No problem. Like I said before, it is constantly in flux as the collection grows. I can take pics of the plastic food bins tomorrow or Tuesday if you want.
The whole purpose is to make it easy and fast to find what I want, but also keep it space efficient. I know I can refine it more and make it more efficient, but I lack the space. This method makes it easy to stow away and take up minimal space.
I like how you have all 1x2 bricks together, including technic and odd textures. I have all my beams together but only plain ones, so my other 1x2 end up in separate boxes. Might switch to your approach.
What kind of storage do y'all use for your Lego? I've sorted mine into colours and pieces and I want some kind of 'thing' to keep them in so I can find the part I need without much looking. I was thinking some kind of unit with lots of plastic drawers, like for screws, but all the ones I've seen have been too small.
I have a set of wooden drawers made by my father years ago, then a bunch of plastic drawers. Phoniclebone uses Stanley sort master but I guess they're cheap in the US - in the Uk they are really expensive. I use 'really useful boxes'
Repost of mine from last year - not changed much except the sections are a bit fuller..
Here is my storage setup. Warning, long post..
Normal bricks are in a wooden set of drawers that my father made for my son. Bricks in one drawer, smaller plates in another, large plates and roof bricks in the third, and bits&bobs in the top. I stuck pictures to the drawer fronts to help.
Inside, each drawer is divided by size. I don't have one section per size, they're teamed up with other sizes. So for example the bricks have sections on the left for 1x1&1x2; 1x3&1x4; longer than 1x4. On the right I have 2x2 & 2x3; 2x4; longer than 2x4.
The other drawers are similarly sectioned - roof bricks I separate by type not size, so 45 degree; 33 degree; inverse etc. the top drawer has minifig accessories and bits and bobs that don't quite fit anywhere else - things like droid legs or spanners. Those go in the sections of an old Lego advent calendar. I cut one up and put the cups into another one, so I can remove them individually as needed.
For other common types of bricks, I have those in a set of drawers to one side, again labelled and divided internally
Lastly for small common pieces I use small plastic tubs with lids on (to avoid accidents with kids around). These are translucent so I haven't bothered with labels. These hold things like 1x1 studs, 1x1 cylinder bricks, 1x1 snot bricks etc.