I am just curious how they are going to pull off the curves of the Sydney Opera House and make it look good. But in Jamie I trust...
Battle pack with an Mumakil, and a bunch of Haradrim to put in the canopy on top of it. Buy bunches of the set to recreate this shot:
I would buy about five of them if they did that.
I can come up with the ideas. I just lack the talent and resources to make them reality.Huzzah!
I can come up with the ideas. I just lack the talent and resources to make them reality.
Edit: on a different note. I have a question for Ghostmind. What order would you place these sets in: Hive Crawler, Bug Obliterator, Silver Mine Shootout ?
I know we both loved all three, but I am curious how you would rank just those three.
Celebrated what was probably my best birthday ever this past Saturday.
My wife and kid surprised me with these:
AND I treated myself to something extra special...
I sold 1 G.I. Joe piece to pay for 3,803 pieces!
Need to finish the wings on the Shuttle before I can crack open dat BIG BOX!
This question hurts my brain.
At the moment, I would say:
1. Hive Crawler
2. Bug Obliterater
3. Silver Mine Shootout
The brilliance of the Hive Crawler design has shot it to the top of my favorites for this year.
All three are stellar sets though, and are highly recommended.
I think standard yellow would give off a "shiny" look over time better than using the non-shiny non-gold/chrome looking gold color. I think that's why they would go with standard yellow...![]()
You're gonna hate me...
So I bought twelve random minifigs off S@H. They arrived today. I wasn't that lucky with the allocation... I have no use for the 1800's soldiers or the baseball players, but the extra old man will be useful and I can probably find a use for extra red cloaks.
And then for one of them I noticed something strange. A straight rod? No figure in this series has that... unless...
So, a ridiculously rare figure I don't need. He's going away, the question is where to.
He sells for $600+ on Ebay, but I'm very wary of scammers. Mine obviously hasn't been opened or the code registered. So, is there any serious collector here who wants a shot at him for less than that?
I'm not giving him away, but a trade of a reasonable value would be interesting. The upcoming LotR sets, modulars or possibly some other cool collectible are what I'm looking for. If you're in Europe, shipping is probably easier (for you, this will be rather cheap, except of course insurance).
I am just curious how they are going to pull off the curves of the Sydney Opera House and make it look good. But in Jamie I trust...
Has it been confirmed that Jamie is designing it?
Calm, your package, is shipped!
Sweet Thanks! I will send yours out Monday I guess?
I need to ask, what'd you sell to get the Best Star? I was thinking about big sets and the HQ doesn't appear to go for much. Did you sell an original Zarana mold or something?
Sweet! Happy birthday btw.
I noticed you had the Iron Man lab. Did you order the extra pieces or did you have shitloads of LEGO pieces and made it with your collection?
These ironman sets are just being released in Holland and I haven't had the chance to buy them yet so I have no idea what is already in the sets, and what I will have to order from Bricklink.
Thanks for the bday wishes!
I actually used Bricklink for all of the pieces (including additional sets of stickers). I didn't want to break apart my existing sets.
It was my first experience with bricklink. It was a positive experience but I probably paid more than I should have. It was a total of 5 different orders from different sellers.
But once built, it really is gorgeous!
10235 Winter Village Market $89.99
No piece count yet, but expect around 1,300 pcs.
Mmmmmm...Bakery not returning right? Could be interesting but would like to see a Toy Shop re_release or Santa workshop. Also including that big tree for the town square.
Weird question time, since when does LEGO have sets including guns? I was under the presumption they never made sets with modern military equipment, my nephew has some LEGO City police station stuff and I never saw guns.
Lego gun causes panic on school bus; kindergartener gets detention
Classmates in at Old Mill Pond Elementary School in Massachusetts freak out when they a boy, 6, shows them the tiny fake weapon the size of the quarter.
Weird question time, since when does LEGO have sets including guns? I was under the presumption they never made sets with modern military equipment, my nephew has some LEGO City police station stuff and I never saw guns.
Lego gun causes panic on school bus; kindergartener gets detention
Classmates in at Old Mill Pond Elementary School in Massachusetts freak out when they a boy, 6, shows them the tiny fake weapon the size of the quarter.
Weird question time, since when does LEGO have sets including guns? I was under the presumption they never made sets with modern military equipment, my nephew has some LEGO City police station stuff and I never saw guns.
Lego gun causes panic on school bus; kindergartener gets detention
Classmates in at Old Mill Pond Elementary School in Massachusetts freak out when they a boy, 6, shows them the tiny fake weapon the size of the quarter.
Lego has had sets with guns...maybe not that realistic but they have them...but I swear that reads like an Onion's the size of a quarter...a QUARTER.
.... seriously?
Lego has had sets with guns...maybe not that realistic but they have them...but I swear that reads like an Onion's the size of a quarter...a QUARTER.
Some perspective on the Ewok Village:
The above set, "The Battle of Endor" was released in 2009. It has 890 pieces and 12 minifigs, at a price of $100.
At 2.5 times the price, and the same pricing structure, the Ewok Village could be around 2,200 pieces. However, higher price sets do not always work in a linear scale for piece-count, so it is possible that the Village could be at a higher count than that.
Depends on how many small bricks they use. I hope it is more in line price wise with Orthanc or R2D2 than it is the SSD or B-Wing.
There seems to be a UCS-tax, and I am thinking/hoping that this set avoids that, since it is not UCS.
At first I thought it was satire as well but they seem to be quite serious with the TV report an all. I only knew of scifi 'guns' and classic pirate cannons.
While trying to find the gun in question I did run into this awesome piece:
Galaxy Squad is such an amazing theme that I feel will be severely under appreciated, just like Alien Conquest.
Galaxy Squad is such an amazing theme that I feel will be severely under appreciated, just like Alien Conquest.
Hopefully it gets a third wave, red team needs some love.
On a side note, I'd like to post pics of my collection here before I start the purging and tear down of several of the smaller/older sets before being replaced with new, what is the pic hosting site of choice around here? Is there a preferred one many of you use? Hopefully I'll have time later tonight to post those here.
Hopefully it gets a third wave, red team needs some love.
No feels allowed at this store
No feels allowed at this store
Consolation gold minifigure for all those people that don't get Mr. Gold.
The red robot is my favorite of the different teams. If they don't have a 3rd wave would be nice to have a battle pack or more polybags. I hope that theme is selling fairly well.
What!?! That's crazy! Seems like a lot of effort for an inexpensive item. Do they only have 10 of them or something in the whole store?
What!?! That's crazy! Seems like a lot of effort for an inexpensive item. Do they only have 10 of them or something in the whole store?
What store is this? If they were that serious, why not lock them in a glass case?
Maybe they only have skydivers left!
My local toy store goes the complete opposite and feels them FOR you and labels the bags.
I guess they figure people are going to feel them anyway, and this saves people time and money. I mean, it probably gets MORE people to buy the figures than less, as casuals can now just get what they want instead of being shyed away from the risk.