like many early Space canopies. I just love that deep shade of green. Does any newer stuff have that color scheme?
The Master Builders
EDIT: I'm going to find them some better outfits.
Is that the original helmet for the left minifig? Where is that helmet from?
Edit: I'll add this as an edit, but a fairly random discussion question! What are everyone's favourite minifigs outside of the collectible series? You can name ones from licensed sets, but I could probably list so many Star Wars/Super Hero ones and it's more interesting thinking of ones that aren't tied to an existing franchise but still look great.
Got this at Walmart today. This is out pretty early right?
This is the first report I've seen of these sets being available... where would this Walmart be?
Long Island, NY.
Showed up on the shelf sometime between Tuesday and today. They didn't have the other two Man of Steel sets out yet.
This is the first report I've seen of these sets being available... where would this Walmart be?
A bunch on eBay. I search under Minifigures stand. I don't know if 60 for $20 is a good deal or not but this one guy have a bunch.
I went last December. It is a very big store but I honestly didn't pay attention to the PAB wall then because I was still in LEGO dark age. It's when I got back from my vacation that I start digging up my son old LEGO set because of what I saw at the store pique my interest.
The one at Downtown Disney in Orlando?
I go there every time I'm in Florida on business. It's a great store-much bigger than most. There are a couple of exclusive items there such as a mini model of the big Sea Serpent, and the PAB wall is pretty standard. The staff is really friendly.
The rules for the PAB wall are pretty well defined which is why you so often see the same pieces across LEGO stores. They have a limited number of plates & tiles which is why you so rarely see the oft-coveted non decorated 1x2 tiles. The stores are apparently encouraged to order "odd" pieces to encourage creativity and play.
The Master Builders get a bunch of different headgear in the various Master Builder Academy sets. The helmet is from one of those, but I can't specifically recall which one.
Your minifig in the green outfit helmet is different. That's the one I'm curious about. It's a cool helmet.
The green one also carries a hefty price tag on it. It'd be cool to have those minifigs, but it's not something I'd pay much for.
Yeah, I've only been to that TRU Express once before, and that was before I seriously got into LEGO again. I've completely forgotten that it's there, which is unusual because my family goes to the Cineplex theatre there all the time. I should check it out every now and then if I'm going to be right there anyway.I fly out of Buffalo pretty regularly and usually stop off at that very has never yielded any good finds for me. Apparently there is a TRU Express in some place called Niagara Square Mall. I've heard that it is not frequently visited so you may have better luck.
Finally got around to collecting my friend's Technic sets that he no longer wanted/needed as he's vacating the country and moving to Tokyo. I'm stoked that he took the time to pull the sets apart, but damn if this doesn't look like a lot of fun work coming up (the bags are sorted by set and labelled with the set number, thank god!).
Unimog, Excavator and Super Car, for the price of the Unimog alone. On top of the Helicopter which I'm getting for my birthday and the swing wing jet I assembled earlier in the month, this is truly The Month Of Technic.
Welp. No class today for students in the boston area. I have time to build this here backlogged "Orc Forge" set now.........![]()
Many people build LEGO sets just once and then put them on display, but these building blocks are meant to be taken apart and reassembled into different forms. Phillipe Cantin wanted to find out how many times a piece of LEGO could be used before the connections wear out, and built an Arduino-based machine to automate that test. A servo-motor controlled arm connected and disconnected two pieces of LEGO (standard six-stud connection), and an infrared sensor checked to see if the LEGO piece was sticking. The test--which Cantin says was noisy--took 102 hours to perform, and confirmed 37,112 actions before the LEGO bricks no longer connected. The more you know!
Fuchsia Beard?
Zipper guys of all colors replaced the classic space figures. They cam in black, red, blue, yellow, and I think green. I don't have any green ones so not sure. The next year was the black with white helmet and red visor...Space Police!Zipper guy is Futuron, the first successor to Space. Generally the same as the old ones, but zippers and new helmets with blue visors. It went Space -> Futuron -> Blacktron/Space Police -> M:Tron -> Blacktron/Space Police 2 and then Ice Planet I believe.
Oh, and Futuron guy should have yellow legs and yellow air tanks.
Pirate guy is Redbeard, although he should have a two-pointed hat with a pirate skull. That hat is for the second-in-command of the soldiers. I think I used to have four of him, but only two are complete now.
I find it a bit strange that the old Space helmets have dimples in them for the visors, even though they weren't designed for Futuron visors (they don't sit tightly on the helmets). Were the helmets used for some Castle set first?