My LUG bulk order came in and I've managed to finally finish the other side of the Ghostbusters firehouse. Now I need to get stuck into it over the next month and a half before the BrisBricks Lego expo on October 5-7.
Here's a look at my plans for it.
So I'll start on the right hand side and move backwards as the Ghostbusters firehouse is the main focus of the scene.
- Ghostbusters Firehouse, self explainatory. I'd really like to finish the Stay Puft Marshmellow man I started (he's currently only a head) but I don't think I'm going to have time, so he'll be pushed way down the To Do list. Ideally though I'd have him wreaking havoc on the road that I will add to the right of the HQ, with the Ghostbusters and Ecto-1 attacking him.
- There'll be road plates all the way along the front of the buildings and either side
- To the left of the firehouse a gritty NY style alleyway/dead end where the Ninja Turtles are facing down a horde of Foot Soldiers and Shredder. I'd have Raphael somewhere in this scene with his trenchcoat/fedora from the first film. Like this
- To the left of that is a thinner NY style abandoned building, boarded up windows, brick all down the sides, possibly a chinese food place at the bottom. This is the biggest thing I need to do so far as it'll be completely from scratch and pretty time consuming.
- Next to that is the sand blue version of the Haunted House, It will be recessed a bit from the other buildings to allow for an overgrown garden out front, with vines climbing up the sides of the buildings on either side. If I can't get the stay puft marshmellow man done the Ghostbusters will be parked out front of here about to enter or attacking some ghosts with some police barriers and a crowd watching.
- Pet shop set, nothing special here, just a sand green version of the pet shop (as I used the sand blue from it for the haunted house) Maybe Superman vs Zod on top of the building fighting it out.
- Out front of the town hall I want to do a mini recreation of the end fight scene from The Dark Knight Returns with Bane and a ton of henchmen vs Batman and a ton of Series 9 cops. Bane would be on top of the camo tumbler with his arms out and a trenchcoat like this. Batman with the parked batmobile below with a horde of cops backing him up. Ideally if I had time I'd like to make the whole town hall white and make the stairs a bit taller and deeper but I don't like my chances of getting either done.
- Lastly the palace cinema, nothing special here, I'll probably just park the delorean out front and maybe a line of fire in the road with marty and doc getting out (assuming I can buy the BTTF by then) I'd also do custom movie posters in the window of the cinema. Probably TDKR, Ghostbusters and TMNT (1990 version)
Also not a great photo but a closer look at the sand blue HH...[IMG][/QUOTE]
The new building looks really good wetwired.
Has anyone here thought of trying to put the TMNT building in a setting like this but lower than the others so it actually looks to appear underground? I've tried to find something through google without success.
Nvm.. found [URL=""]one[/URL] but it's alot MOC ([URL=""]flickr[/URL]). I mean more simple.
And whoa: