My August release purchase list: (Most of which I will wait for discounts on Amazon or elsewhere)
CITY: (until now, there weren't any sets I was interested in set for release this year)
-60020 Cargo Truck (really want that forklift)
-60021 Cargo Heliplane (I don't buy city series planes hardly ever, but that tilt rotor sold this one)
-60026 Town Square (parts, parts, parts, I really like this set and plan to use much of it to heavily modify into my modular city)
-31012 Family House (First house in a while from the line that looks to be a real good supplier of parts I would want for MOCs at a good price when I find it discounted. Will purchase more than 1 of these)
-41015 Dolphin Cruiser (This set is a perfect example of why the friends line really is awesome and why I love it. I will be buying at least 1 if not 2 of these to make a guy's version of a dream boat

. I will use lots of black and white for a sleek modern look on my version, at least on the exterior)
STAR WARS: (Big month for Star Wars sets)
-75016 Homing Spider Droid (I have the older version and I like this newer version enough to replace it in my display)
-75020 Jabba's Sail Barge (I missed out on the first release of this set so I am going to get it now. It is looking like I will be getting most of the Jabba related stuff that is released this year. I may skip out on the Rancor pit unless I find it super discounted and buy it on impulse)
-75021 Republic Gunship (I have the 2nd version of this set and I like this one enough to buy it and either retire the 2nd version completely or modify the new one with some of the old one to make my own version)
-75022 Mandalorian Speeder (Who doesn't like Speeder's?)