Uff... WANT.
The back end looks incomplete though. If it were just the open tires it would be fine, but the open back as well just looks off.
The rest of the ship is hot too.
Does anyone have the Prince of Persia set Battle of Alamut? I'm thinking of getting it as a parts pack, it seems to have a ton of useful bricks like the 1x4 SNOT ones. Also would be useful with a bunch of spare flesh colored heads.
Aside from the tires, I think the back end looks great. It looks like there's a hatch that opens/closes and is shown open in the photo. Is that what is causing you to dislike the back?
Whoa! Those minifigs! Ship is cool too, but those minifigs!
I feel sorry for those of you that are hard core Lego fans. You're gonna go broke if the new series coming out are really good. Between that, older Legoes, and Creator you're wallet is screwed! Not to mention any other cool stuff LEGO comes out with.
Whoa! Those minifigs! Ship is cool too, but those minifigs!
I feel sorry for those of you that are hard core Star Wars fans. You're gonna go broke if the new Star Wars movies coming out are really good. Between that, original Trilogy UCS stuff, and Old Republic you're wallet is screwed! Not to mention any other cool stuff LEGO comes out with.
meh, I draw the line at OT Star Wars, I won't be buying any other SW line
Yeah. It looks like a hatch, but I cant find pics with it closed.
Sith Fury, man. Sith Fury. I am late to the party with that set, but everyone else gushing about it was doing so with good reason.
Sith Fury, man. Sith Fury. I am late to the party with that set, but everyone else gushing about it was doing so with good reason.
Seriously, Sith Fury is an awesome ship that not only looks great, but has a great build as well.
I would buy Pokemon Lego stuff so hard like oh man just take my wallet Lego and make it happen.
Just imagine: A gym playset that opens up to reveal an arena, with trainer and Pokemon figs! Or a PMD-styled Pokemon village, or a modular mystery dungeon you can rearrange to create your own layout!
*Is totally not in love with Pokemon nope.*
Both of you please stop.
Sith Fury, man. Sith Fury. I am late to the party with that set, but everyone else gushing about it was doing so with good reason.
Standin' by.
Jacked up and good to go.
Gimme something to shoot!
Go go go!
Let's move!
Rock & Roll!
Starcraft-Marine by lego_nabii, on Flickr
These KotOR ships are pretty cool. I want to pick up both of the ones that are out now. Which leads me to a totally diff question...
Is the KotOR game any good? That new-ish online one? I played the original SP-game way back when on the XBox.
Both of you please stop.
And the set is still only $72 at Wal Mart now.
These KotOR ships are pretty cool. I want to pick up both of the ones that are out now. Which leads me to a totally diff question...
Is the KotOR game any good? That new-ish online one? I played the original SP-game way back when on the XBox.
And the set is still only $72 at Wal Mart now.
Both of you please stop.
It's a wow type mmo; if you enjoy wow type mmo's good chance you like it. If you think Wow's gameplay is totally boring you wouldn't enjoy it.
meh... I played Galaxies during it's initial roll-out. dammit if I didn't find that game boring. I mean, really... I'm wookie "bounty hunter" and I'm hunting butterflies? gtfo!
So I ordered a second B-Wing during the 4/5th sale. B-Wing is on backorder. No big. But I was shipped my Hoth Han and Yoda poster (which seems odd that they'll go to the trouble to ship such a small item by itself). I get the package today and it seems Lego has seen fit to reward my wait with a "Chima Speedorz" ... I reckon it'll make an interesting cat toy.
So I ordered a second B-Wing during the 4/5th sale. B-Wing is on backorder. No big. But I was shipped my Hoth Han and Yoda poster (which seems odd that they'll go to the trouble to ship such a small item by itself). I get the package today and it seems Lego has seen fit to reward my wait with a "Chima Speedorz" ... I reckon it'll make an interesting cat toy.
I believe everyone who purchase X amount on May 4th got it. I got one as well. 0 interest in Chima, but heh.
Speaking of which I got my order today. Bwing, Loki's Cosmic Cube Escape, the aboved mention free Chima set and I also ordered 16 series 10 minifigs. I was gonna order 16 series 9s as well since I have never seen any in the wild, but they were sold out online. Anyway, no Mr Gold, but I did get 10 out of 16 in this hall.
If anyone needs a Grandpa or Paint baller I have 1 of each opened. I also felt the bags on 4 that I didn't open. 2 baseball players 1 clown and 1 Roman Soldier. If anyone wants to trade I need Bee Lady, Librarian, Indian Warrior, Medusa, Captain and Painter still. Since 4 of them are still packages I am going to see if I can trade them in when I go to the Lego store in 2 weeks. Do you think they will take the unopened ones back for trade?
... now with piece count.
meh, I draw the line at OT Star Wars, I won't be buying any other SW line
1) Congrats Wet Wired! I recently added my support on Monday. I hope LEGO can work with DC/WB and bring your Tumbler to retail.
2) Damn it, I never find awesome clearance sets at my Walmart. And I just paid full price for the Quinjet over the weekend for the May 4th promo. But good on you, R-User, for helping that mother out with herboxboy.
Oh hells yeah! Day one order, absolutely. And this is an "SW: The Old Republic" set, no Clone Wars figures at all.
They are still leading Wetwired by like 1666 votes, but when Wet started with 0 votes, the other guys had like 3000 something votes. So Wet gained30002951 while in that time Other only gained ~1500 more. IOW, it looks like Wet may continue to out-gain and eventually pass them by, but its still too early to tell I think.
Other: 4617 votes
Submitted: January 12, 2012
22 Bookmarked
1.4 Years posted
Wetwired: 2951 votes
Submitted: March 01, 2013
10 Bookmarked
.2 months posted
So on that note..... We'll see what happens...
Edit: at the same rate as before, in two months Wetwired would have 5902, and Other would have 5194... So if we see this result in two months from now, it'll probably be safe to say that Wet would probably win out... The big question is, can it get to 10,000!!! It has to. There has to be 5,000 Ghostbusters fans that would buy a really cool UCS Ghostbusters LEGO set; even if it "only" ends up being Ecto 1 and the Minifigs, and there have to be 5,000 LEGO fans that love Ghostbusters enough to support the set as well! I just hope that no legal crap gets in the way.
Same here, it is a relief that these other sets leave me cold.
I hope you can share with us how the communications goes with Lego. I'd be interested in how that's like.
Where are you?Don't say USA
I'm not sure if I'll hear anything to be honest, I spoke to the guy who did the Back to the future Delorean and he hadn't had any communication with them
Interesting... In a strangish way. You would think that you might get a call or a letter or something. I guess it remains to be seen then, what will happen. /Yoda