I want them all!
LEGO, please don't screw up the distro on this series!!!!
Barbarian - No new parts, but nicely done. Torso and legs will be fairly reusable for making your own minfigs.
Scarecrow - Like. Hat seems new. Pitchfork is nice as it used to be a bit rare.
Bavarian Lady - Nicely done. Nothing new, but good counterpart to the Bavarian dude.
Evil Mech - Nothing new, but looks good. Nice to have those moulds in black.
Tiki Warrior - I like it. Great for those that never got those old islander minifigs.
Gingerbread Man - Nothing surprising here. Nicely done. I was hoping Gingerbread would have the normal head though.
Holiday Elf - Nicely done. Was just expecting reuse of gnome hat. Pleasantly surprised they have new hat with ears. Teddy bear will no longer be a highly sought part anymore. Like the present print on 2x2 tile.
Yeti - Huge LIKE. Top one on my list. Will get multiples of this. Trans-blue popsicle is a bonus.
Mountain Climber - Nice new rope piece. BETTER NOT have 6 of these to a box!!!
Welder - Very cool. One of the more unique ideas and great new moulds with mask and torch.
Female Scientist - I like the printing. Makes for a lab full of smart and attractive minifigs. Nice accessories! I'm talking about the flasks!
Jazz Musician - Love the saxophone. Nice cool head print. Rest you can make from existing minifigs.
Dinner Waitress - Like the retro look. Interesting new hair.
Grandma - Nicely done. Great companion for the old man, but I think she could have done better than him. Is that a new cat mould?
Constable - Yes! Been waiting for a cop with the bobby. Stick is very nice too. Keystone Cops. Now I can recreate Benny Hill episodes with minifigs!
Female Robot - Meh. I really wanted it more like the Series 1 robot, but will go well with the male clockwork robot. Anyone offended by the gauge placement on the torso? I'm sure someone will complain.
Saxophone, the old man's head/hair piece...new moulds like those are making me hopeful for a Simpsons theme.
This series may warrant a purchase of an entire box. No Mr. Gold!!! Maybe by series 20, they'll have Mrs. Gold(digger).
Scarecrow - so that's where all the extra Tonto crows are going
Jazz Musician - Saxamaphone! Also looks like a Blues Brother.
Mountain Climber - for some reason I like him a lot more than the S10 skydiver
RE: Scarecrow comment - LOL. I guess we'll have a Lone Ranger battle pack for the rest of the leftovers.
RE: Jazz Musician comment - Yes! It does look like a Blues Brother.
RE: Mountain Climber - I think because this minifig looks way cooler and all the parts are much more reusable. Skydiver has very low reusability factor. I like the skydiver minifigure, but don't see the need for so many.