Welcome, young LEGO-GAF'ers, I have been expecting you.
VIP members will be able to pick up the Sydney Opera House during an exclusive early release starting August 16th.
Hi all, Ive been reading this thread for a long time but only recently got approved to post.
Hey Phonciple, I went to the Lego store over the weekend and checked the PAB wall for you. They didnt have any gray 2x2 tiles that you wanted, or any 2x2 tiles for that matter. Sorry.
A note to all, this is the best singular Lego thread that Ive ever had the pleasure to read. Lots of great info and insight just plain awesome.
Hello Everyone!]
I did finish up the Grand Emporium this weekend and got it added to the new modular shelf I've made room for. Only room for one more on that shelf, though, which will be the Palace Cinema, once that is bought. For now, here is how I have them displayed. Disregard the several knocked over minifigs. They'll be put upright tomorrow once my hot dog cart arrives in the mail from S@H and can be added to the display.
Kudos for breaking up the Pet Shop - it adds so many more possibilities when one is willing to do so. I'm hoping that we get another multi-building modular someday.
The more I look back on the Titan, the less I like it as well. A really cool build for most of it, but it might fall in the rankings. Perhaps a rebuild is in order.
You aren't wrong - the Titan is an OK set, bolstered by its multi-seated bomber/fighter. The true pinnacle of the GS theme is the Hive Crawler, but you already knew that.
I'm more into ships/vehicles as well.
Does anyone think Lego will ever re-release the UCS Falcon? If you asked me last year, I would have said no, but after seeing them re-release the UCS X-Wing, I'm having some second thoughts. Sorry if this has been discussed before.
I've been wanting Arkham Asylum and its my last "big" set on my list now that I have Orthanc and Haunted House. Everytime I see a review or pictures though I keep hesitating because it just seems really small for a 1600+ set.
Our own BrentWaller's LEGO Ghostbusters Cuusoo set got a mention on SlashFilm! It was yesterday so not sure if it's been mentioned here already or not. Anyway, great news as the set is fantastic and should get a lot more support.
Our own BrentWaller's LEGO Ghostbusters Cuusoo set got a mention on SlashFilm! It was yesterday so not sure if it's been mentioned here already or not. Anyway, great news as the set is fantastic and should get a lot more support.
Also, FBTB thinks the SDCC figure raffle was rigged.
Seems a bit far fetched, but crazier things have happened.
Yeah, I've been reading up on some of that. Seems to be some pretty bold accusations to throw around based on just your own assumptions and without any real evidence to back the claim up (like booth employees verifying that that is indeed how it went down). I wonder if LEGO will respond to that in any way. Either way, it seems a bit "meh" in my opinion. It's a kids toy at the end of the day and if LEGO tried to see that most of them found their way into the hands of actual kids, big whoop. Sounds like a bunch of grown men a bit upset that they didn't get a free $500 collectible. I'd have been more concerned if it seemed like most of them found their way into the hands of scalpers instead of kids, but whatever.
Need a little help here. The other day, I picked up a loose lot of Legos from Craigslist. There were no instruction books included and I have no idea what set this is (truck with small loader). Help me Lego GAF, you're my only hope. =)
Sorry for the giant picture. I can't figure out how to resize in Image Shack. Doh!
Need a little help here. The other day, I picked up a loose lot of Legos from Craigslist. There were no instruction books included and I have no idea what set this is (truck with small loader). Help me Lego GAF, you're my only hope. =)
Sorry for the giant picture. I can't figure out how to resize in Image Shack. Doh!
Need a little help here. The other day, I picked up a loose lot of Legos from Craigslist. There were no instruction books included and I have no idea what set this is (truck with small loader). Help me Lego GAF, you're my only hope. =)
Sorry for the giant picture. I can't figure out how to resize in Image Shack. Doh!
It's [URL="http://brickset.com/detail/?Set=5893-1"]5893[/URL] and the main model looks pretty damn good! Well the truck looks good too.
Its one of the 3 builds for: Off-Road Power
It's 5893 and the main model looks pretty damn good!
Did it already come assembled? Because I haven't been able to find anything in searches on Bricklink. I wonder if that is just someone's well done MOC you have there.
May god have mercy on your soul...
Anyway, it doesn't look official. It's at Technic scale but detailed as a major Creator set.
I just can't be arsed wit hthe Creator sets despite there being so many interesting looking ones. I'd say it's one of the better "themes" of Lego.Ah, no wonder I wasn't finding anything in my searches of "loader" and "forklift". I didn't even think that it could be an alternate model on one of these Creator sets. No wonder it had a bit of a familiar look to it but yet, I just couldn't find that exact model. D'oh!
Its one of the 3 builds for: Off-Road Power
It's 5893 and the main model looks pretty damn good! Well the truck looks good too.
Our own BrentWaller's LEGO Ghostbusters Cuusoo set got a mention on SlashFilm! It was yesterday so not sure if it's been mentioned here already or not. Anyway, great news as the set is fantastic and should get a lot more support.
Brickset mentions Wetwired's kickstarter for his video game project at the end of this article about CUUSOO.
Also, FBTB thinks the SDCC figure raffle was rigged.
Seems a bit far fetched, but crazier things have happened.
Lots of new blood around here. Me like.
In my sick twisted mind, that seems a bit creepy.![]()
Bah. Article seems very far fetched IMO. Could there be some "rigging" by the people working the booth. I'm sure little bit, but I doubt not nearly to the extent the article suggests. Also, seems like the rigging may be more towards giving to kids than anything else. I'm glad they are targeting kids for the giveaways like Azog, but I doubt they purposely excluded those that waiting in line for the other giveaways. Curious to hear from the two posters on this thread that got the giveaways.
Hopefully the article helps give it a push on CUUSOO - I want the Ghostbusters in my city!
Also noticed that FTL is only 199 votes shy of 10,000 now. I have high hopes for that one!
Mmm good, our first catch of the day.
Less creepy?
I feel like I'm in a LEGO recession right now. I can only think of two purchases I'll make for the rest of the year, Opera House and The Hobbit Lake Town set. Surely that will change once we see the rest of The Hobbit sets. Currently though...feels bad man.
I feel like I'm in a LEGO recession right now. I can only think of two purchases I'll make for the rest of the year, Opera House and The Hobbit Lake Town set. Surely that will change once we see the rest of The Hobbit sets. Currently though...feels bad man.
And then they start to show off the 2014 stuff and you'll be so amazed and grateful that you are able to get them. Or you could indulge in some older sets, I tell ya, that stuff is awesome, especially if you're fortunate to buy one new in box...being the first to open it up and see all the old stuff feels so good for the soul. I miss those bags with the tiny holes in them, you just don't see them as often...though those bags were kind of tough to open up now that I remember...
You could always join us in the Star Wars theme... its a party here all year long.
I feel like I'm in a LEGO recession right now. I can only think of two purchases I'll make for the rest of the year, Opera House and The Hobbit Lake Town set. Surely that will change once we see the rest of The Hobbit sets. Currently though...feels bad man.
I still want The Black Pearl. Someone on reddit found it at a Goodwill for $7 or something. ARG!
Never! Knock it off, Palpatine.
I am at the end of my rope with the Star Wars Planets Series 4 release. They've been out in Europe for 6 months now, and not a word regarding a North America release. I've got my finger hovering over an overseas order right now, because I am sick of waiting for LEGO to remember that they haven't released these sets here yet.
Does anyone have the heads-up on a NorthAm release?
Now for something completely different...
For you lovers of LEGO and Twinkies. Don't ask me, I'm just passing it on...
Sounds like you need more LEGO themes in your diet.
Sounds like you need some Lone Ranger sets.I'm realizing I might be a picky LEGO eater. I really have zero interest in stuff like Chima, Galaxy Squad, etc. I'd love to see LEGO go back to their own pirate and western theme. I'd be all over that.
I'm realizing I might be a picky LEGO eater. I really have zero interest in stuff like Chima, Galaxy Squad, etc. I'd love to see LEGO go back to their own pirate and western theme. I'd be all over that.