The Imperial Shuttle is in landing mode. Sexy mode is wings down. But looking at that shelf it looks like there isn't room to do that without rearranging a bit.
I'm going to try to make space either for ths shuttle to move or R2 to move. Whichever way the wings will be open.
Underbed storage? We have our son's scalextric there but ere would be space for tons of lego, and the shallow storage would give you access to a lot of lego when the lid was off.
Otherwise really useful is, well, really useful. Drawer units are handy. Or Ikea 'Alex' drawer units in their home office section caught my eye. I have a smaller one for my desk but the big one looks perfect for lego - a few deep drawers and a few shallow ones.
Wife keeps winter clothes under the bed so I'm thinking to claim the space under the sofa. If we had the space I would just buy some Alex units and kit out an entire room.