secret rob
Neo Member
Just got my confirmation email from last nights order and it included free shipping.
WhiteFang's review of CMF Series 11 is up:
Finally watched it. Great review for a great set. And that set is built like a tank too. My wife accidentally knocked it off the table the other night. The only things that broke off as it hit the floor were the two fins at the top holding the antennae, and one lounge chair on the front. The rest was intact and solid.
If anything, my wife accidentally knocking it to the floor made me appreciate the set even more since now I know how sturdy it is.
Sound advice. Dolphin Cruiser is such a great set.
Damn good price for all that. Damn good.
Yea, sure.
Well, the other two sets on the table escaped. The Dolphin Cruiser was just near the edge was all. She snagged the end of it on the strap to her bookbag.
BttF set is available on in U.S. $34.99, No tax (for some), free shipping. Free 2 day shipping if you have prime. I've been back and forth but I think i'm going to bite since I don't have to get $40 more of stuff to get free shipping from S@H.
Sure. Why the hell not. Small cup should be enough. Any round 1x1 too. Thanks.Bone, they have a ton of light gray 2x2 flat tiles. Do you want a cup?
Shit, LEGO needs to greenlight this one:
get it down to under 400 pieces then Lego will reluctantly consider it.
Sure. Why the hell not. Small cup should be enough. Any round 1x1 too. Thanks.![]()
Why reluctantly? I noticed that a few complicated models on CUUSOO had been knocked back for something that would sell more instead. Gotta make money I suppose :/
Will do. Stud round 1x1? Any color? Or surprise you?
phonce means 1x1 round tiles. And the way I know him any colour will do![]()
Have you heard anything about future 10% off coupons excluding the expensive exclusive sets(Arkham or maybe Camel and up), Chuck?
Fall Scene (40057) is now available at S@H and should be in LEGO stores soon.
Holy crap!
What a moc.
totally gonna throw that fall set in an order if I do a shop at home thing anytime soon.
and for set retirement watch: Orc's forge and gandalf arrives are both marked retiring soon on S@h now. Helm's deep and moria aren't marked for retirement yet so I don't have to panic shop.
LEGO store screwed up my hold on the BttF set and sold it. Now they are not sure when it will be back. Decided to just order it from S@H as it was listed as "In Stock". Got an email an hour after placing the order, saying the set was out of stock, and as such my shipment would be delayed.
I'm not sure whether its management, manufacturing or shipping, but TLG has been dropping the ball this year, more frequently than in previous. Is it incompetence, inexperience with their rising popularity, or can they simply not keep production up with demand?
The Lego store here hasn't had Moria or Helm's Deep on the shelves since June. Even the first wave Hobbit sets are starting to thin out.totally gonna throw that fall set in an order if I do a shop at home thing anytime soon.
and for set retirement watch: Orc's forge and gandalf arrives are both marked retiring soon on S@h now. Helm's deep and moria aren't marked for retirement yet so I don't have to panic shop.
LEGO store screwed up my hold on the BttF set and sold it. Now they are not sure when it will be back. Decided to just order it from S@H as it was listed as "In Stock". Got an email an hour after placing the order, saying the set was out of stock, and as such my shipment would be delayed.
I'm not sure whether its management, manufacturing or shipping, but TLG has been dropping the ball this year, more frequently than in previous. Is it incompetence, inexperience with their rising popularity, or can they simply not keep production up with demand?
Never got an email from Lego, but my order status in the site says it shipped. Now to wait.
Holy crap!
What a moc.
ordered BttF and the jedi defender from s@h this morning. i am torn on ordering the crawler now.
Managed to snag the LE Crawler at the Lego store in Alpharetta, GA. They said a couple were bought this morning and still had about 9 left (or so I was told).
Making the big move all day tomorrow, but after my morning run on Saturday I'm gonna' sit my butt down and build my first technic set (and then chase the cat around).
Do you think the BTTF set will become sought after in the future?